Psalms Chapter 127 Discussion Page 12

  • Geraldine cole on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    Praise God for he is always looking out for those that love him and he is so merciful he watches over those that are against him as well oh what a merciful God .I Love u God without U I would not no what to do I would be dead and gone thank U for your Gift of the Holy Ghost oh taste and see that God is Good if u don't no him please ask him to come into your life repent of your sins be baptized in the Name of Jesus christ pray for the Holy Ghost read your bible go to a church that preach God word u will be happy u did Amen
  • Mike S on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    God knows and sees all, no matter where we are. We cannot hide from God - we will always be in God's light. God will slay the wicked and separate us from the wicked. Our desire is for God to search our heart and eliminate any wickedness so God can lead us in a righteous path, so we can enjoy his everlasting love.
  • Lost sheep on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I was given this to read. And I......I really am lost. I an in so much trouble. I mean my family is in poverty and I'm 18 and working to keep us all Fed and the power. Its hard. I try to talk to my girlfriend but I overwhelme her with my issues and she has her own. We got into a fight because her parents don't think we are meant to be. I....I almost turned my back on God during it all cuz I blame myself and was questioning whether he is real cuz it is hard to tell. I guess all I'm really saying is. Please I implore y'all. Please pray for ol Lost Sheep.
  • Benjamin job on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    i pray tha GOD Should overthrow our enemy like the way He overthrew pharoah and his host in JESUS name.
  • Phillip Dalson Chisale on Psalms 127:18 - 9 years ago
    The Lord will be in all situation of his righteous people,to guide and answer them.
  • Phillip Dalson Chisale on Psalms 127:18 - 9 years ago
    The Lord will be in all situation of his righteous people,to guide and answer them.
  • Topel Sweeney on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    As imperfect as David was he still had long stretches of great confidence by being as God described him Acts 13:22 "...a man after mine own heart," He knew that he was doing right and that his life was pleasing before his creator. What an example for us all to strive for day by day!
  • Thembisa on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    Its Gods unconditional love and Him being part of our journey. He will never leave us alone. his live endures forever. I love it ever since I was a kid
  • Linda Olsen on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I love this psalms. I had a prayer that I found in a store that was this psalm typed up and I had it on my ref. for years. I am trying to find that prayer which was a little different from what this states...It was great is the LORD and worthy of praise His greatness no one can fathom.
  • Denise on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I am very grateful to Our Heavenly Father for the words that HE speaks to us in this passage. For many years I have struggled with many challenges in my life and many losses. This psalm is truly comforting, almost more than the medicine I take for certain conditions. The fact that God knows each of us and is acquainted with all of our ways is heartwarming because we all need to know that we are loved and that we are accepted. This is one of my favorite chapters in the Word of God.
  • Patrick on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    the power of God does not dwell where there are divisions
  • Margaret Houston on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I love that psalm its one of my favourite
  • S. B. Anderson on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    When one is out of sanction with the Lord, how can we sang the Lord 's song with dignity. Return to the Lord and sang His song with clarity.
  • Brinda on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    Good word God is truly every where
  • Brianna on Psalms 127:3 - 9 years ago
    Broken in heart broken hearted, to me denotes a deep void of depression or sadness. Even from our lowest point Jehovah can heal mend us and bring us back to a good relationship with him. This scripture highlights how deeply Jehovah God cares for us. When it states he heals our wounds, I think of a Father who tenderly taking care of the cuts and bruises on his child. This scripture draws me closer to my heavenly father knowing he cares so deeply for his creation.
  • Ray on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    A simple, beautiful encouragement to praise the Lord, and perhaps a gentle reminder for those in full time Christian service to take time to offer Him the sacrifice of praise in the beauty of His holiness.
  • Benjamin on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    It is more gratifying to know that thre is plenteous redemption with God from ALL sins.
  • John madden on Psalms 127:6 - 9 years ago
    Finding our place of worship is vital each day ..
  • John madden on Psalms 127:5 - 9 years ago
    The ark needed a place .of rest .so do we. we shouldn 't sleep nor slumber till we find a place for god in our life which is first place .
  • Emmanuel Karlay on Psalms 127:1 - 9 years ago
    Except and unless we christians allow Jehovah Adonai to be the masterbuilder of of our lives, whatever design, outlook or make we set out to accomplish will amount to nothing fit for eternity. Moreover, only when he keeps constant guard over our lives and all that pertain to us, can we realize true peace, security and protection.
  • Cathy on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I love psalms 139 because it reminds me of God 's omnipotence, His super-natural ability to do all things
  • Cathy on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    I love psalms 139 because it is one of the ones
  • Eaglesrock on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    The Babylon Empire had moved in on Israel, and had brought them into captivity, bringing them into a land they knew not. The area they were carried in was a place of rivers, streams, and willow trees. The Bible says that when they got to this area that they sat down and they wept as they remembered Zion. They remembered the presence of the Lord. They sat down in the willow trees they had lost their strength, they could no longer go on. Have you ever lost your strength? Has physical sickness, and oppression come upon you to the point that you didn t know which way to turn. This is where the children of Israel were. The enemy comes along asking a request: Come on an sing now if you can. Lets see you sing now. Lets here you produce a beautiful note now.
  • Jennifer Martin on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    This. Pslams. Is comforting. It. Is. Food. To. The. Soul. Anyone. Looking. For. Peace. AnA joyI. Would. Recommended. It. Love. It
  • Emmanuel Olushola Sunday on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    It 's must read verse for all everyday
  • Janet on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    Th shortest psalm I ever knew, whatever ever we are doing both day and night. It 's in the presence of The Lord. And also we must always lift up our hands to praise him.
  • Nbc stewart Esq. on Psalms 127:17 - 9 years ago
    Hi To you, I like the way and the style of the Psalms,very good.
  • Lilian on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    Praised you God forever for you are worthy to be praised. Thanks to Jesus for his love and mercy for his precious blood that shed for us, thanks to Jesus Resureection and Ascencion to the Heaven and for sending us his Holy Spirit. I love you Lord and i trust you forever for your word is true and pure and purified seven times. Amen
  • Anonymous on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    He knows every thing about me!!! And yet I am always on HIS mind!!! How GREAT THOU ART oh HOW GREAT!!!! My love to you Father!!! Pirate mike
  • Rita wehyee on Psalms 127 - 9 years ago
    teach me a lot of teens

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