Psalms Chapter 127 Discussion

  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Thanks Adam, for showing us a great link & feature in this site, I didn't know exists!

    Blessed, I usually compare some translations when I'm searching something out deeply. I believe it's good & important to do that. It gives us a deeper depth of understanding. I find some scriptures I may like a translation better in another version but I've been studying this one most recently. We are truly blessed to have many translations of The Bible available today.
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Dear Blessed, congratulations for coming to Christ and thanks for sharing your story.

    Based on what you described, it sounds like you think the words were Blessed then changed to Happy. If you speak more than one language I'm sure you know that often it is a judgment call which word best represents the original meaning and some translate word for word like the KJV and others by phrase or thought. Just because there is a derivation, it doesn't automatically mean its wrong or done with ill intent. I believe a translation like the KJV is extremely meticulous and prayerful inviting God to protect the accuracy. So, based on what you shared, I believe you may have it backwards that it was originally Happy and some newer ones have translated it to Blessed and I will explain why I believe this.

    If you go to: Link and you scroll down to Other Translations and click that, it will show you other translations. Notice that all have some variation of the word Happy except for the newer translation NASB which says Blessed. I believe the KJV is a very accurate and trustworthy translation.

    If you want more evidence, click that little link to view the Bible scan as that shows the original KJV printing and I see that the KJV has always had the word Happie/Happy for more than 400 years.

    God bless...
  • Charles Robert Northup - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    A righteous man falleth 7 times and gets up
  • Glenn - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    It is impossible for flesh to be perfect to our Father,.. do not be hard on yourself, we all sin we all make mistakes, pray, repent, an ask HIM for knowledge.
  • LaVerne on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Verse1, do verse1 describe the obedience of God and/ or God expectations of us?I do understand that we have a responsibility to serve God. When one do their best, and don't succeed are we failures?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Additional scriptures, 1 Samuel 2, Hannah, was a warrior in a sense, who birthed Samuel who was a Prophet/Warrior, 1 Samuel 3,

    1 Samuel 9:15-17, 1 Samuel 12:18-25, 1 Samuel 13, 1 Samuel 16, 1 Samuel 17,

    Ephesians 6:12-19,

    Hopefully these are helpful too.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago

    Here are some scriptures, hopefully these are what you're looking for.

    Joshua 5:13-15, Daniel 9, Daniel 10,11, both chapters.
  • Mario Joel Martinez on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    I like to Lorne more about God's warriors
  • Speaking Life and Peace INTO our bodies - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Prayer for Healing

    I pray against sickness in my coming and going. I pray against any form of sickness coming near me, my family, or near my vicinity. I claim my healing against: (speak your disease out now) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare by the power and authority of the Holy Ghost, that no illness, spirit of infirmity or sickness attack from the enemy shall prevail against me in Jesus's mighty name. I am covered by the Blood of Jesus.

    I confess Jesus Christ as my infinite Healer, and by His holy stripes and mighty authority, I declare that I am totally healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.I render every satanic attack against me bound up and cast out by the Name of Jesus! every spiritual foundation of sickness, and I command every infirmities spirit to bow down right now to the authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ. Go into outer darkness. Do not return in Jesus of Nazareth name!

    I say with confidence that I am the healed of the LORD Jesus Christ. I cover myself and family with Christ's precious holy blood of Jesus and I declare by His holy might and righteousness, dominion and authority that it shall continue to be well with me and my family in all dominion, and dimensional realms.

    I forbid by the authority of the Holy Ghost any reoccurrence of sickness in my life. I claim immunity for me and for my family against every form of sicknesses with the atonement blood of Jesus Christ. I declare that we carry the mark of Christ Jesus; therefore, let no infirmities spirits ever trouble us!

    In Jesus of Nazareth holy name and by His righteous authority I have decreed and declared! I stand in faith. Amen.

    Do not listen to the lies of Doubt. It's not anything we do right, to be healed. It is solely your trust in what Jesus says.

    Jesus's Blood sacrifice is more lethal than anything satan is using. Preface healing scriptures with: IT IS WRITTEN...(speak scripture)

    Get rowdy :)
  • Lauren - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Amen to this!
  • Maryfran53223 on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Lord you are my health and my strength. Without you all my good is as filthy rags.
  • BSP on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Verse 3-Children are an inheritance from God and as such they must be taken good care of and treated and viewed the way God views children.
  • D W L on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Psalms 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

    4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

    5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

    Psalms 128:3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table.

    Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and MULTIPLY, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:

    1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

    We are instructed in the word to be fruitful and childbearing --- not get a dog to worship.
  • The Future Mrs Jermaine C Johnson on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Amen in the name of Jesus Christ this has helped me get through
  • Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Lord, I'm here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day and all it will bring my way. Help me be like Nehemiah, help me come to you for guidance, strength, provision and protection. As I face tough choices and hard situations, help me remember my belovedness, help me remember that I am Your child and Your representative to the world around me. Help me live today in a way that brings honor to Your holy name. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
  • Praise The Lords Mighty Power Always - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Because your question concerns dealings with a Church you attend and the money you and others gave to it:

    Did the Church understand what the money was for?

    Did they agree the use of church property for this project? Was anything written down?

    Did they accept the intentions of the parishioners that the money would be used to install a computer lab onsite of Church property?

    Can you produce receipts of what each individual gave to the project?

    The attorneys at may be able to advise you, what your legal rights are. They may be able to provide legal counsel in your area, if there is enough of a paper trail to establish intent or fraud.

    I'm not an attorney. Go to website to get their phone numbers, and you can present your facts. Find out if there is a legal recourse.

    If this can't be resolved, you need to proceed under a banner of forgiveness; and dependence on the Lord to help you. It's going to test your faith. Have faith in God.

    Where I live, some of the YMCA's are assembling computer labs. Check with Goodwill. I do not know what their requirements are. I'm sure it's not a child-sitting service. Ask around and find out ideas of how other people are handling this. "Home Schooling" has to meet State standards as far as grades and tests; requirements.

    It was a 'group' Effort that began this, and it needs to stay that way. Don't bear this burden alone. Everybody has a vested interest. Lastly, pray at every step you take. (All of you). Commit the entire project to God, First, and proceed from there. Listen for His voice. Learn Spiritual Warfare. Ephesians 6.

    Don't let anybody stomp on your dreams.

    Trust God. Read a KIng James Version Bible for yourself. Read in Psalms & Proverbs, all the troubles King David had with everybody!

    He always looked to God for his help.

    Protect your faith.

    I pray the Lord will undertake and undergird this group effort to do something good for the children. Jesus Bless.

  • Jason cherian on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Dear ones in christ,

    What can we do at this situation. i think god is expecting to help the people going through big trouble. few weeks before i ask our church can we help the kids going through trouble , they dont have laptop or phone to do online school. lot of them commit suicide . yesterday i request , since last week through our harvest festival we collected 38000.00 dollar i thought our group is going to agree to do that help. including our priest they came against that, didnt say any reason for that. after that they start doing some work for one house belongs to church, then painting church. this is the reason God shutdown al churches He dont see most of the people doing proper work to follow god. we never thought this going to happen. our church was closed for several months now open next week. lot of people told me they will give some money to help those kids. harvest money they told our members it is for mission fund, people give lot of money. they was expecting we going to help some one through that money. if we looking to make our church so beautiful at this time, people have no change in thier mind. this problems is not going to resolved through god. we dont know what is gods plan. if possible please pray for this help, i like to do that work. i was very upset, i like to talk to one person who can encourage me. if possible give me a call. 832 -244 -2228
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    None of the books originally had chapters or verses or pages or were bound together as one book. These exist as a convenience to aid in sharing the gospel, reading together, and sharing specific scripture. If you think it's wrong and want an authentic experience you can remove it all and handwrite it yourself on a series of scrolls, but even then it wouldn't be as authentic as if it were in Hebrew and Greek. Then again, it wouldn't be as authentic as if you were actually living in Jerusalem familiar with the names and places in the time Jesus lived. So, people are welcome to criticize the Bible, but should know that even today in its form it is still God's inspired Word and the message of hope for us is the same.
  • Canaan - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    Exactly, except none of the bible actually supposed to be spoken as chapters.
  • Craig on Psalms 127 - 4 years ago
    The Book of Psalms is a collection of individual songs and poems, each numbered.
    It is not a book separated into chapters, like the other books of the Bible.

    Therefore, it is not correct to speak of "Psalms Chapter 127," but of "the 127th Psalm," or " Psalm 127," or "Psalm number 127," or similar. It is not a chapter. Never was.

    It's exactly like Shakespeare's sonnets; no one refers to "Sonnets, Chapter X" but to "Sonnet Number X."
  • Beverly Taylor on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    What wisdom do I actually learn from this chapter, what is the main idea and the reason for it?
  • Beverly Taylor on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    What did Uzzah actually do and why did God strucked him to dead. King David refused to accept the act of the covenant because God strucked Uzzah to dead and later when David knew that God has blessed Ebedudumdedum, he decided to go and get the act of the covenant from Ebedudumdedum, what went wrong
  • Adam on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    Beautiful short Psalm...
  • Biblefan on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    but there is forgiveness that thou may be feared - very interesting - at first thought one would think that an implacable being would be MORE feared - but the absolute tyrants are more hated than feared perhaps - very interesting passage. Without forgiveness life is unbearable - and if unbearable, not worth living - a state of being that knows no fear
  • David: on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    Because God has fearfully and wonderfully made me, every sickness arrow shall not prosper against me, in Jesus Name. Amem
  • Michael pickens on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    god is long overdue on real biblical praise in this generation today. there's too much that is just noise and excitement. the lord deserves our praise because of his greatness, demands our praise because of his power, longs for it because of his grace and mercy, loves the praise of his people. psalms 150 is greatly needed in the hearts of gods people today. thanks for letting me share my thoughts.
  • Jackie on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    David know the the Lord was his refuge and his portion and the Lord loved him so he would keep him even when was in the cave are any where else our Lord is a great savior and Lord
  • Jackie on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    David put his trust in the Lord and asked for him to show him the way truth and the light that his spirit would dwell in him and that he would keep him from all harm.
  • Jackie on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    Lord when David called on your name he knew that you would help him and we know when we call in your name you will be there think you Lord for all your blessing amen.
  • Jackie on Psalms 127 - 5 years ago
    The Lord was with David and he will be with us if trust in him with all of our heart.David was a man that sinned but knew that God was a just Lord and if he asked the Lord to for give he would because he loves him!

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