i understood that GOD is is the only almighty
no any other one accpet him
sao that if any one don't TRUST in him , that he or she don't have a protection
Those who are trust in God are very, very strong people who overcome what those who don't trust in him don't overcome. The most important word is TRUST which is the centrality of the psalm's message. Im studying it at the current time.
Through prayer we must keep our eyes by faith on God and the path that He has set before his children. To falter from this path leads to failure.Our faith creates the mountains of protection and our doubts destroy them. There is no turning to the right nor to the left,regardless of how attractive it may appear. We must be as Peter when he ask Christ to Bid him to come to Him,we must keep our eyes on Him,who will not fail us. But if we as Peter do falter,He is ever present to rescue and restore His child!
Just as David sang a song of praise to God for his love and protection,so shall we sing the same songof pr aise,knowing that He the Great Shepard is ever mindful of his sheep.He will not suffer a hair on our head to be harmed by satan.How Great is our God!
Verse 5 means those that follow wicked ways because of life difficulties and pressures shall face the consequences of evildoers. No matter what the sufferings, God shall not allow the ��rod of the wicked rest upon the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity�.
God shall keep things within the limits of the bearable, and shall show us the way out, 1 Corinthians 10:13. That is God�s seal.
Now, if we will faint and give up, we alone shall be responsible for the bad replications and consequences of leaving God�s way.
The key is: Do we remember the word in trials and temptations, do we keep the word in sufferings, pains, affliction, and oppression? Do we call enough to the point that we can wake even the sleeping one up? Because most people will surrender and quit very quickly.
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;), Hebrews 10:23.
God bless you.
Simplistically, it says:"God defense (favour) is always around those who fear Him and He secures their possession against the plans of the wicked, so that the righteous should have confidence in Him.
KNOWING THAT JESUS IS REAL,HE IS LOVE.HE CREATED me ,and you,for HIS GOOD purpose.IT all sustains me through the trials of life.alot of times i forget this in the middle of something but when i come to my senses and remember whose "I AM",i am comforted.
It is wonderful news to know we have our Shield who will always protect us till the end.He has done His part all we have to do is trust in Him all the time,its sad how many forget such promises when they are all we need to be safe!
This Chapter tells me that, this sinful world will not rest like the waves of the sea. it will keep pounding on the righteous until they will fall. But they who trust in the lord, they will never fall. God will be like a surrounding mountain hedged around them and the waves will have no effect. Thank you Lord!
I think about this chapter is that stand still and god will not let anyone comes to destroy and remove from the power of man that can undo evil from man.
no any other one accpet him
sao that if any one don't TRUST in him , that he or she don't have a protection
Verse 5 means those that follow wicked ways because of life difficulties and pressures shall face the consequences of evildoers. No matter what the sufferings, God shall not allow the ��rod of the wicked rest upon the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity�.
God shall keep things within the limits of the bearable, and shall show us the way out, 1 Corinthians 10:13. That is God�s seal.
Now, if we will faint and give up, we alone shall be responsible for the bad replications and consequences of leaving God�s way.
The key is: Do we remember the word in trials and temptations, do we keep the word in sufferings, pains, affliction, and oppression? Do we call enough to the point that we can wake even the sleeping one up? Because most people will surrender and quit very quickly.
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;), Hebrews 10:23.
God bless you.