I thank LORD who had been on my side who do not allowed them to swallow me. As Psalms 124 said; My help is in the name of the LORD who made Heaven and Earth. Praise the LORD.
If God was not on my side for these 17 years of separation with my husband and chilren, we could not have come together again , we wouldn't have reconcile again , Glory be to God who has fought my battles and has blessed our reunion with 2 children . God is faithful and makes us more than conquerors through Christ our Lord and Savior.
This Psalm is a true testimony for me especially after a long journey of the year 2011.Indeed if it had not been the Lord who was on my side I would not be alive at this moment. Thank you Lord.
With all the devil agents,illuminatis,persecutors around us,its by the grace of GOD to spend even a day in salvation.All nations shallshout for Joy that trust.Men of God hold your ground and be strong.TODAY IS THE NOISE OF BATTLE BUT TOMMORROW IS VICTORY'S SONG