One of my favorite Psalms, Reminding me, I must ask for God to forgive me each day following Psalms 51. .. God forgive me of all of my transgressions, create in me a clean heart and renew a right Spirit within me. Amen
Thanks4sharing your interesting comments!Just found the Bible online and a nearly lifelong lover of it all but Psalms are special to me,now won 't have to get out from my luggage the large,tattered big KJB versions to read on train this may be a good or bad for the public and me! thing...Love the Psalmists structure of not WALKING v1 STANDING or SITTING in the counsel of the wicked, all the things you do in the course of the day take GOD along the God with us and in us will make us long to be holy but we have something positive to put into lifes apparent empty structure Him! PTL
One with Jesus is totally different from the World. His company, affairs, activities are is like that that suffereth not and is holified. Jesus never fails his own who stands out for him.
Psalm 1 is wonderful for the Lord to help us know His will and knowing His will we must walk in it and obey Him in order that we be blessed abundantly. That we must not seek the Lords will in worldly people but by reading His Word day and night and to obey His will. That we may fellowship with other believers and seek only their advice and help by prayer and thanksgiving to God that we be blessed abundantly amen.
Psalm chapter 1 is making things clear to us as Christians. This scripture want to alert us that before a man will walk in the blessing of the Lord and also be closed to the Lord, one must flee from things which are ungodly and also abstain from associating ourselves with the things of the world. This scriptures is telling us the conditions attached to God 's blessing and what to do in order to receive the blessing of God May the Lord help us so that we can obey him in JESUS name....Amen.
Psalm chapter one point us to righteousness as the key to maintain close walk with God and enjoy blessing talk about in the bible. God will be pleased with you for abiding in righteousness. God will reward you with His divine presence.
Psalm chapter one point us to righteousness as the key to maintain close walk with God and enjoy blessing talk about in the bible. God will be pleased with you for abiding in righteousness. God will reward you with His divine presence.
holiness and the fear of the Lord is the only key standard for our success be it spiritually, financially, divine health hence our prayers are even effective and communicative embraced by the Holy Spirit fellowship.
HIS Law is the Way, and His Way is fruitful for us, make way for the sinner, lest we be blown away with chaff. YHWH will bless us so we will prosper in our season and bring forth fruit in all things we do. HIs LAW is the way, dreaming night and day.