Psalms 1 is a wonderful reminder of God’s parental characteristics. His love is so prominent here. I can almost visualize Him pointing out the paths. God has provided letters of Love for us like a parent warning, guiding and encouraging a beloved child during their long pilgrimage home. To me, Psalms 1 is so inspirational:o)
What stands out to me in this chapter is the whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. That speaks to me because we can know that whatever we do for the Lord, to praise his name and bring him is never ever a waste.
I agree with God. The Mercies and beauty of Christ Jesus is the converted man filled with the power of the power of the holy spirit and the word of God becomes righteous through his faith in Christ Jesus and no longer walks in the council of the ungodly. He becomes the righteousness of God. He can no longer dwell with sinners.
The poetic imagery of Psalms 1 of what a person is like in the center of God's presence is overwhelming in Psalms 1. He'd be like a tree in green foliage, bearing fruit ALL SEASONS; his roots are nurtured by the rivers of life-giving water, building his spiritual sinews, each moment, each day. The caressing presence of God is exemplified by the ever constant nurturing God.
GOD loves us so much that's why Jesus are given to us so that all our sins are forgiven . God only tested Abraham and his son Jesus Christ and they passd, Jesus took all our pain, worries on the cross so that we all must have life in is finished we are now victorious. Our job now is to accept Jesus and obey his words without our obedience its impossible to be save and please him.
To Todd, et al: Don t become frustrated with understanding. I heard an old adage which I have experienced regularly since studying God s word and that is this, It s not the things I don t understand that bother me about the Bible, it s the things I do understand that worry me. Things that bother me because they are clear and distinct in God s word are the Bible s teaching on the depravity of man, our willfulness to sin, the wiles of the devil, the future of unbelievers and their eternal damnation including my friends and family , and my efforts in regard to sowing the seed of the gospel, etc. According to Psalm 1, we are blessed when we obey God s word in accordance with our relationships and we are delighted or receive light understanding when we consider God s word in regard to our actions. Before we make a decision about our relationships or interactions with others, especially unbelievers, the Psalmist encourages us to consider God s word. Of course, the impetus of the message is on God to fulfill it in our hearts and minds because verse six 6 claims the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous. Therefore, He helps us to understand what we need, when we need it as we meditate on His word. I thank God that His word does what it claims when we trust in Him.
God will help us to understand his words if we diligently seeking him. The word of the Lord should comes from his mouth and not from a man's knowledge. Believe and trust his words and lean not with your own understanding. For the earth and seas will pass away but his words will stay. Praised you Jesus and I love you forever Amen
God's words is our life he who drinks the living water will never be thirsty. God's words is given to us to believe not to figure out. Our job id trust him and accept him as our Savior. Thank you Lord for the blood you shed for us amen
Psalm 1 is amazing as its define how gods delight in obedient hearts and despise unfaithful heart - its a guiding light as its guide me to live a promising life here on earth while doing his will and not mine.
God has a plan for my life and if I read his instructions,and keep his words in my Heart that would please my Heavenly Father,and I should grow in faith truth and belief.
Comment*Those people who acknowledge God with sincere heart are indeed hopeful and productive in Him. Their destiny is glorious....they are blessed and nobody can curse for Christ was cursed on their behalf.
This psalm acts as a reminder to all Christians that the man who walks up right will be blessed. Am encourage to be salt, and to be light for in so doing many would be able to pattern after you. There is a reward for all those who walk in righteousness, who practice living Holy. so let us who name the name of Christ live Holy before our great God.
My belief is Psalm 1, really instructs us how to live righteous. How to maintain righteousness. If we here no evil and see no evil then we do no evil. Psalm 1 also warns of unrighteous behavior. Which the end result being total devastation here on earth, and afterwards.
This scripture has blessed me , I know that I can apply this with confidence knowing to keep my mind stayed on Christ and his instruction shall keep me waters like a tree planted by the river of waters, saying he is the living water who will nourish me and help me to flourish.
Annie U have said a mouthful stop looking for God in dark places because God is light and there is No darkness in him the wicket watch the righteous they want to put a stumbling block in our way but God will not allow it the plan they have for us will turn back on them Praise God Amen
This Psalms really bless and encourage my heart to let me choose the right direction walking with God.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly help me Lord to make the right choices for you. Amen
We have to praise the lord
Trust and believe. In him
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly help me Lord to make the right choices for you. Amen