If you walk, sit amongst and take up counsels with sin, we have a desire to sympathize with their ways , wanting to see their reason, human nature, but then we except their sin, so best to let them see the light in you and not justify their sin for truth, all sinners have a right to salvation Jesus paid that price. If they cant be lead pray for them. Christ died for all sinners,not the righteous
We are to Tell Others what Christ has Done in Our Lives. And How They can be Washed by The Blood of The Lamb( Revelation 1:5) It's not so Much that We are Hanging with them. The Lost Will Not Want to be Around Us Very Long. If You Really Belong to The Saviour. Christ was with The Lost Often( Luke 7:34) Letting His Light Shine.
verse 2- a believer enjoys,, and is happy in doing what the word of God says, and he thinks on it day and night. verse 3-one that reads and thinks on the word of God will be strong like a tree that receives nourishment from water, and the believer will tell others about the word and both will grow, and the things that he does will be of value. verse 4- the lost person is without lasting value
We should not (as a believer)take advice from the lost person, hang out with them, or be where they will make light of the things of God and salvation.
Boy this chapter hit me like a ton of bricks a couple of years ago : I was always told growing up in church to read the Bible daily yet verse three says we aught to be meditating on his Word day and night not just once a day and if we do what we do shall prosper !!! But of course you must also be doing verse one which is not hanging out with sinners or scornful people !!!
He Hates All Workers of Iniquity( Psalm 5:5) The Wicked and Him that Loveth Violence His Soul Hateth( Psalm 11:5) These Six things doth The LORD Hate; Yea Seven are an Abomination Unto Him------------ A False Witness that Speaketh Lies and He that Soweth Discord among Brethren( Proverbs 6:16-19) Jacob have I Loved But Esau have I Hated( Romans 9:13) He Hated Esau( Malachi 1:3) Matthew 7:13-23
I got from it God said the person who walks in the counsel of God's word and law and also don't block the sinners from coming to Christ. He didn't say he hate sinners
David didn't follow the law perfectly, as Jesus claimed to. When he did wrong, he suffered God's rebuke and repented. He was a human who coveted the law of God, in his day, written of the Prophets, and he was no stranger to the law. Such was his joy complete, and such was his salvation, even without the blessed Messiah. He was a conveyer of the law, and a great King/warrior. His joy was real
In Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls, the foolish lady wanted to know everything the Crystal Skulls knew, and it blew her head clean off. Well that's how I see God. It is impossible for our sinful brains to fully understand scripture exactly the way God would have us. But, if we develop an intimate relationship with Jesus, every things you ask becomes clear to your understanding. Matthew 7:7
Psalm 1 states, do not take advice from sinners,nor fellowship with them,they will not be in heaven. Psalm 5:5 says he hates them,and 7:11 Judges them every day. Philippians, work out salvation w/fear
I can't speak for or about any other, but I have been turned aside many a time- too many to count. This world is impossible. But our lord said that we have to love all our brothers and sisters. This is sometimes extremely difficult but I think that is the point. As for myself, a sinner, I can only put faith in God's eternal and perfect mercy. Praise be the Lord Jesus Christ!
I absolutely love Psalms 1. It's so true. I wish the whole world would take the time out to read this Psalm. I too really like the third verse. I love when the Bible mentions rivers and streams.
This Psalm is so deep and so comforting. It's filled with what you need to know to make it through this world we have to live in right now.
True today I find people very adverse to developing conversation even in the most simple terms. People seem initially combative even with strangers so that we may think our very lives are in danger (no matter who we are) arbitrarily and for no reason. For this reason I believe personal safety should be the beginnings of what is most sacred to us.. I let Salvation and socialization start there.
Note the progression of sin. It starts slowly and ends up saturating. It begins with walking along side of us gains our attention, causes us to stand and ponder, then it entangled and wallow in it. But not the just, we are always looking toward our Savior
An incredible Psalm! V3 is the "crescendo!" The entire reason for avoiding being scornful, scofful and sinful is building STATURE in ones life. Stature = height/quality gained by growth.
Live, walk, breathe in Stature.
Our Lord tells us to stay away from evil, meditate on His words, then be rewarded and blessed beyond your imagination, informs believers that evil won't be accepted, because He knows rightousness, and finally, all evil shall perish. Hallelujah!
All these words point towards The Christ. Who walked in the way of holiness? Who took no part in sinful ways? Who stood apart from sin? Who delights in God's law day and night? Unmoved, unshaken, solid as Gods Word Is. Jesus Christ.
Life in Abundance.
Full of Blessings and
This Psalm is so deep and so comforting. It's filled with what you need to know to make it through this world we have to live in right now.
Live, walk, breathe in Stature.