Proverbs Chapter 4 Discussion Page 6

  • Ron on Proverbs 4:7 - 11 years ago
    First I realize that I am not my own. I mean my body, soul, and spirit belongs to God. Wisdom tells me the only way that I can live a successful christian life is to stay on top of the flesh because at my weak points the flesh will cause me to miss the mark or miss my goals as a born again christian. My sins are overeating, letting bad habits rise up and take control of my life. Without physical and spiritual discipline good intentions will not hold up on judgement day.The day that I will have to account for what I did while here on earth.Therefore I am not my own, I belong to God and will have to account for every idle word and action while I am on this earth.
  • Sylvia Matas on Proverbs 4:6 - 12 years ago
    Its a two way relationship and the center of it is God. :)
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    God's wisdom has Fatherly instructions, corrections, admonitions, information and guidance in them. As a matter of divine fact, His Wisdom originates from a heart of love, mercy, and compassion that are beyond human comprehension. Therefore, they are meant to stir you and I, as it were, into the favours and strength of God. And because God is God, and there is none compared to Him, it means that He can't lie. Hence, it is worthwhile and wise to give concentrated attention to His Word. God's Word is His Wisdom and His wisdom are His dictates, and they are meant for the good of whoever believes ( 2 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 4:16). Truthfully speaking, the fact that God does not do evil, but that He only does what is good and right, should encourage whoever cares to listen, to plunge into His truths, and also into His wisdom- and that must be through Jesus Christ, and also through the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5). The nuggets of truths, in this Proverbs 4, like others, are godlike precepts and instructions that are incomparable, good and right for the human soul, and for the spirit man, the hidden man of the heart, - and that mainly refers to the recreated human spirit. They are facets of biblical truths that are encouraging and also excellent for the godly type of life that many are craving and thirsting for ( Psalms 1:1-3, Psalms 37:4; Ephesians 1:17). Interestingly, depending perhaps on what background, a Christian comes from, the fact is that for the really genuine and committed type of Christian, a time will or must come that he will come into the knowledge that this God of Israel, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ deserves to be magnified, glorified and worshipped; for there is none like Him ( John 4:23; 1 Peter 1:25). Thus, the place of wisdom, in the lives of whoever desires and dares to love and honour the Living God ( John 1:12; 3:16). He is, all that matters- and when you and I key into His love and faithfulness, He will do great wonders through us to the glory of His name. In view of these and many other things vis a vis the Word of God, wisdom dictates that we give ourselves committedly unto the LORD, and to His Word ( Matthew 6:33,34). There are challenges upon challenges that confront us, as individuals, and that is why, these truths and instructions, as contained in Proverbs, and throughout the pages of the Holy Writ, demand that we be faithfully committed to them. Remember, we have been accepted, into the family of the Beloved, and that refers to Jesus Christ ( John 17:3; Romans 8: 15; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 4:16,1; Hebrews 9:14; 1 John 4:3; 5:13). And that is where the grace of God comes on board; His grace is more than sufficient ( 1 Corinthians 15:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9). God has abilities no matter what task or assignment He has called you and I for. When you commit yourself to God's dictates and function in line with them, Angels will go on assignment for you ( John 15:7; James 4:16.). There are levels and degrees of encounters with God, that we can't get into except through daily obedience and practical submission to the Word of God. In fact there is nothing, as far as I know that can surpass what God has given. He has given Jesus Christ, who is referred to biblically, as the Wisdom of God, - and that is for the salvation and redemption of humanity. And when you belong to Him through the agency of the new birth, you automatically become joint heirs with Him. And with that you are sorted if you know how to walk or function in love, and then take advantage of what He has given through Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the World. The essence of these is that we should give attention to wisdom, embrace it, reflect upon it, and practice it. God's instructions and precepts demands heartfelt obedience ( Psalm 119:6; John 14:15; John 15:120; 1 Corinthians 7:19; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 John 5:3). It says whatever you do in word and deed, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Hence, in the things of the Spirit, and that refers to the Holy Spirit, high level of commitment should be the norm, and that is because God cannot lie, - and His Word is forever infallible ( John 1:1-14; Hebrews 4). Truly, God is forever trustworthy.
  • Jayaraju.nalli on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    wisdom is the principle thing , first we should get wisdom and understanding , wisdom comes from God according to prov 2 chapter,if get wisdom and understanding from the God then only we will live righteously,and good doctrin is keeping his Law through jesus christ.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Proverbs 4:10 - 12 years ago
  • HARRY ALLISON on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    THE battle is for the soul/heart/mind ......GUARD THEM WITH DILIGENCE....JESUS LOVES US>...
  • Susan Dalton on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life...let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Proverbs 4:23,25.

    I was listening to a woman sing in a worship gathering on television. Behind her were the leading men of the organization. They were standing as she was singing.

    The television camera would show her singing, and behind her the men were visible too. What struck me, was their eyes. I am not judging their behavior, but, I could not help but notice their eyes. They would look at her at times as she sang. It was the way they looked. I am not sure if they were guarding their hearts, or if they were peeping from their hearts. I am reminded of the words of King Lemuel (symbolic name of Solomon meaning belonging to God) that his mother taught him: It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong wine. ( Proverbs 31:4)

    Maybe they were not drinking wine; maybe a cup of wine was there; maybe it was pure wine, maybe the wine was red in the cup. ( Proverbs 23:31)

    Knowing the cunning devices of Satan, let every man examine his own heart and make sure there is no serpent in the cup. ( Proverbs 23:32)
  • HARRY ALLISON on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    I HAVE TO WATCH OUT FOR MY WEAKNESSES,especially being tired.THAT IS A TIME I AM MORE VULNERABLE TO SUGGESTION.BEING honest with myself is a big key to RECOGNIZE satans schemes .THANK JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH for LIGHT....
  • HARRY ALLISON on Proverbs 4:26 - 12 years ago
    quicksand or ROCK.(NO BRAINER)WINDS will come .WHICH can i stand firm upon?I PONDER THE ROCK.MATT.6;33.MATT.7;24-27.
  • Mike Helton on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    The corresponding chapters for this chapter is of Psalms of David is chpt. 32, 72 and 127. You haven't left your kids anything worthwhile unless you follow what David did. David taught and put these images in the Heart of Solomon and the Lord added to them. David also mention in the Psalms his prayer for Solomon and that he is the son of Jesse. What a legacy to leave your kids. David gave Solomon the design to build the temple in Chronicles and left him much of the money to build it. More than that he told him to be courageous and do it.
  • Elvis Addae on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    This Chapter is the very basic princiiple of perfect living. An inch away from these instructions, and we are doomed. May the Lord give us the will-power to stick to HIS Words of Wisdom
  • Jeff davis on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    The "her and she" that Steve E. Brown ask's of on 9/10/2011, in my opinion,is the word of God,God Himself. Because in John 1:1,"The Word was God", it's like the Right Hand of God is the Power, not a hand!I don't mean to be all-knowing, just oppionated,just trying to clarifi...
  • Lamberd on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    Amen. May the lord bless us all with more wisdom and with his power so that we may never stray from the path of life and light.
  • Willie on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    i know sometimes it's hard to do the right but proverbs4 just want us to do what is right when we face with evil
  • Kirankanth on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    The key is Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life.
    Protect your eyes,ears,tongue,place,time which keeps thy heart with all diligence
  • Janette on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    hide his words in ur heart keep his commandments and live
  • Annie on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    v.7 my thought is that wisdom is the key word,get wisdom and after that get understanding.
  • Steve E Brown on Proverbs 4:13 - 13 years ago
    Why use her and she in Proverbs 4:13
  • Bonnie on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    Reading the Word of God as often as possible is where we need to be. "let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart" memorization of scripture is key to our growth and understanding or our God. God is good that He takes the time to teach and lead us as induviduals. Thank you, Lord Jesus.....
  • Chuks on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    proverb 4 differetiate between good-that is following God's instruction and evil-not obeying God's instruction.Good will attract good while evil will attract calamity.NO two ways about it.
  • Reggie on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    Wisdom does not lead us into a straitened path, vs.12 "THY STEPS SHALL NOT BE STRAITENED". Any doctrine that puts one in a tight stress of living is not of God. Paul said "You are not "STRAITENED" in us but in your own bowels or 2 Cor.6:12. Wisdom delivers us from that dark path of stress into the path of the just the shinning light, that shinneth more and more unto the perfect day. vs. 18 No more tense, tight, stressful living "Praise the Lord"!
  • Linda on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
  • Brady on Proverbs 4 - 13 years ago
    Yes she is wisdom.
  • Janet on Proverbs 4 - 14 years ago
    love proverbs love it all, but im kind of new at this and a little thick. who is her and she in verses 6 8 9 ? is it wisdom? understanding
  • Rock Leier on Proverbs 4 - 14 years ago
    Excellent instruction on good vs. evil
  • Sally on Proverbs 4 - 14 years ago
    I believe that Gods Word is our instruction book and pertains to us in every way. Proverbs 4 and all the other chapters are instructions for us to live a Godly and long life. Thank you God for your loving Word
  • Anonymous on Proverbs 4 - 14 years ago
  • Jackie Wms on Proverbs 4 - 14 years ago
    I love it, the words are so true
  • Philip H. Eaton on Proverbs 4 - 15 years ago
    Matthew Henry's comment mentions that the writer is speaking of his earthly parents but is it possible he was speaking of his father in heaven who had written and given the law to man?

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