Trusting God completely even when we do not know how its going to happen. He that created the heavens and the earth is able to make every thing right in our lives If we can totally depend on Him.
Rebecca Martinez-Smith on Proverbs 3 - 8 years ago
My Abba PAPA has chosen this scripture on my day of miracles on this MAY 11, 2016, Wednesday, as ABBA has predestined me since before the foundations of the world. AMEIN! HALL-EL-U-YAH! I GIVE ABBA HONOR, PRAISE
Solomon breaks down a simple conclusion of understanding ,wisdom and knowledge of GOD and all we have to do is take the time to read . The LORD made it simple for a great daily reading and even though I have a tenth grade education , All we have to do is read and GOD reveals his word .
This is really awesome. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Since the heavens and earth were created through the Wisdom of God, by extension, man cannot do anything profiting without the Wisdom of God, which is first of all pure.
Chapter three of proverbs is astounding......the key to any success , is God's wisdom. This wisdom for us is connected to our willingness to obey him. To love his instruction over all things. In obedience to his word , will bring healing wealth, success in all areas of our existence.
Shame or glory your choice most would choose glory but shame has touch us all how do you avoid this nasty feeling you let go of your emotions and walk with Christ how to walk with Christ you sit and listen then you do what he said to you in the day and the Light will remain.
Comment*very good emphasis about wisdom.It was through it that God Himself created al earth and its beings.Thus to gain al we ask from Him we only need one thing;His Wisdom
I agree with U Maxwell Asava it not Just about tiths .now days churches are selling the gospel they talk about money all the time when God Said give a tenth he said give your first fruit the question is what is your frist fruits he never really said what first fruit was but he did say so there will be meat in my house he did not mean for the preacher to have it all but to help the needie andchurch
Chapter 3 was great just be contented what you have and the Lord will bless you if your not greedy. Serve him to the fullest hold on him not let go. He will fill the barns full bless him every day. Give him the glory.
what a beautiful and sincere way to acknowledge the changes the Lord has done in our lives! We sometimes forget to thank the Lord for this.It should be in our everyday prayers. I say Amen and Amen!
Thank hope's I was wondering about that to. God is good and he do no what we have and what we can do as long as we give what ever we give out if a pure hart God is happy and it not all about money u can give in many ways your time u can help the sick and poor visit and help people u no that need help in other words do what u can fir peoples that what people God now make sure u have accepted him and u been baptism in Jesus name for the remission of your sin u will find this in act chapter 2 v 28 read the whole chapter u will be bless.
Hi Loretta God is a kind just God, He does not decide for you how much to give but from what your decides to return because all is from him anyway, accordingly to what He has blessed you with so shall you return cheerfully. please note 10th percent was only directed to the livites Priests!!! Thanks
This chapter of the Bible reminds me to get God 's wisdom, that the fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and trusting him is the only way to keep my eyes stayed on him and not on myself or whatever is going on around me.
As I acknowledge my Lord God in all that I put my hand unto : To recognize and make sure that the way I take will be the best way that He has ordered for me : To acknowledge that if it is the wrong way : To turn around and go the direction that he has mapped out for me.