Bill re v 13 I agree up to a point, let me explain. And let me start at the end, God deals in judgement and mercy. A persons conscience will always condem him her especially when one hardens their heart. The Holy Spirit convicts each and every one of us about our own personal predisposition. Christians need to know and remember, flesh was bad when we were non-believers, it's the same now that we're believers, in Christ. And there is now NO condemnation, we are new creatures in Christ. I'm just encouraging people to be blameless across the board in their daily life. God bless you all for we are His kin, tasked to love one another, amen.
i recognize that our God addresses us in different ways sometimes man, woman, child, peoples,nations,but when he says man i think he is addressing human thereby i feel convicted and want to fear HIM with Loving fear and obey Him...
if you are not will not understand the bible..God said those who live a worldly life will not or my half to repent and ask the lord to forgive you of your sins..and put your love,faith,trust in our lord and savior..or you will never understand the bible..
God is so GOOD His Spirit teaches us how to live Holy on a day to day basis in the book of Proverbs. He gives us a chance to get whatever is not right in His eyes to get it right so no excuses. May God Bless anyone who reads this comment.
Notice the implication of this verse. The Lord does not show mercy to those saints who conceal their sins and refuse to confess and forsake them. He deals in judgment, not mercy.
Valerie Norberry VanOrden on Proverbs 28:11 - 10 years ago
There are many who are arrogant, wise in their own conceit and comfortable in this life. Psalms says elsewhere "Because they have no changes,they fear not God ". Contrast the "successful " with those who have been chased from place to place for their devout faith. Many times persecution makes a person poor and misunderstood.
The wicked flee without pursuit can you say God. The righteous fearless as the lion. Father cause your boldness upon and in your people to stand up as a lion without fear but in full authority and power in Jesus Name.
I definitely appreciate this scripture. Why you ask? Well, it serves as a great reminder on how trusting in ourselves will not always lead to success.
Think about how many people truested in their "hearts" and made decisions based off what they thought was right. Alot of the times those decisions did not lead to good outcomes.
I am reminded that I do need assistance in guiding my life if I want to be successful! I have accepted Jehovah's help, and have never been disappointed.
God's values are contrary to that of our flesh and though the heart is deceitful and wicked; counsel from, meditation on, & obedience to the Word will lead us to prosperity. From a quick count at least (7) of the verses in this chapter deal with covetousness and the contrast of the rich and poor. Not that wealth is always linked to sin; but, being hasty to get $$$ isn't right.
I'm reminded of DL Moody and how his intention to make it "big" in Chicago changed as he grew. His temporal goals were overshadowed by and replaced with eternal ones.
1 Timothy 6:6 tells us that "...godliness with contentment is great gain."
We are instructed to obey the WORD and not our own understanding. ( Proverbs 3:5&6)
You can see through reading Proverbs that God is not focused on a man's flaws; For if you read on Solomon he wasn't that righteous of a man, but God blessed this man like no other; because even though his heart was not completely right; He sought after God for his direction on how he should lead his sheep. And for his acknowledgement of God; He receive the spirit of God to a level that no other man received, and you can see to what level when you read the book of proverbs. So when I observe Solomon I see that your sincere unselfish request to God is your greatest prayer, and has the greatest potential to move God in a way stronger than most of your prayers would. (IT'S ABOUT GOD, AND HIS, AND NOT US) Is what should be our motto.
I think as Gods people we should be fearless and draw strength from God I think lion speaks of boldness and we need too be bold if we are going too live this Christian life the way God need us to do.
SIN is the only thing that separates man from God, that hides his face from us. If we want to do well, we must confess our sins and abandon them, God promised to show mercy to those that forsake their sins. Be sincere and honest at least with God!
Proverbs 28 is teaching us we have to live upright for God and for our neighbors stay in line of righteousness, don't covet anyone work for we want to live a holy life and God will give us our reward.
Timothy Wayne George on Proverbs 28 - 12 years ago
We see that God will bless anyone who will confess his faults, and forsake them then he will receive mercy. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. We pray that our leaders will read this proverb, and continue to help the poor. Jesus said the poor you will always have with you. There is not a righteous man upon the earth that does not sin. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, then the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. If we confess our sin, God is faithful, and just to forgive us our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
HAS anyone ever given you a compliment,?IT FEELS good doesnt it ?I AM finding thatgiving really is better than receiving...recently, i asked asked JESUS,or ,uh ,i told JESUS i was going to have an issue in a certain area that was overwhelming to me.JESUS COMFORTED me and pulled me was better!
I have had someone warn me,an ex alcoholic,saying"just because you are having a bad day doesnt make it ok to have a drink,work through this!"He saved my life...i appreciate him for shocking me back to drink for me is death!
Trying to confort Patty B. Eveyone beleivs in God no matter if he is aware of it or not. But a man who is not touched by the questions of his existence can not hear the call of the Holy Text. Keep Your faith Patty B. That is the best thing You can do.
Be Still and KNOW That I AM God, and Their IS No OTHER! Is Also what comes to Mind. God is SOOOOOH GOOOD and for those who refuse to hear cannot see that we are GODS bought with he HIGHEST Price Of LOVE ever Afforded I AM HIS as Long as HE will have me, and HE is WITH me EVEN Unto the ENDS of the World (AGE)I LONG for HEaven and ALL to be there an UN BROKEN FAMILY Made NEW. God Is SO GOOD to me, I WISh and I DO PRAY My astranged Husband Finds this out while he still can.
I miss America! I miss the days of simple hope and honest work, being rewarded. Things were not so complicated. Through modern globalization, living in a borderless nation, with our military going around the world to win the hearts and minds of 9th century mindsets of cruelty and evil manifestos of world conquest through the mandates and madness of their Koran. It makes me sad for the youths of America. Having lost our moral compass, it seems we are as a nation fleeing from common sense values of faith and honor. America is now on the run! Bouncing around the globe, trying to buy friends, with freshly printed money fleeing as in vs.1.There is an old rock-n-roll song, "man on the run"! The wicked flee when no man pursues. If our nation turned back to God, we could hear the Lord say,"Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord". ex.14;13 No more running around like a drunk duck! Be still and know that i am God. ps.46:10.
The righteous are as bold as a lion. The lion ain't running around trying to buy favors. He calmly walks in the confidence that God gave him.
2 things ch.28 speaks of for prolonging a nation and prolonging our days.
* 1. NATION: In vs.2 - A nation is brought down by the transgressions of many leaders (princes). But vs.2 goes on to say by the wisdom & understanding of 1 man(solitary man of God) the nation can be saved or prolonged. Lets pray for our nation!
*2. vs.16 -"Our days" Leaders that are without wisdom create great oppression. I can now feel that great oppression in the air i breathe.But God's answer is to hate greed and covetousness; not people. In so doing we personally will be free, with the promise that he will prolong our days. And we shall rest in His love, knowing he cares for us. -- agape -- reggie --
I want to say you Draperdonavin, my sister had the same problem than you, through this the Lord guide us to him as a family. Was the way, because all the things help us to be fine if we love him. We discovered God is greather than devil and demons, you just need receive him and stay as close as be posible, every second, thinking in God and reading his Word as much as be posible, I'll stay praying for you because i lived the same with my sister and i know and understand you very well, but you need to know you are not alone, the Lord Sabaoth is with you and by you, he is a warrior thegreatest one. God bless you and pray in this way: Lord JEsus i know you love me, and died for give me freedom, forgive all my sin, and help me to walk so close that i can see me more, that you be all in me, i know you are alive and listening me now, thanks for writing my name in the life's book, and your holy name i pray, amen.
Think about how many people truested in their "hearts" and made decisions based off what they thought was right. Alot of the times those decisions did not lead to good outcomes.
I am reminded that I do need assistance in guiding my life if I want to be successful! I have accepted Jehovah's help, and have never been disappointed.
I'm reminded of DL Moody and how his intention to make it "big" in Chicago changed as he grew. His temporal goals were overshadowed by and replaced with eternal ones.
1 Timothy 6:6 tells us that "...godliness with contentment is great gain."
We are instructed to obey the WORD and not our own understanding. ( Proverbs 3:5&6)
AMAZING VERSE! You could do a whole service with this verse! <3
The righteous are as bold as a lion. The lion ain't running around trying to buy favors. He calmly walks in the confidence that God gave him.
2 things ch.28 speaks of for prolonging a nation and prolonging our days.
* 1. NATION: In vs.2 - A nation is brought down by the transgressions of many leaders (princes). But vs.2 goes on to say by the wisdom & understanding of 1 man(solitary man of God) the nation can be saved or prolonged. Lets pray for our nation!
*2. vs.16 -"Our days" Leaders that are without wisdom create great oppression. I can now feel that great oppression in the air i breathe.But God's answer is to hate greed and covetousness; not people. In so doing we personally will be free, with the promise that he will prolong our days. And we shall rest in His love, knowing he cares for us. -- agape -- reggie --