Verse 1: There is a difference between pure wine - fruit juice and fermented - that which has been processed or allowed to get strong which then becomes strong drink We should know the difference and know that Jesus provided pure fruit of the vine. He was a pure and holy man.
Verse 12: Eyes that see and ears that hear are a gift from Jehovah God. We should thank him for these gifts and use them in a way that is pleasing to him.
Verse 22 shows that we need to wait on God to take care of the unjust things that we go through. He is fully aware of all the factors and he knows best how to deal with such things.
Vs. 1 I believe Carolyn hit it on the head. Good point about the first miracle Jesus performed. When in moderation, wine is an enjoyment. However, as with anything, our loving father warns us about over-indulging.
Understanding the word diverse, mixed or unblance weights and meassure.
Meaning short changing or cheating people who are unaware of the actual cost of something. God don't like that!
Ex: buyers something from the market and it weighs one amount, but when u get home u find something in it that added to the weigh and measure! Bummer
Verse 19
Beware of people that try to pry into your affairs with their charm and flattery. Being known to be a gossiper they will surely carry their knowledge of you to the ears of others.
Hi Yolanda; We could simply say, that we should judge right and equal in all things; but that would not put that verse completely in context of the whole proverb (5-12); which is about how God searches and knows us by our walking in His counsel, which He has put in our hearts; and our drawing out that understanding, unto purity and integrity in all our ways. Nothing else can commend us before Him!
Nadine nelson-hawkins on Proverbs 20 - 9 years ago
It means that as men we need to be humble and that it's not about us, let our spirit of God represent him because if we are the light then we must shine because as a servant of the Lord it's the closet people will see of him. Our spirit should show his work.
PROVERBS 2O:1 COMMENT 4 27 2015 1:15 AM Sarah, Here a references I have gather in my Bible about wine and strong drink. Prov.23:29-35 Isa. 5:11 28:7 56:10,12 Hos.4:11 Nah.1:10 Matt.24:49,50 Eph.5:18 A believer in Christ we Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1Thess.5:22. God bless, A-men.
PROVERBS 20:24 COMMENTS 4 26 2015 11:58 PM This verse is a various people of moral virtues, and their counter vices. JEREMIAH 10:23ROMANS 8:26. Thank you Lord for teach and lead us unto your path and have a salvation for our soul. A-men.
Listen People This walk with God Meaning relationship is not about wine, or the bad decisions That we make: Jesus made it easy for us, what had seem to be what God wants us to do. And all falls under are you ready for this LOVE! Love is the only goal in our lives for us to obtain in our hearts Love for God first, then everyone else, especially our enemies.... 1 Corithians 13:1-13, is something that we are suppose to be reading, studing, and meditating on everyday, that we know which directions we are headed...Nothing else matters but Love for if you Love truly, or even try going after truly loving, then will everything that is not Godly risen out of you: You will stop desiring to do anything that is not pleasing to God......God has already covered our sin, with Jesus Christ so now there is nothing you can or cannot do to gain or lose your salvation except deny that Jesus is Lord and savior, and not believe that he suffered with pain and agony till death for the payment of everyone who believes that he did it for our sins Past or present. Just simply for Love, Which is now or job!
Listen to Gods words. I have suffered extreme pain and slander because I listened to flattering lips from professing so-called Christians. I didn 't discern that they were gossipers talebearers and I got bit by them. God is trying to protect you. Those who make a habit of bringing up others personal business to you, avoid them!! Don 't be pulled in by it! Don 't join them! They are only interested in gaining your trust and they are masters at fake nice , so that they can get your personal information and use it against you and slander your name to others. They have a sick need to talk about others who are not included in the conversations meddlers and busybodies . You will notice they are always the one who initiate bringing someone else 's personal business into your conversations, with pretend concern for that person. Don 't bite the bait, don 't give them your personal business and tell them that you don 't want to know the personal business of others without them present to defend themselves. God is trying to save you from pain and from joining in their habitual sin. Listen to God and avoid them. They are not walking in love for the brethren. May God protect and bless you. In Jesus name. AMEN
Drinking wine is not sinful if done in moderation. Jesus Christ drank wine. The first miracle that He performed was turning water into wine at the wedding. We wouldn 't dare say that He didn 't enter the kingdom of heaven. He sits at the right hand of the Father. Anything in excess can be harmful, but not if done in moderation. There 's a time for everything. If you know your wanting to pray in the evening and early morning then you refrain too close to your intended prayer. Or only have one drink way before your intended aim to pray. No one can say who will go to heaven and who won 't. It 's not our call, but that of the Father.
Sarah, Read 1 Thessalonians 5 22 Abstain from ALL appearance of evil. If you had to look at drinking and say is it Godly or Evil, which would you choose? Evil, therefore, we are to abstain not only from consumption but ANY appearance of it. You shouldn 't even carry any items that would reference drinking.
Meaning short changing or cheating people who are unaware of the actual cost of something. God don't like that!
Ex: buyers something from the market and it weighs one amount, but when u get home u find something in it that added to the weigh and measure! Bummer
Beware of people that try to pry into your affairs with their charm and flattery. Being known to be a gossiper they will surely carry their knowledge of you to the ears of others.