Prayer Requests PAGE 94

  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers today please pray for my daughter Jessica and her husband Adam
  • RicoUS - 1 year ago
    Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please fight our battles ( Ex. 14:14).
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • GiGi - 1 year ago
    Good afternoon to you, too Carleton,

    It has been sunny here for some time now. A very dry spring and summer. Thankful Washington has plenty of water!

    We are doing well. My hubby had a run in with a deer on his motorcycle last month. He was ok, didn't go down or get injured. Caught the back end of the deer. So, he got his claim settled and was the motorcycle was totaled. But he received just enough money to pay for the motorcycle he bought to replace the wrecked one. Happy for that-pretty much a straight across exchange and this bike is quite an upgrade from the one he had previously. So, didn't imagine that.

    Got to go now. Break is over.
  • Carleton - 1 year ago
    Good morning all. My morning meditation- The Hope of Israel is our hope.

  • Silverliner - 1 year ago
    Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection & God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. Asking this request in the Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying at this time of need and God Bless all of you.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember my family and myself in your prayer today
  • S Spencer - 1 year ago
    Thy Kingdom Come:

    by Chuck Missler

    Part 1

    It is tragic that most of the major denominations - Roman Catholic and Protestant - embrace an eschatology ("study of last things") that is amillennial : a view that does not envision a literal rule of Christ on the Throne of David on the Planet Earth.

    While there are many different, yet defendable, views regarding many aspects of end-time prophecies, this basic divergence - denying a literal Millennium - is particularly dangerous in that it would appear to be an attack on the very character of God! It does violence to His numerous and explicit promises and commitments that pervade both the Old and New Testaments.

    The Old Testament is replete with commitments for a literal Messiah ultimately ruling the world through Israel from His throne in Jerusalem. There are at least 1,845 references in the Old Testament and 17 books give prominence to the event. The ancient rabbinical aspirations were dominated by it. In fact, this obsession obscured their recognizing the Messiah when He made His initial appearance.

    There are at least 318 references in 216 chapters of the New Testament and 23 of its 27 books give prominence to the event. The early church looked longingly for His promised return as their "Blessed Hope" to rid their desperate world of its evil rulers. How and where did this skepticism known as "Amillennialism" begin?


    Pious, popular, and persuasive, Origen stands out as one of the great figures of the 3rd century church. Even at the age of 18, he stood out spectacularly well as a teacher in Alexandria. (In misguided obedience to Matthew 19:12, he emasculated himself, which he later regretted.) Later, as a prolific writer based in Caesarea, his De Principiis systematically laid out Christian doctrine in terms of Hellenic thinking and set the pattern for most subsequent theological thought for many years.

    See Part 2.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    And then we have the doxology. Even the doxology is a doctrine. The last few verses cover implication, the doctrine of God as Paul presents the doctrine of God like a summary statement in Paul's benediction.

    XI. The Doxology ( Romans 16:25-27)

    Implication - The Doctrine of God ( Romans 16:25-27)

    Romans 16:25-27 - Paul's Benediction

    I know this was a long introduction, but there is so much that we need to know and understand about Romans. It is quite a book and it covers a lot of information. It is my personal belief that if all we had as believers was the book of Romans, we would have everything we need to know about the Christian faith.

    I will share my introduction to 1 Corinthians next. God Bless!!!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    The first one is instruction, the doctrine of transformation in Romans 12. This is our participation in the body of Christ.

    In Romans Chapter 13, we have institution, the doctrine of submission. This is our participation with the system of the world and submission.

    Then we have influence, the doctrine of sacrifice. This would be Romans 14:1 through 15:13, as we learn about our participation in the responsibility toward other believers. Uh Oh! That is the doctrine of sacrifice. It is not taught as a suggestion!

    Next is identification, the doctrine of the providence of God. This is Romans 15 Verses 14 through 33 which is the participation in the will of God in all of our situations.

    And then the interaction, the doctrine of fellowship which is Romans 16 Verses 1 to 24. Romans 16:1 to 16 are personal greetings, Verses 17 to are proper discipline. In other words, once we get to Romans 16 Verses 17 to 20, he's going to say that if you are in association with anyone that is not obeying and teaching the proper doctrine of the book of Romans, don't have anything to do with them.

    That's a pretty serious thing to say, especially in our day and our culture when love is supposed to rule over truth. You know? We don't hold anybody to the truth, we got to love them! Paul says, "Well, I got some discipline for you.

    In Romans 16:21 to 24, we have the people that were with Paul. They identify themselves.

    Interaction - The Doctrine of Fellowship ( Romans 16:1-24)

    Romans 16:1-16 - Personal Greetings

    Romans 16:17-20 - Proper Discipline

    Romans 16:21-24 - People with Paul
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    In Romans Chapter 4, it's the principles of justification. And in Romans 5, we have the privileges of justification. When you read Chapter 4 and study about faith, it's like it hits you right between the eyes!

    Impartation - The Doctrine of Sanctification ( Romans 6:1-8:39)

    Then the impartation, that which is given, the doctrine of sanctification. That will be Romans 6:1 to the end of Chapter 8 and it will cover the power over sin, the problem of the flesh, and the provision of God's Spirit. Sanctification means to be set apart. When God gives us His Spirit, we are set apart and protected as His possession.

    Romans 6 - The Power Over Sin

    Romans 7 - The Problem of the Flesh

    Romans 8 - The Provision of the Spirit

    Then there's the inspiration, the doctrine of election in Romans 9 through 11. Chapter 9 talks about the Jews, the past history of Israel. Chapter 10 gives us the present condition of Israel. Chapter 11 is the promise of the future of Israel.

    Inspiration - The Doctrine of Election ( Romans 9:1-11-11:36)

    Romans 9 - The Past History of Israel

    Romans 10 - The Present Condition of Israel

    Romans 11 - The Promise of the Future of Israel

    And then we get to the second part of the book of Romans which is Chapters 12 through 16 which gives us the description of the Christian life. This is all doctrine! I have heard people present it and say that Chapters 1 through 11 is all doctrine, and then Chapters 12 to 16 is practical application. It too is doctrine. But it is not about the Christian faith but about the Christian life, life after you are saved.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    At the end of Romans Chapter 1, it tells us that every Gentile is without excuse and how God ministers to Gentiles through creation. It is a fascinating study.

    Also (secondly), we have the prosecution against the Jews. In Chapter 2 Verse 1 through Chapter 3 Verse 8, the Jews didn't think they were guilty of anything. They preached the law to the Gentiles. Boy, are they upset with Paul when Paul says that it doesn't make any difference whether you are Jew or Gentile because it applies to you too. The Jews didn't believe that.

    And then thirdly in Chapter 3 Verse 9 to 20, we have the prosecution against all mankind or humankind. This is the universal judgment against the world.

    You see, before Paul could tell us about salvation and righteousness, and justification and forgiveness of sins, he has to present the case from God's courtroom as to how and why we are guilty, how we are sinners, and we have sinned against God.

    That's not a religious standard. That's a judicial presentation from God's courtroom as to what sin is to God, and how He views us and how we are guilty. By the time you get through with that, you are going to say "Okay, I got the point!"

    But then after the indictment, we study about the imputation, the doctrine of justification. Justification means to be lined up with the law correctly, to fulfill the requirements of the law. I'm guilty! How do I pay the penalty? Imputation means to credit your account. It's not given to you. It is credited to your account.

    Imputation - The Doctrine of Justification ( Romans 3:21-5:21)

    Romans 3:21-31 - The Presentation of Justification

    Romans 4 - The Principles of Justification

    Romans 5 - The Privileges of Justification

    Romans 3:21 to 31 is the presentation of justification.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    INTRODUCTION: ( Romans 1:1-17)

    The first part of the book is the doctrine of the Christian faith, which is Romans Chapter 1 Verse 18 through Chapter 11 Verse 36. The introduction is the first 17 verses.

    And that introduction is divided into three parts:

    Romans 1:1-7 - Paul's Position in Ministry

    Romans 1:8-15 - Paul's Plan for Ministry

    Romans 1:16-17 - Paul's Perception of Ministry.

    Now believe it or not, embedded, and I emphasize the word embedded, but in these 17 verses are three important doctrines. They are the doctrine of Jesus Christ, the doctrine of ministry, and the doctrine of the gospel. These are all found in these first 17 verses. In fact, every verse, even the introduction can be considered doctrine.


    In Romans Chapter 1 Verse 18 through to the end of Chapter 11 (there are 16 Chapters in Romans), but Chapter 1 Verse 18 through the end of Chapter 11 is the doctrinal section, specifically to present the doctrine of the Christian faith.

    Indictment - The Doctrine of Condemnation ( Romans 1:18 - 3:20). The first part is indictment. It is the doctrine of condemnation. I'm sure we all love to study about that! "Come and let me show you how condemned you are!" Isn't that nice!

    And that's divided up into three sections:

    Romans 1:18-32 - The Prosecution Against the Gentiles

    Romans 2:1-3:8 - The Prosecution Against the Jews

    Romans 3:9-20 - The Prosecution Against all Mankind

    The prosecution against the Gentiles. It is a fascinating study. You and I are Gentiles. Most Gentiles have not had exposure to the Old Testament or Judaism or Jewish ministry or teaching at all. We're kind of like the "Heinz 57" variety. We all come from different religious system backgrounds, and we are the Gentiles.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    Romans 16:22 tells us that it was written by Tertius. He was the amanuensis, the one taking dictation from Paul. It was delivered by Phoebe. In Romans 16:1-2, it gives us her history. She was a deaconess in the church in Cenchrea which is the seaport of Corinth. So, she's going that way and Paul commends the believers there to receive her and help her to deliver this letter up to Rome.


    Saint Augustine was converted while reading through the book of Romans. Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation based on Romans 1:17, "The just shall live by faith." It is just a simple sentence. I'll tell you now that we don't understand it! If we did, we wouldn't be conducting ourselves the way we do as far as our approach to the things of Christ. By faith means faith, trust, believe!

    The book of Romans has been known down through history as "The Constitution of the Christian Faith." It is quite a book! When people are first saved, I recommend that they read the gospel of John, and read the gospels about the things of Christ. But as soon as possible, get into the book of Romans because it has every doctrine of the Christian faith contained in it.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago


    The book of Romans was written to appeal to the Roman mindset. Now the frame of mind of the Romans, they thought according to the legal or justice system. That's why Mark's gospel that was written to the Romans is just a short presentation of what Matthew and Luke elaborate on. It's because the Roman mind just wants to know the facts.

    That is the way God's word is. I am not talking about Pharisee legalism. It says what it says, and that's what it means. And the Roman mind, once you started elaborating and getting off into some other information, the Roman mind says "Hold it right there, just give me the facts!"

    So, the gospel of Mark is written to the Roman mind and the book of Romans is written to the Roman mind. As a matter of fact, it is written just like a legal brief. The legal brief is that document that lawyers send to the court and send to the other opposing lawyers, laying out what their case is or their response to the case. The book of Romans is written like a legal document and it outlines the doctrine of the Christian faith. Very interesting! It is the same style as the gospel of Mark.

    V. THEME:

    The theme is Romans 1:17, "The just shall live by faith." The word just is the word righteous. Now Christians have heard this for years but the problems that we are experiencing in the body of Christ is strictly built on ignorance. Leadership as well as those coming to learn have not been founded and rooted in the book of Romans. The book of Romans is all of the doctrines of the Christian faith, factually stated and laid out. It is a fantastic book! Many of us have probably read through Romans several times but not really focus on it and make it the center point. We should be centered on it. We should all be educated in it.

    Martin Luther said that every Christian ought to memorize it word for word. If you want to understand the rest of the bible, Martin Luther says you need to understand Romans.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    In the book of Acts when Paul came into Rome, the first thing he did, and his custom was that every city he came into, he went to the Jews first. And when the Jews rejected the gospel, he went to the Gentiles in the same city. Well, when he comes into Rome, he goes to visit the Jews. And he says, "Have you heard anything about Christ?" And they said "Well, we've heard rumors and they are not very good rumors." And that's about all. Nobody had actually come and preached to them and shared with them the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    There are other theories out there, but I can tell you right now that they can pretty well be shot down. But there are some interesting theories. One theory is that Peter actually went to Rome and that's how the people got saved in Rome and that he was leading the church in Rome. But there is no historical record of that.

    When Paul writes to Rome, he doesn't address Peter at all. He would have if Peter were there. Some people have him there as long as 25 years. When Paul signs off his letter in Romans Chapter 16, he doesn't greet Peter. He doesn't mention Peter at all. Plus, in Romans Chapter 15, Paul actually stated that he would not minister in someone else's area.

    If another apostle was around preaching the things of Christ, if Peter was in Rome, Paul would not have gone there because he says, "I will not go and build upon another man's foundation." He says that he will not do that!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    And so, it is interesting that Rome at this time was just a very loose fellowship. It really wasn't known to be under any leadership and gathering together as a church at this time. The fellowship in Rome was established by pilgrims that had attended the Feast of Pentecost which is recorded in Acts 2:10.

    Some proselytes had come in from Rome to attend Pentecost, and that's the time when the Holy Spirit was poured out. That's the time when Peter preached, and several thousand souls were saved. Some of these people went back to Rome and shared the news there and people were saved, as well as others that Paul had ministered to along the road.

    In Paul's travels, they eventually went to Rome. We know that Pricilla and Aquila, by the time Paul writes this letter, they are back in Rome, but they were kicked out of Rome for a while. So, we know that Pricilla and Aquila were there, and they were ministering to the saints there, but there wasn't anything established as far as anything organized or much leadership there. The believers were mostly Gentiles with a minority of Jewish believers in with them.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago



    The author is Paul. His inscription is on all 13 of his letters. He always identifies himself in his letters.


    It was written around 56 to 57 A.D. It was written during the last three months of his third missionary journey as recorded in Acts 20:1-3. He wrote his letter from Corinth. He wrote Romans about three years before arriving there in Acts Chapter 28. So, three years prior to Paul arriving in Rome, he writes this letter to the Romans.


    Paul had never been to Rome, and he desired to go there. We saw in Acts Chapter 19 where Paul expressed his need to see Rome. And remember, God actually told him when he was in Jerusalem that as you have given testimony for me here in Jerusalem, so you must witness for me in Rome.

    Rome was the center of the Roman Empire. And so, they had already established in Ephesus and Philippi and some of the others over in Asia. They established mission points at that time. Paul wanted to come into Rome and there's a very good reason for it.

    First of all, he had never been there. None of the apostles had ever been to Rome. Paul wanted to establish them in the doctrine of the Christian faith. We will notice as we begin this letter that he doesn't say "To the church in Rome." We know from Chapter 16 that there were a number of individuals. In fact, all of the names in Chapter 16 are Gentiles. They are Greek names.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    Secondly, scripture is good for reproof. ELEGCHOS is the Greek word and it is used in the judicial system for bringing about a conviction. I and II Corinthians is the letter for reproof or conviction. Galatians is the third category. He says that the scripture is good for correction, and the book of Galatians is written to correct false teaching.

    And by the way, Galatians is considered to be a shorter version of the book of Romans. Galatians is only 6 chapters long. Romans is 16 and very thorough. And the book of Galatians was written to counter false teaching. So, he's always comparing the false teaching with the correct teaching. But the book of Romans is just straight teaching, just the doctrine of the Christian faith.

    So, the correction letter is Galatians, and then everything from Ephesians through Philemon is called "for instruction in righteousness." So, Paul himself seems to have, or the writers of the New Testament (the various councils), as they put the scriptures together, they put it together with doctrine, conviction or reproof, correction, and then from Ephesians to Philemon we have instruction in righteousness.

    The last book of the historical section is the book of Acts. And as I mentioned before, both Luke and Acts used to travel together as one book. Luke the doctor, he wrote the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. It used to be part 1 and part 2. But later on in history, the two books were separated and began to be circulated separately.

    And it is put behind the gospel section in our bibles. The book of Acts is the history of the church from the ascension of Christ to the death of Paul. So, with the gospels, and with Acts, we have the presentation of the ministry and teachings and activities of Christ prior to His birth, all the way to the death of Paul in Acts Chapter 28.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago

    Romans begins what is called the teaching or doctrinal section of the New Testament. All of Paul's writings are at the beginning of the teaching or doctrinal section. There are 13 letters that Paul wrote, beginning with Romans and going all the way through Philemon. These are Paul's 13 letters. They are not in chronological order. They are not in the order that Paul wrote them.

    The book of Romans was written around 56 to 57 A.D. I and II Corinthians were written around 55 A.D. from Ephesus. Galatians, the earliest of Paul's letters, was written around 48 to 49 A.D. either from Antioch or Ephesus.

    And then we have Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. These three, plus Philemon at the end, those four were a collection of letters called the prison epistles or prison letters because they were written by Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome between 60 and 62 A.D. I and II Thessalonians, written in 51 A.D. from Corinth.

    And then the last three, and remember Philemon goes with Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, as far as a collection goes, but I Timothy, II Timothy, and Titus are called pastoral epistles or pastoral letters because they were written to two pastors. And this was Paul's second imprisonment in Rome between 63 and 65 A.D. He wrote I Timothy first. And then he wrote Titus. And Paul's last letter, right before he died, he wrote a second letter to Timothy, known as II Timothy.

    So those are the dates. And as you can see, they are not listed in chronological order. Actually, they are listed in order according to II Timothy 3:16. Paul's the one that wrote this. He says to Timothy, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." Literally, all scripture is God breathed, and is profitable for doctrine." That's number one. There's one doctrinal book, one book that is centered on doctrine in the whole New Testament, and that's the book of Romans.
  • Florida80 - 1 year ago
    Successful dental appointments. Financial increase to pay for all of them for Shawna Perry. In Jesus Name, thank you and bless you.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Adam (not the Eden one) - 1 year ago
    I'm a young man getting to know a beautiful, young woman. Please pray I'm able resist my flesh from doing anything I shouldn't before marriage. I've had bad problems with lust in the past. But I want to do what's right and I know the road ahead will be difficult for me. Thanks :)
  • Bibleman72 - 1 year ago
    Hi i am in great need of prayers for my mom Paula L. She is in a nursing home right now for rehab and she is telling me horrible things they are supposedly doing to her there.I dont think these things are possible because this is one of the best rated nursing homes in Jacksonville ,florida.I am concerned my mother is beginning to develop either Early dementia or even worse schizophrenia.I am very very concerned because i love my mom and am her fulltime caregiver.I am worried about her doing not wise things.For instance she called the police to the nursing home at 5am to report having no air of water. That seems highly unlikely to me.I really covet your pprayers folks.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • RicoUS - 1 year ago
    Lord Jesus thank you that you said "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."( 2 Cor. 12:9). We are so weak and the consequences of sowing to the flesh and sin for so long are overwhelming looking at the persistent sin-patterns, bondage. Please Lord strengthen us, encourage us and grant full deliverance from bondage and save those among us who are not yet believers. I ask for your strong protection and for you to fight for us against an enemy to strong for us ( Psalm 142:6). Please pour out your Holy Spirit on us and all in need. Grant an endtime revival/awakening all over the world. Thank you Lord. I pray in your holy name. Amen and MARANATHA.
  • Angelica14 - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my incarnenated partner, keep him safe and strong and minds of things, i pray in jeses name hes realeased when the time is right, pray for my financial help, im so much need my lord , protect me and my children. Thank you.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Cleuschner - 1 year ago
    Colleen Leuschner

    Please pray for my finances. I have credit card debt.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers

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