When we remain close to the Cross we remain close to the Commandments and they are not a burden to us as His yoke is easy. We can rest in this day in peace and gladness. Jesus is our new day. I believe the Christian's reasonable service is to point to this day in our non-resistant lives and actions by grace.
This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it . I asked and it was given to me I was blessed with a job and I'm grateful here lately I've been stressed and struggling with should I stay are leave the job. I have been dealing with some unruly children staff has been subjected to this behavior one of the kids tried to stab me with a plastic knife. I am to the point well not only me other staff is like when is enough enough . The mother of these kids have no control of them and they run her. These are babies all under the age of 7 . I pray that when I go back to work on Sunday that they are no longer there. Giving this situation to God because I love my job but something has to be done are I will be forced to quit. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Good morning and afternoon! This mornings meditation has been on the Kingdom of God. As this Kingdom reaches further into the world, souls are saved. There might be thunderings and lightenings, earthquakes, petulances, voices, trumpets, horns that conflict with the presence of God in or on the earth.
Lord Jesus you know the cries of our hearts and the petitions we have made even here. I continue to ask. Please grant soon breakthrough. I ask for strong protection (I plead your precious blood over us and ask for Holy Warrior angels and a wall of Holy Spirit fire around us), deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and all the specific situations and circumstances previously mentioned. Please grant help to all in need on here and everywhere, esp. salvation. Please confront A about her behavior and comfort K. Please heal M. And please also speak with O. Thank you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
Father God, I plead Psalms 27:7 for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of us have been crying out for miracles, healings, jobs, familyfor years. Please now have mercy upon us and answer our pleas. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
God created Me in Perfection, I am perfected by the Blood of Jesus in the Calvary. I am perfect everyday, for God created the day in His Will. Everyday is God's Day.
Lord, I pray for My Project intentions to be materialized, soon! So, that Me and My Family will be benefitted, so with My Relatives, Friends and Countrymen, so with the Whole World!
That I may exercised My Education, Profession, to show My Talent and developed Skills to the World.
That in so doing I am serving You, God of Creation in all I Might!
That Jesus Christ is My Savior in all these Hardships, Struggle, and Perseverance; just to Prove, to Show, to Value My WORTH.
I am THANKFUL everyday in God's day, Wonderful Day of Jesus Christ! AMEN.
Tribulation: Purposes of the Seal Judgments as related to Israel's history.
The sword; famine and pestilence seen in judgments 2-4 in Revelation 6 fit in with a pattern set by God to judge Israel since most of their history was in a rebellious state despite being called to be an example to the nations ( Isaiah 49:6) and set apart ( Jeremiah 2:2-3). The pattern of sword; famine and pestilence can therefore be seen in Jeremiah 14:11-12 as well as other passages in the same book; and it found in Ezekiel 14:21; Deuteronomy 32:24; and other passages. Interestingly enough; Deuteronomy 4:30 mentions tribulation AND the last days; opening the door for repentance on man's part for God to turn back on some of these judgments (perhaps for individuals sealed by God or physically protected at that time and/or during the Trumpet judgments).
Therefore; this time before the Book is opened there appears to be room for repentance; although nothing said for the unregenerate where one quarter die at that time ( Rev. 6:8). It would appear since Hades is in Revelation 6:8 that everyone killed in this manner were unregenerate. The only question is if these are concentrated in a quarter of the earth or it involves one fouth of the world in general. We should also be soberly reminded here that many will not even physically survive to the point when the Beast is empowered and implements the mark ( Rev. 11:7) apparently after the martyrdom of the 2 Prophets and subsequent Resurrection at the 6th Trumpet ( Rev. 11:14).
The Antichrist at this time will rise to power ( Revelation 6:1-2) and begin to subdue and conquer nations. Daniel 8:9 shows how this "little horn" gains power; no doubt through superior intellect and intrigue ( Daniel 11:21). Nations no doubt are pitted so that they will through internal strife be conformed to the 10 nations ruled under the Beast after their sovereignty is destroyed.
I will delve into the fifth and sixth seal in my next sequel.
Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please fight our battles ( Ex. 14:14) and please send more strength and encouragement. Thank you.
Please pray for my strength in the Lord in these challenging times. Please pray for my children as well. Please pray for all single mothers and fathers as we continue to raise our children.
To GIGI and anyone else praying for me; I just was released after admitting myself for Appendicitis Aug 11 today. The intense spiritual stuff going on in my subconscious and real life as well certainly made prayers appreciated.
I thought it would be prudent here to mention that many have indeed great caution with any medical establishments such as my friend that left the same hospital after he got some special treatment for COVID and after they told him he wouldn't survive it.
Certain places indeed have been so bad with either getting the wrong patient with ID mixed up and other terrible standards that I can see the reason for skepticism. Clearly in my case I needed the treatment I got; mainly afterwards to clear out the blocked colon. There were a few things I think were somewhat improperly done; but overall I have a newfound respect for the nurses in particular who have to juggle between many patients and remember all the details of the job; as well as must be there all hours to fill in; etc. Several individuals were Christians where I was; between one of the young medical student trainees who was willing to walk me as well as one patient and someone else who I asked sensing that they were a godly woman.
Mercifully my insurance covers enough so that I can get through payment (my parents will help). I am asking in prayer that my workplace can accommodate a few weeks without heavy lifting; not exactly sure deadline but one doctor said 6 weeks; when the surgeon has a follow up appointment he will discuss those things; that is my only restraint. I am sadly going to take a respite from by 2 Bible Studies for a month as well; the groups are quite small but people have great interest.
Looks like one or two folks have done some extended studies on this site when I was gone. Primarily understanding my own selfish nature after being hooked up to tubes and IV lines I realize that Christ alone is good in me. ( Jeremiah 17:9).
Concerning the true Ministry of Christ and the false Ministry, and the difference betwixt them, this testimony I give unto all the world.
The true Ministry is sent of God, and is the gift of the Holy Ghost, and it stands in the power of the Spirit of God, and not in the words of mans wisdom, of that wisdom which is from below, and it brings people to the knowledge of God, which is life eternal, and it turns people from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to the power of God, it is freely received of God, and freely given forth of us, it proclaims peace on earth, unto such as are of a broken and upright heart, and it proclaims war against all the wicked upon earth, it is a good savor unto God in setting the way of life, and the way of death, before all people, the Ministry of Christ is free, and cannot be bought nor sold for money, it is without hire and gifts, and rewards from any man, which is given freely into the world, and it ever was and is persecuted by the generation of the unjust, and by the powers of the earth, he that comes in the Fathers name cannot be received of the world, but the world is at enmity against it, in this generation as ever was, it converts people unto the knowledge of God, and many did and many doth receive the knowledge of God thereby though some thereby be hardened against God unto destruction, and the word of the Lord, and the Ministry returns not in vain unto God, but all by it are left without excuse, the witness of Christ in every creature being reached to, which gives
testimony to the power and to the truth of the Ministry of Christ, but the false Ministers and Ministry are not such; for their Ministry is received by natural learning and arts and is not the gift of the Holy Ghost, but stands in the wisdom of mans words, and not in the power and life of God, it profits not the people at all, neither doth any come to the knowledge of God thereby, neither is turned from darkness to light; but Teachers and people continues in the power of Satan, and in the unconverted estate, the witness of God not reached to, to bring to the understanding of things which are eternal, but people are ever learning by it, and never coming to the knowledge of the truth; but the blind leads the blind, and like Teachers like People, all out of the way, given to iniquity and unrighteousness, and such are they who preaches for hire, and divines for money, and seeks for their gain from their quarter, and through covetousness by feigned words, makes merchandize of souls, going for gifts and rewards, and reaching for filthy lucre, having settled places and so much a year, these are not the true Ministers of Christ, but false Ministers of Antichrist and deceivers, and was never sent of God, and do never bring any to the knowledge of God, and such we bear witness against to be of the Devil, and that for many generations the world hath been deceived by them who hath had the form of godliness, but not the power, and Christs words and the Apostles words without the life, and they have served themselves and not the Lord Jesus, but now they are made manifest with the true Light which approve the Ministry of God, and disapprove such who are Ministers of Antichrist, and all that are in the light, and walks in the light can receive this testimony which is given by the Spirit of God, to that Ministry which is sent of him, which doth fulfill his will, and against the false Ministry which is not of God, which runs and was never sent of him.
strangers, and the world hath been filled with violence, and the whole earth stained and polluted with oppressions, injustice, and cruelties, and the cry of poor hath not been heard, every one hath sought themselves and not the Lord, not the good one of another, the Kings and Princes of the earth have not been perfect nor upright before the Lord, but vain-glory hath abounded, and superstitions and idolatries hath abounded, and self-seeking, and they have risen up one against another in quarrelling and destroying one another, and to gain one another's dominions by craft and Policy, and strong hand, and the poor hath been oppressed and trodden down, and thousands of thousands destroyed to fulfill their wills and lusts, and the pride of their hearts, all this hath been evil in the sight of the Lord, and his soul hath been weary with it, by the destruction of his creatures, one by another, even Rulers, Teachers, and people have all been out of the way, and subverted from that wherein God hath pleasure, and the Prince of darkness hath ruled in his dominion, swaying all under his Government, and even all things both of civil and spiritual concernment hath been out of the counsel of the Lord.
Dear friends please pray for my fam, we have an inheritance settlement and it is an unreasonable sister. I thank my god for all the strength and wisdom He gives us all every day, thank Lord Jesus.
Thank you for intercession and god bless you all that we may even Meet in the heavenly dwellings one day.
Lord Jesus you know the cries of our hearts and the petitions we have made even here. I continue to ask. Please grant soon breakthrough. I ask for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and all the specific situations and circumstances previously mentioned. Please grant help to all in need on here and everywhere, esp. salvation. Please confront A about her behavior and comfort K. Please heal M. Please also have your hand on the camp this week in all aspects incl. these 16-year old's. Thank you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
Today is my granddaughter Addie first day of school she is in the first grade pray for her , as well pray for all the school children this year , remember my daughter Jessica and her family remember me in your prayers , thank you and God Bless you
When we remain close to the Cross we remain close to the Commandments and they are not a burden to us as His yoke is easy. We can rest in this day in peace and gladness. Jesus is our new day. I believe the Christian's reasonable service is to point to this day in our non-resistant lives and actions by grace.
Lord, I pray for My Project intentions to be materialized, soon! So, that Me and My Family will be benefitted, so with My Relatives, Friends and Countrymen, so with the Whole World!
That I may exercised My Education, Profession, to show My Talent and developed Skills to the World.
That in so doing I am serving You, God of Creation in all I Might!
That Jesus Christ is My Savior in all these Hardships, Struggle, and Perseverance; just to Prove, to Show, to Value My WORTH.
I am THANKFUL everyday in God's day, Wonderful Day of Jesus Christ! AMEN.
Thanks for your reply. I will consider your thoughts on this topic, Hope your day goes well and you know the blessing of God on your life.
The sword; famine and pestilence seen in judgments 2-4 in Revelation 6 fit in with a pattern set by God to judge Israel since most of their history was in a rebellious state despite being called to be an example to the nations ( Isaiah 49:6) and set apart ( Jeremiah 2:2-3). The pattern of sword; famine and pestilence can therefore be seen in Jeremiah 14:11-12 as well as other passages in the same book; and it found in Ezekiel 14:21; Deuteronomy 32:24; and other passages. Interestingly enough; Deuteronomy 4:30 mentions tribulation AND the last days; opening the door for repentance on man's part for God to turn back on some of these judgments (perhaps for individuals sealed by God or physically protected at that time and/or during the Trumpet judgments).
Therefore; this time before the Book is opened there appears to be room for repentance; although nothing said for the unregenerate where one quarter die at that time ( Rev. 6:8). It would appear since Hades is in Revelation 6:8 that everyone killed in this manner were unregenerate. The only question is if these are concentrated in a quarter of the earth or it involves one fouth of the world in general. We should also be soberly reminded here that many will not even physically survive to the point when the Beast is empowered and implements the mark ( Rev. 11:7) apparently after the martyrdom of the 2 Prophets and subsequent Resurrection at the 6th Trumpet ( Rev. 11:14).
The Antichrist at this time will rise to power ( Revelation 6:1-2) and begin to subdue and conquer nations. Daniel 8:9 shows how this "little horn" gains power; no doubt through superior intellect and intrigue ( Daniel 11:21). Nations no doubt are pitted so that they will through internal strife be conformed to the 10 nations ruled under the Beast after their sovereignty is destroyed.
I will delve into the fifth and sixth seal in my next sequel.
Agape. RICH P
To GIGI and anyone else praying for me; I just was released after admitting myself for Appendicitis Aug 11 today. The intense spiritual stuff going on in my subconscious and real life as well certainly made prayers appreciated.
I thought it would be prudent here to mention that many have indeed great caution with any medical establishments such as my friend that left the same hospital after he got some special treatment for COVID and after they told him he wouldn't survive it.
Certain places indeed have been so bad with either getting the wrong patient with ID mixed up and other terrible standards that I can see the reason for skepticism. Clearly in my case I needed the treatment I got; mainly afterwards to clear out the blocked colon. There were a few things I think were somewhat improperly done; but overall I have a newfound respect for the nurses in particular who have to juggle between many patients and remember all the details of the job; as well as must be there all hours to fill in; etc. Several individuals were Christians where I was; between one of the young medical student trainees who was willing to walk me as well as one patient and someone else who I asked sensing that they were a godly woman.
Mercifully my insurance covers enough so that I can get through payment (my parents will help). I am asking in prayer that my workplace can accommodate a few weeks without heavy lifting; not exactly sure deadline but one doctor said 6 weeks; when the surgeon has a follow up appointment he will discuss those things; that is my only restraint. I am sadly going to take a respite from by 2 Bible Studies for a month as well; the groups are quite small but people have great interest.
Looks like one or two folks have done some extended studies on this site when I was gone. Primarily understanding my own selfish nature after being hooked up to tubes and IV lines I realize that Christ alone is good in me. ( Jeremiah 17:9).
Chap 11 A Standare lifted up
Concerning the true Ministry of Christ and the false Ministry, and the difference betwixt them, this testimony I give unto all the world.
The true Ministry is sent of God, and is the gift of the Holy Ghost, and it stands in the power of the Spirit of God, and not in the words of mans wisdom, of that wisdom which is from below, and it brings people to the knowledge of God, which is life eternal, and it turns people from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to the power of God, it is freely received of God, and freely given forth of us, it proclaims peace on earth, unto such as are of a broken and upright heart, and it proclaims war against all the wicked upon earth, it is a good savor unto God in setting the way of life, and the way of death, before all people, the Ministry of Christ is free, and cannot be bought nor sold for money, it is without hire and gifts, and rewards from any man, which is given freely into the world, and it ever was and is persecuted by the generation of the unjust, and by the powers of the earth, he that comes in the Fathers name cannot be received of the world, but the world is at enmity against it, in this generation as ever was, it converts people unto the knowledge of God, and many did and many doth receive the knowledge of God thereby though some thereby be hardened against God unto destruction, and the word of the Lord, and the Ministry returns not in vain unto God, but all by it are left without excuse, the witness of Christ in every creature being reached to, which gives
testimony to the power and to the truth of the Ministry of Christ, but the false Ministers and Ministry are not such; for their Ministry is received by natural learning and arts and is not the gift of the Holy Ghost, but stands in the wisdom of mans words, and not in the power and life of God, it profits not the people at all, neither doth any come to the knowledge of God thereby, neither is turned from darkness to light; but Teachers and people continues in the power of Satan, and in the unconverted estate, the witness of God not reached to, to bring to the understanding of things which are eternal, but people are ever learning by it, and never coming to the knowledge of the truth; but the blind leads the blind, and like Teachers like People, all out of the way, given to iniquity and unrighteousness, and such are they who preaches for hire, and divines for money, and seeks for their gain from their quarter, and through covetousness by feigned words, makes merchandize of souls, going for gifts and rewards, and reaching for filthy lucre, having settled places and so much a year, these are not the true Ministers of Christ, but false Ministers of Antichrist and deceivers, and was never sent of God, and do never bring any to the knowledge of God, and such we bear witness against to be of the Devil, and that for many generations the world hath been deceived by them who hath had the form of godliness, but not the power, and Christs words and the Apostles words without the life, and they have served themselves and not the Lord Jesus, but now they are made manifest with the true Light which approve the Ministry of God, and disapprove such who are Ministers of Antichrist, and all that are in the light, and walks in the light can receive this testimony which is given by the Spirit of God, to that Ministry which is sent of him, which doth fulfill his will, and against the false Ministry which is not of God, which runs and was never sent of him.
strangers, and the world hath been filled with violence, and the whole earth stained and polluted with oppressions, injustice, and cruelties, and the cry of poor hath not been heard, every one hath sought themselves and not the Lord, not the good one of another, the Kings and Princes of the earth have not been perfect nor upright before the Lord, but vain-glory hath abounded, and superstitions and idolatries hath abounded, and self-seeking, and they have risen up one against another in quarrelling and destroying one another, and to gain one another's dominions by craft and Policy, and strong hand, and the poor hath been oppressed and trodden down, and thousands of thousands destroyed to fulfill their wills and lusts, and the pride of their hearts, all this hath been evil in the sight of the Lord, and his soul hath been weary with it, by the destruction of his creatures, one by another, even Rulers, Teachers, and people have all been out of the way, and subverted from that wherein God hath pleasure, and the Prince of darkness hath ruled in his dominion, swaying all under his Government, and even all things both of civil and spiritual concernment hath been out of the counsel of the Lord.
Thank you for intercession and god bless you all that we may even Meet in the heavenly dwellings one day.
Romans 16.