As I was reading the words of God, this morning, Luke 13:24-28
Does this not speak to all who believe that there is no overcoming of sin in this present life
" they believe they ate & drink in His presence, & believed that " He taught in our streets".
Yet, the Lord plainly states; Luke 13:27
This reminds me of Matt 7:21,22
This reveals the utter deceitfulness of sin, that Satan has no lack of power to deceive 2Thess 2:9,10
He even has such power to call fire down from heaven. Rev 13:11-16 this is describing false Christianity, listen to what the Scriptures reveal, Rev 13:11 had an image like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. Teaching that one can be a Christian & know God & continue in sin for life, despite the testimony of Christ, John 8:24, 1John 3:6
Then we have Hebrews 10:26-29; the whole context of these Scriptures here is " sinning is past tense, over, done away with."
They pray, but they regard; Psalms 66:18; in light of the above Scriptures, who do you thing is answering their prayers?
Again, all power in all deceitfulness of unrighteousness, ,,,sin ! 2Timothy 3:5Rev 18:4
Luke 11:33-36 the whole body be full of Light, "Christ" having no dark part, no darkness at all" Revealing "Consummation of Sanctification of the Spirit, obedience unto righteousness unto holiness, partaker's of the Divine Nature.
It also reveals, If one continue in sin for life, then it obvious that there's darkness within & Matt 6:23
Folks, I speak as one concern, I found that in life motions one can be caught up in doing this or that, the swiftness in which life is pasting by, & the world continually drawing us to it concerns, one doesn't stop & truly consider what Holy Spirit plainly states in the Scriptures or why they have not experience it,
Churches are teaching contrary to Scriptures, all are singing a lullaby; cause everybody else is doing it, some more some less, status quo, so it must be true? NOT ! 1Thessalonians 4:7
Please pray for me, that I find strength and fulfillment in my faith, that I am given the fortitude to not waver in my faith. Thank you. God bless all of you.
Pray all's well for everyone. Thanks aslo for keeping me grounded w/all the love on here. I really do appreciate it. Have phone till midnight the 28th but can go to a library to check this & email.
Im in dire need of deep prayer for a roof over my head cuz Im bk in Utah my son kicked me out after taking the money I had saved to get car legal.! Great news tho, I have both my jobs backs yet wont get 1st check for 2-3 weeks. Plus, winters coming & though our winters are lite, A roof would be great.! Please, a daily prayer for that.! Can get meals at soup kitchen or daughters till then. Thanks to everyone that prayers.! God bless & be w/any & everyone in need..'Texsis'
Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please fight our battles and give us victory please. Please send encouragement and strength. Please save many before its too late Father. Thank you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
Dear Brethern,i have a serious prayer request for you all.My best friend lost her late mothers ring today in jacksonville,Florida. She was helping me to get my groceries at publix since i cannot drive .Her ring slipped off somewhere and i dont know were it went.I looked here inside and outside and came up nil.She looked in her vehicle and found nothing.She called publix and nobody turned it in.Please pray somebody will have a heart and not keep her ring.She offered a reward,but i just pray someone will do the right thing and give it back.Please fast and pray about this for me.I am a new believer and pray the Lord will intervene in this.i dont even have any money to offer my friend to bless her with.i am very sad and have the biggest heart of anyone i know.i want so much to go to her house and try to look round for it.please pray this will end well.i am very upset.
I have been struggling for quite a while with this inner dialogue, that seems not my own and tries to override my own logic even when confronting myself with discernment and truth. I'm also being tormented daily in my sleep wether it being manipulated dreams, visions, night mares or sleep paralysis, although I pray every day for protection against it. I could be doing something wrong in prayer. Also I am healing very slow in comparison to some years ago, while I didn't take any of those mRNA vaccines, it seems my health isn't improving much. All in all I am still grateful for what our Heavenly Father gave me, but I feel like my prayers are not being answered and need some help, while I am heading towards a pivot point in my life, where sometimes I feel I could be losing the battle. If you have time, please ask our Heavenly Father to purify me from all unclean spirits and protect me from any future attacks, so that I can start the work (again) that our God the Father has set out for me to do.
Thank you in advance dear people, may our Heavenly Father bless you with his grace, Amen!
Please Pray For All Of Father God Almighty Within All Of Andrew Ryan Duncan Wilbanks Within All Of Jesus Christ To Succeed On All Sides In All Ways At All Times Together And For Andrew Ryan Duncan Wilbanks's Traumatic Brain Injury And For My Heart Condition And For My Memories And For My Ability To Hold Onto Them Successfully And For My Mother's Kandace Marie Solorio Wilbanks's Multiple Personalities/Identities/Heal Her Cancer/Her Successful Exorcism/Heal Her Past Childhood Wounds/To Stop Using My Feelings, Sympathy And Love To Try To Hurt Andrew Ryan Duncan Wilbanks And For My Mother's Kandace Marie Solorio Wilbanks's With All Of Her Personalities/Identities Full Conversion To Christianity And For All Of The Feather River To Be Healed/Converted Into Good And For All Of Hollywood Trailer Park To Be Healed/Converted Into Something Good And For Our Faith To Rise And For Our Love To Grow And For Our Christian Beliefs To Grow Stronger Than All And For Our Family The Wilbanks Duncan Family To All Accept Jesus Christ As Their Savior And For All Of My Family To Pray For Andrew Ryan Duncan Wilbanks To Succeed And For All Of Us To Be Protected And For All Of You And For All Of The Persecuted Christians Worldwide And For All Of Living Father God Almighty Within All Of The Living Christian Andrew Ryan Duncan Wilbanks Within All Of The Resurrected Jesus Christ Within All Of The Living Father God Almighty Together With And Through And Within All Of Our Christian Family Members Worldwide To Successfully ,Effectively, Actively, Spiritually ,Supernaturally ,Psychologically ,Mentally ,Emotionally, Subconsciously, Unconsciously, Consciously ,Chemically ,Thoroughly, Completely ,Carefully, Safely, Overcome, Conquer, Exorcise, Intimidate ,Suppress ,Take Down ,Overpower, Stand Up Against ,Exorcise ,Convert, Take All Power From And Pray Against All Of All Aaron C Plumliegh And All Of Wesley A Houck And All Of Laura (Lori)Ann Atkins Wilbanks And All Of Kandace Marie Solorio Wilbanks And A
please remember me and my family in your prayers today , remember brother Bibleman and sister Gigi in your prayer and everyone else of the Prayer Warriors who pray for our needs , may the Lord bless you all
Lord Jesus you know the cries of our hearts and the petitions we have made even here. I continue to ask. Please grant soon breakthrough. I ask for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and all the specific situations and circumstances previously mentioned. Please grant help to all in need on here and everywhere, esp. salvation. Please confront A about her behavior and please stop this relationship and do not allow another child to be born that has to go through what K. has gone through and is going through. Please help and comfort K. (also with school work). Please heal M. And also uncle K. and please help me with job and emotions and spiritual growth (asking for a mentor who I can trust). Thank you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
I ask for prayer for my two adult sons, my eldest remove that anger and weed smoking spirit, my youngest for a full-time job to support him and his family. Introduce my sons to Godly influences that they will want to know more about Jesus. God bless
My prayer request is for me I'm a child of God all a lot of the programs that housing people through organizations you have to be an addict alcoholic all kinds of other things but I'm not 61 just trying all I need is a corner inside of a building or outside of the building yes just a corner just pray for a corner thank you
I desire the good of all mankind, waiting for the swallowing up of the dispensations of death, and the breaking forth of life upon them in the seasons thereof, according to the good pleasure of him whose gift life is, and whose are all the dispensations of it. And in that love, through the openings and drawings of life in me, have I writ what follows; not to upbraid or strike at any but to be an help unto such as the Lord shall please to make it serviceable to. Wait on the Lord, eye him, read in fear, praying to be touched by, and gathered into, that which gives the feeling of the weight of truth. Oh, that men's souls were awakened, that they might know what it is to perish from God, and what to be saved by him! The proper portion of man's soul is the fountain of eternal life; and he can never be happy (nor in true rest, peace, or joy) while separated from it. Let him who is not brutish in understanding, and whose soul is not wholly dead God-wards consider this.
the Principal refer to is the Grace of God, The Light.
The Lord told Israel in Ezekiel 36:27 he will put his spirit within them, and cause them to walk in his statutes, and they shall keep his judgments, and do them.
This is also what he does for us Gentiles. If we all agree Israel is saved "or is to be saved" the same way we are then the Holyspirit that directs their walk is the same that directs ours.
If we agree we all sin and no one can present themselves perfect but yet you can forfeit your salvation, What percentage of your sins you have to repent from to be saved?
What percentage of sins you have to commit before you lose your salvation?
Ephesians 2:4-6 says "But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
EVEN WHEN WE WERE DEAD IN SINS, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
( He made us alive WITH CHRIST)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
How long does that mercy last?
Does our imperfect nature forfeit God's mercy?
God's Commandments, statutes, and judgments are perfect!
The Holyspirit drives us to perform them perfectly.
However we stumble at the perfection in the Law and sin against it even in our imperfect minds.
Even the restraint from sin let's us know we are sinners in need of God's mercy.
Paul says, in Romans 7:24 "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
You can't do anything to gain salvation and you can't do anything to hold it.
If it's not the Holyspirit that is regenerating you then you are not saved even if you supposedly stopped sinning.
Salvation is a new life, one from above with a repentant heart.
Your walk testifies of this rebirth.
Salvation comes before Sanctification and Sanctification Is a continuing work of the Holyspirit.
Lord Jesus please fight our battles and give us the victory. Lord please grant healing, deliverance and most importantly salvation. I ask for strong protection and guidance. Change us, change our hearts and minds. Help us to live in a manner pleasing to you. I ask this for us and all in need. And Lord while I'm here on this retreat on my own please meet me here. I need you, I need to hear from you. Thank you Lord. I pray in your holy name. Amen.
As I was reading the words of God, this morning, Luke 13:24-28
Does this not speak to all who believe that there is no overcoming of sin in this present life
" they believe they ate & drink in His presence, & believed that " He taught in our streets".
Yet, the Lord plainly states; Luke 13:27
This reminds me of Matt 7:21,22
This reveals the utter deceitfulness of sin, that Satan has no lack of power to deceive 2Thess 2:9,10
He even has such power to call fire down from heaven. Rev 13:11-16 this is describing false Christianity, listen to what the Scriptures reveal, Rev 13:11 had an image like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. Teaching that one can be a Christian & know God & continue in sin for life, despite the testimony of Christ, John 8:24, 1John 3:6
Then we have Hebrews 10:26-29; the whole context of these Scriptures here is " sinning is past tense, over, done away with."
They pray, but they regard; Psalms 66:18; in light of the above Scriptures, who do you thing is answering their prayers?
Again, all power in all deceitfulness of unrighteousness, ,,,sin ! 2Timothy 3:5 Rev 18:4
Luke 11:33-36 the whole body be full of Light, "Christ" having no dark part, no darkness at all" Revealing "Consummation of Sanctification of the Spirit, obedience unto righteousness unto holiness, partaker's of the Divine Nature.
It also reveals, If one continue in sin for life, then it obvious that there's darkness within & Matt 6:23
Folks, I speak as one concern, I found that in life motions one can be caught up in doing this or that, the swiftness in which life is pasting by, & the world continually drawing us to it concerns, one doesn't stop & truly consider what Holy Spirit plainly states in the Scriptures or why they have not experience it,
Churches are teaching contrary to Scriptures, all are singing a lullaby; cause everybody else is doing it, some more some less, status quo, so it must be true? NOT ! 1Thessalonians 4:7
1Cor 15:34
in Love & Truth.
[Comment Removed]
Im in dire need of deep prayer for a roof over my head cuz Im bk in Utah my son kicked me out after taking the money I had saved to get car legal.! Great news tho, I have both my jobs backs yet wont get 1st check for 2-3 weeks. Plus, winters coming & though our winters are lite, A roof would be great.! Please, a daily prayer for that.! Can get meals at soup kitchen or daughters till then. Thanks to everyone that prayers.! God bless & be w/any & everyone in need..'Texsis'
I also ask for prayer that my mom's knee pain goes away completely, and she won't have to use her knee brace. Thank you again, and may God bless you!
I have been struggling for quite a while with this inner dialogue, that seems not my own and tries to override my own logic even when confronting myself with discernment and truth. I'm also being tormented daily in my sleep wether it being manipulated dreams, visions, night mares or sleep paralysis, although I pray every day for protection against it. I could be doing something wrong in prayer. Also I am healing very slow in comparison to some years ago, while I didn't take any of those mRNA vaccines, it seems my health isn't improving much. All in all I am still grateful for what our Heavenly Father gave me, but I feel like my prayers are not being answered and need some help, while I am heading towards a pivot point in my life, where sometimes I feel I could be losing the battle. If you have time, please ask our Heavenly Father to purify me from all unclean spirits and protect me from any future attacks, so that I can start the work (again) that our God the Father has set out for me to do.
Thank you in advance dear people, may our Heavenly Father bless you with his grace, Amen!
With kind regards,
Ronald Lemmers
The Netherlands
I desire the good of all mankind, waiting for the swallowing up of the dispensations of death, and the breaking forth of life upon them in the seasons thereof, according to the good pleasure of him whose gift life is, and whose are all the dispensations of it. And in that love, through the openings and drawings of life in me, have I writ what follows; not to upbraid or strike at any but to be an help unto such as the Lord shall please to make it serviceable to. Wait on the Lord, eye him, read in fear, praying to be touched by, and gathered into, that which gives the feeling of the weight of truth. Oh, that men's souls were awakened, that they might know what it is to perish from God, and what to be saved by him! The proper portion of man's soul is the fountain of eternal life; and he can never be happy (nor in true rest, peace, or joy) while separated from it. Let him who is not brutish in understanding, and whose soul is not wholly dead God-wards consider this.
the Principal refer to is the Grace of God, The Light.
The Lord told Israel in Ezekiel 36:27 he will put his spirit within them, and cause them to walk in his statutes, and they shall keep his judgments, and do them.
This is also what he does for us Gentiles. If we all agree Israel is saved "or is to be saved" the same way we are then the Holyspirit that directs their walk is the same that directs ours.
If we agree we all sin and no one can present themselves perfect but yet you can forfeit your salvation, What percentage of your sins you have to repent from to be saved?
What percentage of sins you have to commit before you lose your salvation?
Ephesians 2:4-6 says "But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
EVEN WHEN WE WERE DEAD IN SINS, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
( He made us alive WITH CHRIST)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
How long does that mercy last?
Does our imperfect nature forfeit God's mercy?
God's Commandments, statutes, and judgments are perfect!
The Holyspirit drives us to perform them perfectly.
However we stumble at the perfection in the Law and sin against it even in our imperfect minds.
Even the restraint from sin let's us know we are sinners in need of God's mercy.
Paul says, in Romans 7:24 "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
You can't do anything to gain salvation and you can't do anything to hold it.
If it's not the Holyspirit that is regenerating you then you are not saved even if you supposedly stopped sinning.
Salvation is a new life, one from above with a repentant heart.
Your walk testifies of this rebirth.
Salvation comes before Sanctification and Sanctification Is a continuing work of the Holyspirit.
God bless.
Thank you for your prayers!