Prayer Requests PAGE 57

  • Cc12 - 11 months ago
    Please pray for my family and I for I am dealing with spiritual warfare and financial distress. My enemies are trying to put to take me away like the brothers did Joseph. Please pray for me I know the bible say pray for your enemies and bless them. But it is to hard for me to do my angry get the best of me. I am a passive person I don't like confrontation. What shall I do and my financials are not ok. I'm running behind on my Bill's and trying to get my disability. Please pray for my family and I to have victory over my enemies and get my disability.
  • Diane - 11 months ago
    Pray that I will be blessed with high paying job also with housing,pray for safety where ever I be.
  • Wanda Rodriguez - 11 months ago
    I am asking prayers for me and my husband and family. God knows all that is going on, I am asking God to speak peace in the storms of life we are in. Our Savior knows all. Please help me pray.
  • RicoUS - 11 months ago
    Asking for extra strong protection, intervention, encouragement, strength, peace, joy, more love and breakthrough for us and all in need.
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please remember my daughters and their families today in your prayers please pray for me
  • Jocelyn - 11 months ago
    I just need a night,eating,morning,repent,forgiveness,basically everything prayer please and God bless you! I'm also a beginner so please tell me everything I shall know please.
  • Shelly Johnson - 11 months ago
    Please pray for my brother, Philip James, who has endured significant physical and mental abuse throughout his life. He has struggled with drug addiction as a way to cope with the pain he has experienced. Although he was raised in a church by our parents, many people harbor ill wishes towards him that he will never get better.. Despite his belief that everyone has given up on him, I have faith that Jesus Christ still loves his children. I kindly request your prayers for God to intervene in his life, surrounding him with positive influences and guiding him towards a positive transformation and repent and come back to God.
  • John - 11 months ago
    Please pray for me John
  • Jaz - 11 months ago
    Dear Heavenly Father

    Great God Almighty

    Thank you for this past day and all the wonderful loving kindness you have shown me today and throughout all the past days of my life

    Thank you for not rewarding me in accordance with all of my sinfulness which is as an open book to you

    Please Great God Almighty may Your Kingdom fill this your earth ever so soon

    When it is Your Will

    Untill those very best days are upon us all please continue if it is Your Will to show all flesh Your wonderful loving kindness tender mercies and generous blessings every day

    Please continue if it is Your Will to take pity upon all flesh and remember our weakness our stupidity our shortsightedness our fearfulness and our insecurities

    Please Dear Heavenly Father see our pain and misery and need for You and Your Son and Your Kingdom to be upon this Your earth and upon us all very soon when it is Your Will

    Please heal all flesh and turn the hearts of us all to You and Your Son and make us all all Yours forever ever so soon when it is Your Will

    Please take pity on all the creatures that we have tamed and domesticated and then neglected and abused and treated unkindly and coldly and cruelly and ease their suffering at our hands if it is Your Will

    Please bring an end to all this pain and misery when it is Your Will

    Please give me the strength and courage and determination to live tomorrow as best as I can in a way that is acceptable to You and please don't allow my emotions to overwhelm me and lead me into being irrational and foolish if it is Your Will

    Thank you so much for providing for all of my daily needs in abundance and thank you for sustaining me and enabling me to do all those things that I think I need to do every day

    Please continue to do so if it is Your Will

    May Your Righteous Will be done through Jesus Christ my sinless Redeemer I offer this prayer to You my God my Creator my Sustainer my Peace my Strength my Dear Heavenly Father

    Amen .
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please pray for my daughters and their young families, please pray for me
  • David - 11 months ago
    Please remember my daughters and their young families in your prayers please pray for me
  • M.A.G - 11 months ago
    Please pray for my husband to truely forgive those he is holding on to hurt from. Please pray that he will break free of that so he can move forward and heal. Thank you!
  • Sally - 11 months ago
    Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol drugs gambling LORD restore my marriage remove his stoney heart he'd not neglect the marriage no more thank you
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please pray for my daughters and their families today please pray for me
  • Grey Mkwanda - 11 months ago
    pray for me for break throughs in finances and spiritual growth and trasformation including increase in faith
  • Zachary S. - 11 months ago
    Please pray for my family that their hearts be softened so that they can be saved from God's wrath and that we can be a true family in Jesus Christ.
  • E. - 11 months ago
    Asking for strong protection, intervention and breakthrough for us and all in need. Thank you.
  • Precious - 11 months ago
    i want to know God

    to hear His audible voice

    for God, to answer a question I asked Him about yesterday night

    to walk with God ever moment of my life, talk to Him all the time, for Him to fill me up that i overflow

    For Him to use me with anything He wants

    for Him to provide( financially, in class to give me knowledge, wisdom, and understanding)
  • Destiny Sandoval - 11 months ago
    I want to be renewed and have a better relationship with God, I want to continue being guided in the right direction. I want healing in my heart and courage to have faith to trust in Gods next move in my life. I pray for everyone, even my enemy's.
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please remember my daughters and their young families in your prayers today, please remember me in your prayers.
  • Anna. - 11 months ago
    Thank YouLord Jesus. You understand how loss affects us.

    Help us to move on into all You have ordained

    for us to walk in. Thankful for all the good from the past. And unhindered by what hurt us. We lay it down.

    Thank You for preparing us. How Mighty You Are.

    Thank You for all the testimonies to come.

    All by Your grace. All for Your glory. Alleluia. Amen!

    Psalm 126, Eph 3:20-21.
  • Julie Patricia Castel - 11 months ago
    My most urgent prayer requests is for my husband JARRIN desperately seeking God's powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance healing hands upon my husband JARRIN for lots of blessings healing fortune peace of mind , closer relationship together with God , seeking for my husband JARRIN for good health mind body and soul completely with lots of grace and mercy seeking for God to open completely wide all of my husband JARRIN blessings deliverance doors for my husband to be completely financially wealthy and financially stable for God to completely walk together with my husband JARRIN with God's protections for God to permanently blessed and covered my husband JARRIN under the shadows of God's powerful wings seeking for God to completely guide my husband JARRIN and sending my husband JARRIN powerful almighty miracle angels to walked with my husband JARRIN and guide my husband with a clean positive pathway with lots of blessings miracles deliverance healing Prosperity into my husband JARRIN life journey and future seeking for God to help my husband throughout his pathways his journeys to blessed my husband JARRIN with all of his heart desires his dreams coming true and seeking for God to rebuked and removed completely all of my husband JARRIN back pain leg pain his entire body pains and send them all back to where they come from and blessed my husband at his job and his way coming home giving my husband strength everyday for God to take full control over my husband JARRIN entire health life journey and future
  • Julie Patricia Castel - 11 months ago
    I'm bring my petition prayer requests for God's powerful MIRACLES BREAKTHROUGH deliverance hands I'm going through difficult being approved for a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT BUILDINGS for my daughter and I because I have CITYFHEPS VOUCHER PROGRAM and I have been looking for a Vacancy a broker agent who accept cityfeps vouchers programs to start helping me actually finding a VACANCY to moved into IMMEDIATELY ASAP THE SOONER THE BETTER RIGHT AWAY with my daughter I need powerful MIRACLES BREAKTHROUGH deliverance prayers for god to permanently place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a brand new apartment buildings I'm desperately seeking miracles deliverance to finally come my way a great location for my daughter and I to moved into without any complications interpretation with my keys in my hands desperately seeking for God to place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon the right REALTORS AGENTS,LANDLORD who accept cityfeps vouchers programs I'm desperately seeking God's hands to work his MIRACLES BREAKTHROUGH deliverance for me for me to finally have a place to call home for me and my daughter for god to take full control over my apartment journey for god to moved me into a place a two bedroom apartment buildings for god to send my angels to work they miracles for me
  • Julie Patricia Castel - 11 months ago
    I'm desperately seeking for God's powerful MIRACLE BLESSINGS DELIVERANCE to CONCIVED my husband jarrin and I first new miracle blessings child together we are both desperately seeking PRAYING FOR AN INFERTILITY MIRACLE to finally be PREGNANT (HEALTHY SUCCESSFUL PREGNANCY my husband and I are both desperately seeking God's powerful miracle blessings healing hands upon my WOMB to blessed me to carry a full term nine month healthy successful growing baby inside my stomach and give birth to a successful healthy baby a safe delivery my husband and I are desperately seeking for a POSITIVE TEST RESULTS on the pregnancy test my husband JARRIN and I are desperately desperately seeking to be blessed with our MIRACLE BLESSINGS CHILD in God's holy Image for god to take full control over our pregnancy journey together has husband and wife to finally be blessed with our MIRACLE BLESSINGS GOOD NEWS
  • Christopher - 11 months ago
    I'm going through a hard time, I lost 2 best friends and I'm getting abused by my mother. I really need a prayer right now.
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Ashton - 11 months ago
    I hyperextended my knee and I am writing a prayer request for my knee to heal soon.
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please remember my daughters and their young families in your prayers today please remember me
  • Sydney - 11 months ago
    I want to be a good witness while I'm in college.
  • E. - 11 months ago
    Lord Jesus I ask for strong protection for my family and I, esp. the little one (I plead the blood of Jesus over us and ask for a wall of Holy Spirit fire around each of us and your mighty warrior angels to surround us according to Ps 91, Ps. 34:7, Zech. 2:5, Isaiah 54:17, Isaiah 59:19, Ps3:3, 2 Thess. 3:2-3, Jeremiah 15:20-21) and I ask for salvation (Your arm is not too short to save Lord. Please save now. Thank you., Jer. 17:14), deliverance, healing (Is 53:5, Jer. 30:17). Stop A. and P. please (at least until they are saved and healed) and do not allow another child to be born and suffer as much as K. Help all who are weary and want to give up. Send encouragement and strength to them and us. Thank you.

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