Prayer Requests PAGE 52

  • Jason Brimm - 10 months ago
    Going through a difficult time and potentially facing devastating financial hardships. Exhausted my resources and don't know what to do. Need prayers please.
  • Johnny - 10 months ago
    I'm praying for reconciliation with my son's. I wasn't the best father I could have been.
  • John ray - 10 months ago
    I can use prayer I've been taking the wide road I stop praying I lost my faith I don't take up my cross anymore I don't love the Lord with all my heart soul mine is strength anymore I'm too far in the why road now do I tell people about what I just told you yeah do I tell there's two places yeah I guess I don't care anymore I lost the edge I think it started when I couldn't forgive certain people and I won't that's where I grew I have too much anger now I know a 19-year-old it's in the army he's having a hard time right now his name is Christopher Johns pray for his health
  • Gwyenette wright - 10 months ago
    Most holy i thank you 1st for another day of your grace and favor and mercies.i come lifting up to you my family. an continue to make my home a center of christisn light an love cover my grandson in school.watchower my only granddaughter and if you will master bless my two sons with good said in your word that if a man doesn't work he can't eat so please lord do that for me. bless all my friends and love ones neighborhood.i bless you dear god and i lift you up because of who you are, in jesus name i humbly do pray amen
  • David Allen - 10 months ago
    Please pray for me and my family
  • Florence A - 10 months ago
    Please keep my family and I in your prayers. That we will draw near to God and he will draw near to us. As the children go back to school, please pray for God watch over them.
  • Anna - 10 months ago
    Thank You Lord Jesus for how You are helping Jackie.

    Let there be a Testimony. By Your grace.

    For Your glory. Alleluia. Amen.
  • Sirmichael jeff woolfolk - 10 months ago
    Heavenly father, take out all the laziness,fear, bad things and energy from everyone an me. I pray that everyone is having the best day of their life.I pray thateveryone follows your path and seek and look up to you. In Jesus name. Amen
  • Gail Coney - 10 months ago
    Please pray for my husband's health. Pray for me that I keep getting close to the Lord.

    Pray for me that I can tell people about Lord Jesus
  • ELDER LEE FIELDS - 10 months ago
    Please pray and interceed for my wife Gloria. She is due in court this evening for a court summons concerning traffic and vehicle. She is very much in need of GOD'S GRACE and HIGH FAVOR in and upon her, as well as in the court room itself . We are believing in HIM who spoke these words of truth and power found in Luke 18:1-6 .Believe with us saints and people of our GREAT GOD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST !
  • Please pray for me, I had a stroke and this stroke affected my left side arm, le - 10 months ago
    Yes I believe in Christ almighty that he is the one and only one that can heal my body from this dirty little stroke that I had that affected my left side my leg, arm,fingers and toes all on my leftside I can't move none of those body parts on my leftside, went to therapy and that doesn't help that's why I believe that GOD is the only one who can heal this body of mines because he made this body and he knows what to do for it please pray for me.Thanking you in Jesus name.
  • Jennifer S - 10 months ago
    For the Lord to send me the $9,000 I need by tonight, to keep from losing my home and to keep me from being locked out of my home!!!! I have been praying about this for 3 weeks now and it seems as though The Lord is not listening to me! Also please pray for my uncle Richard who is supposed to have Gallbladder surgery tomorrow morning May 1, 2024! Also my oldest Brother Joe who is supposed to have a mass in his colon surgically removed on the 17 th of May really be praying that it is NOT COLON CANCER PLEASE!! And also be praying for my parents to have safe traveling mercies with no more tires blowing out on them please!!! Thank you!!
  • Stephanie V - 10 months ago
    Please pray that my health is fully restored. I know that God is in control, and where two or three are gathered, there He is in the midst of them! I really appreciate your prayers. May God bless you!
  • Atlene - 10 months ago
    Please pray for my husband. Back surgery tomorrow- Wednesday May 1st.

    And for me, to walk in the Spirit, to trust all Gods Word, to Rest in Lord Jesus Presence.

    Thank you.
  • Rachel - 10 months ago
    Please pray for my grandsons. They are taking test today in their respective colleges. For finals that are taking place today.
  • David Allen - 10 months ago
    Please pray for me and my family , please pray for my coworker Kenya she is in the hospital
  • SJ - 10 months ago
    Jobs for family

    Plz pray for me life stagnant since I can remember.

    Indeed of job and everything else.

    I'm doing God's work but my life looks like a big joke.

    Been delivered counselling so much but nothing moves.

    I have a narc mom life struggling with her 30+ yrs

    My family is truly cursed nothing moves in our lives no one reached their goals and dreams.

    I prayed for any or everything daily,deliver ppl pray for them answered prayers sometimes immediately.

    I feel like just giving up hope.



  • Charlotte Buycks - 10 months ago
    I need prayer someone is throwing rocks at my house at night and keep me up all night , can't sleep and I feel they trying to harm me. What prayer do I pray bout ? For this to pass and keep me from harm
  • Paul Ross - 10 months ago
    I 'd very much appreciate your prayers for a total restoration in health and healing. mal.3;2 says, but unto you who fear my name, shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and

    you shall go out and grow fat like stall fed calves. i'm in a wheelchair, and have been since the age of 14, i'm now 70, and being in a chair is really agonizing, it's really fustratingm, to say the least. the bible says, that if any two of you would agree on earth as touching anything that you should ask, it would be done for them of my father which is in heaven. psalm 103. bless the lord, o my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. please,, i desperately need your prayers. i'd also appreciate your prayers for my sister, she too

    is pretty much in the same situation. her name is debra.

    thank you;

    god bless'
  • E. - 10 months ago
    Lord please deliver us from all this dysfunction and please remove this blockage from us, this heavy oppression of the enemy. Please restore the years the locusts have eaten. Please help us to live life in a manner pleasing to you. Asking for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved) and your power to work in and around us. May people see you in us, may they realize a big change and may you receive all the glory. Asking for us and all others in need. Thank you Lord. Please send encouragement and strength too. Thank you again.
  • Atlene - 10 months ago
    Pray for Tommie. He needs amazing grace, & godly sorrow that brings repentance without regret, In Lord Jesus.

    Thank you
  • Jerry jacob apprey - 10 months ago
    please pray for my Business to flourish and Gods protections upon my life and my families

    and also i commit my children into the hand of god let me and them don't lack anything in our life.
  • David Allen - 10 months ago
    Please pray for me and my family
  • Roberta - 10 months ago
    I would like prayer for unspoken struggles

    I do love Jesus n so want to be obedient in all things Two bad habits. Haven't been to church long while. Watch on phone. I don't want to be left behind Please pray
  • David - 10 months ago
    Please pray for me and my family , pray for my daughter Jessica and her young family , please pray for a co worker Kenya who has been so sick pray she gets better
  • Joy MK - 10 months ago
    In your prayers please ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive me and to soften my heart and mind and to help me experience HIS AMAZING GRACE and to put my name in the book of life. to not only bless me but to bless everyone and to forgive everyone of their sins so that they to may experience God's love and mercy
  • David Allen - 10 months ago
    Please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Bryan h ingram - 10 months ago
    god bless all my enemy and the who don't like me

    may god give so much blessing and favor

    god bless all kids

    god bless all elder people

    god bless all religion faith

    god bless everybody bosses may everybody

    have so much favor with their bosses all the time

    god bless everybody family

    god bless everybody friends

    god bless all christianity

    god bless all lds mormon

    god bless all house

    god bless everybody neighbor

    god bless all jehovah's witnesses

    god bless all churches

    god bless all pastors and churches leader

    god bless all plants

    god all kinds of foods

    god all pets and animals

    god bless all neighborhood

    god bless everybody jobs

    god bless all parks

    god bless this whole amazing world

    god bless all places of worships

    god bless all power line and Electrical grid so nobody

    will never be with out power again

    god all school
  • Troy kinsey - 10 months ago
    my wife Penny has had 4 back surgeries in 2 years and is still struggling please pray with us and for us about her COMPLETE HEALING over all this . thank you and GOD BLESS
  • Bryanna - 10 months ago
    I have been struggling to let the lord in and live a godly life. When I do I know that he's there with me but everyday catches up to me and the wages of sun overcome me time and time again I would like to be closer connected to god and Jesus Christ and let them into my heart.

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