Prayer Requests PAGE 27

  • Sylvain Dorais - 5 months ago
    Right now, I'm experiencing injustice. I broke my elbow at work. Then it turned into ulnar neuropathy.However, this type of disease cannot be detected by scanner, X-ray or magnetic reasoning.It is detectable at 65% on the electromyogram. I still have the other test, the ultrasound. Now I was on work accident insurance while waiting for an operation.The agent in charge went over the law, called and spoke to my doctor and made him fill out a consolidation paper, without him examining me and without warning me, making me sign an authorization.What tells me that she (the agent) acted dishonestly is that I had already started the process of contesting with my lawyer, since she had refused before and the revision too. Since I have proof, and since I was going to have another test, she hurried to have my file closed.

    Now I have no income, my wife is sick and works part time. Me with my crippled arm I will have difficulty finding work.

    The Day and night I have pain. It's worse at night, it's like a big abscess in a tooth. It burns and my little finger and the other one next to it are numb. I would like someone to pray for me. Two things:1 to be healed 2 to obtain justice. Have one or the other or both. Please pray for me. If it is his will.

    God bless you.Amen.
  • Mecca - 5 months ago
    Prayer for My family and friends

    The ones who are battling with addiction.

    Give us strength and show us the way lord.

    Healing my heart, my mind, and the way I use my words , to not be so angry , I can't do it on my own I need Jesus ,
  • Christian - 5 months ago
    Prayer for protectin from all attacks of the enemy for me and all of my family members and loved ones in Lord Jesus Christ Name, and I connect this to all who connects for them as individuals and their loved ones and family members and I ask that you all pray as led by the Holy Ghost in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all for being consistent in prayers and praying as led.
  • David Allen - 5 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their families today please pray for my daughter Jessica she is traveling this weekend pray she has a safe trip , please pray for my mother
  • Latonyad - 5 months ago
    This is the day that the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be glad in it. I want to send a prayer up for two family members that are in the hospital in the ICU . I pray that God is amongst them and if it so that they be healed in Jesus name. If he did it for me he can do it for others. I pray that they have accepted the Lord Jesus as they Savior in Jesus name I pray. Thank you prayer warriors for doing what y'all do may God bless you.
  • Jennifer Herrera - 5 months ago
    Tomorrow my husband, Joseph, goes in for gall bladder surgery. He also has heart condition and a cage around his spine. Pray for my dear husband and give him the strength of St. Jerome to heal himself with Jesus' help.

    In God's name we pray.

    Jennifer Herrera
  • Justin mcswain - 5 months ago
    my mirage is crashing it my fault and i need prayer i fall in to porn i know this is not good

    thank you.
  • E. - 5 months ago
    I continue to ask for extra strong protection and breakthrough (esp. salvation of unsaved loved ones, deliverance, healing and infilling with the Holy Spirit) for us and all in need. Thank you.
  • Jackson - 5 months ago
    I want to learn this program as quickly as possible. I want to do the best that I can on ACE.
  • Anna - 5 months ago
    Psalm 119:105: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,

    and a light unto my path.
  • Wanda MC-Dougal - 5 months ago
    Souls may be saved for GOD to get all the glory."
  • Wanda MC-Dougal - 5 months ago
    Apostle Charles E. and Felecia Waters the third. Also, Explosion Ministries International. Souls may be saved for GOD to get all the glory.
  • Christian - 5 months ago
    Prayer for a Blessed day and that The LORD will Bless me to meet and date my future spouse in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. I ask that we meet and it works out very well and I will not be hindered in talking to her but I will be confident and able to get her number and it works out well in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Prayer that my family I pray for daily and often have a very good day including me and my loved ones and everyone who connects and their loved ones they have on their hearts in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all for your prayers and your willingness to pray and intercied for me and my loved ones.
  • David Allen - 5 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families today in your prayers Jessica is traveling this weekend please pray she has safe travels
  • Joseph T - 5 months ago
    Please keep My youngest daughter, (age 25), in PRAYER. She is in college, majoring in child psychology, and dealing with the worst spirit ever. DEPRESSION.

    Thank You!

    In Christ,

    Joseph, T
  • Jenn - 5 months ago
    In Jesus name I ask for an URGENT prayer request: I was verbally offered a job yesterday (I am in desperate need, I passed on two other interviews to accept this job.) It now seems there is some glitch with my application with human resources. Please pray that this job offer stands Please pray for me, AMEN.
  • Mrs. J - 5 months ago
    Me and my family are going through alot and need prayers. God knows all about it. Thank you and God bless you all
  • Joe - 5 months ago
    There's an area of my life that I've needed to receive Jesus' forgiveness and healing in, but have had a hard time accepting it. Please pray as you're led. Thank you.
  • Martha Ann - 5 months ago
    My son, age 47, will have nothing to do with me. He will not take to me at all and I do not know what I have done or not done that keeps him away from me. Please pray that he and his 2 girls will come to know Jesus. I would love to talk with them, but I am more interested in them knowing Jesus. There are young men his age that are willing to visit him. Thank you, Martha Ann
  • Joss - 5 months ago
    Pray for my jobs. Pray for my children and family.
  • Christian - 5 months ago
    Prayer for a breakthough in job employment and that the LORD will provide for me to get get a job soon or that I do not lose my current job in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. I ask for The LORD's covering over me and all of my family members that I pray for often and loved ones in Lord Jesus Christ Name and I connect this to all who connects in their personnal situations in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you.
  • David Allen - 5 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their families please pray I do good at my job
  • Troy - 5 months ago
    I need protection and restoration for my children & me.
  • Christian - 5 months ago
    Prayer for a Blessed protected day for me and my family members and loved ones, I ask that we all have a Blessed week and that our work day will feel smooth without any hinderances and that The LORD will help us have peace in all the areas we are dealing with and that He will make a way out of no way for all of us and I connect this to all who comes into agreement and I connect this to all of your family members you have on your hearts and I give all Glory Honor and Prays to The Most High God in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
  • Adrian - 5 months ago
    I pray that Ardur Dostiarov scores a goal in todays match.
  • David Allen - 5 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families in your prayers today
  • KathyP - 5 months ago
    can you please pray for David my brother-in-law and my family were sick
  • RUben - 5 months ago
    Please pray for my return to The LORD. Please pray that He softens my heart towards Him in humility, repentance and faith. Please pray for healing for my backsliding and body. Please pray The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through. Please pray that He protects me and delivers me from the devil and my enemies. Please pray for my deliverance from any bondages and strongholds and for The LORD to provide for all of my needs. Thank you.
  • Natasha - 5 months ago
    Please please pray that God has mercy on me and help me. Please also pray that God sends me a husband.
  • E. - 5 months ago
    Lord Jesus I continue to ask for strong protection for my family and I, esp. the little one (I plead the blood of Jesus over us and ask for a wall of Holy Spirit fire around each of us and your mighty warrior angels to surround us according to Ps 91, Ps. 34:7, Zech. 2:5, Isaiah 54:17, Isaiah 59:19, Ps3:3, 2 Thess. 3:2-3, Jeremiah 15:20-21) and I ask for salvation, deliverance, healing and an outpouring of your Spirit. Asking for us and all in need. Please bless B. and F.

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