Prayer for God to continue to protect, bless, prosper, heal, deliver, lead, guide, guard, anoint, provide, favor and place His hedge of protection around me and my children and grandchildren, our homes, jobs, cars, health, lives, finances, and all our possessions we own, peace at my job, protecting us all from all hurt, harm and danger, seen and unseen and evil wicked plans and plots, prayer for God's promising protection protecting us and blessing us with Tithing promises. Prayer for a right now blessing and to move to a good neighborhood, and to be able to buy a home asap to move this month in Jesus Christ Name. Prayer for my brother Chris to stop smoking drugs in the house or outside the room where I sleeps. Gods protection for me and my children and grandchildren and for a right now blessing to move asap and have favor with landlord and neighbors in a good home so I can live in peace where I live.
Please continue to pray for my ex wife Gabby. Pray for me as I have struggled with my own person demons. Pray for Gabby that she realizes how evil her mom is and controlling. She is scared and afraid and also deathly afraid of her mother. Her mother Stacy controls her every move. Pray God delivers her. Pray God leads her back to me. In the most unusual way. God makes the impossible-Possible. Praise God almighty!!!!
Please pray 4 me and my marriage. I've really messed things up and now my marriage is a mess. There is no communication and we no longer sleep together. I've repented and have asked for forgiveness. Please pray that God would turn things around
The discussion of the rapture and its timing has been preached since about 373AD. Ephraem the Syrian was a great Christian saint. He was a Deacon and a Bishop. He wrote extensively in the early Church. He wrote a book on the "Antichrist and the End of the World" in 373 AD; in which he clearly states that the Lord will descend from Heaven and will take us to be with Himself so that we might escape the confusion that overtakes the whole world. This is a clear Pre-Tribulation Rapture statement made fifteen centuries before most people thought it was ever discussed. The idea that the rapture is a new idea or concept in the church is not true.
Our real discussion should be to be faithful, and pray for the saints to be obedient unto the Lord and make disciples as Matthew 28: 18-20 tells to us to do. Let us also pray for our President Biden to call on the Lord Christ Jesus for wisdom and courage in the midst of our nations woes - COVID 19, inflation, economy, the southern border, food shortages, crime, etc. Pray also for the leaders of other countries to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.
1 Timothy 2: 1-4
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
The Lord bless and keep all who are on this forum; and that His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you and yours.
Oh, Lord God of All, how I have wondered as I go to sleep at night, will you come for me tonight? Sometimes I feel that it would be easier to be gone from this evil world! No peace, happiness, trust, love, or anything good is really here for me anymore! But I don't believe that You are ready, or I'm not ready to leave this world just yet! I pray to you, my Lord to strengthen me in the struggles that I'm going through!!! Look at the struggles You had gone through!!! Persecution, hatred, called a liar and a phony!!! My troubles are so small! I'm am sorry for ever sinning against my family and most of all You!!! Have mercy on my soul, oh Lord Jesus for I'm a failure especially with the man I say I love, but I do love him!! What would I do without him and You!!! I'd be lost!!! Thank you for Your everlasting love for me and my family, Stephen, Samson and Tutti Man!!! Time to dream of You and the Heavens above!!!! May I be worthy!!! Amen!
I would like to ask for prayer concerning these headaches i have been having for going on three weeks. They are being stubborn and are difficult to make go away. After my "little" T.I.A. (ministroke) last week, I am not sure if these headaches are related. I have an appointment with a dr. in a week or so. But I would really like to be done with these headaches. So I appreciate your prayers for me.
I previously requested prayer for T. Thank you for all who prayed. May the Lord bless you. She's out of surgery. A lot was removed. They found C. Please pray that they got it all. She's my sister. Thank you.
Please pray for her thatThe Holy Spirit would comfort her and speak life into her. That He would give her peace. And that she would be truly saved, healed, and delivered.
The Lord be magnified! His mercy endureth forever! Thank you Jesus.
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, be interested, ask, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us!! Help us not to put ourselves LDS, never F or M, us E/E, to harden, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Submit to us, heal the co!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your word (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, V, LS, Q, M, F, A, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, E, A, AD, J, A, M, B, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, B, N, I, T, SL, J, C, GP, others, T, Y, T, D, P, A, E79, SS, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, R, PE, D, B, Mika, E Monte, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, F, CL, E, CNED, A, D, G, L, management, university, employers, EP, L, C , B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, C, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptistes, GP, G/I /V, C...), heal us, help us with fear!! Help us with EDA, TV, C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write mail, QTLPT, always give us TP, PET, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A, your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, depressions, gout, pains, sufferings, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us with worldliness and
I have a prayer request my family needs god and our daughter needs help she has mental problem and treat us bad please pray for that problem our family will be close
My heart is heavy tonight knowing that there are so many children without a voice that are living in fear, abuse, and sadness. I pray that the Lord would step in and fight for these children that we don't see. That Angels would minister to their little hearts and help them to find joy and heal them. I pray that the Angel of the Lord will protect them from their abusers. Lord intervene and expose tonight please You know You see everything! Heal families Father.
Their Angels always behold the face of the Father.
As a saint of the Lord Jesus Christ I must recognize the current state of affairs our country and the world is in. I must be praying for the leadership of our country, President Biden as well as the leadership of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran. We have a Powerful and all wise God.
We need to trust in Him and His promises. As Saints we have a guaranteed home in eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately the unsaved is guaranteed eternity without Christ Jesus in the Lake of Fire.
May we be not willing that anyone perish without the Lord God. 2 Peter 3:9
Please consider my Nanma Margaret in your prayers who is now in palliative care. Please pray for the flood waters to go down quickly so we can go see her. Please pray that God grants her more time, and that she cries out to God for forgiveness and salvation in Christ.
Please also pray for my mother, who is being so brave and looking after Nanma's affairs, and contacting family.
Thank you for considering us. May God bless you all.
The child I have prayed for now has an unwelcomed diagnosis. Please help me lift up Justin in prayer so a miracle can be wrought in his little life and he will amaze everyone who witnessed the impairments he is experiencing.
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us!! Help us not to put ourselves under yokes, never to smoke or lie, to be tough, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Submit to us!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your word (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, neighbors, neighborhoods, M, family, friends, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, A, AD, J, A, M, B, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, B, N, I, T, SL, J, others, T, Y, T, D, P, authorities, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, Rachel, D, B, Mika, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, France, E, CNED, A, D, G, L, directions, university, employers, EP, L, C, B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, C, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptistes, GP, G/I/V, C...), heal us, help us with fear !! Help us with the C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write a letter, always give us your P, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A, your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, depressions, gout, pains, sufferings, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us with worldliness and adultery!! Help the g
Please pray for T. who is having her first surgery ever this morning. She's scared. Pray that the Lord would do a miraculous work in her heart, mind, and soul through this.
Lord let her feel the Holy Spirit comforting her and being in control throughout this entire surgery process and that she would forsake all other spiritual practices. And desire to nurture her relationship with You alone. Forsaking all other gods. Show her the truth that she may have salvation and eternal life. Touch her physical body, relieve her pain, calm her spirit and fears. Please Lord. In Jesus name.
Suicide unworthy thoughts need to strat again but fear unsure lack energy just totally lost there saying thick skull brain dead totally out of it just sleep eat life is blurry called whore stupid dumb had men didn't last now I'm lost not sure where to go and strat say I talk to much very angry at the man who said all this of my past cause it really hurt and now feel like suicide not sure where to go alone I have to strat but I lost my convince to go in public shame fear people are looking at my bumd between my legs say that's all she knows she would be married she's stupid see though her ears god only you can help heal me and take me out here lordinsre where. To go
Dear Lord Jesus, How destructive this world has turned into!!! How people have turned against each other over color, money, power, murders, false religion, filth, 3 genders?! The book of Enoch (which was taken out of the bible) for the devil's evil doings tells all about how IT went against the Lord for ITS own deceitful intensions, fooling million of angels to follow IT!!! Enoch says their will be no forgiveness for them!!!!! I pray that the Lord will have mercy on me for I don't always do what is right in His sight!!!! For I am a sinner, still sinning and the Lord has every right to put that rod to my back and put me back on that narrow road for narrow is His way and the broad road leads to destruction!!!! Lord, please watch over my family, keep us in your hand always, for You and Your words are true and faithful, my God of the universe!!! My family and I will sleep in the dust waiting for Your return, 1st time to die, 2nd time to reign!!!!! Amen!! Selah!!!!
Lord God Almighty, I pray that You would put it on the hearts of Your people to pray and fast for Russia/Ukraine. Save lost souls everywhere, all around the globe, make provision for the refugees. Help us to understand Bible prophecy is happening now. Please help us to lead souls to You. In Jesus name Amen
Please pray for Margaret, my grandmother. She is very sick in the hospital and we can't travel to see her due to flood waters, and also heavy covid restrictions. I've loved my time with my Nanma, and she is very dear to me. Please pray for her healing, and also that Jesus will draw her close to Him that she might have salvation in Christ Jesus. God bless you for your prayers. Blessed be the name of our Lord God, Lord Jesus, forever. Amen. I'll now spend some time in prayer for others on this list also. Peace be with you all.
Our real discussion should be to be faithful, and pray for the saints to be obedient unto the Lord and make disciples as Matthew 28: 18-20 tells to us to do. Let us also pray for our President Biden to call on the Lord Christ Jesus for wisdom and courage in the midst of our nations woes - COVID 19, inflation, economy, the southern border, food shortages, crime, etc. Pray also for the leaders of other countries to be saved in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.
1 Timothy 2: 1-4
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
The Lord bless and keep all who are on this forum; and that His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you and yours.
March 2, 2022
I would like to ask for prayer concerning these headaches i have been having for going on three weeks. They are being stubborn and are difficult to make go away. After my "little" T.I.A. (ministroke) last week, I am not sure if these headaches are related. I have an appointment with a dr. in a week or so. But I would really like to be done with these headaches. So I appreciate your prayers for me.
Please pray for her thatThe Holy Spirit would comfort her and speak life into her. That He would give her peace. And that she would be truly saved, healed, and delivered.
The Lord be magnified! His mercy endureth forever! Thank you Jesus.
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, be interested, ask, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us!! Help us not to put ourselves LDS, never F or M, us E/E, to harden, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Submit to us, heal the co!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your word (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, V, LS, Q, M, F, A, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, E, A, AD, J, A, M, B, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, B, N, I, T, SL, J, C, GP, others, T, Y, T, D, P, A, E79, SS, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, R, PE, D, B, Mika, E Monte, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, F, CL, E, CNED, A, D, G, L, management, university, employers, EP, L, C , B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, C, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptistes, GP, G/I /V, C...), heal us, help us with fear!! Help us with EDA, TV, C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write mail, QTLPT, always give us TP, PET, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A, your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, depressions, gout, pains, sufferings, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us with worldliness and
Their Angels always behold the face of the Father.
We need to trust in Him and His promises. As Saints we have a guaranteed home in eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately the unsaved is guaranteed eternity without Christ Jesus in the Lake of Fire.
May we be not willing that anyone perish without the Lord God. 2 Peter 3:9
God shine His face upon us. March 1, 2022
Please also pray for my mother, who is being so brave and looking after Nanma's affairs, and contacting family.
Thank you for considering us. May God bless you all.
To God be the glory.
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us!! Help us not to put ourselves under yokes, never to smoke or lie, to be tough, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Submit to us!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your word (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, neighbors, neighborhoods, M, family, friends, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, A, AD, J, A, M, B, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, B, N, I, T, SL, J, others, T, Y, T, D, P, authorities, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, Rachel, D, B, Mika, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, France, E, CNED, A, D, G, L, directions, university, employers, EP, L, C, B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, C, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptistes, GP, G/I/V, C...), heal us, help us with fear !! Help us with the C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write a letter, always give us your P, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A, your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, depressions, gout, pains, sufferings, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us with worldliness and adultery!! Help the g
Lord let her feel the Holy Spirit comforting her and being in control throughout this entire surgery process and that she would forsake all other spiritual practices. And desire to nurture her relationship with You alone. Forsaking all other gods. Show her the truth that she may have salvation and eternal life. Touch her physical body, relieve her pain, calm her spirit and fears. Please Lord. In Jesus name.