I messed things up really badly with my ex. I still love him and id give anything in a heartbeat to be able to be with him again. Pls pray for him to forgive me and desire a relationship with me again. All I want is a second chance to be a better girlfriend to him, and hopefully his wife someday. He was so good to and for me and id give anything to be with him again. Praying he reaches out to me so our relationship may be restored.
Please pray for healing for my 12 years old daughter LH severe repetitive stomach intestinal infection kidney problems for my husband myself children grandchildren for healing thank w
i pray that rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, apj, ftv, her e, her joy, may we be engaged, srdqp, be attracted, receive, may the lord umeefeh, qma!! i pray that she will return to church and serve, tlsd, ssesc, ndn, be baptized se, pray in tongues and all of our loved ones!! may all ta and a men in e and v, convert, we a/r/s/e/e, change ltelc!! help us to be off the hook, to know each other and to tc, to be ves, anjm, m, possible, to loosen the ties!! send us, help us at tdlvdla!! help us acetdt, anpjev, with the h, for dp! qlfns, unite marriages/families, churches!! may our loved ones know and love you, seek your face, read and love your word (b, c, gbu, r, n, p, p, c, m, neighbors, neighborhoods, m, family, friends, sb, ah , wu, emci, adj, h, ddec, a, ad, j, a, m, b, l, b, l, lp, m, fh, u, r, g, ll, r, b, l, k , b, n, i, t sl, j, others, t, y, t, d, p, d, c, dvd, c, rda, a, c, e, es, m, h, yg, r , u/r, e, y, m , m and m, n, b, p, isfec, f, r, r, b, n, c/t/p, g, b, r, c, d, a , ie, j, da, e , a, high school, p, i, m, p, g, p, mgv cw, fls, s, sp, j, d, i, f, p, ep, a, hd, avs, are, ee, csc, cned, a, wu, cqf, jpc, m, r, b, d, b, c, p, mika, l, housing, ib, a, ibg, pe, evs, ae, usa, t, ttf, p, w, p, i, l15, j, l, b, b, o, m, k, s, nsf, lp, f, p, sjdc, p21, p, b, jdp, 2c7, cv, met, b, wu,bdn, p, e, csc, sj, c, cp, idle, epenb, caef, c, fele54, i, u, ls, sp, sc, l, france, a, c, m, t, rr, s, e, p, g, ce, chu, p24, 2p1, cqsv, 2, 3, c, c, v, cqbclse, p25, p91, p88, mg, mt, p13, ebt, bpdm, p22, fa, c, i, fd, h, bp, p15, hp, nd, o, sr, ce, gg, lp, j/i, g, cqrea, 1c11, s, js, cned, ce, a, e , g, a, l, c, ll, ch, due, ep, l, c, b, mdl, hc, l6, w, w, u/r, r, m, unemployed, b, b , d, l, n, g, bk, mcdo, aecm, s, lvdc, p, caef, ab, cnef, add, batistas, gp, g/i/v, traders, etc.). help us aecm, alm, aeubd, qlgvaleereede, qtlhatlalptaele, qtlhrlf, atale with epa, n, ide, with psda, with lt, the pii, tlbpe, qtlhaale qtlhdd, dnrel, with
I want prayer for me and my family we are having issues and we are not speaking JESUS touch in ur name my childrens is disrespectful to me and my mother please JESUS in ur mighty name amen
Please help me to pray fervently for a young woman named Trinity.
She is a true child of God stuck living with her father who entertains familiar spirits and is snared in darkness. House full of satanic objects and images.
Please pray the living word over her. That God will protect her from her father's actions and darkness. That her room will be a safe haven in that house protected in Jesus name.
Please, help me pray for her to be protected and to find a safe place to move as soon as possible.
Prayer is powerful. Please help in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for every moment of prayer that is offered and may God Bless each of you.
May the promise of Psalm 91 be present through His Holy Spirit.
I have been controlled by a psychic named (eagle witt) for the past 8 months for 24.7 Can you please pray for me and my family! I want to feel safe again. I pray to be free in this lifetime.
Just a quick thankyou to you all for your prayers for Anita , Bill and Melanie . Melanie especially is doing better . She has admitted to bring addicted to pain killers for a long time and these have obviously not helped her mental or physical health . She has some liver and kidney damage and is seriously undernourished but , God willing , she is finally going to accept help and hopefully make a good recovery . Thanks so much for your prayers , you are all stars and may God bless you and all yours . Much love in Christ .
my name is Julie Patricia castel: my 911 emergency prayer requests that I'm deeply deeply deeply desperately seeking urgently prayers for god to permanently finally blessed my husband William Vladimir Jarrin and I to conceive our first new born child together immediately ASAP the sooner the better right away right now for god to place his powerful almighty miracles blessings both hands on my stomach to permanently finally blessed my stomach to grow a healthy full term nine months baby for god to permanently blessed me to be pregnant with my husband William Vladimir Jarrin first new born child APRIL GOING INTO MAY OF 2022 for god to permanently take full control completely over our pregnancy process and our pregnancy test results to finally permanently say positive pregnant for gods to blessed me to have a healthy delivery a healthy birth to our child for god to permanently rebuke and remove all evil forces evil spirits evil curses evil family members evil strangers evil voodoo spells completely permanently powerfully away from my pregnancy process with my husband William Vladimir Jarrin
i pray that rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, apj, ftv, her e, her joy, may we be engaged, srdqp, be attracted, receive, may the lord umeefeh, qma!! i pray that she will return to church and serve, tlsd, ssesc, ndn, be baptized se, pray in tongues and all of our loved ones!! may all ta and a men in e and v, convert, we a/r/s/e/e, change ltelc!! help us to be off the hook, to know ourselves and tc, to be ves, never to smoke or lie, to be tough, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! send us, help us at tdlvdla!! help us anpjev, with the h, for dp! qlfns, unite marriages/families, churches!! may our loved ones know and love you, seek your face, read and love your word (b, c, gbu, r, n, p, p, c, m, neighbors, neighborhoods, m, family, friends, sb, ah , wu, emci, adj, h, ddec, a, ad, j, a, m, b, l, b, l, lp, m, fh, u, r, g, ll, r, b, l, k , b, n, i, t sl, j, others, t, y, t, d, p, d, c, dvd, c, rda, a, c, e, es, m, h, yg, r , u/r, e, y, m , m and m, n, b, p, isfec, f, r, r, b, n, c/t/p, g, b, r, c, d, a , ie, j, da, e , a, high school, p, i, m, p, g, p, mgv ls, s, sp, j, d, i, f, p, ep, a, hd, avs, are, ee, csc, cned, a, wu , jpc, m, r, b, d, b, c, p, mika, l, housing, ib, a, ibg, pe, evs, ae, united states, t, ttf, p, w, p, i, l15, j, l, b, b, o, m, k, s, nsf, lp, f, p, sjdc, p21, b, jdp, 2c7, cv, met, b, wu, bdn, p, e, csc, sj, c, cp, idle, epenb, caef, c, fele54, i, u, ls, sp, sc, l, france, a, c, m, t, rr, s, e, p, g, ce, chu, p24, 2p1, cqsv, 2, 3, c, c, v, cqbclse, p25, p91, p88, mg, mt, p13, ebt, bpdm, p22, fa, c, i, fd, h, bp, p15, hp, nd, o, sr, ce, gg, lp, j/i, g, c qrea, 1c11, s, js, cned, ce, a, e , g, a, l, c, ll, ch, due, ep, l, c, b, mdl, hc, l6, w, w, u/ r, r, m, unemployed, b, b, d, l, n, g, bk, mcdo, aecm, s, lvdc, p, caef, ab, cnef, add, batistas, gp, g/i/v, merchants, etc). ahelp us alm, aeubd, qlgvaleereede, qtlhatlalptaele, qtlhrlf, atale with epa, n, ide, with psda, with lt, the
Prayer for God's hedge of protection, grace, mercy, deliverance and blessings, provision and for God to open doors for a job with saved leaders that does right by employees, prayer for a speedily healing recovery for my daughter and my grandchildren, children and I and to bless me to relocate asap out of the city I in tto a city where God has people that are true doers of The Word of God that will overseer my children, grandkids and I stay of the right path. and a right now opened financial door for my children and I. Prayer for God;s perfect will to be fulfilled in me and my children's and grandchildrens lives that God predestined unhindered by leaders praying their own wrong wills and wrong judgments on us not given by God. Prayer for God to expose people in position at companies where I have applied for resources that have been discriminating and prejudging me and causing me many delays without a cause, whether its just because of cyberbullying harrassment, religion hatred, prejudice, jealousy, envy, or whatsoever the case may be to destry my christian defamation of character or cause me, someone has stolen my identity and has been contacting companies creating lies due to jealosy to cause me problems without my knowledge and when I apply for resources, certain represetatives that my enemies know have linked with them to have them to type things on my account giving me problems to constant call or show in person to get things corrected, this is caused termination, delays in my finances, me going in debt and losing everything, I have peace within but I just ask prayer that God perfects that , concerneth me. I have seen God show up and do amazing things after I have suffered alot without a cause, my soul seeks to please God inspite of it all
my name is Julie Patricia castel: my 911 emergency prayer requests that I'm deeply deeply deeply desperately seeking urgently prayers for god to permanently finally blessed my husband William Vladimir Jarrin and I to conceive our first new born child together immediately ASAP the sooner the better right away right now for god to place his powerful almighty miracles blessings both hands on my stomach to permanently finally blessed my stomach to grow a healthy full term nine months baby for god to permanently blessed me to be pregnant with my husband William Vladimir Jarrin first new born child APRIL GOING INTO MAY OF 2022 for god to permanently take full control completely over our pregnancy process and our pregnancy test results to finally permanently say positive pregnant for gods to blessed me to have a healthy delivery a healthy birth to our child for god to permanently rebuke and remove all evil forces evil spirits evil curses evil family members evil strangers evil voodoo spells completely permanently powerfully away from my pregnancy process with my husband William Vladimir Jarrin
Over 18 years ago, I believe that God gave me a dream of prophecy. In the dream there was a person whom God revealed was my best friend in the dream. Please pray, that IF God will, that God will reveal to that person all of my life, and where to find me, and that God will reveal to me, who this person is, and give me, right now, as I am, favor in this person's heart. As God "brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs," as God gave Joseph favor in Potiphar's, the prison guard officials', and eventually into the Pharaoh's and all of Egypt's site, and as Ruth found favor in Boaz's site (BECAUSE of Naomi), pray God give me likewise in this person's site. Thank you!
I messed things up really bad with my ex. He was so, so great to me and he loved me despite all i put him through and i ruined it at the end because i was in such a bad place mentally. We broke up a little over 3 months ago and ive grown a lot in that time. I really, really miss him. So much. Id give anything to have a second chance to be better to him because he deserves it after everything i put him through. He has me blocked, which I understand, and ive been praying for god to open the doors needed so that we could come back together. I have so, so much love for him, and if he came back to me i could honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him. Ive tried moving on, but i look for him in everyone else i try to date and i dont want anyone else. I feel like our relationship ended way too early because of where i was mentally, and i just wish i could have a chance to do better now that i am better. Ive been praying for about a month now for God to restore our relationship and bless me with a second chance to be with him again. Im scared that its too late and that he may already be dating someone else. I couldnt handle knowing that. He was my friend for 3 years before we started dating, and i liked him the entire time. I know that if God allowed me to be with him again, I would do everything in my power to treat Justin the way he deserves and be a light of God in his life. Would you mind praying for God to open the doors needed and bless me with favor to restore our relationship? I know God sees my heart and sees how deeply I want this. I would do anything God asked of me to be able to have Justin back. I am absolutely miserable and i just want a second chance with him but im scared its too late and he may have another girl already. I couldn't bare finding out he does. Id give anything to have him reach out to me since i cant reach out to him again. I need Gods help.
My partner and I are struggling tremendously. Satan has attempted to keep us fighting and stop a future of clean and sober extremely powerful works of faith upon the community once regain sobriety again.
I have a bed date into treatment that has been time and time again thwarted prolonging the time when I quit walking in darkness and bring a faith full forth. Satan is powerful but not that powerful against Christians prayer and Jesus himself . Please pray for me and my other half to overcome this darkness and provide peace and happiness into our lives again. I love Jesus . I love you for being a Christian who cares about us thank you.
I humbly request your prayers for my family as we gather tomorrow to mourn the passing of my dear cousin, Paul. He touched the lives of others, often in unspoken ways. He acted selflessly in almost all he did, always putting others before himself.
[ Galatians 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself.]
He will be dearly missed, and I pray that his friends and family will find peace in "celebrating" his life and KNOWING that he's up there smiling down at us from Heaven.
I specifically request your prayers to go out to Melissa (his daughter), her spouse, and 10 dependents, as she is the only surviving family member, and the burden of making all arrangements for the Service, reception, etc. has fallen upon her.
This is my first crack at sending out a prayer request of any kind. I pray that this is enough information to initiate "The Power of Prayer".
Dear Donna, thank you for such an uplifting report. I will pray for D. today.
Dear heavenly Father, we ask that You deliver D. from all that has a hold on him that is not from You. Cause him to continue to come to the home of Donna and have restful sleep. Thank you for what you have delivered Donna from. Hallelujah!
I want to ask the married man's wife for forgiveness for sending inappropriate text messages and her seeing us together for over 4 years. She was devastated.
Compensation re 60 scoop 2 come in very soon! Wisdom 2 stewart it! Curse of poverty broken off,breakthroughs of finances,on every side . prayer of Jabez, Rent,bus passes paid for monthy, healty food,tingling in feet ,sugar 2 stablize.No charge 4 lock change . Protection over my home & things,& self. Total restoration. Protection from lease of suite & copy. Grace to forgive ,self & others. Refreshing in the spirt, desire to continue on , heavy depression, oppression ,weariness 2 go. JOY bubbling up! Fulfill my God given destiny/ calling 4 the Glory of God! Everything enemy stolen returned highest payout. Safe friends. True repentance & 2 come back to first love. Full of HIS agape love. Soul winner,street ministry. Be able to start volunteering & rec help to learn computer skills. All skills,tools & resources to come to sons life & mine. 4 son ,2 come in to the Lord & his friends, Perry ,Erica & 2 young children. His roomate,Andrew& friend,Peter,& Mongula & Brittinany.Healing 4 spiritual parents ( elderly) covid, deliverance for aniexty,4 Tina, normal blood pressure & all symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure4 Fred to go. Protection over them ,car,home. Strength. Encouragment4 them too! Fresh annointings & ,to write books ,all distractions to go & self displine to write,exercise. Self control4 Trevor ,to lose excess weight,aniexty,stress cut off , JOY also! Deeper intimacy with Abba,Yeshua& Holy Spirt. Study & understand HIS Word. Deliverance for any remaining religious spirts,fear,aniexties,stress...Great favor, Devine appts,new doors of opportunities. That Abbas would open the windows of heaven ,lavish HIS extravagant love in & thru Trevor & me ,show us tokens of His goodness! That the supernatural will be normal for us! That former true prophecies would come to fruition,manifest in physical realm suddenly! That Trevor(son) & I would be vessels hot on fire 4 God & bring much honor & glory to HIS name! Strengthen our inner man & backbone. Abundance of blessings.
Please pray that all bondage, all compulsion, all addictions are broken, all those things not of God. Please pray for revelations from the Lord as to what is blocking deliverance. Please pray for strong protection for all of us and the salvation of unsaved loved ones. Please pray all this for us and all others in need for the Lord is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond what we can ask or even imagine. To Him be all the glory. In Jesus name. Amen.
i pray that rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, apj, ftv, her e, her joy, may we be engaged, srdqp, be attracted, receive, may the lord umeefeh, qma!! i pray that she will return to church and serve, tlsd, ssesc, ndn, be baptized se, pray in tongues and all of our loved ones!! may all ta and a men in e and v, convert, we a/r/s/e/e, change ltelc!! help us to be off the hook, to know each other and to tc, to be ves, anjm, m, possible, to loosen the ties!! send us, help us at tdlvdla!! help us acetdt, anpjev, with the h, for dp! qlfns, unite marriages/families, churches!! may our loved ones know and love you, seek your face, read and love your word (b, c, gbu, r, n, p, p, c, m, neighbors, neighborhoods, m, family, friends, sb, ah , wu, emci, adj, h, ddec, a, ad, j, a, m, b, l, b, l, lp, m, fh, u, r, g, ll, r, b, l, k , b, n, i, t sl, j, others, t, y, t, d, p, d, c, dvd, c, rda, a, c, e, es, m, h, yg, r , u/r, e, y, m , m and m, n, b, p, isfec, f, r, r, b, n, c/t/p, g, b, r, c, d, a , ie, j, da, e , a, high school, p, i, m, p, g, p, mgv cw, fls, s, sp, j, d, i, f, p, ep, a, hd, avs, are, ee, csc, cned, a, wu, cqf, jpc, m, r, b, d, b, c, p, mika, l, housing, ib, a, ibg, pe, evs, ae, usa, t, ttf, p, w, p, i, l15, j, l, b, b, o, m, k, s, nsf, lp, f, p, sjdc, p21, p, b, jdp, 2c7, cv, met, b, wu,bdn, p, e, csc, sj, c, cp, idle, epenb, caef, c, fele54, i, u, ls, sp, sc, l, france, a, c, m, t, rr, s, e, p, g, ce, chu, p24, 2p1, cqsv, 2, 3, c, c, v, cqbclse, p25, p91, p88, mg, mt, p13, ebt, bpdm, p22, fa, c, i, fd, h, bp, p15, hp, nd, o, sr, ce, gg, lp, j/i, g, cqrea, 1c11, s, js, cned, ce, a, e , g, a, l, c, ll, ch, due, ep, l, c, b, mdl, hc, l6, w, w, u/r, r, m, unemployed, b, b , d, l, n, g, bk, mcdo, aecm, s, lvdc, p, caef, ab, cnef, add, batistas, gp, g/i/v, traders, etc.). help us aecm, alm, aeubd, qlgvaleereede, qtlhatlalptaele, qtlhrlf, atale with epa, n, ide, with psda, with lt, the pii, tlbpe, qtlhaale qtlhdd, dnrel, with
Please help me to pray fervently for a young woman named Trinity.
She is a true child of God stuck living with her father who entertains familiar spirits and is snared in darkness. House full of satanic objects and images.
Please pray the living word over her. That God will protect her from her father's actions and darkness. That her room will be a safe haven in that house protected in Jesus name.
Please, help me pray for her to be protected and to find a safe place to move as soon as possible.
Prayer is powerful. Please help in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for every moment of prayer that is offered and may God Bless each of you.
May the promise of Psalm 91 be present through His Holy Spirit.
i pray that rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, apj, ftv, her e, her joy, may we be engaged, srdqp, be attracted, receive, may the lord umeefeh, qma!! i pray that she will return to church and serve, tlsd, ssesc, ndn, be baptized se, pray in tongues and all of our loved ones!! may all ta and a men in e and v, convert, we a/r/s/e/e, change ltelc!! help us to be off the hook, to know ourselves and tc, to be ves, never to smoke or lie, to be tough, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! send us, help us at tdlvdla!! help us anpjev, with the h, for dp! qlfns, unite marriages/families, churches!! may our loved ones know and love you, seek your face, read and love your word (b, c, gbu, r, n, p, p, c, m, neighbors, neighborhoods, m, family, friends, sb, ah , wu, emci, adj, h, ddec, a, ad, j, a, m, b, l, b, l, lp, m, fh, u, r, g, ll, r, b, l, k , b, n, i, t sl, j, others, t, y, t, d, p, d, c, dvd, c, rda, a, c, e, es, m, h, yg, r , u/r, e, y, m , m and m, n, b, p, isfec, f, r, r, b, n, c/t/p, g, b, r, c, d, a , ie, j, da, e , a, high school, p, i, m, p, g, p, mgv ls, s, sp, j, d, i, f, p, ep, a, hd, avs, are, ee, csc, cned, a, wu , jpc, m, r, b, d, b, c, p, mika, l, housing, ib, a, ibg, pe, evs, ae, united states, t, ttf, p, w, p, i, l15, j, l, b, b, o, m, k, s, nsf, lp, f, p, sjdc, p21, b, jdp, 2c7, cv, met, b, wu, bdn, p, e, csc, sj, c, cp, idle, epenb, caef, c, fele54, i, u, ls, sp, sc, l, france, a, c, m, t, rr, s, e, p, g, ce, chu, p24, 2p1, cqsv, 2, 3, c, c, v, cqbclse, p25, p91, p88, mg, mt, p13, ebt, bpdm, p22, fa, c, i, fd, h, bp, p15, hp, nd, o, sr, ce, gg, lp, j/i, g, c qrea, 1c11, s, js, cned, ce, a, e , g, a, l, c, ll, ch, due, ep, l, c, b, mdl, hc, l6, w, w, u/ r, r, m, unemployed, b, b, d, l, n, g, bk, mcdo, aecm, s, lvdc, p, caef, ab, cnef, add, batistas, gp, g/i/v, merchants, etc). ahelp us alm, aeubd, qlgvaleereede, qtlhatlalptaele, qtlhrlf, atale with epa, n, ide, with psda, with lt, the
Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom,
bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, favor of God, blessings, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name
I have a bed date into treatment that has been time and time again thwarted prolonging the time when I quit walking in darkness and bring a faith full forth. Satan is powerful but not that powerful against Christians prayer and Jesus himself . Please pray for me and my other half to overcome this darkness and provide peace and happiness into our lives again. I love Jesus . I love you for being a Christian who cares about us thank you.
[ Galatians 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thyself.]
He will be dearly missed, and I pray that his friends and family will find peace in "celebrating" his life and KNOWING that he's up there smiling down at us from Heaven.
I specifically request your prayers to go out to Melissa (his daughter), her spouse, and 10 dependents, as she is the only surviving family member, and the burden of making all arrangements for the Service, reception, etc. has fallen upon her.
This is my first crack at sending out a prayer request of any kind. I pray that this is enough information to initiate "The Power of Prayer".
Thanks to all & God Bless,
Dear heavenly Father, we ask that You deliver D. from all that has a hold on him that is not from You. Cause him to continue to come to the home of Donna and have restful sleep. Thank you for what you have delivered Donna from. Hallelujah!
We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.
All by Your grace. All for Your glory.
Hebrews 10:19.
This is how i see it, Since The Lord Jesus died and bled for all humanity
(every person there is) does that not make us special?
For anyone to think that it was for one single person or race, that would be wrong.
He rose from the dead/the flesh of sin and death.
For His Righteousness
His Forgiveness
His Grace
His Will
His Spirit
A Free Gift for everyone
I believe a true Christian/saint are those who are saved solely by The Blood of Jesus Christ
by His Good work for us.
Are there mistakes in The KJV? Grave mistakes!
See Jude 1:4 you cannot change a Holy thing into a bad thing, it should say, they exchanged
The Grace of God for.....
(or they left a good thing for a bad thing)
Also in Romans 1:23 and 25
Psalms 4:2
See Mark 3:30
Also in Galations 3:13 Should say "being made a sacrifice for us", not a curse.
See also 1 Corinthians 12:3; Matt. 12:32
Also 2 Corinthians 4:10 the dying of our flesh; see Heb 10:10 He died once
2 Cor. 5:21 Our Sacrifice for sin- He hath made Him "A Sacrifice for us"
Only The Holy Spirit can work miracles- so in Rev.13:14; Rev. 16:14; Rev. 19:21 should say signs and wonders.
See Matt. 24:24 or even schemes (Gog)
Also in 2 Thess. 2:9 should say, "with all deceivableness", instead of power.
See 2 Thess. 2:10
In order to find mistakes in bibles, i believe, you need to find other scriptures to back it up.
I in no way want to add or take from His Word wrongfully in any way, shape or form.
I also do not believe that Jesus had long hair or looked like a hippy;
He is Risen from the flesh, He is not in pictures.
He comes in Spirit in us.
God Bless!