Prayer Requests PAGE 212

  • Jim Kirkpatrick - 2 years ago
    Need prayer for my Daughter and wife.
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Dear Friends,

    I want to thank you for your prayers for my mother, Joan, who has been in the hospital these past two weeks with sepsis.

    Yesterday, she took a downturn and Doctors said that death is near. All but one of my 9 siblings have spent days with here at the hospital on rotation these past two weeks, so we have all had many hours with her, which is a real blessing.

    She made it through the night, but my hope is that she passes soon, within hours, as everyone here has spent their last times with her last night and this morning. One of my brothers is still in Hawaii getting things together to come home.

    I am at peace with her going. I told her yesterday, though she was semi-conscious, that she will soon go to be with Jesus and that the angels are happy waiting for that moment. My husband and I prayed over her. My brother and I sang Amazing Grace over her.

    I would just ask that you would pray for my siblings that do not know the Lord and have a very different mindset than those of us who do. There is great division in my family (and this has been for a long time). Pray that we continue to work through Mom's situation together with respect for one another and love.

    I am at peace with her eminent death. She has lived a long life of 88 years with very little health problems. She is a strong person and a believer. Earlier in the week, we prayed together the Lord's Prayer. She recalled that by heart. She has been very weak for the whole two weeks and we could not have much conversation due to her discomfort and breathing troubles. But I know that presence and care speaks louder than words sometimes.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me and our families
  • God's will Seekers - 2 years ago
    We visited US, because we didn't find anyone willing/able to help us in our country ( central EU ). Had lot of issues in a family and we were not able to find breakthrough in our lives. God was working with us, we came back, but life turned upside down, especially in relationships were kind of not natural way all falling apart. We decided to be faithful and not compromise the faith, feeling like we are on a crossroads every day being put into decisions. Please pray for us to be faithful, courageous and being able to hear God's voice so we could know that we are going as the Lord Jesus want us to.
  • Rena - 2 years ago
    My son is having great difficulty swallowing. He hasnt eaten solid food for several days. He is able to sip liquids. Please pray that the Lord Jesus Christ our Great Physician will quickly restore my sons ability to swallow everything normally. I desire that He do a work that no an can take the credit for. We are believers waiting patiently for the Masters healing touch. We give Him all the praise and glory for the Glory of His Grace, for the gift of healing; for the miracle working power of His Holy Spirit.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Listening to a beautiful song that makes me cry every time I hear it! The love I have for my husband is so strong in my heart when I think of him listening to it! When I think of my Lord being beaten and broken, I cringe so, I can't bring myself to even think that anyone would do that to someone for there teachings! How wrong and evil it was to kill my Lord after all He has done for the world! His death and resurrection is everything to all who are believers, Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my family and I from all sins, past, present and hopefully none after giving our lives to You!! Love forever, Denise, Stephen, Samson and Tutti man!!!
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my car to be ok and for me to have favor in this dealership. I'm feeling a bit angry and like I'm not sure what to do.
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work today and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me and our families today
  • Anna - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus, I lift you in prayer, all the marriages You have

    ordained at this time. Thank You by faith for all the testimonies

    to come by Your grace, for Your glory. For the doors no man can

    shut. And for the precious personal blessings You have reserved

    for Your sons and daughters as we grow and sow here before

    You call us Home to Your Marriage Supper by Your grace!

    Mighty Lord Jesus, to You be all glory forever.

    And thank You Lord for those dear brothers and sisters who

    are already marrried, who You have appointed to mentor us.

    And I ask You to help all struggling at any point, strengthen

    us all by Your Holy Spirit. Great is Your Faithfulness Lord!

    Alleluia. Hebrews 10:19.
  • Erma spotville - 2 years ago
    pray for me and my husband we both need a miracle i have the holy Ghost he doese'nt and satan got him back on weed when he has so many medical problems already he has had two heart attacks three strokes and anuisuym kidney failure and the doctor told him to stop smoking cigeretts he still doing and now he is back on weed he is very flirtacous he don,t want to listen to nobody please, please pray and help us both my name is erma spotville and his name is james spotville
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family
  • Sally - 2 years ago
    Please pray husband Felix salvation our marriage deliverance from alcohol FATHER GOD restore my marriage remove his rudeness we need a miracle in Jesus Name thank you
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Strong protection, breakthrough...for us and all in need.
  • Victor Hugo Aragon Ramos - 2 years ago
    Can you please pray for me

    I am facing troubles and tribulations

    For my iniquity and ignorance

    I need a miracle in my life and prayers work

    I want to said thank you and blessed you

  • Sister - 2 years ago
    Please pray for Tanya to find housing of her own that she can afford. And that she would handle her finances better. Please pray that she does NOT move in with me
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for Jeremy for God to console him with his peace and love.

    Please pray for him to find both of the checks. If he does not find them please pray that he would have favor with the check issuer's so that they can reissue a new check.

    Please pray for Jesus to Intervene with his Grandma and help her not to throw his personal belongings away from now on.

    Please pray for Jeremy's situation at work to get better and or for the company to hire another full time worker
  • Marilyn Lynn Turner - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my son's health he can hardley walk for foot/ankle pain. thank you all so much
  • Carlos Roberto de Souza - 2 years ago
    Peo a Deus para seja feita a Sua Vontade sobre a minha vida!
  • Alvin Young - 2 years ago
    I would like prayers for my wife, she has COPD and congestive heart failure and can not walk about 20 feet before her lags gives out. She was in the hospital for 30 days with ulcers on top of each other. She had to have 30 units of blood. I Thank You and May God Bless You for the prayers.
  • Jacquie - 2 years ago
    Firstly, I do not, in any way question my faith or have questions of understanding it. I am very territorial of my relationship with Christ: it is common my every day speech projects my faith in deep understanding with study, devotion, prayer, and life choices.

    A new family moved next door to my daughter and I. It is a young couple that when they moved in, something immediately stirred in me. I would have thought it was just me, but other surrounding neighbors (even some regular homeless) have an uncomfortably unapproving feeling toward the couple. There are the many little things they do. I have filed - twice for restraining order because the young man seems to find it a game to follow me in his car. I then drop the charges because I don't want to subject my time in court on the nature of the neighbors. So I ignore them at the most. They seem to "taunt" for attention regardless - perhaps bullying or harassing?

    In all regard, I have NEVER felt the aversion I feel when they are visible to me, and I am really having a hard time with it. Through the past Lent and Passover, of which I focus on multiple exercises of faith I uphold - fasting, breaking bread (at home), special praying time, etc., it was as if the neighbors kicked up their heels and in the darkest way pursued pokes - it wasn't my imagination. The young lady exited her backyard egress and walked around to the front where I was sweeping. She appeared in front of me with her phone recording me. I asked her - at first - to walk away, and she persisted to provoke me. I don't know where it came from, but I yelled at her to go away, and it became a justification for her to record further. I've witnessed other random people threaten to call police on them for similar harassment.

    I need prayer to address my very deep feelings of aversion, and a spiritual shield of protection against the neighbors. I have forgiven, and assumed grace toward them. I've given them over to God, but still am consumed w/aversion.
  • Donna G. Warren on 2 Thessalonians 2:11 - 2 years ago
    I rely & believe in the Bible. I am reaching out as I am in a state of shock along with friends as my friend committed suicide .She was a person one would never think would be capable of wanting to or be able to do this. No warning signs. Yes she was a Christian .She was 64 years old. She shot herself in the chest. I have been trying to figure out did I miss something as are my other friends . Please say a prayer for her family & friends. I have been following this site for a long time ,including it with my daily Bible study. I don't post often. Her name is Donna.
  • Melissa - 2 years ago
    My heart is heavy for my son Darin who is currently going through a very tough spiritual battle. I ask for prayers from my Christian brethren to pray for him in Jesus name and Jesus precious blood. Amen!
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Hello and good morning everyone!

    All the countries of the world are under attack by the WHO, WEF and SATAN!!!!

    The laws, rules, take over and forces of SATAN are after us all!!!

    How foolish is man?

    Is he wise?

    Does he listen to the LORD?

    Does he do what is right or wrong?

    Where are man's rules?

    With the LORD or are his deeds evil?

    Would he rather have fame and fortune or eternal life?

    Will man make a choice?

    Follow the narrow road or the broad road?

    Yes, no or somewhere in between?

    Yet in the LORD'S word, the sun rises everyday on the good and the evil!!

    We must stand strong in the LORD'S words and teachings!

    For if we follow SATAN it only brings us to mankind's destruction!

    The LORD told us through Paul 'IT' roams the earth looking for anyone to devour!!

    May we pray:

    Heavenly FATHER: We shall all give YOU the praise, glory, honor and love as You have shown us

    from the beginning!!

    We have all sinned against you and have come so SHORT of YOUR GLORY!!

    May we all have a repentative heart towards YOU!!

    Heaven is MY throne, the earth is MY footstool!!

    Rejoice and be glad, for HIS name shall be called: Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty GOD,

    Everlasting FATHER!! Isaiah 9:6

    May the LORD JESUS CHRIST have MERCY on our SOULS!!!!! We pray: AMEN!!!
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Free - 2 years ago
    Dear "Kurt Vanloo", do everything you can to seize life. My lesson is that we must learn about our own lives, and not trust that people who are not around us will keep their word. I guess you as I have thought that now it will be a full roll day. But it never happened to me. Alone and lean on all things. But the Lord Jesus has saved me. Do you want one and talk to send me a message at vold843-gmail-com. And Paul our brother writes in the last paragraph of Acts the last two verses are for us today. We who want to do something for the Lord can become very busy. Have a good day/night brother, waiting to hear from you. Love u in Christ and remember Jesus loves u, He went through the heavens for our sake.
  • Kurt Vanloo on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    tell god i made a huge mistake i cussing tired two end my life because

    bothers never call me .
  • A - 2 years ago
    Please pray for a healing miracle for my husband covid low oxygen level we need a miracle for myself children grandchildren mom sisters and families for healing several health problems for finances Thank you

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