Hello! Please pray for my friend Isabel that she hears the Gospel, repent of her sins and fully trust the Lord, Jesus Christ. Also, pls pray for Simon, Michael, Lowen, Lucky, Sir Reynold, Sir Ortiz, Mother Valentine, Mother Malou, baby Raquel, and baby Ivory, they are sick and poor. I also hope that these people be given strength, faith, and healing. Thanks to anyone who will pray for them as I continue to pray for them.
Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ I come to you with a heart that is heavy. I've been a Christian for going on three years. I live with my In laws and wife and three kids. None of my family members are Christian and although they aren't I still pray everyday for their salvation and try my absolute hardest to display light all the time in a house full of darkness and demons. I ask for your prayers for it's only getting worse. I've applied for housing but never got a response back but always hopeful. I've been coming to more understanding with the word of God and when I do Satan attacks me at full strength with temptation and lies and every weapon in his arsenal. It sometimes brings me down because he will use my wife and family against me but when they are fighting I pray in my mind. I find adequate times to either go outside or sneak to the restroom to kneel and pray. I know his angels are all around me keeping me in all his ways. I know through God I am made more than conqueror. I've done many mistakes but I know God has forgiven me and made me clean. My marriage seems to fail everyday because my wife doesn't know how to listen to me. She always fights me on everything. She wants to be superior and for the most part she has. I try to stay calm and believe me the only one stopping me from going down the shallow end of the pool is the Lord himself. Just right now my 19 year old son who has no respect for me or his mom and his grandparents got in a fight. It's getting worse and worse but yet inside I have something they don't have and that's peace. I may get mad or sad but I know God is with me and I try to show that and reiterate that to them but no one seems to listen. Is the love of many really waxing cold spoke by Jesus in Matthew 24 ? I still have to believe my family belongs to the Ling above all. Thank you
Thank you but I don't think that is going to help me thinking about giving up on the whole praying thing. It's been rough for me. It's one reality after another. Let me ask you. How would you feel if you lost it all. You don't think about that do you? No instead you focus on what you have. It's like the story of job. You have to ask yourself sometimes. A God that is suppose to be so loving and caring and one that doesn't want to see His children hurt so such a thing. I find myself asking how on earth that ever came to be. I try my hardest to keep the Sabbath day and end up with well that's not going to get you to Heaven. God forgets your sins yet you will be judged. If God forgets then how can He judge. Doesn't make sense does it? You may think I'm crazy but I'm at a standstill. I wouldn't go back to the old because I saw what that did to me. It changes you. I keep hearing this knock at the door of my spirit saying don't give in don't give up. When I don't see a sign. It's all I'm asking for. I hope you pray for me that God gives me a sign about her. It's racked my brain for so long now. I have all the information I need I just don't know when exactly or where or how it's even going to happen. Im still here and I don't know why.
God I'm ready to give up. I'm ready to just say that's it and be done with it all. Am I really destined for hell. Should I really be suffering this long. God I know I'm a bad person I know I have said some messed up things that I should have never ever uttered from my mouth and in doing so am now living in utter hell. Everyday is a reminder of how bad I screwed up a relationship a love that I wanted so much. Why don't you just save me the time and turn your back as you said you would do in the Bible. I prayed for her to come back Gabby. Nothing not a sign not a wonder not anything just utter pain and despair and hopelessness.
Please pray for my husband. Gordon has cancer. He is trying hard to be a righteous man. At times his spirit is low. Please ask your churches to keep him in their prayers. Thank you and God bless!
Pray my sons are covered by God protection from the enemy. Pray they have peace love a joy in the lives now. Rebuke Satan and his Host. God don't let them be plucked from your hand. Help me oh Lord.
Just to let all you kind souls out there know ,my step dad finally consented to go into hospital today , I am very relieved , thanks so much to you all , much love in Christ .
I'm very suicidal and unfortunately I have fought every demon tooth and nail and I still can't escape the thought of wanting to end my life .Thank you God bless
Good day lord, I pray for my life and the life of my family.
Lord you know me well, I'm a hustler {street boy}, please see me through so i can make my family happy.
Bless me, my family, my friends.
As i continue to hustle, lord please be with me and guard me on the right path.
Lord i know i've committed a lot of sins, knowingly and unknowingly, forgive me and wash away my bad deeds for i've chosen to put you first before my work.
You ever felt like giving up, you're fighting so hard to make a difference to achieve a lot of goals but sudden happenings ten to always pop up when you're at a stable place. You start to question yourself, Am I salt? Am I not born to achieve my goals or to escape from the ghetto? what am I doing wrong?, Am I even suitable for my job? so many questions, just feel like giving up and running away.
Lord God in Heaven. I know I have done a lot of wrong things in my life. Lord I'm not perfect and I'm this I am asking for mercy. My partner Gabby the love of my life has continued to ignore me. Lord I am asking for direction. Lord I am asking Lord open her eyes. Lord God please help us reunite in Your will. Please I need a sign Lord. I don't ask for much. I only ask for this season of loneliness to be over and God you restore relationships all the time. Please dear God restore this one. Lord God I ask in Christ name for a sign. Please God in Heaven. I know I haven't been the best and I know things could always be worst. Please Lord send me a sign and deliver me I pray.
Father I keep asking, I keep seeking, I keep knocking like many here. Help Father. Many are getting so weary and our faith falters. My faith falters. Please Father we need rain. We need the fire of the Holy Spirit. Only you can break the chains that bind, only you can set the prisoners free. Please Father draw my unsaved loved ones to Jesus and all others who are unsaved. Please open the eyes of the blind. Please heal our bruised hearts, please protect us from the wiles of the devil. Give us victory Father for your names sake, the name you gave your beloved Son our Lord, the name that is above every other name and at which every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Please exalt this name in our lives. Take away our reproach. Thank you Father. We need your touch. In Jesus name. Amen.
Spirits of fear,worry,anxiety,confusion,intimidation,and anger have taken me for a month long ride. i am so tired. im asking God to give me the victory in this fight. For not by power,nor by might,but by my spirit says The Lord. im so in desperate need of peace and rest,im also trying to draw closer to God and this is seriously hindering me. im so tired brothers and sisters.Ty and may God bless you.
May God forgive my anger but I am fuming . My step sister , who is my step dads only biological child , who lives about one hundred miles away and only visits about six times a year , visited her dad and my mum yesterday . I wasn't there . She brought , into a house with two terminally ill elderly people , both with serious mobility issues and an elderly cat , her spaniel puppy . Some how , all of them ended up on the landing at the top of the stairs , the dog was frightening my step dads beloved cat , so he was trying to pick it up to protect it and....he fell all the way down the stairs and banged his back , full force on the metal pipe that the stair lift runs on . He's now in bed , can't get out , doesn't want to eat or drink and won't have a doctor . My step sister just left them there yesterday , she drove home . She has an eighteen year old daughter at home and she herself works from home but she just left them and went home. I am soooooooooooooooo angry .
Please , remember Bill and Anita Marshall in your prayers . Please may God bless them both in all the ways that He knows they need His blessings most . Thank you all so very much . Much love in Christ .
Please pray for Peace, Protection, Improvement, Clean-up and God's merciful blessings for our neighborhoods of Holland and Wheatsheaf. Asking this in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying and God Bless all of you.
Good evening my name is Grace Laura Makombe. Please pray for me for fruits of my womb. I have a 15yr old daughter but I'm struggling to fall pregnant again. FATHER God please bless me with another baby, Father God please make my womb fruitfull in the mighty name of Jesus Amen
Thank You the app developers for sharing God's Love. God bless you
Cindy, Jessica, and Carolyn have MS
Pam, Mandy, Denell, Laverne, Deborah, and Linda are in constant pain
Donna and Ruby have dementia
Paul, Laverne, Sheila, Mandy, and Alberta have cancer
Lauren is addicted to drugs.
- Financial breakthrough
- Intensify my fellowship with the holyspirit
Isaiah 55:11 kjv: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
whereto I send it.
Lord you know me well, I'm a hustler {street boy}, please see me through so i can make my family happy.
Bless me, my family, my friends.
As i continue to hustle, lord please be with me and guard me on the right path.
Lord i know i've committed a lot of sins, knowingly and unknowingly, forgive me and wash away my bad deeds for i've chosen to put you first before my work.
As I'm not around, lord protect my family.
Please , remember Bill and Anita Marshall in your prayers . Please may God bless them both in all the ways that He knows they need His blessings most . Thank you all so very much . Much love in Christ .