Prayer Requests PAGE 209

  • Gabriel Beaven - 2 years ago
    Please continue to pray for my wife Gabby. Please continue to pray God continues in His work. We serve a mighty powerful God that is the "Great Restorer" and He makes all and I mean All things possible. Pray that God will continue to open her eyes and that she will have a massive change of heart. When we believe in faith we shall receive. I pray for all those who are in my situation. I stand with each and everyone one of you knowing. Things take time. Gods time all works out. It is so hard waiting. But we must all endure until the appointed time. Jeremiah 33:3. This is not the only section that God revealed when we ask we shall receive. Pray to God and He will give you the answer. I have myself to blame. Too many times I have looked around expecting an answer when God says look above. They say Abraham was. Man of great faith but the one who had the most faith was Jesus. I want to encourage all of you when you pray think of your prayer is the fig tree. You may not see the result immediately. Eventually because of God's grace you will see all. For it was Peter the day after that said Lord Christ look the fig tree you cursed it has shriveled up. With man this is impossible but with God All things are possible.

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  • Gabriel Beaven - 2 years ago
    Lord God I am frustrated. Lord God Heaven is watching me and I have failed to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Lord God I have given in to my addictions. Lord God cursed me the day I was born. Lord God thou has given me hope only for me to betray your trust. Lord God have mercy on me and forgive me and do not turn thy face from thee. Oh Lord God. When oh when will this be over and once I can embrace what I have lost! Cursed be the day I was born and cursed me the day that I take my last breathe for I have not loved thee but myself and as I have read Pride goeth before a fall. Lord God please show your mercy and Lord forgive me for when I have tested you. Please Oh God stop Thy self from your vengeance and be merciful unto me. And bring forth thy hand not to harm but to comfort. In Yeshua Name Amen
  • Trent - 2 years ago
    Seeking prayers of healing for anyone dealing with covid like I am. Some seem to breeze through it but others don't and face an uncertain outcome.
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom to be healed of covid 19 , and for my household family to not get it in Jesus name Amen
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    asking prayers for the families of the Texas shooting
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please pray that Graciela would be healed from the high blood pressure she is currently at the hospital
  • Anon - 2 years ago
    I am hating my husband and don't really want to forgive him. We are talking divorce. Youngest son is very affected by this even though he's 20. Hubby is a Jehovah's Witness and makes any decision he wants without consulting me. He lies, keeps secrets, deceives and thinks he does no wrong. I've tried many times to forgive but the disrespect, disloyalty and betrayal is too historic. He has no wisdom in how to be a godly husband and he points the finger at me when his stupid decisions come crashing down and hurt me. He has no idea how to protect me, as he continually inflicts pain due to his lack of wisdom. I truly feel hatred for him and have no respect for him. He seeks to please man and disregards me. He does damaging things and then screams its satan trying to destroy our home when its him. Please pray for the protection of my sons and myself, as this man will play the victim and slander me in this divorce. Thanks.
  • Donna - 2 years ago

    Friday; fast&pray

    God bless this community

    Bind the enemy

    Tear down strongholds that we may prosper in our walk with You

    We ask for deliverance from addictions and sin

    Catch us the little foxes that spoil the vine

    Save & restore marriages

    Help us to hear Your voice

    Open our eyes, ears, and understanding

    Bring healing to the sick & afflicted

    Save and deliver the lost

    Prodigals come home

    Equip us to work

    Your will for us

    Strengthen the weak

    Comfort the broken-hearted

    Visit the lonely & shut-ins

    Raise up generations

    In Jesus name

    To God be the glory for the things He has done and will do
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord, thank you Lord for all you blessing! Let us follow you wherever you may lead us! We need to get out of nyc! Things are getting really out of control, so much chaos as you Lord have told us in your word this would be in the tribulation! Nation against nation and Kingdom against kingdom!!! Many people are blinded by what this evil has done to us on the earth! The devil is devouring many as it roams the earth!! How cunning !! People are starting to fall away! You oh Lord Jesus, holy and true will be our shield and buckler!!! Take us under your wings and watch over all who are your children!!! Pray for my family and the strength I ask the Lord Jesus for our safe journey to our new home! One day it will be in heaven, but for now a safe new home I pray for awaits us!!! Thank you all for listening!! We pray in Jesus name, Amen!!!!! Denise Stephen Samson and Tutti Man!!!
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking for breakthrough and strong protection for us and all in need.
  • Christina - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom. she needs a better job.
  • James Arthur White - 2 years ago
    Pray for me to get a job soon in GOD will. Pray for the Lord to open a door for me. Pray the Lord gives me revelation and leads me where He wants me. Pray for revelation and openings....Pray the Lord raises me and gives me a ministry..Pray I grow in His grace....and deeper roots in Christ...Pray I am to stand for JESUS and have boldness and win souls for His Kingdom....thank u....Pray for protection from evil.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for the families of the school shooting
  • Ty - 2 years ago
    Brothers and sisters please include Bonnie in your prayers. Her husband has passed and just after her dog also passed. Please pray for her to be comforted by our Father and to feel that she is not alone. To trust in the Lord with her heart.

    I am so grateful for your time and prayers.

    Thank you and God Bless
  • David Sirman - 2 years ago
    For 18 years now I have not enjoyed unbroken restful sleep. I have suffered several blows to my head, and as a consequence my head gets hot and I have to sleep with a gel pack to rest my head upon, and when it's no longer cold, I wake up and have to get another gel pack. This means I never am asleep for more than two hours and never achieve REM or dream sleep, which is the restful restorative sleep.
  • Gabriel Beaven - 2 years ago
    Father God age I have and wisdom I have not. My God my spirit sinks below the dark. The dark so think one can reach out and touch it. A cry so bitter that even my stress and anxiety overwhelms this troubled spirit. I am but a recluse to my self and in need of great comfort. I do not forgot those who are in the same as I. Lord God bleed does the spirit of those who wait for you God in Heaven. Anguish and hurt only are our comforts. Where oh where is thy hand of mercy and trust. For has Thou not cast me down and turned Thy face to thee. My God it is a constant reminder of what has become of my action and what had come over me in the times of old. One thinks what now must I do to gain Thy approval. Stab the spirit and turn thy face has Thou? Has the evil one taken over to do thy worst? I am but a shell a spirit and one who cries from inside my heart. A heart that needs is a heart that bleeds. A bleeding l have I that stress has overwhelmed my bones. Crying has filled the night and laughter no more. Pretend must I to fill in a loss but Lord won't Thou restore thy loss. Help me to know teach me your ways and fill my soul and my spirit with a sign a blessing and a comfort. Shall I be lonely long on this day or any other. Oh God have mercy and do not turn away. Look down with pity and not with your wrath to me sevenfold. The devil is around and begging me to fall. Lord God has Thou not remembered me even until my last. Please oh God fill me and transcend me and take my spirit and give what you must give only in mercy for I do not ask demanding but in pleading. Whence will this turnaround come forth. Have I not suffered as well as Thou who wait. Our families have deserted us and they neither want us or need us. They choose to live as though we are dead. Are we dear Lord. Are we dead to those who were set upon this place to be our walk by. Certainly it is our own grave we have dug and our enemies have rejoiced saying they are dead praise satan. God have you forgotten us?
  • Parker - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my daughter to overcome addiction and depression. Please pray for her loneliness emptiness fears and suicidal thoughts. Please pray for her physical mental and emotional pain. Please pray for her safety protection health happiness finances and salvation. Please pray God will restore her life her relationship with her son and her beautiful smile. Please pray God will send her a godly minded husband and friends that lift her up out of depression and loneliness. Please pray she will distance herself from people using or selling drugs or leading her astray. Please pray she will allow the Holy Spirit to guide her in life and stop her reckless behavior. Please pray she will seek God's love mercy and grace. Please pray God will give her the courage strength and wisdom to end her addiction. Please pray for our finances to be enough to sustain our needs and to share with others who are in need. Thank you and God bless you
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago

    Lift up the families of the children killed and injured in Texas in prayer.

    God bless you all.
  • Gabriel Beaven - 2 years ago
    Lord Yehova

    I know I'm not perfect and I have sinned greatly. I know Lord God that I am a sinner and in knowing this it is only by Yeshua that by His blood i am made anew. Lord God I pray for all those who have prayed in faith asking for when we ask we shall receive. Lord God I know with you. We never pray for what is impossible because we know with you ALL things are possible. Lord God we ask for wisdom guidance and peace. Knowing all that we pray for all that we need Yehova will supply. In the Name of Yeshua, May this prayer go out like a cry in the world. Our bones sing in a thousand different ways to praise you and our voices lift to the Heavens above. Open our eyes to what is beyond and above and not in front of us. Yehova you made all and the spirit of God move inside the waters of our body as you did in the beginning. In Jesus Christ Name
  • Gabriel Beaven - 2 years ago
    God in Heaven

    I am asking to be a dad. I know it first for a long time I didn't want to be a dad. I know now God You have impressed upon my heart that I want to be a dad. God I want the right woman my wife Gabby to be the mother. God I want to have three kids. Two girls and a boy. Lord God in heaven I need Gabby to return and Lord God I know at the right time I will be a dad by your power and at the right time my wife Gabby comes back by your ultimate power in Jesus Name. Yeshua Almighty!!!
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    Prayers for the families of the Texas school shooting
  • B Black - 2 years ago
    Gratitude for all that I am blessed with, and asking for protection for all my loved ones, and to safely bring my fiance to Colorado this Friday, and see to it that she arrives safely, to join me in matrimony for all eternity, and to bless our marriage with strength, compassion and honesty. To watch over, comfort, and help those parents that lost their children today, in Texas. To bring an end to the evil on this planet, and bless us with everlasting peace. Amen
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have favor energy and healing and that it's not busy at work tomorrow ijnip amen
  • Phillip evans - 2 years ago
    Have mercy on me
  • Mike on Ephesians 5 - 2 years ago
    i hate life
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    Father God I just want to glorify You today! I want to thank You that You sent Your Only Begotten Son to die for me. That I can be reconciled to You. Forgiven of my sins. Which were many! They're a lot less now, I hope. Thank You! Please lead all of us reading this today in the Holy Spirit. Open our ears and understanding and lead us to people who need to hear about You. I ask it in Jesus name.

    Anyone here willing to do a 24 hour fast this Friday to Sabbath day morning? Can we come together to fast & pray for the needs on this board? The people here. Even a meal or two in that 24 hr period? So that E can have breakthrough and Gabriel's marriage can be restored better than before? So we can see cancers etc healed? My sister needs healing of cancer. My kids & their spouses need salvation . My health needs restoration AND I have an unspoken request that needs to be dealt with one way or another. Jesus please. And also, I want to use my remaining years serving the Lords will not mine. Truly need direction. I pray this for all of us. Hope to see you all in the New Jerusalem!!!
  • Rmrojas57 - 2 years ago
    Unspoken prayer request.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    pray for Kristie and me and our families
  • J - 2 years ago
    Father God I come to you boldly and humbly to your throne of grace, giving all praise and honor to you. Father God I ask for your healing powers I have been dealing with this pain in my stomach for a couple of weeks and ask that you heal me from the constant pain and discomfort I'm going through. Father your word says that by your stripes I'm already healed in Jesus's name Father God I'm asking that you guide the doctors and x-ray technicians site to see the area in which my stomach located so that it maybe diagnosed right. Father my prayer is that you bless and heal all you are going through some kind of sickness, financial problems, anxiety, depression, addiction, anything that is not of you Father God in Jesus powerful name. Father I ask that you touch their bodies minds and souls, from the crown of their heads to the soles of feet in Jesus's matchless name. AMEN AMEN

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