Prayer Requests PAGE 207

  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please continue to pray for my daughter Jessica, that the infection completely leaves her foot , please pray for Kristie and me
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please please please pray that I am clear headed at work tomorrow and that I am able to work fast and have protection from all enemies ijnip amen
  • Joslin archana, Alferius Lawrence Joe - 2 years ago
    Son of David heavenly Father have mercy on me Appa i beg u Lord creator of heaven and earth control me i beg u Lord pls intervene in my situation save me and cancel from all evil plans of my father i beg u Lord pls protect preserve and save my love relationship with Alfe pls Lord renew his mind heart and body i beg u Appa pls give me back alfe as my own i beg u Lord pls remove all spirits of disappointments failures non acceptance demand betrayal betrayer heaviness fear from me and alfe i beg u Lord pls convince my parents alfe parents to accept us i beg u Lord make my father understand the meaning of marriage it's not a deal i beg u Lord pls help him understand my heart pls Lord heal my wounds give me discernment to know the good and evil in this situation protect me from every man i beg u Lord pls cover alfe with blood from every women pls Lord put hedge of thorns covered with ur blood on me and alfe i beg u Lord pls remove every other man and women from our lives heart body Except us i beg u Lord pls intervene my situation i beg u Appa pls give me back alfe as my own pls break all curses in our families all evil obstacles i beg u Lord pls have mercy favor pity grace forgiveness on me and Alfe i beg u pls unite us with ur love alone by ur grace alone i beg u Lord Amen in Jesus Mighty name Amen
  • Celine - 2 years ago
    Zero balance , very bad bad need work
  • John - 2 years ago
    There's a lot of prayer requests I know my life is going down a path I don't know how Jesus is going to let me go down I pray for all the people that I asked for prayers I pray that your prayers will be answered I pray for healing for all of y'all I'm not good in Scripture sorry I pray in Jesus name for all of y'all and your prayers will be answered in Jesus name amen
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    thank you for your prayers for my daughter Jessica please remember her
  • Rachel Robinson - 2 years ago
    My name is Rachel, I'm asking for prayer, that I will be a witness of God's saving power, that others would see Jesus in me. I want my words to be a gift of encouragement to hurting people and words to lift people up. I want to be used of the Lord. Amen
  • EILEEN - 2 years ago
    According to the lords wil prayer for healnf to the lrods willfor healing and delverance from the latest attack and manipulation from ken and others. premove off keen all stolen aand leave convition ther instead. nonstop. others the same. in jessu name i ask.
  • EUKEEBWD - 2 years ago
    Ken is evil need help always being spirit abuse by him his boyfriend bo donna deb and god know. in jesus name i ask.
  • Doug Garner - 2 years ago
    please pray for my wife Gail
  • Jan Rene Ann Maudlin - 2 years ago
    Please help me God they have takene apart and said thr going to leepy spirit forever
  • Jan Rene Ann Maudlin - 2 years ago
    I need someone to pray bc these evil spirits called Hell Raisers have taken me totally apart I see there spirits hear there spirits and can feel them cutting on me . They say they have my spirit and I pf them is in my body running reals. They pin my pupils open and say they throw bodies iny and eat them. Ive prayed probably 40 times a day for 8 years and no one has helped me. Please God help me they say there going to leep my spirit when they decide to kill me. This spunds crazy but its all true.
  • Jan Rene Ann Maudlin - 2 years ago
    Evil spirits have taken me apart and are torturing me and have been for 8 years please pray to God for me to get the help I meed Im desperate!
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please continue to pray for my daughter Jessica , Praise the Lord she saw a doctor yesterday and they performed surgery on her foot yesterday the infection was very deep , she is a diabetic so please continue to Keep her in your prayers for complete healing
  • Becky - 2 years ago
    I'm living in bondage. I need prayers badly!
  • Donna G. Warren on Galatians 6:9 - 2 years ago
    To Jason: have trust in our Lord, pray,God knows all ,hears everything,, sees all. Read the Bible,reach out to people that are kind,maybe around in your life,or here.Look @ Proverbs3:5-7,1Cor15:58,Eccles3 .Read Matt. Mark,Luke,& John. Here I am just going on. Do you have a Bible or access to a Bible ? I think most would consider King James version the best . You have to start somewhere. You mentioned that you work construction, I hope that you are drinking plenty of water & some Gatorade type drink to stay hydrated, & replace fluids that get lost with sweating. Sorry but I am a nurse (E.R.)& have seen what happens when people don't. I will pray for you as I am sure others here will also.
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for

    Baby kaly Rose she is

    Still not responding

    Still on life support

    Someone took her vest in the pool and she is on life support
  • John - 2 years ago
    Apologize but the person that I was taking care of her name is Shelly Bailey she has hunting disease stage 3 she's in a nursing home she's 52 all she has is me please play for her health and not be bored if I'm doing this incorrect I apologize thank you
  • John on Galatians 6 - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me I'm saved I've been helping somebody else out for the last 5 years now I'm going to become homeless I'm going to fall through the cracks I do know a lot of people but nobody's going to step up to the plate and I understand please pray for me thank you
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember my daughter Jessica today in your prayers
  • Suze - 2 years ago
    Hello everyone and may God bless you all , just checking in and saying thank you all for your fab posts , I'm doing a lot for my parents at this time and I'm very tired , my step dad is dying of heart failure at home so I'm helping as much as I can , he is comfortable thanks to God for His mercies and for all your prayers , please keep all your posts coming and I hope to be back with you all soon but not just yet , loads of love in Christ to you all , be not soon shaken !
  • Tasha on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Helping me with my life
  • Mike - 2 years ago
    Like Job, God let the devil on me while I was still good. I compare it to Jesus taking a lamb and throwing it into a pen with wolfs who attack it. And while being attacked the lamb looks up at Jesus and cries for help but Jesus turns his back. I feel that happened to me. God eventually removed the devil from attacking Job. But he seemed to forget he put the devil on me. Decades later at age 57 I am now covered with sin from being overwhelmed by God lack of presence in my life despite searching for him. Various times I gave up and my faith concluded perhaps there is no God or he just doesn't care or has already written me off. And when I earnestly try to regain my faith and come back there is still emptiness. My life has been stagnation, loneliness, failure, broken dreams. No friends, no wife, no home of my own, scraping by financially. No matter how hard I try supernatural blocks are placed before me to prevent progress. I'm forced to watch peers from high school gain fruit. I go on facebook and see they are married, have kids, a house, vacation while I'm still stuck behind. I even see generations pass me by as I see my siblings living large. Wonderful life milestones. I watch my brother climb up the ladder in life, marry, have kids, then see his kids graduate, get married, have kids, buy a house. Meanwhile I'm 57 years old and still stuck. I fear I will live this hellacious life only to then die and go to Hell for God seems not to be with me. What gives? Please pray God will restore the years the locust have eaten and end this horror show.
  • Donna - 2 years ago

    Please pray for Jill in the hospital liver & kidneys failing. Jesus heal her. Backslidden Pastors daughter. Lord please be merciful. To the whole family. Restore their souls. Lord You can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Her boyfriend just died.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus I ask for powerful encouragement and all hindrances to our prayers removed. Please forgive our sins. Help us to walk in a manner pleasing to you. I renew my prayer for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and strength, the fullness of the Holy Spirit (as per Eph. 3:14-19). I pray this for us and all in need in your powerful name and I thank you and praise you for the answer. Amen
  • Kyle Andrew schu - 2 years ago
    could you please pray for my sister MADDIE Kelley she might have a blood disease and were so very worried thanks so much
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for my daughter Jessica she has a very bad infection on her foot and is a diabetic
  • Joy - 2 years ago
    To know God as my father and friend. i want to draw close to him and knw what it is like to dwell in his presence daily.
  • Shirley - 2 years ago
    To know God better and be closer to him. Pray that whatever keeps me from know him can disappear

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