As a Christian and due to some decisions that I had made one of them Kratom I also found myself indulging in other things that were not good such as New Age music which I knew better and it opened doors to demonic spirits attacking because of the oppression I was acting out what the oppression was like for example spirit of anger and bitterness which led road rage and even some cussing and I knew something was wrong because Christian shouldn't do that It all started because I started taking Kratom for pain that was the doorway Four days ago I went to church I got prayed for went through a deliverance cleansing and as soon as they prayed for me and I repented and rebuked it all The crazy thoughts of crate and went away it was constant thoughts going through my head when I went through that prayer afterwards it's like the thoughts were gone I felt new again. No more anger no more bitterness but I will say that there were times or even now when I start questioning whether or not the kratom was what started it maybe it was just listening to New Age music that started it because that is an open doorway just alone by itself you don't listen to that music because it's like a portal to evil spirits So I had to remind myself in order to stay on track with my walking with Christ is basically to be in my word every day and listening to praise and worship and living the best that I can for that day and trying to live the way that Christ would've lived and not bring pleasure to myself because that is wrong. When I start to ask myself what will Jesus do? And I know for a fact he wouldn't of been taking drugs for pain and yes he did drink but that was a new one it was different than alcohol of today However he knew when to put others and God first and not himself and that's how I'm going to try to act every day in order to get over the kratom.
Please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work today and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
Please pray for my daughter Bernadine, that God restores her mind. She is hearing voices in her head, believes there is a cell phone inside her body. Delusional due to drUg addiction. She currently gave her life back to the lord but still hears things in her mind and believes people are stalking her.
please pray my lung test are good no cancer i go tomorrow and i am so afraid also no heart problems please lord make me healthy so i can watch my grandson grow . i am 73 and so afraid of missing my life pleasures my son has a new baby and wife and i am so excited and i need to enjoy them no more cancer or illness please give doctors healing hands
Please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work at all today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
Prayer for God's hedge of protection, grace, mercy, deliverance and blessings, provision and for God to open doors for a job with saved leaders that does right by employees, prayer for a speedily healing recovery for my daughter and my grandchildren, children and I and to bless me to relocate asap out of the city I in to a city where God has people that are true doers of The Word of God that will overseer my children, grandkids and I stay of the right path. and a right now opened financial door for my children and I. Prayer for God;s perfect will to be fulfilled in me and my children's and grandchildrens lives that God predestined unhindered. Prayer for a job, a house and to be able to pay all bills in full but even if it's not going to happen I am content and grateful while homeless. I have joy regardless of all judgments that man has on us, God be the glory for everything. Thank you. God bless you
I'm asking everyone to please pray for President Trump. He will likely be reelected and needs Christian support. If you have been conditioned to hate him as your enemy, then isn't that all the more reason to pray for him as Jesus taught? Matthew 5:44. Jesus also said to love your neighbor. Mark 12:31 If you support him because he's pushed so hard to save lives of millions of innocent babies that are murdered through abortion, or if you appreciate what he's done for Christian freedom and rights, and want to pray for God to continue to use him, then that's great too.
I cannot comprehend how some Christians prefer a Muslim leader who pushes for increased baby murders, but have hatred for a pro-Christian leader who works hard to protect life. Trump isn't perfect and we aren't either. God uses anyone He wants. Matthew 7:1-2 Many are judging morals of others based on what they assume is a truthful media report, but fail to consider their own moral shortcomings and that a lot of the news isn't even true.
Media propaganda has distorted the views of many into hatred for their neighbor. Many are based on lies and strategically edited footage just like the current dramatic play about Jan 6th that edited out security police opening the doors and welcoming people into the capital, and edited out the FBI agent who tried to entrap people. Some pretend that all the protestors went inside the capital, even though less than 1% of the peaceful protestors were even in that area. Many paid agitators.
Even though Biden is currently occupying the white house, given his condition and job performance it is unlikely he will be reelected. Many don't believe he was legitimately elected in the first place, due to the rampant ballot harvesting and other problems that have been exposed through security cameras, project veritas whistleblowers, and researchers like those behind the 2000 mules documentary. It has been really eye opening, and given that dozens of people have been convicted of voter fraud and are currently serving prison time, it's strange that some completely deny that any voter in the US has ever cheated.
My daughter needs salvation & deliverance. She is in her 40's staying with me & mom since 2019. I want her to move. She doesn't contribute anything to the house. She is difficult to live with & argumentative. I have been paying her student loan since 2016. It is almost half of what I get. I can't afford it because I am on SS, but because I asked a family member to co-sign I feel responsible to pay it. She acts like it's my bill. I can't talk to her about it because she gets angry. I am tired and want peace.
Would you pray for my mothers peace & ease of mind. Pray that she accepts, she cannot control or change others at her will, pray that she finds comfort in knowing god is in control of all things. Pray my sister is able to seek god in her dark world, that he takes hold of whatever evil or demons she possesses and leads her to path of healing.
Please pray in Jesus name for my sister, she is having a really rough road to travel at the moment, finance problems, having to see a probation officer for a solid year, having to attend classes for a solid year for a court appearance. I am Praying that all of these things are not an every day thing, considering tne gas prices and all. Also, please pray that the Lord will heal her eyes. Thank you. May the Lord bless each one of you. AMEN
I know as a Christian detachment from the things of this world is easier and profound the closer we are to God. That's where I am - I truly abhor the ways of the world, pursuing like-minded people who love God's world and love and enjoy good people. That is how I fulfill my days.
A young couple lives next door, of whom I had chosen to obliterate all attention to. Bad choices (drugs). Since they moved in people in general avoid them. The young lady has predatorial habits with her phone. She argues with many in the area. I used to give in to reinforcement when she harassed me, and decided to withhold reinforcement altogether. What I got from her was a retaliation burst. I believe this is typical of controlling people who lose that ability to control another individual. As a result, she complained to the landlord that I yelled at her children out of a 2nd-story window my daughter and I keep closed all the times on June 2. The children are definitely not a problem. I recall that day hearing them vaguely in their backyard, however I'm usually in another part of my house with headphones on while doing my work to drown out noise from the location of my office, which is in a different location than the window I was supposed to have yelled from. The landlord wants to evict me, but told my daughter she could stay. We have both refuted the landlord's support of the conjured complaint by the neighbor. Today is June 9, and now he is stating - from the neighbor's complaint, that I knocked on her door, as well. I don't know what to do with this - I'm without words! We asked the landlord to have her provide proof. The bigger problem in all this is the landlord's strange one-sided support. What is the biggest problem is I truly believe this is a spiritual attack. For example, during Lent, I prayed with purpose to find something good and sympathetic with this couple. They started to stalk and harass me. It has been relentless ever since. I really need supportive prayer. Thank you!
Thank you,
2. I asked strength
3. I asked for good job
4. I asked for a good woman in my life
5. I asked good feature
I cannot comprehend how some Christians prefer a Muslim leader who pushes for increased baby murders, but have hatred for a pro-Christian leader who works hard to protect life. Trump isn't perfect and we aren't either. God uses anyone He wants. Matthew 7:1-2 Many are judging morals of others based on what they assume is a truthful media report, but fail to consider their own moral shortcomings and that a lot of the news isn't even true.
Media propaganda has distorted the views of many into hatred for their neighbor. Many are based on lies and strategically edited footage just like the current dramatic play about Jan 6th that edited out security police opening the doors and welcoming people into the capital, and edited out the FBI agent who tried to entrap people. Some pretend that all the protestors went inside the capital, even though less than 1% of the peaceful protestors were even in that area. Many paid agitators.
Even though Biden is currently occupying the white house, given his condition and job performance it is unlikely he will be reelected. Many don't believe he was legitimately elected in the first place, due to the rampant ballot harvesting and other problems that have been exposed through security cameras, project veritas whistleblowers, and researchers like those behind the 2000 mules documentary. It has been really eye opening, and given that dozens of people have been convicted of voter fraud and are currently serving prison time, it's strange that some completely deny that any voter in the US has ever cheated.
The end is near. Please pray. God bless all.
Thks all christians
Thank you.
A young couple lives next door, of whom I had chosen to obliterate all attention to. Bad choices (drugs). Since they moved in people in general avoid them. The young lady has predatorial habits with her phone. She argues with many in the area. I used to give in to reinforcement when she harassed me, and decided to withhold reinforcement altogether. What I got from her was a retaliation burst. I believe this is typical of controlling people who lose that ability to control another individual. As a result, she complained to the landlord that I yelled at her children out of a 2nd-story window my daughter and I keep closed all the times on June 2. The children are definitely not a problem. I recall that day hearing them vaguely in their backyard, however I'm usually in another part of my house with headphones on while doing my work to drown out noise from the location of my office, which is in a different location than the window I was supposed to have yelled from. The landlord wants to evict me, but told my daughter she could stay. We have both refuted the landlord's support of the conjured complaint by the neighbor. Today is June 9, and now he is stating - from the neighbor's complaint, that I knocked on her door, as well. I don't know what to do with this - I'm without words! We asked the landlord to have her provide proof. The bigger problem in all this is the landlord's strange one-sided support. What is the biggest problem is I truly believe this is a spiritual attack. For example, during Lent, I prayed with purpose to find something good and sympathetic with this couple. They started to stalk and harass me. It has been relentless ever since. I really need supportive prayer. Thank you!