Prayer Requests PAGE 204

  • Chantal Burns - 2 years ago
    Lord I come to you humbly and request your interceding on my behalf with my current job at the hospital I love. I humbly request that you would help me with keeping my job, that you will help me be better and that any investigation will be in my favor and I will be able to keep my current place in the ED at the hospital I am at. I fervently, humbly ask you to please help me with a miracle. I have faith that you will. I urgently humbly and with great faith request your help. In Jesus name. Amen
  • Anna - 2 years ago
    Dear God and Lord Jesus in 2 weeks and I will soon be without a home please keep me safe Please help me to stay at my friends house without him getting into trouble with the property management please let me find affordable temporary housing till my application goes through one of these apartments that I can afford to rent I am scared and desperately need your help to find permanent affordable housing Amen thankyou Anna B
  • Digman - 2 years ago
    For Jesus to endow vitality in His church family to the ends of the Earth, spare them from the devil's distresses, and for new steps to do things to glorify His works in lives. Amen.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Please pray for encouragement, strength and strong protection. Please pray we are delivered from heavy oppression and bondage and that the whole family turns to Jesus with all of their hearts. Please ask for the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage for us and all in need.
  • Daniel - 2 years ago
    Please pray for erica stearns to find peace in god..thankyou
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember my daughters today Deanna and Jessica and Kristie and me in your prayers today
  • Phil - 2 years ago
    Prayer request for mental healing. Deliverance from fear, confusion, anxiety and depression. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    So many people are battling tonight including myself. We are all battling health or loneliness or fear. I am lifting up all the brethren and Sistren tonight. I pray Lord bring a breakthrough God. Bring victory bring us power in the name of Jesus Christ. Teachers guide us help us to rise Up Lord and crush these devils under our feet in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Don't let us back up Lord or bow down to the enemy but help us rise up and lift our hands to the heavens and cry out to you Lord send the Holy Spirit. We are STRONG in YOU. In Jesus name. If you're reading this I am praying for you tonight, right now, in Jesus name
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good evening to all! Yesterday I asked for a prayer request for our friend Nick! He didn't survive, he passed away last night! Dear Lord, have mercy on his soul, he was lost but maybe our prayers for him will help some how! My husband prayed with him, he might have made peace with the Lord we remember what can happen to us when we get sucked into evil things! Thank you Lord Jesus, remember you are the truth life and way! Only you can save us! In Jesus name I pray Amen
  • John - 2 years ago
    When the panda happen we found out a lot of things about a lot of people that we knew and everything I understand people were scared it was like everybody for themselves our our country is going to go through some bad things the next year or so I guess I'm not sure about all this I know a little bit I don't have a child thank God for that but they're going to be a lot of people that are going to have kids and we need to pray that these people are going to survive let's hope we come together let's pray for that I know my son's not going to help me I don't know why anyways let's pray that all the people have food in their stomach and a roof over their head let's pray for that thank you
  • Desrie Jones - 2 years ago
    Please pray for complete from a stroke that I suffered.Healing from a medical condition from my adrenal glands. Most importantly

    prayer for the salvation of my family,The Antoine Family. We need the lord to rescue, heal and save this family. For with

    God all things are possible

    Thank you for standing with me.

  • Gerald - 2 years ago
    Please pray God blesses our family and church family based on Numbers 6:24-26. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Friend - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my friend Maria.

    The doctor told her she has a slipped disk in her neck that is causing constant pain behind her right shoulder. The doctors have only given her pills for the pain and steroids for inflammation. She desperately needs prayer for healing. I told her that I would post this request and she is very appreciative of your prayers on her behalf. Thank you everyone.
  • Jane H - 2 years ago
    I can't get up and have a shower and I don't know why. I'm scared to go out. I'm scared of men and getting a husband. I'm tired and my back hurts so much. I have no money left. I need help with my EU Brexit application for settlement status please and a US visa. I can't get up to have a shower and go out and I need to. My housemate and all the men in his group are part of the Illuminati and are into child porn. They pass the pictures around. How can I stop it or what am I supposed to do? They are so gross. I have a tremendous amount of back pain and I need to find a flat to live in. My flatmate is heavily invoked in the occult, I-Ching, the Tarot, yoga and witchcraft. I have an interview tomorrow and I need to have a shower now and I can't. My housemate always coughs all the time, night and day. It's so annoying
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good morning! Please pray for our friend Nick! After the crash of 2008 he has been on a roller coaster ride down hill ever since!! He began doing drugs and he has overdosed a few times in the past years! My husband gave him our cell number, prayed with him, but he just won't stop! Yesterday FDNY came to his house for he overdosed again! We'll know today if he survived or not! Not sure how long he'd been down passed out! Dear Lord Jesus, your love for us is amazing and never changing, it's all I'm your hands, oh Lord , maybe taking him home would be best, that's your decision!! Please pray for his family! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
  • Ronnette on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago
    To the church of God:

    I know God speaks to you. I would ask for your prayers. You know the prayers of the saints. You know who you are. I have read you comments. Your confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ is known unto God. Your prayers are my delight. Thank you.

    I pray for all of you as we have to pray for each other.

    Romans 1:11-12

    Grace and peace from our God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember my daughters Deanna and Jessica in your prayers , remember Kristie and me
  • Lance - 2 years ago
    Please pray that the almighty God would help lance with his anxiety give him relieved and give him wisdom and strength God bless
  • Leo - 2 years ago
    I broke up with my girlfriend. I hope and pray that God have the right woman for me and that he let me see it clearly.
  • [email protected] - 2 years ago
    Prayers for daughter Genesis zavala attison to choose the right path as going through teenager years to be home more chooses the right friends

  • [Comment Removed]
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please keep my daughters Jessica and Deanna in your prayers
  • Mary Park - 2 years ago
    Will you please keep our family in your prayers
  • Mike - 2 years ago
    Jesus, when you were in the Garden of Gethsemane you asked, if possible, that the cup be taken from you, but if it was God's will so be it. The world depended on you finishing that cup. But my cup, if I don't finish it, the world will be ok. This cup is more than I can chew, overwhelming, and counterproductive to my well being and spiritual growth. In fact, it's causing harm to my soul. It's too much and as a result I've fallen into dark places of depravity and failure. The test is more than I can handle. I am like a camel with a cracked spine and way too much weight on me and I'm broken and breaking further. Please remove this weight from me. Get me to Heaven, yes, but do it gently. If you keep this pressure up I'll surely crack for the worst. I don't want that. You don't want that. And the world will be ok if you lighten my load. And I will be ok if you do too. It might just save my soul. I need you to get this, God! I'm not exaggerating. Enough. And thankyou for hearing me. Truly hearing me. I need you to hear me.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking for strong protection, breakthrough and encouragement for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please send revival. Thank you Lord.
  • Johnson Geneva - 2 years ago
    Please pray for God's supernatural intervention in the permanent removal of all cancer from my son, Tony, body.
  • Devika Ashwini Pillay - 2 years ago

    I need prayer fr my Business - Expert Business


  • Gabriel Beaven - 2 years ago
    This is the last time I am posting on this prayer wall. I don't even know if it will get posted but I'm going to try. If it doesn't well then it doesn't. I have prayed and prayed and prayed. I have cried more and more and more. My spirit keeps pouring out blood and it has eaten me as a cancer. I grieve for those on here with their request hoping that their prayers get answered. Mine wasn't. God has indeed turned His back on me and a curse has been placed upon me. The devil does talk to me and says I can bring her back in a matter of minutes. I have already been down that road and do not wish to go back. Indeed as it has been in the Bible. God does turn His back on us and will not answer us anymore. How can a God that is suppose to be fair and justice do this. How can a God let all who suffer go on and then not even place His hand on a wounded spirit. Praying is like beating a dead horse. When will you stop and face yourself and say enough is enough. We are a spirit and our spirit is ruled by unforeseen spirits. Some good some bad.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good afternoon all! Please pray for me and my family there's no work a and our savings are very low! Want to leave nyc but it's getting harder with each passing day! Dear Lord Jesus, you lead, we will follow, anywhere you want us to be! I know you know what we need before we ask, so I'm asking you for your love and guidance which we have always had because of our undying faith in you! May we be worthy of all things that come from you!!! In Jesus name I pray, Amen! Lord Jesus come today!!!!
  • Jennifer c - 2 years ago
    As a Christian and due to some decisions that I had made one of them Kratom I also found myself indulging in other things that were not good such as New Age music which I knew better and it opened doors to demonic spirits attacking because of the oppression I was acting out what the oppression was like for example spirit of anger and bitterness which led road rage and even some cussing and I knew something was wrong because Christian shouldn't do that It all started because I started taking Kratom for pain that was the doorway Four days ago I went to church I got prayed for went through a deliverance cleansing and as soon as they prayed for me and I repented and rebuked it all The crazy thoughts of crate and went away it was constant thoughts going through my head when I went through that prayer afterwards it's like the thoughts were gone I felt new again. No more anger no more bitterness but I will say that there were times or even now when I start questioning whether or not the kratom was what started it maybe it was just listening to New Age music that started it because that is an open doorway just alone by itself you don't listen to that music because it's like a portal to evil spirits So I had to remind myself in order to stay on track with my walking with Christ is basically to be in my word every day and listening to praise and worship and living the best that I can for that day and trying to live the way that Christ would've lived and not bring pleasure to myself because that is wrong. When I start to ask myself what will Jesus do? And I know for a fact he wouldn't of been taking drugs for pain and yes he did drink but that was a new one it was different than alcohol of today However he knew when to put others and God first and not himself and that's how I'm going to try to act every day in order to get over the kratom.

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