Prayer Requests PAGE 193

  • James white - 2 years ago
    Hello, please pray GOD grants me wisdom and direction in finding a job. I need to know if He wants me to apply for a Pastor position with a small Baptist church in Campton KY or if he also or wants me to go back to teaching at the Christian School I taught at. Also would like to know just specifically what does the Lord desire me to do....for work and ministry etc. Last please pray my online classes fill up that I am supposed to teach for a college this fall. Right now they are my only income and if they do not feel up. Then I will lost 2400 dollars this fall.....Thank You....
  • Cheryl - 2 years ago
    I am asking you to please pray for me .

    Please pray that God will bring me a new Soulmate friend from Mexico now , as I would love to learn thier culture, and have a new trusting friend in my life.

    Thank you to everyone who prays for me . This is extremely important to me.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good afternoon all! Please let's all pray to our Lord Jesus Christ for His guidance love forgiveness for we are under attack by the evils of our world that the Lord gave us to live!! Trials and tribulations that the Lord tells us in His word are happening right before our eyes!! Please come today Lord Jesus and take all your elects home!! Our home is with You!! Bless my family my King and only King in the universe! I'm a sinner I repent to you oh Lord I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me!!! Lord, send your angels to watch over us and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter!! Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ!! Amen!! In Jesus name I pray Amen!!!
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers
  • Bri - 2 years ago
    I was once a kind and godly woman, filled with the Holy Spirit. I have not felt his presence in a long time. Please pray that God would place me in a church community where it will be possible for me to be restored to fellowship with Him, and be filled with the Spirit again.
  • Moses Taylor - 2 years ago
    Please pray concerning mexican and chinese military forces in mexico and USA on private land's. Please pray for God's Will for all of this, myself and deliverances + USA Militiamen to be used by the Lord for interception, and round up
  • David - 2 years ago
    [please pray for Kristie and me
  • Anubhab Mallick - 2 years ago
    MY LORD AND MY GOD i come to you in your mercy and forgiveness and i accept that i am sinner and I have distrust you. I left you. But Today I come back to you again. I repent all my sins and sexual sins and seek for your mercy and forgiveness. Please make me your child again and be my Lord of my life and take your rightful place on my heart again. Pardon me Lord
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Join me in praying for the public service such as the police officers I ask Lord for you to dispatch waring guardian and protection angels by their side give the police officers a heightened sense of discernment and wisdom supernatural wisdom and blueprints

    May favor encompass them like a shield

    Guide them lord every step of the way. Lord I also pray for more good men and women police officers to be hired all across the world
  • Bri - 2 years ago
    I am having a hard time believing that God loves my family and me and wants us to be saved, and am being forced to pretend I have a relationship with God when I don't. Please pray that he will give us a desire to do what will bring about our salvation and sanctification.
  • Jordan - 2 years ago
    Please lift my friend up in prayer, his name is Troy and he is dying of bone cancer. Ask that the Lord may give him mercy, grace, and hope. That the Lord may heal him. Thank you.
  • Q - 2 years ago
    Hello all ! I'm 62. I've driven tractor trailers most of my life (42 years). My back is in really bad shape. I was forced to retire on ssi and currently waiting to be approved for ss disability. I don't know what I'm going to do since I can't work. I wasn't prepared for this . My wife divorced me 12 years ago, and I lost my home. Now I'm held up in a motel waiting for an MRI of my back. I feel lost but refuse to believe satans lies. I have no idea what my future holds. I have a daughter that lives nearby but they have a life and my 3 yr old grandson to take care of. I've been praying my butt off for months . I feel shipwrecked. I know Jesus says he will never leave nor forsake me,and I believe it. Please pray for me. I feel like I'm losing it sometimes. Waiting and waiting....honestly I wish He would take me home.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Father please stretch out your mighty hand to protect, heal, deliver and save those in our lives that need your touch. I include my family and I. Please fight our battles Lord Jesus and please make a way where there seem to be no way. Send the anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage and please translate many out of darkness into your kingdom Lord. May you be exalted and glorified. I pray in your holy name Lord Jesus. Amen.
  • Beth A Cahill - 2 years ago
    How can i ask god to please heal my cockapoos seriously injured eye?
  • Carolyn Trimmer - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me as I'm homeless and in need of a home
  • John - 2 years ago
    Hi this is John this will be my last time I'm on this website input on 1st Peter 5:8 if we're strong in the spirit and not the flesh we should have to worry about should we but if we're weak in the spirit and strong and flush it opens the door for the devil to come into your life just wondering if that's right or not this has been a good sight I wish I could stay on but I can't I pray that that all your prayers will be answered in Jesus name I pray amen
  • David A - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers today

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  • GiGi again - 2 years ago
    oops, I meant Whittemore, sorry Ronald.
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Dear Ronald Whittenhouse,

    I appreciate your last post, but it seems that the ability to reply on that thread has been closed down. Perhaps that is for the best.

    I am glad clarified your position on this topic so well. Thank you. This site is a blessing, I agree. And there are topics that resurface again and again and people can have very strong and passionate positions and concerns about some of these topics. I think that is fine. Some people can handle a vigorous discussion better than others. Others are more sensitive and get offended or intimidated more easily. My hope is that each person will speak up for themselves concerning how a discussion may impact them so that we can begin to understand one another better and gauge our responses better.

    You have done a very good job in your posts. I love to read what you post because it is very reasoned and carefully worded. Keep up the good work. We need each other and God has drawn each of us to this site for a good purpose.
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my son to become stronger in Christ for he just repented 6 months ago after being a satanist for yrs. He is super confused, somewhat depressed and recently lost his job so is in need another a.s.a.p. Thank you all and God bless
  • Taking Care of Gods Family - 2 years ago
    Father God, I pray that You would undertake to prevent the spread of Covid and open our hearts to hear the Holy Spirits Voice, in our spirits.

    Matthew 24 and Luke 21, warn of Pestilences in the Last Days. Help us to be mindful to care for ourselves and others.

    Satans name is Destroyer and we refuse to give any entry into our lives. Help us to be wise, not paranoid. Wipe & wash. Rest in your Lordship and Cease to Doubt.

    These are the Final years of Earth. Help us to follow Jesus to Safety in all things.
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    Lord we need another great awakening. I pray for revival in our nation. Again. In my personal walk with You. I'm in a time of discouragement probably due to health issues. Forgive me Father God.

    John 1:1-2

    John 1:14

    John 3:16
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me today
  • Virgie dryden - 2 years ago
    I am a 75 year old person and i been through of lot in my life time,but never gave up on god.i was saved november 8,1985 and stiil saved but lately i have felt down.i feel like i am nothing any more.i pray every day i read my bible everyday,but i feel i'm feel like a balloom fixing to burst,i just feel like losing it,i want to scream and pull my hair out.i just don't understand why i am feeling this way.i go to church every time the doors are open.i have lots of friends at church and our senior citizens center,but i feel all alone.i have family but some reason they dont have much to do with me, since my mom and dad are gone.but it seems like there something missing in my life and i don't what it is.i just need prayer for understanding.
  • Christine Payne - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me because I was diagnosed with covid-19 yesterday I haven't been able to really hold anything down to eat and my muscles are still cramping really bad headache has gone away but please pray that it goes away soon and God heals me and also please pray that my parents didn't catch it from me thank you in advance God bless you in Jesus name
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Just got back from the doctor. Glad I went since 50 % of my calf is swollen, red and tender from this wasp sting.

    Began taking the antibiotic, steroid, and antihistamine, so I should see improvement soon. Thanks to all who prayed for me.

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  • John - 2 years ago
    My brother's sisters and Christ Jesus I'm sitting here feeling my spirit learning about angels I listen to this one thing about Jesus was somewhere I should know but I'm not sure where it's at in the Bible about pieces having 12 lesions of Angels at his disposable all he had to do is pray the reason why I'm doing this is because well I'm by myself and it's just me in Jesus Christ that's it now we need to hear some good stuff that Jesus wants us to hear I hope I'm saying this right I'm very careful I don't want to get in trouble with Jesus Christ see he has the key to the good place or the bad place be the spirit not the flesh my brothers and sisters in Jesus name I pray amen

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