Good evening all!! In the Lord's word,He talks of His government not the one here on earth!! It shall have no end and He is the ruler of it!! It will be so righteous in His eyes!! When that glorious day of the Lord's second coming everything will be so perfect, only in our death if we believe unto the only begotten of the Father will we comprehend all things by His grace and mercy!!! May I and my family be worthy of all things in Heaven and Eternity with the King of Kings!!! We need you Lord Jesus today, tomorrow and forever!!! Thank you for your loving gifts that as sinners so humbly praise and honor You!!! In Jesus's name I pray ,Amen!!!
What's happening on the planet today on all seven continents, ours included, of course, is beyond the scope of human understanding, e.g. death in unprecedented scales without warning. please pray for global salvation and the warriors and harvestors who will go out to bring souls to jesus christ and the kingdom of god starting with the prayers of our own families, friends, peers, and loved ones. including our missionary brothers ans sisters in christ engaging in the world, the battlefield. pray in the spirit as there is a numberless issues, we must pray for. thankyou, all brothers and sisters praying to bring many souls to jesus christ.
please pray that i find favor in veronica's heart also asking the lord to open up the lines of communication between us and give her disearnment to see i'm being sincere and honest
Good morning everyone! We pray today for all our friends family neighbors and lost sheep who will come to and believe unto our Lord Jesus Christ! In these trying times we ask for all things to keep us safe from the evils of this world! Please Lord bring the rains for your creation of all animals, great and small and us too!! I thank you Lord Jesus, in your name, Amen!!!
Please pray I get better soon been sick since July 18th. Haven't been to church or any study classes since either. Got outside to feed birds and squirrels but even that made me dizzy. Thanks to all, in advance, that pray. Just pushing the "pray" button I wont see it but God knows that you prayed and that's good enough for me. I'm grateful to you all.!
Good evening all! Please pray for my husband for tomorrow he's going to a new job! Pray for his safety on the road for he'll be driving doing deliveries!! My Lord Jesus, we ask for your mercy and watchful eye over all who love and give thanks to You for all You do for us!! May we be worthy of all the gifts You have given us, life family, fellowship with our brothers and sisters!!! Thank you for forgiving our sins and sinful ways!!! Help us to always remember the pain You suffered for us, for our pains are nothing compared to Your pain on the cross!!!! Hope we will learn by our mistakes to try to be Christ like to show and tell the world all about You!!! Thank You, King of the Universe!!!!! The Throne of our Lord Jesus will last forever!!! Amen!! I am a sinner!!!!!
Please pray for Christine who has stage 4 bone cancer and is in terrible pain. The tumors have broken her back twice. The doctors don't seem to have much hope. We are praying that Jesus will heal and strengthen her. Thank you for praying for Christine, our daughter. God bless.
Pray to God to send miracles and blessings my way and favor and pray to God to open up doors for me to because the devil is tacking me and my girlfriend Ellen mensah and cerseing me and my girlfriend Ellen mensah and pray to God to stop my family's and friends from putting cerseings on me and being mean to me and pray to God to stop my family's and friends from taking everything l got and my hole social security check form me and pray to God to heal my hole body from the inside and out and pray to God to send miracles and blessings my way and favor and pray to God to open up doors for me to because I am trying to move to France with my girlfriend Ellen mensah and I need finches to move to France with my girlfriend Ellen mensah for that to happen for me and pray to God to send miracles and blessings my way and favor my way and my girlfriend Ellen mensah and pray to God to open up doors for me and my girlfriend Ellen mensah to because me and my girlfriend Ellen mensah need it right now and can y'all pray for me and my girlfriend Ellen mensah and keep me and my girlfriend Ellen mensah in y'all prayers and thank y'all and Iperctaed y'all
Pray for strong protection and breakthrough (the Lord knows) and encouragement for us and all others crying out to Him for help (standing on Psalm 121) and for those who don't cry out because they don't believe in the Lord please ask that they will.
I pray that my mind is clear from bad thoughts and anxiety. I pray my partner never give up or loss faith in our relationship...I pray our kids returned back to us like we declare together in the name of Jesus Christ amen
Hi ! I Tradawn And Jacqueline Montgomery Writing Asking For Prayer. Me And My Mother Jacqueline Moved In New Apartments And Monitoring Spirits And Harassing Spirits From The Apartments We Moved Out Follow Us To Our New Apartments . I Believe Some Body Playing With Witchcraft. These Spirits Have Been Following Us From Apartment To Apartment. Please Pray Pray Pray God Will Dismantle And Destroy These Harassing Witches. Thanks And God Bless
Please pray for Sir and Sherrie. Also please pray for Clifton, Shirley and Stan. Marc, Brian, Sean, Lance and Ansol also need prayer. In addition Doug, Hamp, Wendy, John and Portia also need prayer. Thank you in advance.
Lord, help me to have a spirit that forgives and a discerning spirit that is able to see when the enemy tries to use people to aggravate me. Help me to always trust in you, dear God. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Please pray for my mom Lorraine's salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine's possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
Good evening everyone!! Pray to out Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all His blessing!! Lord, we read Your words and try to live by them, but our fallen flesh tries to kick us in the can!! You knew what it was like for us to be in flesh for You came down from above to bring us back to whom we really belong to, and save us from all our sins! You and the Father who sent You to reconcile with our Heavenly Father!!! What joy we will have on that Great Day of Your second coming!! Please Lord Jesus come today and take me and my family home, with you!!! This life on earth has no true meaning for us anymore!!! Most hopes and dreams are being shattered by evil!!! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, in Your name I pray, Amen
please keep praying for gianna : ( she is not doing very well