I'm asking the lord to guide me and my partner with the wisdom and love of Jesus . To forgive those who have hurt us and those who have tried to take out lives. I'm asking that he give us strength to love one another and show people the true love of Christ . Heal us from the hurt and sickness in my body and soul
This is a prayer request for my boyfriend Byron. For a couple days now, he's been having shortness of breath, coughing, congestion, headache and weakness. Thank you so much for praying and God bless you also in His Mighty Name!!
I never thought at 69 that I would be without a permanent place to stay. I have been in Howard County, Maryland for 33 years and raised my five children alone here. I was awarded two of my grandchildren who told the courts they wanted to come live with their grandmother in Maryland and I opened my doors to them and had made a home for them in my two bedroom apartment until Foster Care said I had to get a larger dwelling due to a little girl and a boy. So my daughter decided to move down from New York City to help me out of concern for my age and health which I deeply appreciate because she has no kids. These two children are offsprings of one son who has nine children. So, I have been looking for a place I can call home for me, my daughter and these two children since May 31, 2022 and it has been an UPHILL journey. DISCRIMINATION IS REAL!!!! IT HURTS TO THE CORE, Age, race, etc. We have been living in and out of hotels which we can no longer afford. We are hoping and praying for this owner/landlord will rent to us out the over 100 applications plus fees we have accrued. It's been more than rough. The more I pray the rougher the situation seems to magnify but I'm going to fight until I get a 4 bedroom rental in this county because ALL but two of my grandchildren are here and I enjoy spending what time I have left on this earth with them. I'm soliciting ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN CHRIST JESUS who can get a prayer through for me and my situation please pray for me and mine. MAY GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU ALL AND HEAVEN SMILE UPON YOU. LOVE YOU ALL!! FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW CHRIST JESUS.............Brenda's Journey!!!!!
I am in need of a 4 bedroom house in Columbia, Maryland for myself, my daughter and my 2 foster grandchildren asap. We have been without permanent housing since May 31, 2022. Please pray with me that God in the name of His son Jesus bless with this house in which we applied for to be approved for us. This situation is DIRE, it has affected my health mentally, physically and spiritually. Please for my strength and that God answers our prayers. Thank you and God Bless You.
Thanks again to all that prayed for me getting better. I haven't been dizzy since and this time when I put hot sauce on my pizza I could definitely taste and feel it! God is so good!! I would like to start praying for ppl that don't get replies on here too so will check everyday and do just that. God bless each and everyone of you out there. Love in Christ "Texsis"
Jesus, you said if two or more agree in your name you will answer. Please, whoever reads this prayer request agree with me in Christ's name that this prayer comes true. My life has been one of supernatural blocks, stagnation, loneliness, failure, broken dreams, for decades. I'm 57 with no friends, no wife, no job, money low, no house of my own, rent just got raised, bad back, eyes, teeth, and zero energy. Sickly and exhausted. I can't do anything fruitful in this condition. I ask God to remove all curses, blocks, and replace it with his favor, blessings, success. I am praying for financial freedom, independence, and better health. And that I find true love as well as God's wisdom. And ask God to pls hurry! I fear if this is put off any longer I might go insane and will break. Ask God to hurry. I'm 3/4 through the average life span and not much time left. It's been a hellacious life.
Nothing and no one seems to be helping me in my stress. Lord you are my one and only hope. Please take away all my depressions and stress and help me to live with a peaceful mind. Please dont let my hope and faith be loose. I have asked and asked to you many a times but you don't Seems to be interested in my problems. I need your help and blessings. Please Lord.. Help me to avoid my evil and sinful deeds. I want to follow you. Please be my saviour and help me with my wishes. Thank you.
Please pray for my brother. Please pray he turns his life over to Christ and comes to repentance of his sins. Please pray God protects our communication and relationship in Jesus Name. Please pray God keeps His Holy Hand of Protection over us always. Please pray for our family
Good evening everyone!! I thank you oh Lord Jesus for watching over I and my family today!! We were on the road doing deliveries today, beware of bad drivers!!! Thank you also oh Lord Jesus for watching over our babies (cats) while we were out trying to support our family!! Yes, we all have our trials and tribulations as the Lord says, so be safe out there!!! Only in our Lord's Eden will we be safe from all evil and malice!!! I pray for all the words and wisdom you show us Lord Jesus today tomorrow and forever!!! You are our Lord, to be praised, always!! I am a sinner!!! In Jesus's name I pray, Amen!!
Currently down on our luck for approximately 3yrs however we're both always optimistic about life & strength of prayer, & belief. Suffered from Depression, PTSD, Anxiety & Panic attacks since 2011- current. I don't & won't let it no longer control me. I love to help others in dire need, and put myself last. I want to continue my faith & practicing and hopefully soon someday my status will change, to where the wife & I can get out of the shelter and receive a safe stable apartment for us to safely rest finally. Thank you very much & God bless you.
My 23 years old nephew who live at north Shore PA has been missing from July 12. could you please help us pray that some one will locate him. Thank you and God bless you
Father God, thank you for the many blessings you have given my family and me. You are so good to us. Please bless me with a work from home job soon. You know my needs, and you will not turn away your children when they come to you for help. I need to make a living and because of my health history, I have to work from home. I have faith, and I love you and thank you God for listening, and please bless all the people who are requesting prayer and who are praying for others. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
Please pray for me, a long time devoted believer and follower of the lord jesus christ diagnosed with rare aggressive skin cancer, since febuary 28 2019/ found terminal. after 2 years of chemo, and am in my 4 month of chemo immuology now. and just most recently found myself in a pattern of sin.please also pray for my family and friends, especally my brother in laws mom and gran ma who is on life support as we speak. thank you much my brothers and sisters god bless & amen
Please pray for my mom, sciatica is effecting her badly. Please also pray that we would all grow spiritually, and walk faithfully with the Lord. Please pray that we would not just be hearers of the Word but doers also.
I'm feeling really depressed I'm going on interviews and I keep getting no's. I don't know if my previous job gave me a bad reference because the supervisors used to pick on me and they terminated me. I found out on the employee portal they didn't call me or email and I had a doctor's statement I need a financial blessing im a single mom with a autusic child and bills that has to be paid i hide my pain because ican't show it with her please pray for me
Lord Jesus please go before us, please fight for us, please guide, please protect, please rescue and save. Thank you Lord Jesus. I pray in your name. Amen.
Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol FATHER GOD restore my marriage remove his rudeness give him love compassion kindness towards me in Jesus name thank you
Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ
keep Jeremy in your prayers he says he has a bleeding cyst on his buttocks are he is headed to urgent care now. thank you