i need to know what type of eyes fit for my art style. i know my art style but i'm not sure about the eyes. God told me my art style but i need him help me with my art style eyes.
Please pray for my brother. Please pray he turns his life over to Christ and overcomes battles hes facing. Please pray he comes to full repentance of his sins. Please pray God protects our communication and relationship. Please pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us always. Please pray for our family
My husband who claims to be a good, godly follower of Christ, kept cheating on me and treated me really bad. He had been on dating sites without my knowledge and out of nowhere he kicked me out of our home onto the streets and has his girlfriend there in our bed and around my daughter that he wants sole custody of. We tried marriage counseling with our pastor before and we took a test that proves he was violent, controlling, alienates, etc. And I have depression and a fear of abandonment. So he used that against me and left me in a horrible unexpected way. It kills me to know this man I love so much and took so many hurtful things from (as well as dished them out in anger which I'm not proud of....) never loved me at all. I can't stop believing God will heal us....even as we go through divorce and custody battles currently. He has a lawyer and I don't. I just need serious prayer as I lose everything I love and he acts like I don't exist and turned everyone against me making them think I'm crazy and running my name. The pain from this is indescribable. I thought our vows meant more but it wasn't real to him. I guess God decided not to save our marriage because he knew my husband didn't honestly love me. I can't even go to my church cuz even the asst pastor believes his lies. Only God can help so please pray for the situation. Thank you.
Iam asking for all prayer warriors to pray for my youngest son and his safe return to his earthly home. God knows the situation.I know he is covered in the blood of Jesus Christ amen. Thank you all
Hi everyone!! Thank you oh, Lord for your rain has come down from your store house!!! Waited all day , and here it is!!! Replenish us with all your goodness and love as we give all our love back to YOU!!!! Amen !!! We pray for our day when we will be with you Lord Jesus, in Your Glorious presence!! May we be worthy!!!! Love a sinner!!!
Please pray for strength and courage to quit vaping. For my eyes to be opened to Deception and lies. I'm a teacher at a Christian school and I need prayer for this next school year and for the children I'm over. I want them to know Jesus and I pray I can direct them and be a vessel that leads them to Him. Thank you!
I don't feel safe or at home anywhere with a single human being on the planet. My family abused me and then abandoned me and I feel like a lost orphan in need of a new home of actually safe loving welcoming people who are willing to give deeply to me who is severely I'll spiritually mentally emotionally. Need prayers to find a safe home and safe community and get the depth of help and support I need to endure this horribly difficult and dark time. Thank you
Hail Mary Prayer for myself and us all now and at the hour of our death, AMEN!
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. the blessed are thoutght among women and blessed ist thein fruit of thy womb Jesus Christ. Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen!
In confession,
Father, I do not not believe I have ever broken Your LAWS and committed such beyond note intra-spectoral atrocity and sin. I pray off and out of my soul, my spirit, my ghost, and my body, in the name of the Father, the Son, the holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit, AMEN! ....all the wrong-doing I have ever done, everything bad I have ever done, all in-exchange for and of serving you, almighty God, your Father, my Father from nothing - return - restart if something goes wrong, already in progress, including any transgression of the LAWs of God and Country and Mankind, forego it not to see to it that i hope i never ever again violate you! Heavenly Father, when it is time, take me then, now! But please, make it not to hurt!
For my myself, and all and my family in all ways, you too Dad and Mom and family, I also prayed for, and all persons, places, and things, too all the same I pray next time, WITHOUT HINDRANCE ERROR OR MISTAKE, to be your NEW STUFF ACTUAL Son of God, Jesus Christ Immanuel, the Lord is with Us. Amen. LW&TW&E&T&LRG&RIP A "Scott Philip Milano" who writes, as was Biblical. AMEN.
Hello, my name is Robert Carlos Lebo, pray I get stronger in the faith. I also pray I will be baptized soon at a Holy Spirit filled church. Pray for my guidance from the Lord for he is coming back soon! Hallelujah. Also pray for my family to soften their hearts and turned to the Lord.
Praise the Lord! I am seeking agreement in prayer for my husband to get the job God has for him. Would you please touch and agree with us for the job God has for my husband? Blessings!
Thank you for persevering in asking for prayer for your family. It reminds me to pray for you and yours. I am sorry that you are under so much hardship and that your grands are not being cared for well by their mother. I will pray again for you today.
Heavenly Father, give ear to E. call to You as she and her grandchildren are under so much duress on many fronts. I especially ask that You protect these children from the abuse of their own mother and that you cause this mom to halt this behavior and come to her senses in belief in Your Son, Jesus, who died for her to free her from sinful habits. In the name of Jesus, we speak to that which holds this mother in this habit and say, "In the name of Jesus and by His blood, we command you to release this mother from the habit you sowed in her. You are overcome by the blood of Jesus and cannot continue to hold her in this habit any longer. Be gone and never return because Jesus and His shed blood conquered you and you must release her and leave her. Amen.
Hi mishael! Got your reply stating you'd like me to do bible discussions, I guess instead of prayer requests!! I write prayers for sometimes it's easier for me to write how I feel about things then saying them out loud or in my closet to my Lord Jesus, my Savior!!! So many things need to be done in my and my families lives, I could never explain them all in a lifetime!! When the Lord's second coming arrives, then all things with be as they should be, without sin, anger, death will be swallowed up in victory as the Lord says it should be!!! We'll meet one day in Eden!!! Have a good and happy day!!Amen!!! Denise!
I am reaching out on behalf of my friend's sister, Azmatara(name), who is 36 years old and is still unmarried. The family is trying so hard to find a groom from her Muslim community. However, nothing is working out for her. Could you please pray so that God blesses her to get married soon and have a lovely relationship with her soulmate?
We really need the blessing for her as she is getting depressed seeing her friends and siblings being married.
I have a prayer petition for my son Mauricio he is a believer but has anger issues. He is married and it is greatly affecting his marriage. Thank you so much.
Trenton, New Jersey 08618
August 18 2022
Dear United State of America
Prayers for State of Pennsylvania Joshua 19
God bless you all.
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. the blessed are thoutght among women and blessed ist thein fruit of thy womb Jesus Christ. Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen!
In confession,
Father, I do not not believe I have ever broken Your LAWS and committed such beyond note intra-spectoral atrocity and sin. I pray off and out of my soul, my spirit, my ghost, and my body, in the name of the Father, the Son, the holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit, AMEN! ....all the wrong-doing I have ever done, everything bad I have ever done, all in-exchange for and of serving you, almighty God, your Father, my Father from nothing - return - restart if something goes wrong, already in progress, including any transgression of the LAWs of God and Country and Mankind, forego it not to see to it that i hope i never ever again violate you! Heavenly Father, when it is time, take me then, now! But please, make it not to hurt!
For my myself, and all and my family in all ways, you too Dad and Mom and family, I also prayed for, and all persons, places, and things, too all the same I pray next time, WITHOUT HINDRANCE ERROR OR MISTAKE, to be your NEW STUFF ACTUAL Son of God, Jesus Christ Immanuel, the Lord is with Us. Amen. LW&TW&E&T&LRG&RIP A "Scott Philip Milano" who writes, as was Biblical. AMEN.
- Robert Lebo
please pray for my family and I, for the Lord has given us another
day to repent our sins and to get closer to Him!!
The days will be shortened as the Almighty God says it will be for the Elect's sake!!
Dear Lord, give all Your children the strength to carry on Your work today, tomorrow
and forever!!!
Bring us Your words, Your wisdom, Your divine grace, Your mercy upon our hearts, minds and souls!!
There is nothing but You, Oh Lord above in the Heavens, that can ever take us from Your love,
for You loved us first!!!
We pray for all peoples, great and small to share our Lord's words with the whole world
as it should be!!
Please Lord, we ask for You to open Your store house for rain!!
Water is life, Your word is life,You are our life everlasting!!!
On that Great Day, all who will see you will bow to You for You are the King of Kings,
ans Lord of Lords!!! May we as Your Creation be worthy of You!!!! In Jesus's name i pray, Amen!!!!!
Church:Greater Grace Baptist church,
Please help me pray for God's Divine Grace and power as I minister His Word.
Thank you for persevering in asking for prayer for your family. It reminds me to pray for you and yours. I am sorry that you are under so much hardship and that your grands are not being cared for well by their mother. I will pray again for you today.
Heavenly Father, give ear to E. call to You as she and her grandchildren are under so much duress on many fronts. I especially ask that You protect these children from the abuse of their own mother and that you cause this mom to halt this behavior and come to her senses in belief in Your Son, Jesus, who died for her to free her from sinful habits. In the name of Jesus, we speak to that which holds this mother in this habit and say, "In the name of Jesus and by His blood, we command you to release this mother from the habit you sowed in her. You are overcome by the blood of Jesus and cannot continue to hold her in this habit any longer. Be gone and never return because Jesus and His shed blood conquered you and you must release her and leave her. Amen.
I am reaching out on behalf of my friend's sister, Azmatara(name), who is 36 years old and is still unmarried. The family is trying so hard to find a groom from her Muslim community. However, nothing is working out for her. Could you please pray so that God blesses her to get married soon and have a lovely relationship with her soulmate?
We really need the blessing for her as she is getting depressed seeing her friends and siblings being married.
Priya S