Prayer Requests PAGE 185

  • Larry Davison - 2 years ago
    Pray for Melody Mussman who is in the Yukon Hospital right now, Her Dad.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    Please Pray for Kristie and me and our families today
  • Cesar - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my addiction and my bipolar. Pray that I am able to stay away from evil. Pray that I am able to turn my life around and be a father to my children.
  • Joleen - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom and dad, that God would bless them with long lives.

    I'm afraid my mom doesn't truly know Christ, I pray that if she doesn't then she would come to know Him soon, and if she does then she would cleave to the Lord and follow Him.

    Please also pray that God would heal her sciatica pain.

    Please pray that we would find a church near us, that preaches straight from the Word of God.

    Please pray that God would help me to walk faithfully with Him, and love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

    Praise God for His goodness, praise Him for His grace and mercy.

    God bless, brothers and sisters in Christ, and thank you.
  • K - 2 years ago
    Honestly it's been a long and troubling 10 + months. State of New Jersey accused my father of Medicaid fraud and froze all of our assets and shut the business down. He's completely innocent and we're currently fighting this thing in court. Just want you to ask God to hear our cries and prayers. I want God to see us through and overcome this hurdle. IJN
  • Emily - 2 years ago
    please pray for Gianna, she could be going through a really hard time with depression, please keep her in your prayers, the LORD is our comfort.
  • Ruben - 2 years ago
    If you would please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and deliver me from all satanic bondages, strongholds, and witchcraft I would greatly appreciate it. If you would pray that The LORD fights for me, protects me, and delivers me from my enemies I would greatly appreciate it (Exodus14:14). If you would please pray that all the counsel, wiles, and scheme of the devil and my enemies is exposed, confounded, and brought to nothing I would greatly appreciate it. If you would please pray for The LORD to help me through the trials I am going through and give me the victory over sin, the flesh, the world, the devil, and my enemies I would greatly appreciate it. Please pray that The LORD gives me wisdom and discernment on myself and others and that He turns the ways of my enemies upside down. Please pray that The LORD provides for my spiritual and material needs and for healing for my body, mind, soul, and spirit. Thank you for praying for me in the past and for praying for me now. God bless you.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good evening all!!!

    Friends are so hard to come by these days and all past ones, too!! Some people you would never believe they are your friends, but you find out later they are!!!

    Jesus said that the Apostles were His friends and that your to lay your life down for them!!!

    That's a rare saying for people today!!

    Just putting that out there!!

    Something to ponder, remembering what the Lord told us in His Word!!!

    I see it as we fear for our own lives and try to help the best we can!!! Amen!!!
  • David - 2 years ago
    Brothers and Sisters, pray for my wife and I. She is looking for a divorce but i have been wanting to reconcile. I am saved, but she has back-slidden. Please pray for us.

    God bless.
  • Chrys on Psalms 10 - 2 years ago
    Please help me. i need to have two implants explanted (without reconstruction) they are both ruptured and one breast has nodules that are "suspicious" i have these because several years ago i was given a mastectomy, (no cancer) both sides had major cysts and they removed them and replaced them with silicone implants. the one with issues is also in capsular contraction, so these need to be removed, nodules or not. i have Classic Medicare and Health Net MediCal. in LA i cannot find a Plastic Surgeon who does not insist on cash, in short, they do not want to accept assignment or want to make sure i spend thousands to make up the difference. i don't know what to do. it has to be a Plastic Surgeon who does the removal. LA is very cosmetic so it's hard to find anyone serious, after all, a bilateral removal is not a big bucks surgery, but it is for me. i have asked God repeatedly to help me find the right Dr.....crickets. i know this is out of the ordinary for your site, i love your site and read it everyday. i am just asking for prayer for direction. thank you for reading this tome
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Had another huge explosion in the family. We have been praying for so many years and a child is so affected (been so hurt over the years) because of this family member's behavior (the child's mom, living with her alone). We need a supernatural intervention from the Lord. Asking for strong protection, deliverance, healing and salvation (those unsaved). I know many are struggling right now and so I ask that this prayer is extended to cover others in need as well. I believe the Lord can do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond. Thank you for your prayers. I know I've been asking a lot of prayers. May all of this be to His glory. Amen
  • Miss - 2 years ago
    Kindly, would someone pray wirh me in a matter?

    Please pray//repentance to Christ Jesus//an old (satanist) occultist//evil works and narcissistic control. Almost always working outside the house/appartement I'm renting. Please also pray for his wife. I need this to stop, or God to open a way out for me in the nearest future. I'm aware that he sending "arrows" against me. But by the grace of God, the greatest lives in me, Christ Jesus. Please pray that this man will be delivered, set free, healed, restored and his soul not perish but be saved. Please also pray for my safety at all levels. Thank you and God bless you in The Name above all names, Christ Jesus.
  • Danette Nzewi - 2 years ago
    That my Families would be one my families and in laws Okeke, Ukattah, Obinwa, Nzewi, Conwell that finance would increase legal, that the certified nurses of family have their own established business, clinic, that no corruption continue known and unknown. That I girt an higher degree in Biblical studies .
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family today
  • Ruben - 2 years ago
    If you would please pray for Harmony's salvation and deliverance from the Devil and addictions that have her in bondage. Please pray that The LORD saves her and fixes her life
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    God bless and be with y'all while I'm gone. Leaving for Oregon in bit and won't have internet or phone till I return in few months or so. Prayers for a safe trip as I shall continue praying for everyone on here. Remember, God loves and will forgive all if you ask Him to so pray daily and stay in His word!
  • Anthony - 2 years ago
    I witnessed some things not long ago that I believe put a spirit of fear in me, please pray for my release from this.
  • Tyler Chirco - 2 years ago
    Prayers for safe place to live bills paid on time move bigger house current landlord Faye kogos is selling house soon she doesn't have any money to get repairs done victor and plumbing company and electric system fixed city emergency recently board of health department inspection done recently very sick people living in her current building cancer patient and asthma and neublizer medical Tyler chirco Sarah eve Hollister money for gas electric bills paid on time rent no smoking building pets allowed
  • Maria - 2 years ago
    Requesting for prayers now, pray for my niece baby gender to be healthy normal baby BOY
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me
  • Alicia - 2 years ago
    I'm begging God to heal my heart. I have a severely leaking mitral valve, and am facing open heart surgery to replace it. This would potentially cause me to have to make lifestyle changes, such as career choice, and also the ability to have children someday. I'm on 28. I'm asking God for a miracle, and I know He can do it
  • Bizz028 - 2 years ago
    Please keep I and my family in your prayers.

    Thanks Bizz028
  • Tim - 2 years ago
    Hi, please pray for my dog, Macy. She is very sick and needs long-term treatment.
  • Linda - 2 years ago
    Asking for prayer today, stuck on loneiness and depression all of my family members are gone and i'm alone and desperate for happiness i feel alone and desperate all the time . my children arent in my life and that hurts so very much please pray for me thank you father and mother god bless
  • Dawn - 2 years ago
    Please pray please pray that my aunt Donna my Aunt Janice will be at peace in their relationship please pray I go to my aunt Donna's house more often to visit and do overnights please pray for my pets at the house people want to hurt and kill and harm them and their God's creatures please pray for their safety and their protection please pray to my aunt Donna does not sell her house it is part of the family's house please pray that I spend more time with my cousin she's moving from Florida to Connecticut please pray that I spend more time with Donna and my cousin Amanda my case manager called 65 places there were no available openings for a bed the group home I'm living in is mentally emotionally aggressive so it's me please pray that available opening will come up in October that my aunt would get me housing from Florida that she will work with my caseworker and work on getting me houses please wait on my caseworker work and get any house and to look for a place and not give up looking for a house and that somebody will call her and has available openings please pray that I'm on the waiting list for how so please pray that I get my allowance every week to survive and live on please pray that God will forgive me my sins and God will have mercy on me and wash away all my sins that I become born again Christian that God would take away all my darkness all my sinful darkness I committed from the past since I'm going to come in in the future only God knows it since I have committed please pray that my soul that God will heal me spiritually that God will cleanse me for my sentence passing present since that God will have mercy on me and save my soul where I could be at heaven and peace with God Amen
  • Sumanth Solomon Talluri - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I migrate to Canada in a few days.
  • Anonymous Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Elder prayer request please: Please pray God move every mountain in the way of his will for me and my life. Pray God help me trust him, make a way, heal and restore completely, and remove all anger and frustration. Pray God make all the wrong things right, remove all the hurt and anger I'm carrying, and remove all of the consequences I'm dealing with because God did not choose to reveal himself to me or give me the gift of faith until later in life. Pray for an overwhelming abundance of God's redeeming grace and love to accomplish exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask, think, or imagine. Pray today be the day of salvation, healing, freedom, deliverance and restoration and that I would somehow be at peace with God and what he has allowed to happen to me and my family, free of anger, shame, condemnation and sickness. Pray every ancestral curse be broken in Jesus name.
  • Marilyn Mitchell on Isaiah 35 - 2 years ago
    I love Isaiah and KJV but why do I not understand all I read . Pray for me that I will get understanding
  • Sherrie - 2 years ago
    Please pray for Honesty, Brunson and Granada. Thank you very much.
  • Lillian Aguirre - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my brother. Please pray he turns his life over to Christ and overcomes battles hes facing. Please he comes to repentance of his sins. Please pray God blesses, protects, and blesses the Holy Spirit upon our relationship and communication. Please pray God keeps His Holy Hand of Protection over us and our family.

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