Prayer Requests PAGE 181

  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me
  • Julian - 2 years ago
    Ask. The elders to pray over me to be held and not sick no more and not.falling no more.And let the Holy Spirit and Jesus take over my life
  • Lisanne - 2 years ago
    A prayer for all WORLD LEADERS & MEMBERS of GOVERNMENTS (especially the USA) (and their citizens) to stop their sinful , Satanic agendas and ask The Holy Father to forgive them for their sins and all people to start new before it is too late.

    I want to post it to social media directly to them. I just posted the clip of Brazil all praying together on Twitter to these leaders mentioned below. I want to post a prayer to them from me but a prayer worded from you please.



    Trudeau and more.

    They are EVIL following a WEF genda of AI brain implants, jabbing innocent people and children with death shots.

    Thanks ,

  • Emily - 2 years ago
    please pray for Gianna's pet, Pumpkin, her pet is going to the vet. Hopefully everything is alright, please pray that everything goes well, keep Gianna and her pet in your prayers!
  • Terri R Mastalsz - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my son Robert Mastalsz unspoken and to understand God's words enemy is lies to him about what it says Please and if there is any evil around God will cast it to the abyss to not return intill judgment day and for protection and safety for the whole family and salvation and peace and if any mental illness God heals it and Robert live Godly life for Jesus christ. Lilly will be drug free and live for Jesus christ and we all keep our home through all this
  • Moses Taylor - 2 years ago
    Hedge of protection from possible wet team's sent against me from Holly actor who ID in fasting and prayer, concerning ritual murder of babies in the actors guilds, union's from NY to Hollywood. I'm seeing Mexican's and murder in visions. The Lord instructed me to stay indoors, my car instead of sleeping outside. I'm actually seeing several actor's. Praise Him Thank Him
  • Marystewart9495 - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me the devil is working hard in my home through my father- in- law and my husband to get me to turn from God
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Philippians 4 - 2 years ago
    OH Lord o Lord Jesus Christ name gave me your help give me ways of jobs and my heart is in your hands and thank you God in this evening and all days of my prayers Amen amen
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor on Philippians 4 - 2 years ago
    Lord in haeven I pray for thus in Kenya barris wife and my neighbors friends with me her name i need your opinion on my need anything from Walmart or something like to remind me please let us know what you mean about your ward's I thank you God bless my prayers for my father and mother and daughter in Jesus Christ name Amen
  • Dorothy Gordon - 2 years ago
    My health condition seems to be deteriorating no matter how hard I pray, but yet I STRONGLY BELIEVE that God will save and heal me, He said this is my Job. I have developed a vein condition in my legs, discoloration of both lower legs and swelling in my ankles and feet. I have been to two different hospitals and at one I tried to explain what HAVE happened to cause this condition, one doctor diagnosed me as delusional, I also contracted the flu. But all I'm asking for is prayer to God for healing and to live a long healthy even though I'm 84 years old. Thank you. Also pray for son Derrick.with mental problems but have the capabilities to care for self.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me
  • Marie - 2 years ago
    I would like to be happy and blessed with what I have prayed for
  • Monica Dhaliwal - 2 years ago
    Please Pray for The All Powerful Lord Jesus Christ to completely heal my Brother and I body soul and spirit Please also Pray for Jesus to Save me and everyone who I love and care about Plus Please Pray for me to get a volunteer job Thank you
  • Shon Scott - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I will eventually end up having a good relationship with both my nieces and nephews I have done things in the past that had put a restrain in our relationships as me being their uncle please pray that Kayla Zach Josh and Esther my nieces and nephews will find solace and will be able to have a relationship with all four of them I miss seeing them and I wish that the things that I did would never have happened please pray that I will have a good speaking relationships with both nieces and nephews and they will forget me and start a relationship with me please pray thank you
  • Shon Scott - 2 years ago
    As I was parking my vehicle today apparently I must have or ran over something that was metal in the parking lot I checked my tires to see if they were flat they were solid please pray that my tires on my vehicle and everything else in my vehicle will be 100% tip top shape with no margin of error or major repairs please protect my vehicle I don't have the money right now to spend on repairing anything for my truck please watch over my vehicle please pray thank you
  • Shon W Scott - 2 years ago
    I'm in the final stages to see whether I will be eligible for SSI or SSDI disability I have some medical issues as well as some mental issues I hope that my application will go through and it'll be approved 100% please pray that it will be approved and that everything will be all right please pray thank you

  • [Comment Removed]
  • S - 2 years ago
    Two elderly neighbors that shows narcissistic control at me, especially the man. This is one of my most painful experiences. Nowhere to go. Please pray the LORD rescues me.
  • Heartbroken - 2 years ago
    Please pray. I'm depressed - mostly because of evil situation - family relationships. How long, God? I'm at the end of myself. Something to lift me this evening, because I'm very low, my thoughts are so painful. Pressure at all sides. I'm in of the greatest despair of my life. I need a friend. Please pray I don't give up.
  • JOHN MCDOUGALL - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my young son Gabriel, who is living with his mother in Portugal. Pray for his safe keeping, salvation and that I might get to meet him soon.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please prau for Kristie and me and our families today
  • Van Frietze - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me I am very sick
  • Need Prayer Now - 2 years ago
    I would like to come in agreement with you in prayer. I have a family member named Destiny who is on a ventilator and is not doing well and the doctors said there is nothing they can do. I would like to for you to pray with us in agreement for her complete healing. Thank you in advance and God bless you all.
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    I still need prayer to be completely healed from oral & maxillofacial surgery, hip surgery. Pray that God will heal me to eat, talk and walk at 100% very soon. Thank you for praying for me and with me.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Continuing for strong protection, breakthrough and the Lord's intervention, help and guidance concerning a very painful situation. May He do this also for anyone else in need.
  • ISAAC NGUGI - 2 years ago
    Pray for my wife to deliver the normal way and for divine health for her and the child. Amen
  • Stephanie V. - 2 years ago
    I ask for prayer that work will go very well this month. I also ask for prayer that God would continue to heal me fully, as I trust in Him. Thank you for your prayers, and may God bless you!
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor - 2 years ago
    Pray for my am ajob less And I asked God to remember me please let me ways to make it in Jesus Christ name i pray amen
  • A sister in Christ - 2 years ago
    Please help me lift up my children in prayer today.

    God knows each one of their specific situations and needs. Also their spouses and children.

    Lord pour out your Holy Spirit upon them today. Pray that they will heed the leading of the Holy Spirit. And also be saved to the uttermost. In Jesus name.
  • Fredrick odiwuor abuor - 2 years ago
    I give thank for God for this today of keeping me a stranger And I pray for thus in Kenya hospital presion deff blarind and family children's father mathar and my neighbors friends and my Jesus Christ name Amen

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