Prayer Requests PAGE 18

  • America needs Repentance - 3 months ago
    Father, I thank you for being merciful to us, for I fail you daily O mighty God. I thank you for hearing my prayers.

    I ask a blessing today Father for each an every person and the ones they pray for that post prayers on this website. I also ask a blessing for those that post discussions on your Word, they help bring thought and understanding to us Father.

    I pray that those that are sick, find healing.

    Those that are lost find a pathway to believing in the Risen Savior.

    Lord, thank you for bearing for me the sins I couldn't bear for myself, may I someday learn how to be sinless. Thank you for a path to God all Mighty.

    Father I pray for America I pray for repentance for my country men.

    Father forgive me for those I have angered and for those I haven't forgiven.

    Hallelujah to God my creator.

    Father please protect our children from Satans minions.
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask for forgiveness of all of my sins and ask that You Bless me with a deliverance only inline with Your Will and that I will have a Blessed Birthday today and that everyone of my family members I pray for daily and often will have a great day today. I ask all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
  • Billie2001 - 3 months ago
    Hi, my name is William. I have a long history of cancer in my family, now they think I may have it. please pray for me. Thank you and God bless you!
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families in your prayers please remember my mother please pray for the unsaved of the world
  • Bible4us - 3 months ago
    to know where the right place is to move in florida, somwhere safe and nice for a family and kids
  • RicoUS - 3 months ago
    Asking for family and I for extra strong protection, salvation (those not saved) and freedom from bondage and healing (incl. OCD, scrupulosity, borderline, depression, anxiety and deep-seated fears, addiction, trauma, PTSD, anger/rage issues, fear of man, idolatry-idolizing men, family dysfunction and much more). Asking that the Lord would perform miracles and pour out His Spirit in a mighty way. Asking that we would live lives pleasing to Him, walk in His authority and power and most importantly that we walk in love and do exploits for Him. May He change us into His likeness. Asking these things for us and all in need. Also asking that the Lord would protect and grow our church (incl. more prayer, more of His power). Thank you.
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families in your prayers
  • Taty Lopes 46 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask for your protection from evil, witchcraft come against me. I ask for increase in anoiting and favor. I also ask for your wisdom to learn English faster. I ask that you lead me in green grass and give me hope, faith and more of your presence. I ask all of these things Father God in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask for protection from witchcraft coming against me in the area of finances and I ask for a covering over me and all of my loved ones and family members I pray for daily and often. I ask that You lead me in all of the area You want me to go and stay far from the area You want me to stay away from. I ask for increase in finances and an instant financail miricale for me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for psalms 91 over all of us. I ask that You send people to intercede for me as I grow in You. I ask for increase in anoting and favor. I ask that You lead me to all the breakthoughs You have for me. I ask for forgiveness of all my sins and all of my short comings and ask for Grace for a deliverance in all the areas You see I need a deliverance. I ask this also for all of my family members I pray for daily and often and that You will Bless us to be prosperous and overflowing so we can have finances to help others. I ask for a great protection over me from things I do not know is coming against me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often and I ask that the attacks stop. I ask all of these things Father God in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all for your support and prayers. I stay in agreement for your prayers daily or as soon as I see them.
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask that You Bless me to have a great day to day and protect me and all of my loved ones from spiritual warefare and that we will be greatly protected to a very high degree and that all the things that is already coming agianst us is removed and Your peace be greatly over all of us like still water. Just as You calmed the storm Lord Jesus on the boat I ask that You do it for all of us as well and we all have a good rest of the year and following year. I ask all of these thing Father God in Lord Jesus Christ Name, Amen.
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • America needs Repentance - 3 months ago
    Father Glorified above all, thank you for my salvation as I testify Jesus as my risen savior!

    Father I pray for the repentance of America, that our works will be your works and we as a nation will glorify your name.

    Father I ask you to have mercy on America and that you will show the good word to our children so they will have hope in their lives.

    Father I ask that you will stop abortion in America.

    That our people will see the evil involved in this and will repent of this sin.

    Father I pray for mercy on the physical and mentally sick, that these demons will be cast out.

    Father I pray your will will be done to those that harm the weak, that your justice will protect the weak and tired.

    Father I pray against those that harm others through creating products that cause disease in our mind and body. Those that do evil to gain worldly profit, I pray for repentance for those people, Father Almighty

    Father I ask that my actions whether vocal or physical will glorify You when others are around me. That I grow spiritually in your word that I am another extension of you Blessed Lord.

    Father I ask in Christ Jesus name that you guide and bless Donald John Trump and his administration. Give him support with influencing his decisions and cast down those that slander him.

    Lord I pray for those that slander your name that they will fine repentance and see the light.

    Lord forgive me for the sins I commit, I pray that someday I will be about to not sin again.

    Please help me earthly brother/sisters to refrain from sin also.

    Father above all I praise your name.

    Father help those with addiction help those with family problems help those with social problems

    Lord there will be a time when every head is bowed and knee is bent, but now is my time

    I confess to a living God you are King of all!

    In the Father, Son & Holy Ghost name I praise the trinity the Godhead of my soul.

    Father I pray for my enemies that they will be blessed.
  • RicoUS - 3 months ago
    Asking for extra strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Thank you.
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God, I ask for protection over me and my family members I pray for daily and often and that we will all have a Blessed week this week and we will all have the finances we need and extra finances to enjoy life and have the finances to have all of our bills paid on time. I ask that You provide for us in all the areas we need it Father God. Father God I ask for healing for my daughter from the cold. I ask that You heal her and a way she will feel greatly better and she can feel the peace she needs and everyone who is trying to help my daughter get better I ask that You Bless all of them and I ask that You Bless my grandmother from all things she is in need of healing from. I ask that She feels greatly better then what she is going through and I ask that You be with her in a way she will know everything is going to be alright and You are going to get her through her issues. I ask that You Bless all who will intercede in prayer for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, Amen.
  • Mattithyahu22 - 3 months ago
    Please pray for my mother's eyes. Pray for her to be restored to health in Jesus name. Thank you and God bless you all!
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families in your prayers, please pray for my mother
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Tunney - 3 months ago
    Thank You, Father for giving us a new day to learn to worship and praise You. Help us to rise up in faith and be prayerful for our country and the leadership to trust in Your word and not to lean on our own understanding.

    Praise GOD for the completion of our election process. May we now learn to work together to glorify You.

    November 16, 2024
  • [email protected] - 3 months ago
    In Matthew 18:20 - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

    I ask that you pray in agreement with me for the following:

    Lily - salvation spirit of darkness broken off her and home her job and relationships with family

    Jr - salvation spirit of pride and confusion broken off him his home his relationship his health and finances

    Archer and Aris - wisdom and holy spirit guidance, peace

    Samuel - spirit of unforgiveness broken off and doubt and darkness broken off him and every area in his life

    Sonia and Tristan - pray for breakthrough and salvation and free from bondage

    Me - healing, financial breakthrough, husband that is godly and loves the lord and family, my job, my mind and every area of his life, all debt paid off, new house and car

    family - those who are lost and not serving for their salvation and same for my friends
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their families and my mother
  • Mattithyahu22 - 3 months ago
    Please keep my mother in your prayers. Pray for the healing of her eyes and health, she's sick and grieving the death of my dad.

    Thanks to all the people who prays for those things and may God bless you.
  • America needs Repentance - 3 months ago
    Father hallowed is your name, thank you for hearing my prayers and answering my concerns. Father I pray for America's repentance, that we as a nation will repent and bring worship back to you all Mighty and Knowing Father.

    Father I pray for the elderly, please give them comfort.

    Father I pray for the weak in faith, that they will be strengthened with your Word.

    Father I pray for the sick, that you'll have mercy and heal them.

    Father I pray for Americas government that they will follow your Word. I pray Father you will lead and protect Donald Trump.

    Father I honor your name and your will.

    Father I pray for the nonbelievers that Jesus is the Messiah. I pray for their salvation in your Word, O Holy Father. I truly believe Christ is my Savior.

    Father for those that are held captive with addiction. Wether is chemical, mental, spiritual I pray for their release from this horrible situation. O Mighty God free them from captivity.

    Father I pray your free love will help those who have depression.

    Father I praise your Name

  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and all my family in your prayers
  • RicoUS - 3 months ago
    Asking for the Lord's help concerning a difficult family dynamic (dysfunction, strife), healing and guidance for a teenager who suffered a lot of abuse, for us to turn to the Lord with all our hearts, salvation of unsaved loved ones, deliverance from bondage, healing of physical and emotional ailments, to be witnesses for Him. Asking for His strong protection and for the Lord to fight our battles. Asking for us and all in need. Thank you.
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask that You Bless everyone who is praying and interceding for one another on here and ask that You Bless our hands to prosper and do well in life. I ask that a breakthough is upon all who intercedes in all the area they are needing breakthough and I ask this also for the people praying for them. I ask for Your covering over all of us and protection as we continue to intercede and and pray for one another. I ask that all of the prayer request are heard and are handled Father God as soon as they post there prayers and I ask that You send prayer warriors to intercede on all of our behalf's to have the prayer request prayed for. I ask for a breakthrough in the area of finances and that The LORD will Bless my hands to prosper and become an overflowing cup so I can help as led by GOD to all who is leading me to help and I connect this to all who is in need of a financial miracle in the Will of THE FATHER and I ask that all who is need of finances for their needs have their hands to prosper and have their needs meet and that they will be a light for the LORD for His Kingdom and I ask that we stay in prayer for the nation of Israel as led by GOD. I ask that the LORD send very high level protection over all of the individuals in the Nation of Israel that the LORD wants the protection sent to and I ask for the same protection for all who intercedes in prayer. I ask that THE LORD Bless all of our hands who are in prayer for Israel and for intercession for others. I ask all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ NAME, Amen.
  • Mattithyahu22 - 3 months ago
    Please pray for nephew and mother, ask the Lord to set them free of their problems and stresses, and bless them with great blessings. They are a big part of my life, I take care of them daily and hate seeing them like this, they need more than me to pray for them. Thanks and God bless!
  • Onesimus - 3 months ago
    Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and body. Please pray for my deliverance from my enemies and from any bondages and strongholds of the enemy that are on me. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through and that He protects me from my enemies. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual, material, and financial needs.
  • David Allen - 3 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their young families in your prayers please pray for my mother
  • Christian2 - 3 months ago
    Father God I ask for Your protection and covering over me, my family members I pray for daily and often, my loved ones, and everyone who connects. I ask for protection from witchcraft attacks coming against me and my family members I pray fro daily and often and everyone who connects. I ask that You send very mighty angels from Your Kingdom to guard all of us and keep us safe. I ask that You be a great light in my life and continue to lead me down the path of where You need me to go and I will go and I ask for provision to be a great Blessing to others. I ask that You Bless me to be a very mighty man of valor and I ask that You order my steps and continue doing a great work in my life. I ask for healing for my grandmother and ask for provision in all the areas she is in need, healing for my daughter in all the areas she is in need and ask that she is healed better then what she was before the sickness and ask for provision to be able to provide for my daughter in all the areas she is in need. I ask for protection from things coming against my mother and ask for peace in all the areas she is stressed and I ask that You Bless me to be a Blessing to my mother Father God, I ask for finances to pay all of my Bills on time and have enough to enjoy life, I ask that everything goes well with my doctors apointment and ask that I get the correct medication and ask for focus in all of the areas where I am needing it and motivation to continue in all of the areas I am in need. I ask for protection over my brother Joshua and covering over him and ask that You be with him and keep his moral high and his focus sharp and to keep pressing on to the things You have for him and also for me, all of my brother, my mother, my uncles, my cousin and her husband. I ask for a breakthough in area of dating. I have been a very long season of isolation for 6 years and I ask for someone to help on the journey. I ask all of these things Father God in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen. Thank you all.

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