Prayer Requests PAGE 179

  • Elizabeth - 2 years ago
    God, may Rebecca get a better job, as the manager at her old job was wishy-washy and would not let her transfer to another dept. when he said she could, and knew she paid for a training certificate to do so. That, and the intolerable working conditions in the prior dept. caused her to leave a job she liked and the people she liked to work with, and who liked to work with her. When she heard that the company was changing leadership because of the working conditions, she offered to come back and possibly be able to work in the dept. in which she wanted to transfer. The manager spitefully told her it wasn't possible, even though several employees left and he only has a handful of people working there. May he realize his foolishness, and ask Rebecca to return, helping her to get the training in the dept. in which she wanted to transfer. Thank you God for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me today
  • Carl Perkins - 2 years ago
    Pray for my me that God will heal my heart and mind I ask this in God name anen
  • Leslie - 2 years ago
    I am very depressed my family my husband and a lot of people I know have set me up in a drug setup it's been a drug set of and they stole my identity well anyway my sister has hacked into my bank accounts she's hacked into all my finances she's hacked into my computer my phone and my identity will you pray that all this will stop and the truth will come out I believe that they've been trafficking ever since I've been little and that they even did this to my mom and dad in my two my sister and brother that's gone too and I'm afraid and I don't know how to pray and I just pray that you will pray for me
  • Carie - 2 years ago
    I am in severe emotional distress, and I don't know what's happening to me. I love you all!
  • Lokesh V - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me and my family , GOD, to protect and dissolve all our problems related to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , health, emotional issues, physical and psychological issues we are going through.

    Our family includes my mother (who recently had a heart attack) , my sister and nephew going through Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, autoimmune and immune system attack, emotional attack, triggers, digestive issues, respiratory issues, chronic anxiety, allergies/allergic reaction, and an immune system inflammatory response in the body after my brother-in-law's demise.

    Our family is vulnerable and seeking God's help for protection and restore the balance.

    My sister is going through a tough time and has a lot of stress and my nephew is under PTSD influence with stress and behavioral changes.

    We are constantly battling emotions and physical health issues

    Please pray for me and my family to restore the health and balance and recover from whatever we are going through.

    With Gratitude

  • C crawley - 2 years ago
    Draw and save my son to the lord. Heal my son from anxiety attacks, drinking and smoking
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • LULA m DOUGLAS - 2 years ago
    This beautiful lady where i work is passing over to the other side and im asking for prayers for her daughter her daughter has downs, and dont understand asking for prayers for earn and i in jesus christ name.amen
  • Jess - 2 years ago
    A friend of mine is having complications with her pregnancy and is in the hospital. Please pray for her and the baby.
  • KXLE171 - 2 years ago
    I need a prayer for myself because I have Chronic Kidney Failure that's getting worse.
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    I still need intercessory prayer for God to heal me in my mouth, sinus area, left face area and right hip. I had oral & maxillofacial surgery and right hip surgery on August the 3rd. I'm doing alright. But now I have an infection in the surgical site in my left cheek under my left eye. Pray that the infection leaves. I got to have a second mouth surgery next Wednesday the 21st. Pray that the dental surgeon & his team get it right this time. They also got to get a bone out of my right leg. Pray for a hedge protection around me while I'm in surgery, in icu and in my private room recovering. Pray for me to have a speedy recovery so I can go home the last week in this month of September. Pray that God protects me while I'm at home recovering. Pray for my sister who is my caregiver. Pray for some of the church members who helps my sister & I and they walks with me to strengthen my right hip. Thank you in advance for praying for me and with me. God bless you and have a blessed day.
  • Arrienne - 2 years ago
    Amen, Halleluiah I am a believer of the Lord of God as our heavenly father, I believe in the Son of God as Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit ( Ghost ). I accept The Lord of God in his name, Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit in my heart and physically. My goal is to be a Christian and have peace with Our Heavenly Father, be baptized, and go to church. Read a prayer every single day.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking the Lord for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation for us and all in need and intervention (the Lord knows) as well as guidance and wisdom on what to do and encouragement.
  • Brenda Farley - 2 years ago
    The Holy Bible tells us that God loves all of his creation.
  • Liz - 2 years ago
    Praying to be covered in the precious blood of Jesus, and for a hedge of protection around me and my family/friends. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen. Thank you, and God Bless you for your prayers in Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.
  • Wesley Paul - 2 years ago
    I have no idea how to handle a critical situation. If honesty prevails, I'm good. If it doesn't, my life gets dramatically worse instantly. I never know God's will. When deadlines come, I make a decision and hope for the best. We know what to do in spiritual things. In business, I haven't a clue. I never am at peace with my decision. I have no assurance. Then, when I make a decision that doesn't turn out, it hurts my business. Is it God's will for my business to crash? I have nothing left. I beg, plead, ask in His name, believe he will show me the way. Then, I quit praying for that and have faith that all will work out. I'm always lost left hanging. My hope is that someone else can relate and pray the right prayer.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me today
  • T.M.F. - 2 years ago
    A great wedge between me and my elderly mother, it is irreparable. Only Father God can undo the mess that has happened. I'm so sorry, I have repented for my part and asked for forgiveness.
  • Benter - 2 years ago
    Please remember me in praise for Gods intervention in my family marital status and prosperity
  • Call for prayer and fasting - 2 years ago

    Would someone pray and fast with me today?

    A great storm/battle. Matthew 17:21 KJV

    "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting."

    Peace from Christ Jesus to be greater in me, than the stress inside/evil and pressure around.

    Grace for the calling of Christ Jesus/finish the race.

    Thank you, and God bless you, from your sister in Christ Jesus.
  • Lokesh V - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mother who recently underwent angioplasty with one major block removed by inserting a stent. She got a few blocks(3 valve disease) and MR grade(regurgitation ) in her heart. Heart function is reduced. Please pray for her little hope for strength, energy, positive recovery and self healing capabilities. Her heart is weak and reduced EF function.

    Her body is experiencing accelerated /hypertensive blood pressure followed by fluid accumulation in lungs and the body that causes onset breathlessness. She has fast heart rate(but medication controlling the heartbeat) elevated sugar levels,leg pain, calf muscle pain, constipation, fluid accumulation in the body, blood circulation issues, angle pain, throat , eye sight issues, cough , sternum pain, back pain and allergic reaction, respiratory issue and indigestion and other bodily symptoms along with medication side effects.

    Mentally she is anxious, evil forces acting on family, hopeless, helpless, emotional. She is going through low energy levels. She has experienced husband's death during her married life and has gone through a lot of emotions and trauma. Recently Her son-in-law passed away and she worried a lot about her family members.

    Please pray for her to restore her heart health completely without any complications and gain calmness and peace of mind , complete acceptance and strength. Please pray for her to let go of emotions gently and fulfill her desires.Please pray for her family to protect and bless them with peace, hope, health, prosperity and wisdom.

    Please pray for her to manage medication side effects and to improve and strengthen kidneys, digestion and all the organs including heart function.

    With gratitude

  • Lillian Aguirre - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my bro. Pray he gives his life to Christ and overcomes battles hes facing. Pray God protects our communication and relationship in Jesus Name. Pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us always. Pray for our fam
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers
  • Cindy - 2 years ago
    Answer to prayers! The surgeon got all of Laverne's cancer and her lymp nodes are clear! Please pray that she heals quickly and that cancer does not return.
  • Jun - 2 years ago
    Praying for the holy peaking of the following: Youth programs, Elderly Brotherhood, Kemomo artists, Underpaid workers, and Students who must all the same wait on Jesus' supplementing their ability and money to best the unfairness in the world. May they have fun like youths again, picking up fresh energy to do what they dream of than feel like it's too late. God is the source of jumping, waking up and even getting healed so, they need to feel it when ailments might try to hurt their progress needlessly. Or negative presse on ageism that I see putting mental limits on. Amen.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good evening everyone!

    Jesus our Lord is so good to us!

    He watches over us with His love, patience, guidance,

    and never fails us.

    Our faith in Him is so wonderful, how could anyone deny Him, for HE is our true Father and always will be, for ever and ever!!!

    Lord Jesus, when You call me home, I will answer You and say, 'Here am I'!!!

    Thank You my Lord Jesus for choosing me and my family to be with You through all eternity!!

    Praise, glory, honor, to our Prince of Peace!!!

    Our righteous and Glorious King!!!!

    In Jesus's name we pray, Amen!!!!
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    Please don't be too downcast if you haven't received a response to your prayer request yet.

    People pray down the list of requests without responding or hitting the PRAY button. I do. Trust that The Lord has heard your prayer. And the answer is on the way.
  • Brenda Farley - 2 years ago
    God wants us to read the Holy Bible.
  • Travis zachariaha cheek - 2 years ago
    i and my girlfriend was on the phone the other night and she ask me to pray for her eventually she will be saved by your prayers thank you brother cheek

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