Prayer Requests PAGE 15

  • RicoUS - 2 months ago
    Lord Jesus please help us to fully believe in you and trust you and to receive you fully. Anything in our hearts that blocks and hinders take away and please give us a willingness to fully surrender to you (resting on Philippians 2:13 and Proverbs 21:1). Praying Ephesians 3:14-19 for us. Asking for extra strong protection, please fight our battles and touch us with the power of your Holy Spirit. May we shine brightly for you and live lives pleasing to you. Do all this for all in need as well. Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their families please pray for my mother
  • Chord1976 - 2 months ago
    Unspoken prayer request, please pray for me!! Thank you!!
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Christian2 - 2 months ago
    Father God I ask for forgiveness of all of my sins and short comings and ask that You protect me from all spiritual warfare and ask that You step in and fight my battle for me and protect me and all of my family members that I pray for daily and often and ask that You keep Your Hand over us to cover us from all wickedness coming against us. I ask for a breakthrough in finding a good women Your timing not mine and ask that You Bless me to find her soon and I will be ready for her. I ask that You led my steps on where to go to find her and where I should go to church. I ask that I find a good Christian women who has a good heart and will be a great match for me. I ask for this as a very high priority in my life. I ask that You Bless me to have the finances to support her and my daughter and that we will have everything we need to have a successful marriage. I ask all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, Father God I ask with expectancy and knowing You work all things for my good in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please continue to pray for my daughter Deanna and her husband Wes
  • Icemantrin1 - 2 months ago
    Pray that I may be filled with the Holy Ghost Amen.
  • America needs Repentance - 2 months ago
    Lord, thank you for the word of God I heard yesterday. Thank you for the comforting to our prayers and the hope you provide for us.

    Thank you for brother Doug, he is an amazing man of the Lord when he speaks your word Father.

    Lord, I want to mention in this prayer for the needs spoken of on this site. Needs at I believe you can change, needs I know you control because you are Lord the King of Judah! The true Living King Alpha to Omega, you are the breath of life. I humbly place these needs in front of you Lord, asking you to please provide your will to these requests. Thank you for hearing theses burdens.

    I pray Father I am not deceived that I only worship the risen Lord and my attention is toward him continually. That my house is clean of earthly idols and my speech is clean from slander. My thoughts are pure as my Christ Jesus thoughts.

    Lord as I live in a world that mocks you, a world controlled by greed and vanity. I pray I will not be demonized by my surroundings but lifted up by your word and the hope I have in the love you give me. Lord for those in my small world I pray for them, Lord I know you know them and the needs they have. Lord I pray for my wife and I thank you for bringing us together.

    Father there is nothing I have gained in this world of value, all my riches are dust. Except salvation through Christ Jesus. Lord I am and was born into sin, and on many days of my life have sinned. But Lord I rest on the fact I believe you have covered our sins and I truly believe you are a risen Savior.

    Father please help those who can't defend their selves, those who are sick, lonely, abused, tormented by evil, chemical addiction, hatred. Lord please help those who don't have you.

    Lord, I pray for those who work to keep this website open, for those who give work to spread understanding of Jesus Christ.

    Father please accept this Thank you from me. Lord please help us grow stronger daily in the word of Jesus Christ.

    America needs Repentance God bless you.
  • Christian2 - 2 months ago
    Father God I ask that You led me to the right women in Your timing and that I will have a guarded heart until I meet that lady. I ask that You Bless me to have peace if I date someone that I like that is not the lady You led Lord. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, Father God I pray, amen.
  • RicoUS - 2 months ago
    Asking for extra strong protection and breakthrough as well as for much more love, joy, peace, strength, faith, trust, wisdom, guidance, discernment and for the Lord's help to live lives pleasing to Him and to walk in His authority and power and to do exploits for Him. Asking for us and all in need. Also asking for a new job, help for K. with school and a breakthrough with A. Thank you.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families, pray for my daughter and her husband they lost a son at birth and are heartbroken please pray for my mother please pray for the lost coworkers where i work
  • Someone - 2 months ago
    i need prayers. God knows what ive been asking. Please pray that He helps me. Thanks.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please remember me and my daughters and their families in your prayers please pray for my mother
  • BrotherinChrist - 2 months ago
    Please pray that Brother Don Nesbitt, (a good friend of Dr. Ruckman and a great Bible teacher) gets a house bought for him in Cheyenne, Wyoming today. His current house in Oregon is getting demolished, and his in-laws have been talking about buying a house for him there. Tomorrow (today, Sunday) is when they find out what happens. Please pray they get it, and for God to help them with their stress about moving and life.
  • America needs Repentance - 2 months ago
    Good morning all, Christ is King, wake up and pray!

    Father thank you for your patience on your second coming, by so you are giving people more time to repent and saving more souls. Father your name is glorified above all.

    As we move toward another holiday of commercializing greed, please give us knowledge so we will not be deceived, but we will be in truth and worship to a truthful mighty savior Jesus Christ.

    May this day and every day God's will and blessings be done.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters, Deanna and her husband going through a very difficult time, please hold them up in prayers, please pray for my mother
  • Christian2 - 2 months ago
    Father God I ask that You Bless me to stay focus on You and not this world, I ask that You Bless me with Grace in all of the areas that I need it and I ask that I am cleared from all manipulations that is trying to hinder me and my girlfriend from having a great relationship. I ask that You lead me to how to operate with my new girlfriend and ask that I know how to treat her. I ask for prayer that she knows how to treat me also. I ask that this relashonship is very Blessed and I will be at peace with her for who she is and she for who I am. I ask for Blessings in the area of finances so I can be able to have a place where we both can live. I ask for protection over me and her. I ask that we are guarded from all manipulations people will throw at us for being together. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
  • Bhall96 - 2 months ago
    I ask for all the prayers to focus on the Georgia Department Of Corrections, I'm currently a prisoner there for the pass 6 years and I have to say that the evil here is just unbelievable. There literally is a whole organization that openly prays to the devil and is hurting, slandering, and stealing from followers of Jesus or just trying to make life difficult. I have been offered to serve Satan and not be harmed and have everything I want. We all know that's a lie they can't offer my freedom nor Jesus. I pray that they will see the true love of Christ as I do and repent and turn from there ways. Please pray for a revival of Georgia Department of Corrections Dodge state prison and the open Satan worshipers criminal organization that is 75% of the population "Bloods" to come to the light
  • Chaseson27 - 2 months ago
    Pray that the Lord will give me a beautiful home through section 8 permanent supportive housing this month
  • America needs Repentance - 2 months ago
    Lord I ask that you heal the sick, bless the poor, comfort the lonely, give sight to the blind, give voice to the mute, give hearing to the deaf. Thank you for your love.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please continue to pray for my daughter Deanna and her husband Wes, they Lost a child at birth Beckett Allen Crum he was premature, and they want a child so badly, so please lift them up in prayer
  • RicoUS - 2 months ago
    Lord Jesus please fight your battles ( Ex. 14:14). I'm calling on your name for help ( Psalm 121) against all this spiritual bondage in our family, against all this emotional mess and dysfunction. Have mercy Lord and free and heal us. Please work salvation in our unsaved family members/relatives. Please also help with work, school, church (touch our church with your Holy Spirit incl. all loved ones connected to our church). Please do all this for all others in need as well. Thank you. Maranatha!!
  • C.N.C. - 2 months ago
    Please pray for me to get out of this slump I'm in. I actively share tracts for the Lord and do my best at soul winning. I translate gospel tracts also. Recently I had a really, really, rough week and sinned a couple times. I've asked the Lord to forgive me since then, but I'm having a tough time letting it go. I feel so full of shame, like I'm far from God and it's disrupting my prayer life and my life witnessing. I ask myself, how could God continue to use someone like me in the ministry to reach the lost? I know we all sin, and He is faithful to forgive us like it says in 1 John. But, I don't like letting the Lord down. It really hurts. Please pray I get out of this slump. Please pray He blesses me with courage and boldness to reach the Lost. Please pray He blesses my gospel tract translations. The feeling I have like a shame or like I'm not "good enough" to approach Him really sucks eggs. I've been saved for 7 years, and firmly trust the Lord Jesus, his shed blood, and what He did for me on the cross to pay for my sins.

    Aside from this, My wife and I are wanting to have another baby so please pray for that. My health has been a problem also, so please pray for me. Please pray for my wife and my two children and our health. Thanks guys.
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please pray for my daughter Deanna and her husband Wes ,
  • America needs Repentance - 2 months ago
    Father, thank you for your love! You gave us love and freedom, and that didn't come cheap. You gave your only beloved son, one that is worth, to pay for our sins. Somehow words just don't fill the thank you that we need to give for the freedom you provided from a second death.

    I pray when I wake, Lord, Satan's diseases will be erased, and your creation will praise your name. That the hearing impaired well hear the church bells ring and the good word of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!

    Lord, I pray for the children, those who can't protect themselves. For the young boys and girls that are subjected to work in pornography, also mighty Lord, who are subjected to abuse. Lord, please have mercy on them.

    I ask in humility that America repents from its evil ways, that it is your will that we as a nation worship the true, living, speaking God. I pray your will will be to destroy the illegal drug markets that destroy many lives and families.

    Lord, for those with closed hearts, eyes, and ears that don't believe in your existence, that don't drink of eternal water. I pray for their change of heart, and they will also seek Christ Jesus.

    Please, Lord, bless those on this site with mercy and love, because with you, Father, we have no chance against the principalities that rule this world.

    Again, thank you for loving us and your patience with us.
  • [email protected] - 2 months ago
    Please pray for me. I have a pacemaker and I have Parkinson's.

    Please pray for my healing and also the healing of my children especially my daughter in law Michele. My son Noah, my son Tracy and my husband have back problems and OCD and anxiety.

    Thank you
  • David Allen - 2 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their young families please pray for my mother and my lost co workers
  • Onesimus - 2 months ago
    Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and body. Please pray for The LORD to help me through the trials I am going through. Please pray for The LORD to protect and deliver me from my enemies. Please pray for The LORD to provide for all of my spiritual and material needs. Please pray for The LORD to guide me unto all truth and to give me the victory to overcome all things.
  • RachelRae - 2 months ago
    God Remains faithful everyday

    My father and grandfather are unsaved men please pray for them.

    i am aware they openly refuse my help to lead them to Christ.

    They live in texas while i am not in that state anymore
  • RachelRae - 2 months ago
    My Father is a Mangostic man my Grandfater is a "Messianic Jew" And a self proclaimed preacher i belive they are both unsaved men please pray for them and pray for The Griffin family they are going through alot. Aswell as a special unspoken for Anthony James Griffin

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