I feel like everything is too much and like I can't take care of myself. Everything is so difficult at the moment and I'm shocked at the bad circumstances coming from all directions. I'm asking for intercession in Jesus' name, amen
Please pray that God sends me a life partner according to his heart and makes a way to meet him and arranges a beautiful relationship in my life. Also, pray for God to fill all my needs and send more blessings to my life. Various blessings, financial blessings.
I need prayer because in a few days i have to go into surgery for my heart. I believe in the power of prayer. Where two agree on something in My name I will do it. I've seen this over and over again.
Pray for a little boy who really wants a daddy. Lord give him and his momma a Christmas miracle? Someone who will love the Lord and lead the family in serving Him.
pray that all my parts are good no miss lablr no miss count no miss clips n miss foam no fried me no suppenned me and i do not loss my job to have enough money to pay my bills car door open and close ok car will stare seat belt work ok heater and defoasrter work ok to have money for food gass to wash clothes house do ot fall down and house do not catch on frire mom gets feeling better soon
alex1939...There are many analogies and metaphors for faith but Jesus only uses 1 saying you must be Bornagain...He uses child birth as a metaphor for faith saying unless you receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...A lil Child is indicative of Child birth and Faith...a new creature etc...A new man or woman is on the horizon..As we have borne the image of the earthly we must also bear (birth) the image of the Heavenly...Indicative of the heavenly Birth, Christ in us...And Rev 12:5 uses this woman in travail a pregnancy as a picture of faith...Jesus knew this woman ...She has the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...Her fetus...She is pregnant for Jesus the bridegroom...She has heard his words the good seed...She cannot see the Child til he is born...But she had the Evidence of things not seen...The H.G. the Child of Promise..That is gona rule all nations..She is hoping for the kingdom and Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...There is only 1 analogy that truly defines faith and its Child birth...Plz note that true salvation and the Kingdom comes till the woman births the Child which is the H.G. that Child of Promise... REV 12:10..Now is come salvation after the woman births the Child...and the book is opened...The words of the book are that New Covenant and the seeds of the sower...Thats when they sang that new song the new covenant...A birthing covenant...I will know them all from the least to the greatest.. Jeremiah 31:34..An intimacy that is gona initiate a birth of Christ in everybody...Thus the woman is the world in travail and Child birth...There cannot be a heavenly birth without Faith..Simply b/c we cannot be bornagain again without his seed the words of that New Covenant...As Faith comes by hearing his words..Thats y Jeremiah speaks of the woman with Child and she that travails with Child a great company...An Israel of God is coming soon.
A Christian lady in our small town has been sent home with stage IV cancer. Please pray for her healing and nutrition. She needs a miracle from God. Please pray that God will heal her so she may keep building his kingdom here. Thank you and God bless!
The grk for "testimony, witness, confession" is "martyria" and "martys" is the one who confesses, it is where the Eng. words "martyrdom" and "martyr" come from. Strange, isn't it? How do these 2 different words actually mean the same thing? In the early times of the church history during the great persecutions in the Roman Empire, often christians confessed their faith to Juses through their death for their faith in Him. That was the ultimate witness/testimony for what Jesus did for them, freeing them from eternal distruction, and give them eternal entrance into Heaven. A few centuaries later the church started celebrating the so called days of the Saints. The day of their celebration in the calendar was the day they were executed during the persecutions. That day was considered to be a celebration, a happy day, since those believers finally made their escape from this world and entered formally into the Heaven. I don't mean these celebrations are a right thing to do, but they show how our brothers at those times were thinking of their faith in Jesus and their determination to go till the very end for Him.
I repent of my sins, I forgive everyone, pray for all men to be saved, pray for all leaders, ban abortions, ban all kinds of weapons, ban death penalties, pardon all criminals, bless & heal Pastor Derrick with everything he truly needs for his own recovery, resolve world hunger, peace in Jerusalem, bless & pray for the poor, the destitute, the outcasts, & downtrodden, bless & pray for those who are hurting & suffering, bless & pray for those in mental hospitals, jails, & prisons, restoration for the world due to the pandemic, restore all families, re-open all churches, to have Brittany Hall to be my wife for good & forever, bless me & Brittany with the very best of everything we both desire for our own happiness, bless my mom with the best of everything she needs for her own well-being, bless my dad with the finest fruit trees in the world, bless us all with everything we have always wanted & needed, bring back our loved ones from the dead, heal & cure all kinds of sicknesses & diseases, bless & pray for everyone in Ukraine, bless & pray for those who serve & attend all churches, bless & pray for all believers & unbelievers, revival, unity, reconciliation, grant me & my loved ones with abundant prosperities in our bank accounts, bless & pray for my brother Ramiro to find the right person for himself, heal my entire body, pray for the consecrations of Russia & Ukraine, bless the world with the very best Christmas ever, have my house in San Jose, CA to be rebuilt, make everything else all right.
My life has been one of strong needed faith in god being a widow at19 and going to give birth to my son then being strongly attacked spiritually and physically during years of rebellion until Jesus poured his spirit over me and let me know how much he loves me and all I had to fight against people who wanted me to abort my babies Jesus kept me strong and removed some from my life bringing me to my destiny as a church musician but being persecuted for worshiping Jesus and concerns for others especially children my oldest daughter is one who rejects me and I thank god that he gives me unconditional love for the word of god tells of the division coming upon true believers I pray for all and need prayed as well with the love of God shed abroad in our hearts in Jesus name
Please first praise the LORD with me for Who He is and His faithful, trustworthy and good work. And please knock the door of Heaven with me, for more breakthroughs in my life , family and work situation.
Thank you to all who prayed for me while traveling. I am home. God is good ALL THE TIME! And ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!
Our trials and tribulations are only for a little while here on this earth.
And I recommend that you DON'T sin because we will reap that which we have sown. If you sin your still gonna reap. I'm reaping, so I rejoice in everything because I'm forgiven. But I still reap. David reaped. It's God's righteous judgement. So don't sin!!!
God bless all who use this site.
In Jesus name. I'm praying over all prayer requests here.
My name is Peter and I have multiple people using witchcraft on me and they even found out where I live and want to take my life. Please pray for them to be consumed by their own spells and that I may break free from their spiritual bondage. If one person could say a sincere prayer for me it might save my live. Thank you and God bless. Praise the Lord.
Praying for provision for myself and family to move back to Nevada at the end of Dec 2022. We were happy there and there was more opportunities for us.
Please pray for Dennys tests to be negative. Pray for Tyler's mental, physical and spiritual health and for Justin to come back to the Lord. Pray for a hedge of protection around all my children and grandchildren
I wans the Christian community to pray for my marriage and also for the negative report from the doctor on Azoospermia. I Give testimony in advance for i believe the lord of host has healed me.
Oh our Father in heaven, I am a sinner, I have been angry and caused hellish fire, if needed, so no one shall suffer more from it, let me drink the fire I have caused ten times, but let me remember Your name and the teaching of your Son, Jesus Christ, and let Him have mercy with me so I do not fall in total despair. AMEN
I have a special prayer request that God helps out in the situation I'm in. I'm not handling it the way I should and I realize that I can't buy myself. I need his help. I really need a spiritual uplifting and God to see me through everything that I'm faced with from here on out. I surrender! I cannot do this alone. God I need you now more than ever. I pray for the people around me and everyone that I come in contact with. I only wanna see people through God's eyes and not my own! I ask for this prayer request in Jesus'name. Amen!
The grk for "testimony, witness, confession" is "martyria" and "martys" is the one who confesses, it is where the Eng. words "martyrdom" and "martyr" come from. Strange, isn't it? How do these 2 different words actually mean the same thing? In the early times of the church history during the great persecutions in the Roman Empire, often christians confessed their faith to Juses through their death for their faith in Him. That was the ultimate witness/testimony for what Jesus did for them, freeing them from eternal distruction, and give them eternal entrance into Heaven. A few centuaries later the church started celebrating the so called days of the Saints. The day of their celebration in the calendar was the day they were executed during the persecutions. That day was considered to be a celebration, a happy day, since those believers finally made their escape from this world and entered formally into the Heaven. I don't mean these celebrations are a right thing to do, but they show how our brothers at those times were thinking of their faith in Jesus and their determination to go till the very end for Him.
Have a blessed weekend all of you.
Our trials and tribulations are only for a little while here on this earth.
And I recommend that you DON'T sin because we will reap that which we have sown. If you sin your still gonna reap. I'm reaping, so I rejoice in everything because I'm forgiven. But I still reap. David reaped. It's God's righteous judgement. So don't sin!!!
God bless all who use this site.
In Jesus name. I'm praying over all prayer requests here.