Prayer Requests PAGE 141

  • Oliver Okinyi - 2 years ago
    pray for "biterness "caused by my selfish and greedy kins.
  • Hale0607 - 2 years ago
    Please pray for two important men in my life pray that God is with them always. That one has Come into their life and shows him it's another way that God is the way and helps him shut the door to drugs and everything else that is driving him away from the lord and himself. The other man in my life please pray that he really opens his heart mind and soul to God like he says that he wants to pray that he can overcome his battles with the lord cause if he is with us who can be against us and please pray that it gives him strength in the lord. Also, pray that I more for the lord that I live more for the lord.
  • Jessica Kennedy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my family we aren't able to gift our kids anything this year, we have no heat and are struggling. I know this is just a season but I'm ready for the other side & a new job. Thank you!
  • Brice Martin - 2 years ago
    I was born in 1955 & I had 7 strokes this last year. I lost my hearing in the left ear. Thankyou so much for your prayers to God and Jesus. I am not worthy,can you pray His Glory will be in my heart ? In a great & mighty way? Glory to God. Thankyou
  • Rick - 2 years ago
    This request is for Mae and her parents Rick and Bailey. We are asking God that Mae (3 months old) would sleep naps 1 - 2 hours everyday and the should would sleep deeply and longer hours at night. She struggles to sleep. We are asking that God would provide a job for Rick. That God would give supernatural strength for Bailey to breastfeed and take care of Mae. That God would give us a strong direction for his will. That Gods word would be a lamp to their feet.
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Northern California just had a large earthquake that did a lot of damage. Many will need help and prayer.
  • Candi ray on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    please prat for my grandaughter Chelsey Curry ,she needs a kidney
  • Frank Daniels - 2 years ago
    Today is my first day at work please pray for energy, focus and strength for me in Jesus name.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and Kristie and our families in your prayers remember my son in law Adam and father in law
  • Devika Ashwini Pillay on 1 Thessalonians 1 - 2 years ago
    I am happy reading this version bible. Need prayers for my Employment.
  • J S - 2 years ago
    Please pray in agreement with me that James S. is healed of his infection, as well as his other ailments. By the Pure Name of Yahushua Amen! Thank you for the prayers.
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Please pray GOD PLEASE set me free from ALL abusers & abuse now permanently!! My abuse will NOT stop unless GOD Himself stops it! Please pray that whatever wicked and evil schemes my abusers have planned for me tonight, or any time in the future, that GOD Himself will destroy their plans, and bring it all to naught and failure!! Please pray that GOD keep me safe tonight, and protect my spirit, soul, and body from ALL harm, evils, and wickedness! Please pray that GOD FREE ME COMPLETELY, without any more harm to me!! Plese pray GOD give me peace, and that GOD will love me, and reveal to me any love that GOD has for me and have a relationship with me, now! Lastly, please pray that GOD save my soul from Hell, and admit me into His kingdom, and that GOD The Father will remove ALL doubt and give me--straight from Himself--PERFECT faith--and belief in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I KNOW that there us power in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, and miracles I have experienced and know of, done in the Lord's Prayer and in Christian 's I knew, lives!!! I just don't have any excuse to not know, but I would that GOD The Father TELL me Himself about Jesus! IGOD The Father spoke to me once in a dream when I eas younger. I KNOW GOD's communications--like Christ saud--"My sheep knowmy voice!" No excuse for doubting, brothers and sisters, but please pray GOD remove ALL doubt un Christ un me now! I apologize to you and Christ and the Father, and my whole Christian family for my inexcusable faithlessness!!! I also have belief in the Holy Ghost no excuses for me, but OLEASE pray GOD remedy this faithlessness now!! Amen!
  • Mom - 2 years ago
    Please pray for son Matt who just lost his job. Please pray the Lord softens his bosses heart and takes him back.if this is not the Lords will I pray the Lord opens another door for Matt to be employed ty!
  • Chinaza - 2 years ago
    I want to cashout

    God answer mi prayer

    bless the work of my hand

    Let plenty money come my way this week

    in jesus name i pray
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking for the Lord to fight for us and strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and the fullness of the Holy Spirit ( Eph 3:14-19) for us and all in need. Also asking that the Lord intervenes in A's life and also prevents any toxic and harmful relationship and does not allow a pregnancy/baby as a way to bind the new boyfriend to herself and for the child then to suffer like as K., her first child has. Also asking for healing for K. and M. and for peace and the Lord's blessing for our homeless outreach.
  • Thea Brauer - 2 years ago
    I pray that I finally change from the inside out. I pray I finally change for the better in nearly every aspect of my life. I pray I finally grow up, take responsibility for my life and become the adult both me and my parents can be proud of. I pray I finally reestablish a good relationship with my mom soon. I pray I finally lose weight, get into better shape and reverse the diabetes. I pray something wonderful happens today. I pray I am ok today. I pray my health insurance covers almost all my health expenses. I pray great miracles happen soon. I pray great events happen soon. I pray something wonderful happens today. I pray I am ok today. I pray I am ok through this quarantine period. I pray I continue to do well in my job and I am successful. I pray for a new full time legal job with great pay and good people and benefits. I pray good things happen both personally and professionally. I pray I finally meet someone special who can share their light and love and show me a new perspective. I pray I finally save enough money in my account so I can move out and live independently. I pray miracles happen soon. I pray I finally take dance classes within the next few months. I pray wonderful things happen soon.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family today remember Adam who lost his job on the 4th due to closure remember Louie my father in law battling cancer
  • Marian - 2 years ago
    Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl & Robert. Asking this in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying at this time of need. God Bless all of you.
  • Free - 2 years ago
    To all Hebrew 13 Stay close to God love u all in Christ
  • Emily - 2 years ago
    URGENT PRAYER REQUEST - please pray for someone that me and Sister Gianna knows, they really need prayers right now. and please pray for them to find salvation too. and pray that everything is well.
  • DANIEL VIKASH CHANDRA - 2 years ago
    good morning, Iam Daniel Chandra from Fiji Islands. Please request if you can do spiritual warfare for me, Iam hearing voices from outside when nobody is there, and they also give me body pains. One thing iam sure they are actually evil/satanic spirits and they are blocking my progress. I don't know if they are my ancestral spirits or is generational curses, however, they are evil in nature, they give me physical pains and day or night they give me bad dreams, and Iam always in lack and poverty of finances with huge debt, there is no prosperity in my finances, also please request if spiritual warfare can be conducted to remove any evil/satanic/demonic spirits/monitoring spirits on me, thank you.
  • Marco Antonio Garcia - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my daughter valeria garcia for salvation. pray that god may grant me full custody of my daughter so taht we both can serve the lord. her mother is a very bad influence and will not allow for her to attend church. pray for her so that god will giver her wisdom in school and in life.
  • John Bates - 2 years ago
    I Pray that Stephanie Marks come to John Bates with open arms ready to be loved like she always wanted to be loved. She has a special place in her heart just for him. She know he would do anything for her to be happy and feel loved.
  • Parker - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my daughter to overcome her drug addiction and mental illness. Please pray for her loneliness emptiness and fears. Please pray for her physical mental and emotional pain. Please pray for her safety protection health happiness finances relationships and salvation. Please pray our home is protected physically and spiritually. Please pray God will restore my daughter's life her relationship with her son and her smile. Please pray God will send her new friends that will lift her up out of depression and loneliness. Please pray she will see the friends she has now are not friends but sent to destroy her life. Please pray they change their ways also. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Ruben - 2 years ago
    If you would please pray that The LORD heal's my backsliding and my body of any and all ailments. In addition, if you would please pray that The LORD delivers me from any and all strongholds and bonadge of the enemy that I am under. Also, if you would pray that The LORD delivers and protects me from my enemies and that the attacks being perpetrated against me would cease. Please pray that any schemes that The Devil and my enemies are trying to instigate against me are exposed and fail. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs and that The LORD restores me unto Himself like He did with The Apostle Peter; that He turns away my captivity like He did for Job, and blesses me like He did for Job. Please pray that The LORD guides me into all Truth and that He gives me the Grace and mercy to persevere and fight the good fight of Faith. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Baptiste lafferrerie - 2 years ago
    Dear brothers and sisters in christ,

    i ask prayers to the lord that rachel will be faithful, love god, truly repent and convert, return to church, stop being an adulteress, have zeal/finances, break the yoke and honor the lord may she not ignore me and be helped in the desert... may she stop the lies and liars stop lying. i pray that my neighbor will be born again, he may convert and repent. i ask for prayers for the salvation of my family and my work, i ask for prayers for servants, diacri, pastors, choirs, evangelists, prophets, apostles help us with covid, may we triumph from trials, may we be reintegrated and welcomed. may they bless us and accept the gospel. help us with submission, help demas and . i pray for the irreligious and profane, help us with fines and finances (d, i, p, r, b, d, cde, p, b, p, t, c, g, b, b, sc, d, a, c, e, j, m, t, ds, pc, mir, mel, p, e, vel, ue, d, es, ep, m, m, h, es, e, c, e, p, e, a, c, d, m, ce, a, s, sj, c, l, nd, ec, m, b, e, c, j, i, jm, nla, mdt, m, b, t, ds, d, p, a, b, n, lr, mel, c, l, g, b, elpdle, es, m, c, v, gp, e, p, g, c, r, ll, d, p, l, f, e, i, s, p, b, d, e, e, r, m, m, u, lh, v, c, b, ec... ), for our finances, huwf, huwp1ap26a2c12, hudmg, huwpie, htr, huwa, huwe, mptyau, hufc, mnbu, mtbma, mslu, msbc, huws, huwmc, hunwowe, huw1c6, huhojafr, mwdhr, hudp, mtswc, mhsvamshgmehg,huwm, mhr, mtpr, huww, gul, mwdbmudmub, mmr, guohayp, mmr, mfpr, huwj, huwoaaaq, olrlm, hunbc , mmjabr, mwrfe, huwpawabamadasc, mtbrac, mtrtom, huwh, mtbb, mtm, huwt, huwragtc, memgtc, guhahuwj, hwws, mtadawbs, htbcaw, gul, mtltpatu, mtbp, mto, hunhaad, huw huwv, mtbmalm, mssvalas, huws, huw2c6, huwdad, mtblc, hui, hunbh, huwiafav , mtgf, mweh, mlsl, huwmc, mnc, mtswtbhaltm, huwmaw, msddadp, mwhnfadbiol, mtd, ct, huwifam, mtslamwhj, mssl, mwfj, mwhmal, huwf, mtgaroar, huwc, mtscac, mtswv, mtrabc, mtgmgg, huwa, mtgmpana, mtoar, mtbc , mtbmc, huws, gus, huwcdlh, huwc, mtltmawag, huwj, huwi, hump, huwh, ht bcanh, m trm, huhani, hugtw, mthp,
  • Ludovic SARRAZ-BOURNET - 2 years ago
    Sorry to ask you again.Please pray Jesus for my healing. I believe that Jesus christ will heal me. My hip prosthesis is not perfectly fit and I can't walk normally, nor drive.

    Also may God bless my doctor to show him what to do.

    Also may God bless my family, my mother is sick and the family ostreinova from kiev ukraine. Oksana is a widow and cannot work. They escaped to the Netherlands. Thanks a lot

    Ludovic, France
  • Benjamin - 2 years ago
    Please say a prayer that I have greater understanding, wisdom, and knowledge of some Bible verses about time.

    As well, that my work come through.

    May God bless you all.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers, please remember Adam who has lost his jo and seeking another one Rember my father-in-law Louie who is battling cancer
  • Tami - 2 years ago
    Hello, please please pray for my children. I have 3 grown boys and they need deliverance. Please this is very important. Their names are Jake, Jock and Rich they live in upstate NY. They need to have Christian role models to help guide and direct them. They need deliverance please its not good.

    Thank you for your prayer.

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