Prayer Requests PAGE 140

  • Ruth Santiago - 2 years ago
    False arrest, false medical psychiatric diagnosis, false negligence to cover up in person, occult and astral criminal conducts done by third party, NYPD and FBI human assailant demons.False arrest, false medical psychiatric diagnosis, false negligence to cover up in person, occult and astral criminal conducts done by third party, NYPD and FBI human assailant demons.

    LATEST REVISION a/o 12.04.22 (Part of My Story):

    These demons don't stop, astral forms still touching my fingers, poking my eyes and sitting on top of me and underneath me. It's demonic. Occultism is nazism of humanity. Astral is nazism of humanity. It's evil and less than and no one wants to do what is right against them. All occult would, all occult could and almost all occult do. They're evil in their postures in their pseudo entitlement and how they take individuals hostage wanting empathy, and apologies for their occult, astral and in person crimes. They weaponize their stupidities (lack of intelligence and only know how(s)), their misogny, their chauvinism, they're hatred for anyone of faith among others They hatred for women. They could influence others in the invisible and whisper evils or pseudo blessings to others who are healthy and have mental health that is pure and sane and sober. Yesterday, 12/3/22: The human demon kid (non melanin, brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'7", medium frame: from 6820 Owls Head Ct )the kid who drove the red chevy sedan, went to the PF gym on 5th Avenue the same time I did. I went after I finished with my volunteering at the pantry. This is a norm with them (in person, occult and astral perverted lawless misogynistic, chauvinistic, less than criminals - the groups of them) thinking their privileged, entitled because occult /astral/in person minority vs minority is taboo - they never gets incarcerated because they appear to be composed when they commit their crimes in the occult, astral and in person forms. Just like the CPS and courtrooms and medical industry to
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    I have given up on believing in GOD's goodness, or love, etc. I honestly, and I mean NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE with this, but I hate GOD, because He always helps, blesses, prospers the exceedingly wicked in wrongdoing, even covers up and hides their wrongdoing, while He ignores the plight of their innocent victims-to an extent. I hate GOD, because He creates humans, and then moves on from the ones He doesn't care to will a good life for. I hate GOD, because, in that He COULD help those who seek/sought to make the world a better place, instead, He just sits in heaven in comfort and convenience and ignores the what is best for the powerless, the abused, in order to continue the prosperity of those who cause people to fail (either in life, or through suicide, because He careth not).

    I don't mean to disrespect Him-I hate Him. I hate His ways. I hate His apathy. I hate how He DEED...the protector, the promoter, the helper, the blesser, and the power-bestower of those..exceedingly wicked. I hate how He blesses the prosperity of EVERYTHING that is messed up, that is, but thwarts and helps Satan, and Satan's kids to destroy people, and His earth after and before each and everytime He has destroyed the earth!

    He created me to be abused-He intended a bad life for me, worse for others, and that's that! You then pray for His help..maybe He'll help, maybe He will sit in heaven and not care.

    You can pray for me-I know this makes me a GOD hater. I do not want to burn in Hell for eternity, but I hate Him. I want to go to heaven-instead of Hell, and more earthly abuse-but how can I enter into His holy house and kingdom, when I hate Him? HIS will is HIS choice, and He CHOOSES to not CEASE from prospering WICKEDNESS AGAINST innocents & those who incurred not the wickedness done unto them! I know the greatest commandment is to love Him with all that is in me, but how can I love someone who helps those who abuse ME, but isn't interested in helping me NOT be abused?
  • Anna - 2 years ago
    Thank You Jesus.
  • Hale0607 - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my heart today just now i let something overcome my whole body with anger this is something i have been trying hard to overcome my short temper but i need as many people as i can to pray with me so i can let of the anger and next time be able to look to God for the right answer and let my reaction to life show god through me
  • KD - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me. I am alone with no family and just found out have cancerous cells or more involved precancerous cells in my cervix. Please pray for my healing and for God to take away my fear.
  • Shane - 2 years ago
    Please pray that a position opportunity that is decided on tonight will be a yes. Praise Jesus.
  • Josephine - 2 years ago
    My family and I live in a city full of gang affiliated people. My son Dominic is doing his best. He is someone who has a big heart, but he is very easily persuaded and he does get anxiety becomes panic about decisions. He needs God's embrace he needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit to guide him for his future. If you would, please pray for him and our family. Thank you.
  • Frank Daniels - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me today I have an interview.
  • NIGEL SHOKO - 2 years ago
    Need a life break through
  • NIGEL SHOKO - 2 years ago
    Soul uplifting
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers
  • Brooke - 2 years ago
    I have been battling spiritually with intrusive thoughts and I can take it any more, I've been fasting and praying and I need deliverance from this so please pray that God deliver me and make me whole in my mind
  • Kim - 2 years ago
    Prayer for my husband who has alot of health issues.

    An urgent unspoken prayer request
  • S - 2 years ago
    Prayers for healing . Me and my younger sister are suffering from Gastrointestinal Issues. Both of us have issue eating food and prevents us from having a good life. Our mother is deeply saddened and often breaks down due to our health condition. Kindly pray for our healing. Thank you, In Jesus Name
  • Celia - 2 years ago
    May Matheus, my son come at Christmas to be with me anda family , thank you for your prayers .
  • Thomas Lee - 2 years ago
    If you could please pray for my wife, Brenda, who is unsaved, that she will come to accept Jesus Christ as her savior. It would mean a lot to me. Please also pray that I will set a godly example for her as her husband. We're both going through a lot of difficulty within our marriage right now, and I am trying my best to trust in God through it, and to keep him at the center of my life and our marriage. Thank you so much.
  • Wesley Mcgranor on Psalms 117 - 2 years ago
    Yesteryear we had a Christian culture, amen.
  • Jeri - 2 years ago
    I ask for Healing prayers, sarcoidosis covers my lungs and liver. I ask for prayers for my grandchildren that they may serve the Lord all the days of their lives and find peace in doing so, and that my son may find a godly wife and God heal his broken heart. He's never married, he was engaged years ago and has not had a lasting relationship since. He's a good man. Thank you
  • Nabeta Besweri - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me to live a normal life.

    And if possible, get me someone I can talk to.
  • Deborah Bolding - 2 years ago
    Please pray for Aunt Judy as she has been put on hospice and starting to fail.
  • Danny Webb - 2 years ago
    Pray for my marriage to my wife Hilda. She is having an affair and wants to move out and leave our family. I am a servant of Jesus and her husband Danny. I know that this is a spiritual battle and I need prayers to battle the enemy. God bless
  • Dennis - 2 years ago
    Prayer for peace
  • Randy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my 10 y.o. Granddaughter She just lost her mother,my Daughter to cancer Dec. 13th. She has lived under our roof along with her mom since she was 18 months old. Her mostly absent Dad now wants to move her out of our home and she's not dealing with it well. She loves Jesus as did her mom who is now resting in His Arms. Please pray for her situation.
  • Renee - 2 years ago
    My grown children treat me like they hate me,i have been nothing but good to them,why do people treat me so bad.i don't deserve this but its happening to me,not just with my children but other family members also and some so called friends,please pray for me.
  • Servant Of Christ - 2 years ago
    Continous sustaining grace and Boldness to all pastors, preachers and teachers of the true word of God.
  • Vikki - 2 years ago
    To get closer to the lord.
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Please pray for deliverance for my son William and protection and Emancipation for my Grandson, Blake.trusting God for finances immediatelyThank you
  • Byron Haralson - 2 years ago
    Healing, direction and clear understanding and hearing of GODs Word
  • Jayson - 2 years ago
    My wife has taken out five children and left. I don't know where. They were taken out of school. Christmas and everything else in our lives is canceled. We have a new baby nine months old. She is very hormonal and is battling bitterness and unforgivness. I do not want divorce. God forbid perish the thought. May God speak to her and may we be reunited. May the love of the Lord overcome the enemy so we can have a triumphant testimony.

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