I have to wear a urinary catheter since 4/22 till the present because my bladder doesn't function properly. Please pray that I would no longer need a catheter. Wearing it gives me cramps and painful itching. I can't function properly with it on. Thank you so much. I am a believer.
Pray for my mother in law. She has a spot on her lung, and will be facing chemotherapy. Pray the Lord showers her with grace, amazing grace. Healing and strength. Thank you.
Please remember our family business that is having financial difficulties. Our daughter needs salvation. A family member with health complications and surgeries.
We really need prayer. It's just my elderly mother and I, and we are both severely disabled due to ME/CFS. Her health has greatly worsened the past 2 years. Now it's bitterly cold and our furnace needs serviced, our garage needs replaced, and we have no money. Please pray for us. We need a break.
Hello praying friends. I thank you for lifting me up in prayer last week. I am still under the weather from this virus and my symptoms were getting better but are now getting worse. Mu throat is so irritated and sore that I am having breathing difficulties from it narrowing and spasms of the larynx that close off my airway for a few minutes. I cannot breath in nor out during these times. Went to the doctor and started prednisone to combat the inflammation and swelling in my airways and a better cough suppressor to reduce the coughing because it is so painful to cough or swallow. The coughing and inflammation in my throat trigger these spasms. So these two things need to be taken away for me to be "out of the woods". This is what happens when I get respiratory viruses. I am thankful that the last one was in March of 2020. I am painfully reminded of how they work in me.
I would appreciate your prayers for me this week, also, as I my body continues to battle this reaction to the virus. God knows what is going on in me down to the cellular and atomic levels, so I trust that He will be at work in me to heal me.
Thank you and PRAISE you Father, Lord Jesus for answering prayer for our homeless outreach and the Christmas services and family time. I continue asking for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved) and guidance for us and all in need. Please Lord intervene in A's life, have your hand on the relationship with C.. Draw them to Jesus. Encourage K. and all of us. Please Lord help all who are suffering around the world and draw them to yourself. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Can you please pray that a financial blessing comes through and help me pay for my college tuition for the upcoming spring semester at Old Dominion University because I have no financial aid
Pray for my brother. Pray he gives his life to Christ and overcomes battles in his life. Pray he comes to repentance of his sins. Pray God protects our communication and relationship in Jesus Name. Pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us always. Pray for our family
My name is Jordy, Last name: ter Haar I''m 21 years old, and i am from the netherlands My first name Jordy, Last name ter Haar To Pray for me That My faith will be stronger, and to get closer to God that i will spend more time in the bible and in prayers, and that i will be led by the Holy Spirit, i also have doubt, that i will be left behind when the Lord comes, Pray that i will get a better relationship with God to, to get also a relationship with the Holy Spiriti want to grow more into the spiritual and to get stronger to in the name of Jesus and Emotional healing, and Physical healing, and Pray for more salvation
Please pray for my firefighter/medic son who was today, Christmas day, diagnosed with a co-infection of both Covid and Influenza. Please help us pray for Divine healing for him and protection for his small children and family around him. We are trusting God for an immediate and Divine miracle of healing. Thank you for helping us pray and for agreeing with us in faith for our son's Divine healing.
Urgent please pray for healing for. my husband myself children grandchildren LH Rosy Lino sisters and families covid hard times to breath low oxygen level high fever serious condition salvation deliverance protection for Alessandra and Gloria and for finances Thank you
Also, meant to add to the comment just sent in, that I have nothing but assumptions and coincidences, paired with the events of my life both on and offline. I have no clue if Texsis is apart if my stalking, apart of my stalking...but trying to help, or apart of my stalking, and just carrying out evil orders. I KNOW that my words sound like those of a person who suffers from lunacy, but I want to emphasize, as I did before: Man is FALLIBLE, not infallible!!! Within the body of men (humans, not the gender), we have bad apples, going bad apples, and not so bad apples. Christ was the only GOoD apple, all others are lesser in badness. My point was that, I do not know if bad a tors outside of Texsis are manipulated when I saw her response, or if s/he did it his/herself. All I know is, that underneath my last anonymous comment, I inly had ONE response from another user. While typing out a response to THAT user, on the same non-refreshed page, I felt an unclean spiritual presence. I sent my message, scrolled up,&Texsis' comment had been newly posted, and was labeled as having been posted/submitted "5 hours ago." I assume that Texsis' account is most likely that of a stalker, due to something in one of his/her responses to a previous post. The response seemingly quoted/refrenced something I'd said in at LEAST one audio diary recording made on this or another device near this one. I make those, but they are never posted online-just my phone &me, but I have noticed that things have been heard. Not a bad thing per se, but, the stalking isn't a good thing. Though, my situation is WEIRD, there have been things that have come of it, that have been helpful. Not everything has been bad, etc. People are people. We are all equal! We ALL need Christ! I ask for prayers for myself, & for everyone else that GOD heal ALL, revral&correct the doctrines of devils&other deceptions believed& firgive&become a BELOVED Father of these & me! I speak TRUTH! GOD can take lemons&make lemonade!
I being stalked both online and off! I am reporting to the moderators/site owners, per adventure this could help! I have posted prayer requests elsewhere online. One place is a huge social media website that has Christian sub-spaces for prayer. On that SECULAR website, a user would post "unspoken," as their prayer. I note that sine anonymous user posted "unspoken," here, recently, and Texsis responded, as if the anonymous user was me (since I had posted an anonymous prayer request, and then Texsis responded to it...a lot). Texsis' name is significant, b/c this summer I had been followed around by a lot of Texas tagged vehicles, along with another state. I do not live in either state. Both states hold some significance for me, and at least Texas was chosen by my perverse, stalkers, for a reason. I do not know if my comments are even going to be seen by Christian brothers or sisters, but if so, please ask GOD for discernment, everything you read, every person in a trusted position isn't necessarily trust-worthy. Truth is oft stranger than fiction. Pray for me&for my/our (all decent men's) enemies, that I forgive, love&obey CHRIST & that the enemies of the WHOLE...WORLD...turn from their loyalty to the evil one&that Christ's Dad causes this by showing such love toward them as individuals, that the loyalty begotten to GOD comes naturally! Also, that GOD give the world's enemies & me "an heart of flesh," & a thirst for His knowledge! I would to learn GOD's law, but my parents & their fellows in wickedness exceeded have been allowed to prevent/stop that, in addition to all I've done to go elsewhere, that I may be able to learn GOD's law elsewhere! GOD is a Father&loves obedient children (as well as disobedient children of the enemy). Some of these have shown the capacity to love, to change, and for remotse as well as care for the well-being of others. It appears to me, at least! Men & women have given me help in this, while being imperfect as we who are Christ's! Thanx
God thank you for pouring favor on Stephanie Marks and John Bates relationship. They really love each other. Stephanie going to John and expressing her feelings. The he is all she thinks about. He is all she ever wanted. Wants him more then anything.
I pray that my son will marry, for the past 12 years we have been urging him to marry, God blessed him financially, but he refused to marry, I pray that he will know God , and God will change his mind so that He can marry and I pray that God will soften his heart to marry and know God almighty In Jesus Name. Amen
please remember me and my family this day in your prayers, remember all the less fortunate this Christmas, all the travelers, remember the prayer warriors who day in and day out take time to pray for others , May the Lord Jesus Christ bless everyone on this page , Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, I hope Christ may bless and show his love unto all who read this.
I think I might be talking to an abyss or a black hole at times, but I will attempt to be brief. I have been experiencing a deep crisis of meaning, along with symptoms of what I am often tempted to describe as mental illness or demonic degeneration. I get horrible thoughts all the time, and I have a hard time finding the will and energy to do something out of my life. I have brought much distress to my family, and in order to "compromise" and be "reasonable", I have accepted counseling and taking psychotropic drugs. I feel conflicted and kinda horrible, I do not want to be taking medication, but I also don't want to keep disappointing everyone around me and feeling horrible (I think I still do this in spite of medication). I just feel at a loss as to what the best course of action is, and I desperately wish to know God's will for my life, that I may be free from these thoughts and feelings and that I may rise up to the challenges of life. I also ask that my family be healed and find God's truth, and that I may love them as I have neglected to do so all this time.
For and to Mr. David Allen, l just wanted to make sure you'd see this, because you may not see or notice replies underneath your prayer request:
I just wanted to tell Mr. David Allen that I have been praying for your son-in-law to get hired, by having multiple offers to choose from, and I would have replied to the prayer request, but I just haven't been on the site, but I always remember you request prayer for you, Ms Kristie and your families! Praying you will be blessed by GOD this Christmas as well, Sir!
I am sick of being stalked, prevented from escaping, prevented from getting hired, prevented from having ANY PRIVACY, prevented from being allowed to do anything for myself, and then forced to deliberately, and intentionally be shown pornography by disgusting adults--as an adult myself, who cannot escape an abusive, disgusting, and perverse, Satanic, and exceedingly connected parents, etc. I am angry, and I cannot escape offline or online. GOD continues to allow this and GOD has willed some blessings, but I am angry, as GOD lets and wills EVERY exceedingly wicked and disgusting thing! Jesus said, God's will is the ONLY will done in earth and in Hell, and that GOD's will is done the exact same way in heaven. GOD willed me to be forced to be abused. I hate GOD for choosing to allow what He allows. Satan dies NOT have power over GOD nor GOD's will, he had to beg GOD to affect Job. He is as underneath GOD as Man is, save GOD has given Satan more power than He has given most Men/humans. I am angry. If I were hit by a drunk driver, I wouldn't be blamed, as some love to blame victims of abuse for not WANTING their freedom enough, or for "allowing," themselves to be abused, or for ANY SIN in any other area of their life or ANY imperfection--as if everyone else is living better b/c they didn't sin, or they are better than those who are CURRENT victims of obsessed, stalking, controlling, monsters! So you have the abusers and the friends if Job who blame you for what ADULTS do to you! Job's friends never said though, oh, I had that same thing done to me, b/c they could SEE that what Job was going through was UNIQUE and EXTREME! Yet people make GRAND, high-minded ASSUMPTIONS that their life's struggles are the same as everyone else's! Some people have evidence on their ADULT BODIES of abuse from INFANCY (the skull when head is shaved) plus the brain-injury's lifelong results. Not to mention other LIFELONG physical evidence that has ALWAYS affected the body!
I am having a terrible time in my so many losses and bad tragedies. please can you pray for me God is going to do a miracle in my job and life situation soon. I have Been trying to get a job. Needing a open door miracle for a job soon.
Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor great health do an excellent job it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store ijnip amen
Prayers for addiction and healing for someone close to my family
My family as we are grieving the death of my dad 6 months ago
The world, our leaders and all the lost souls
I would appreciate your prayers for me this week, also, as I my body continues to battle this reaction to the virus. God knows what is going on in me down to the cellular and atomic levels, so I trust that He will be at work in me to heal me.
Please pray she reconciles with the Lord, heal her past & to give her inner healing & peace that surpasses understanding. A willing heart to do.
To walk out the finished work of the Cross & the Lord lead her with His counsel.
No more fighting in Jesus name & how He leads you to pray for her. Thank you!
also pray that God will give me a rapture dream
I think I might be talking to an abyss or a black hole at times, but I will attempt to be brief. I have been experiencing a deep crisis of meaning, along with symptoms of what I am often tempted to describe as mental illness or demonic degeneration. I get horrible thoughts all the time, and I have a hard time finding the will and energy to do something out of my life. I have brought much distress to my family, and in order to "compromise" and be "reasonable", I have accepted counseling and taking psychotropic drugs. I feel conflicted and kinda horrible, I do not want to be taking medication, but I also don't want to keep disappointing everyone around me and feeling horrible (I think I still do this in spite of medication). I just feel at a loss as to what the best course of action is, and I desperately wish to know God's will for my life, that I may be free from these thoughts and feelings and that I may rise up to the challenges of life. I also ask that my family be healed and find God's truth, and that I may love them as I have neglected to do so all this time.
Thanks and God bless
Dear all
Tomorrow we leave to our new home
Oh Lord Jesus, we will follow you out of our old life to our new one!!
Thank you for all your blessings
Prayers are the greatest words we can ask for!
May we be worthy of all the things you've done for us, past present and future!
We are awaiting for Your return to claim Your creation, the earth and man!
1thessalonions 4 13-19
Love always
Denise, Stephen, Samson and the Tutti man
Lord, You will be with us always!
All our hearts are for you lol
I just wanted to tell Mr. David Allen that I have been praying for your son-in-law to get hired, by having multiple offers to choose from, and I would have replied to the prayer request, but I just haven't been on the site, but I always remember you request prayer for you, Ms Kristie and your families! Praying you will be blessed by GOD this Christmas as well, Sir!