If you would please pray For my return to The LORD and that The LORD heal's my backsliding and my body of any and all ailments. In addition, if you would please pray that The LORD delivers me from any and all strongholds and bonadge of the enemy that I am under. Also, if you would pray that The LORD delivers and protects me from my enemies and that the attacks being perpetrated against me would cease. Please pray that any schemes that The Devil and my enemies are trying to instigate against me are exposed and fail. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs and that The LORD restores me unto Himself like He did with The Apostle Peter; that He turns away my captivity like He did for Job, and blesses me like He did for Job. Please pray that The LORD guides me into all Truth and that He gives me the Grace and mercy to persevere and fight the good fight of Faith. Thank you and God bless you.
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I continue to visit this page every day and pray for those who post their prayer requests here. I humbly ask for you to pray for me today
I need deliverance from my sinful nature, demons that oppress me, and from being under the influence of evil spirits. I have allowed anger, hate, bitterness, jealousy, vengeance, manipulation, unforgiveness, pride, resentment, entitlement, greed, control, wickedness, unbelief, and so many other spiritual influences to direct my behavior. It has caused great anxiety, depression, and failures in my life. I am my own worst enemy, and I need to be delivered from these things in order to refrain from self-sabotage.
I love the Lord, and I know I have disappointed him. I am wholeheartedly seeking him so that I may obtain HIS peace and healing, turn my life around, and be someone he can be proud of. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to believe that he loves me, because of the negative feelings that overwhelm me. I pray that he does not forget me, and that I may continue to have his favor and blessings in the areas of work and physical health. I ask for breakthroughs in my mental and emotional health struggles. I ask for miraculous opportunities in my career. I ask for protection from continued spiritual attacks. I ask for healing and restoration in my relationships. Lord, I cling to you and NEED you. Please hear my supplications. Help me Father.
Please pray for my friend Ryan hawk . He lets the devil control him and beer. I pray that god will heal him and he will never want a taste of beer again . He gets mean when he drinks . Says mean things I know he doesn't mean.
Stephanie Marks love me! I'm all she can think about. I have a special place in her heart just for me. She loves how unique and original my personality is. She want to have a long term/ marriage with me. That would be a dream come true
God does not answer the prayers of an unbeliever. If you want Him to answer any prayer in the future, you must become a believer first. Others can pray for you however.
I pray that God will touch the hearts and minds of all the spiteful , cruel people on this earth. I pray that He will take away all the bitterness and jealousy and spite out of all hearts and minds and heal all flesh with His love , so that all people might live together without hate or cold heartedness or vengefulness in their hearts , minds , words or deeds . I pray that Christ will return to earth very very soon . May all things be in accordance with God's will , through then name of Jesus Christ , Amen .
Pray that GOD will take away ALL the power that He has willed the wicked to have over those whom they victimize.
Pray that GOD will deliver ALL victims of abusers from out of EVERY abuser's hand;
That GOD COMPLETELY heal ALL victims FULLY & give so much love to them directly from Him, that they ALL develop that SAME level of loyalty that people have toward those that they love the most in life;
That GOD REVEAL the TRUTH COMPLETELY--to restore & heal the reputations of the abused & any debts abusers incurred through lies.
That GOD heal ALL that the wicked are trying to break or have broken (the economy, hope, outlets for truth, honest news, etc). That GOD restore & even BETTER that which the locust hath taken away (jobs, retirement savings, an affordable future, financial independence).
That GOD rise up GOODLY WORKERS to teach The Truth, the WHOLE Truth & nothing BUT The TRUTH in His WORD! AS many false doctrines have caused MUCH of the devastation that now IS! That GOD provide a CORRECT, TRUE, King James Version of the Holy Bible in EVERY LANGUAGE spoken, read, heard & understood by EVERY Man that is & ever will be!
That GOD will reveal Himself, THE TRUTH in His Word about Heaven, Hell, eternity, His Son, His Holy Spirit & what Man needs to DO to BE well-pleasing to Him, to have their land & bodies healed & for protection!
That GOD will make it so that the rest of 2022, 2023, etc, will be better than things have been morally, job opportunity wise, affordability with needs & wants (housing, transportation, food, insurance, etc). That GOD will BLESS those w/ gifts from Him to have MANY non-evil outlets to work in their gifts (singers, musicians, writers, journalists, radio hosts, carpenters, mechanics, etc).
That GOD will disincentivize working iniquity amongst ALL & break all evil ties that bind & make manifest the ALL doctrines of devils & love, embrace, forgive & be loved EQUALLY back by all who now hate Him, make war w/ His, don't know or believe n Him
Pray for my marriage. My wife Hilda is seeing another man and wants to move out. Pray for her salvation. I know we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers of darkness.
Please pray for my mom Lorraine's salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine's possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
So many worries at the moment , on top of everything else , now financial worries . Please pray for me that I might stay strong in Christ and that i may not allow my worldly worries and fears to overwhelm me and that my finances are not badly affected .I ask that all these things may be so through Jesus Christ , if they are God's will , Amen . Thank you all .
I do not ask for anything (not to be finger-poibted, "yelled" at, judged, etc I just ask for prayer to not hate GOD. That is all. I know that my shoes have ONLY been walked a mile in by me. I also know that there are those who live to destroy those that the Devil would them to destroy.
I am angry. I am NOT to blame for being abused and prevented from escaping those who abuse me, and refuse to relinquish their "right" to "my" life: to control it, stalk me, and destroy me.
My hatred stems from GOD being ABLE...seeing EVERYTHING... knowing ALL THINGS...YET: CHOOSING...with HIS "free will," to ignore, not care,and let those who have power reign. He sets up/appoints ALL that in every high place.
His "love..." even in Genesis, when I was younger, made me take notice: He knows what will happen to EVERY ONE OF US... yet...still forms us in the womb and of the seed of beasts! Then, for a select FEW, if we sin...as a DIRECT result of said abuse... guess who MAY get punished by GOD? Guess who's NEVER been punished, but, if GOD would, the world WOULD be a better place. GOD is brilliant. His creation illustrates thus. He us quick to forgive people, the Holy Bible illustrates this. He doesn't always punish, most times He doesn't, but when He does, He NEVER punishes those that lead the world to sin!
How can Man blame a mortal CEO for the UNKNOWN indiscretions of an employee, or a talk show host for sone staff, but COMPLETELY absolve GOD--who is ALL-POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, The CREATOR of the Devil, and the giver of his power...how can people attack victims for the FREE WILL acts of their abusers against them, and absolve GOD for not doing what He COULD?
None of us have walked in GOD's "shoes," so NONE of us can speak for y He wills to NOT help victims more & y He wills to protect, cover & prosper the lies of abusers!
People LOVE to jump up & defend GOD WHILE simultaneously ATTACKING those made "in His image." GOD has the MOST free will of all! Who hinders Him?
please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers, please remember my daughter Deanna she told us Christmas day she is going to have a baby ,
I ask for a prayer that I might stay faithful to the lord and discern what I need to discern from him. That I not let the streams of life wash away the grace and kindness the lord has granted toward me. That I pick up my tools and plant the seeds that need to be planted for the lord. That I make the heavenly father proud and put up no road blocks and stumble not one step. And that when I do I can ask for forgiveness in full pureness of spirit and no tricky behind it.
Please pray for me to keep my eyes on Jesus, and also for me to have a job that pays all my bills and is good for me. I need to get my credit cards paid off. Thank you all and God bless you in Jesus name.
Please pray Father God I thank you for everything I ask all my thoughts and intentions desires are taken captive to the obedience surrender chastisement of the Holy Spirit, and that I keep God's name Holy in my mind and heart also to work the will of God's purpose for help and empowerment against the evil one. Also to walk upright and be righteous holy true and have my spirit as the likeness of God, for forgiveness repentance redemption remission purity and virtue. God's will direction plan and purpose over my life to be overcome with peace, for Gods authority over the works of darkness and to rescue me and arise in me and around me deliverance freedom also deeper relationship understanding clarity discernment from and with God. Asking for a better life
please be in prayer for my health I really need and want to lose weight I have bad knees and feel stressed all the time. please pray with me that I let God take control of my life I just want to do his will.
please also pray for my son Ethan he 20 years old he is college and Ethan needs to be saved please pray that he comes to know God until God does please pray for his protection and that he stops smoking weed. please pray that he passes his college classes and that does well in school.
1. Please pray God confirm his will and direct my steps as far as my work and living situation and that His hand be with me in these areas. Pray God keep me from all distress. Pray God help me to trust him, keep his living Word and walk in obedience and faith. Pray God open the doors he wants me to walk through and to make good choices. Pray God pour out his Holy Spirit on us all like a flood, but that God also take me by my right hand and lead me, take good care of me and make a good way for me. Pray God surround me with and keep me within his loving kindness.
2. Please pray God fulfill his purposes for me and my life and for two other friends who are also on my heart and need the same prayer. Pray God move in power to remove any hindrance or mountain in the way of his will in fulfilling his purposes. Pray for complete healing of my womb and that all fear be cast out with God's perfect love. Pray God remove every bitter root, remove all the deceptions of the enemy, teach us not to quench his Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit take over. Pray God be the author of our stories and not the devil. Pray to love God, for prayerful, thankful, worshipful hearts and a thirst for God's Word for us all.
3. Pray for God's abundant blessing, grace and favor throughout the new year for me and my family/loved ones and that all be saved and not even one be lost. Pray for revelation, miracles and wonders from God.
im asking for prayers over my children.i am a recovered addict sober for 5years now.i pray everyday my children find the Lord.i could not had done this life change without God.i know my kids see this and i know they believe. so i am asking for prayers they give their life to the Lord and stand strong. thank you God bless
I need deliverance from my sinful nature, demons that oppress me, and from being under the influence of evil spirits. I have allowed anger, hate, bitterness, jealousy, vengeance, manipulation, unforgiveness, pride, resentment, entitlement, greed, control, wickedness, unbelief, and so many other spiritual influences to direct my behavior. It has caused great anxiety, depression, and failures in my life. I am my own worst enemy, and I need to be delivered from these things in order to refrain from self-sabotage.
I love the Lord, and I know I have disappointed him. I am wholeheartedly seeking him so that I may obtain HIS peace and healing, turn my life around, and be someone he can be proud of. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to believe that he loves me, because of the negative feelings that overwhelm me. I pray that he does not forget me, and that I may continue to have his favor and blessings in the areas of work and physical health. I ask for breakthroughs in my mental and emotional health struggles. I ask for miraculous opportunities in my career. I ask for protection from continued spiritual attacks. I ask for healing and restoration in my relationships. Lord, I cling to you and NEED you. Please hear my supplications. Help me Father.
In the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Pray that GOD will deliver ALL victims of abusers from out of EVERY abuser's hand;
That GOD COMPLETELY heal ALL victims FULLY & give so much love to them directly from Him, that they ALL develop that SAME level of loyalty that people have toward those that they love the most in life;
That GOD REVEAL the TRUTH COMPLETELY--to restore & heal the reputations of the abused & any debts abusers incurred through lies.
That GOD heal ALL that the wicked are trying to break or have broken (the economy, hope, outlets for truth, honest news, etc). That GOD restore & even BETTER that which the locust hath taken away (jobs, retirement savings, an affordable future, financial independence).
That GOD rise up GOODLY WORKERS to teach The Truth, the WHOLE Truth & nothing BUT The TRUTH in His WORD! AS many false doctrines have caused MUCH of the devastation that now IS! That GOD provide a CORRECT, TRUE, King James Version of the Holy Bible in EVERY LANGUAGE spoken, read, heard & understood by EVERY Man that is & ever will be!
That GOD will reveal Himself, THE TRUTH in His Word about Heaven, Hell, eternity, His Son, His Holy Spirit & what Man needs to DO to BE well-pleasing to Him, to have their land & bodies healed & for protection!
That GOD will make it so that the rest of 2022, 2023, etc, will be better than things have been morally, job opportunity wise, affordability with needs & wants (housing, transportation, food, insurance, etc). That GOD will BLESS those w/ gifts from Him to have MANY non-evil outlets to work in their gifts (singers, musicians, writers, journalists, radio hosts, carpenters, mechanics, etc).
That GOD will disincentivize working iniquity amongst ALL & break all evil ties that bind & make manifest the ALL doctrines of devils & love, embrace, forgive & be loved EQUALLY back by all who now hate Him, make war w/ His, don't know or believe n Him
I am angry. I am NOT to blame for being abused and prevented from escaping those who abuse me, and refuse to relinquish their "right" to "my" life: to control it, stalk me, and destroy me.
My hatred stems from GOD being ABLE...seeing EVERYTHING... knowing ALL THINGS...YET: CHOOSING...with HIS "free will," to ignore, not care,and let those who have power reign. He sets up/appoints ALL that in every high place.
His "love..." even in Genesis, when I was younger, made me take notice: He knows what will happen to EVERY ONE OF US... yet...still forms us in the womb and of the seed of beasts! Then, for a select FEW, if we sin...as a DIRECT result of said abuse... guess who MAY get punished by GOD? Guess who's NEVER been punished, but, if GOD would, the world WOULD be a better place. GOD is brilliant. His creation illustrates thus. He us quick to forgive people, the Holy Bible illustrates this. He doesn't always punish, most times He doesn't, but when He does, He NEVER punishes those that lead the world to sin!
How can Man blame a mortal CEO for the UNKNOWN indiscretions of an employee, or a talk show host for sone staff, but COMPLETELY absolve GOD--who is ALL-POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, The CREATOR of the Devil, and the giver of his power...how can people attack victims for the FREE WILL acts of their abusers against them, and absolve GOD for not doing what He COULD?
None of us have walked in GOD's "shoes," so NONE of us can speak for y He wills to NOT help victims more & y He wills to protect, cover & prosper the lies of abusers!
People LOVE to jump up & defend GOD WHILE simultaneously ATTACKING those made "in His image." GOD has the MOST free will of all! Who hinders Him?
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
please also pray for my son Ethan he 20 years old he is college and Ethan needs to be saved please pray that he comes to know God until God does please pray for his protection and that he stops smoking weed. please pray that he passes his college classes and that does well in school.
1. Please pray God confirm his will and direct my steps as far as my work and living situation and that His hand be with me in these areas. Pray God keep me from all distress. Pray God help me to trust him, keep his living Word and walk in obedience and faith. Pray God open the doors he wants me to walk through and to make good choices. Pray God pour out his Holy Spirit on us all like a flood, but that God also take me by my right hand and lead me, take good care of me and make a good way for me. Pray God surround me with and keep me within his loving kindness.
2. Please pray God fulfill his purposes for me and my life and for two other friends who are also on my heart and need the same prayer. Pray God move in power to remove any hindrance or mountain in the way of his will in fulfilling his purposes. Pray for complete healing of my womb and that all fear be cast out with God's perfect love. Pray God remove every bitter root, remove all the deceptions of the enemy, teach us not to quench his Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit take over. Pray God be the author of our stories and not the devil. Pray to love God, for prayerful, thankful, worshipful hearts and a thirst for God's Word for us all.
3. Pray for God's abundant blessing, grace and favor throughout the new year for me and my family/loved ones and that all be saved and not even one be lost. Pray for revelation, miracles and wonders from God.