Prayer Requests PAGE 133

  • Marc Bryant - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my health & strength/protection from the seen & unseen enemies& evil forces!! that are around me!!. please pray if i made any seen or unseen sins, please pray that (god) and other will forgive me, sometime i feel you can sin and don't even know it. please pray that (god) in (the name of jesus) will (bless) me with nothing but (miracles&blessings) in (all areas throughout) my (life) spiritual,faith,health,protection throughout all areas of life problems let no trouble come to me or around me,finance, etc!!. thanks, you all for your prayers.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and Kristie in your prayers
  • Tim - 2 years ago
    urgent financial miracle for pastor tim. God s wisdom and favor
  • Susan Melero - 2 years ago
    I want to prayer about my husband Jon passed away it is his 1year of anniversary of his death coming up next Friday and I love him so much
  • Joleen - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom, her sciatica pain is worsening, and she might have to get surgery.

    Pray for God to heal her wholly and bless her and my father with long lives.

    Please also pray for me. I've been holding back in my relationship with God. At times it feels like I have no relationship at all, but I know not to trust my own feelings. I am to walk by faith. I haven't done all that I could do to see the lost saved, I haven't reached out to family and certain friends for fear of what they might say. I've been holding back when Christ never once held back for me, He gave me Himself and yet I can hardly surrender myself to Him. Please pray that the Lord would break any barriers that I'm holding down, pray that I would serve Him 100% instead of giving him 5% here and 10% there. Pray that I would not hold back from serving the Lord, For He is Mighty and deserves praise and worship.

    Please also pray for my family relationships. I'm not the sister I ought to be, or the daughter I ought to be. Pray that Christ would work through me and help me to serve others. Pray that any bitterness or anger would be put away from me, and instead I would bear the fruits of the Spirit.

    Thank you brothers and sisters, I will pray for you all as best I can.
  • Julie - 2 years ago
    Please pray for God's powerful healing as I suffer from chronic migraine headaches. Thank you so much and God bless you!
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus, I am continuing to ask for strong protection (pleading the blood of Jesus over us & family and asking for Holy Warrior angels and a wall of Holy Spirit fire to surround each of us), deliverance, healing (thank you for all healing you have already granted, we need a lot of healing in the heart, also physical right now), peace and salvation and wisdom and an infilling with the Holy Spirit. Please grant what Paul prayed in Eph. 3:14-19 for each of us. Also Lord please intervene in A's life. I pray you extend my prayers for us to cover all others in need as well (esp. salvation of unsaved loved ones). Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I pray. Amen.
  • Joe - 2 years ago
    Have went through a dark season, but the Lord Jesus has mercifully been with me. Please pray He would lead me rightly mourning and repenting of my sins; among them are pride and self-trust. My relationship with Him and worship has been hindered. Please pray He would change this heart, remove the vileness of my sins, and help me surrender and obey Him.
  • Jerome Penn Sr - 2 years ago
    Deliverance in my soul. From whats causing me to treat women bad when they won't have sex with me, narcisstic behavior, smoking, alcohol, nitpicking ways, verbal, emotional abuse to others. Not being kind in my home, toxic ways. Increase my low finances with my job to pay bills off & on time.
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Pray for spiritual discernment the moderators and volunteers on this site.

    Pray for the internet "trolls" that work alone as multiple people and/or work in groups, that by Gods grace and mercy scripture would be planted in the deepest part of their souls, hearts, and minds, in Jesus name!

  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Let the worshippers arise. And overtake the enemy's camp. Glorifying the Lord. Bringing in the sheaves. The Lord is my Shepherd. King of Kings! Lord of Lords! even so come quickly!

  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Please pray for traveling mercies today for me and my loved ones. And for ALL of Gods people traveling around the globe today and every day. We're in a bad storm today. God is SO goodHe makes a way in the storm.He speaks to the wind and the waves and they obey Him! He is Omnipresent! Wonderful Merciful Savior I GLORIFY YOU! LIFT YOU UP! PRAISE YOU! You amaze me. Thank You Jesus Christ.

    Save souls today Heavenly Father, please, save the lost souls.In Jesus name. The name ABOVE all names! I worship You Father God. Hallelujah!
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Please pray for a woman who is battling deep dark depression that Jesus would step into that dark place with her and bring her out. And that she would KNOW that she is loved. Pray that she would HEAR God speak and KNOW that it was Him. And that God would silence every other voice.
  • Zachariah - 2 years ago
    I simply ask you pray for my mother who is suffering from a terminal illness and struggling with her health.

    I ask you pray for peace and strength in her heart and above all her to know God is with her.

    In Jesus Christ, name I pray
  • April - 2 years ago
    That my family serve the Lord with their whole hearts. May salvation take place in my husband and mother's life . Complete deliverance! Cover my young adults as they walk alone with Jesus! Bless and heal them mentally and spiritually. Lord you know who needs complete healing from the top to the bottom. You know we are expecting great and mighty things to manifest in 2023 in my life my husbands life complete sunderance . Salvation is his portion, victory in the coming year shall be Grand. Lord you know all what's on my mind and heart . Guide us in all our ways and steps to your blessed purpose for our lives . Teach us how to submit to your ways in every aspect of our lives! Set our lives and atmospheres ablaze for your glory !

    We love you Lord , we love you

  • John - 2 years ago
    God thank for helping Stephanie Marks see how amazing partner John Bates would be for her. He is all she ever wanted, needed in a relationship. He is caring, listen to her, would do anything for her to be happy and feel loved. Thank you for pouring favor on those two amazing people. This is the type of relationship where 2 shining light became one.

    In Jesus name

  • Ruben - 2 years ago
    If you would please pray For my return to The LORD and that The LORD heal's my backsliding and my body of any and all ailments. In addition, if you would please pray that The LORD delivers me from any and all strongholds and bonadge of the enemy that I am under. Also, if you would pray that The LORD delivers and protects me from my enemies and that the attacks being perpetrated against me would cease. Please pray that any schemes that The Devil and my enemies are trying to instigate against me are exposed and fail. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual and material needs and that The LORD restores me unto Himself like He did with The Apostle Peter; that He turns away my captivity like He did for Job, and blesses me like He did for Job. Please pray that The LORD guides me into all Truth and that He gives me the Grace and mercy to persevere and fight the good fight of Faith. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Brent borklund - 2 years ago
    please pray that God will save Ellie that the will of God be done in her life that God will bring her out of the Morman church that she will come to know is wrong that God will give her wisdom guide her and protect her that God will use me to help Ellie that God will give Ellie to me to marry her to hold and to take care of her i love her very much
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    Good Afternoon and Happy New Year to everyone,

    I still need prayer for Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing, Mental Healing and Financial Healing. I'm recovering well but dealing with worry & depression because of the Very Large Medical Debt from my surgeries last year, office visits & other medical procedures. I'm still not able to eat solid foods yet. But I know God will make a way for me and bless me with a Financial Blessing large enough to pay off all these medical debts. Thank you in advance for praying for me and with me. Have a blessed day
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Please pray for a woman who loves Jesus and knows He's real but is going through a dark time because she got herself into a relationship and had a couple children with an angry violent abusive man who openly disproves Jesus and doesn't believe. Please pray that if he has no intentions of seeking help for his anger that he would move on or she would trust the Lord and know that God makes everything work together for the good of those who love God and sometimes we really need to step out in faith but sometimes we need help stepping out on faith. Maybe a little push from God. She's a very good hearted giving person and I know she loves Jesus and needs to come into a solid relationship with Jesus. The kids need help and protection. Please help me pray and praise.
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    Good Afternoon GiGi,

    Happy New Year to you. I'm doing alright. The swelling has went down on the left side of my face under my left eye. I'm still dealing with double vision in my left eye. I still have a little soreness in my mouth area upper jaw, right foot-ankle-lower leg and hip. I go back Thursday, January the 5th, to see the doctor. It's been 6 months since I had all those surgeries and I pray that I do not have any more for a long time. It was very hard on me for my age. I ask that you keep me lifted up in prayer. Have a blessed day
  • Don Carlos on Wisdom of Solomon 1 - 2 years ago
    Wisdom uplift me high.
  • Sheila - 2 years ago
    I have a dark Jezebel in my life. She seeks to destroy all my ties within my family and taint mine and my husband's names as we became Christians. She has tried her best to cut me off from all I love with horrible lies. Every interaction I have with my mother, she cancels, interferes, and negates. However, God is so good and Is ALive and on the throne as the Most High. Help me, friends in Christ! I want to love her as Christ loved the church while we were yet in our sins. I want to pray for her salvation. Please pray with me - whomever reads this. Her name is Margaret and she is in dire need of prayers and for Christ to break the bond she has with Satan and deliver her soul. And I need prayers to love her with a pure heart, unconditionally, and not be constantly hurt by her vicious attitude, energy and attacks. May the Lord bless her, her husband (a true Ahab), and her 4 lovely children. May the Lord help me to grow through this. We need prayers from the body of Christ. Thank you! May the Lord bless you as well!
  • Brendat1361 on Psalms 140 - 2 years ago
    Kevin Mack I am going to pray for your soul. You're clearly not here for the word of God. Your time would be better spent on another social media platform. Perhaps Twitter. Politics and Christ do not mix. Instead of bashing people; you need to pray for them. Jesus tells us to be holy for He is holy. Nothing on this earth happens without God's permission.
  • Katie - 2 years ago
    Hello, I'm requesting fervent prayers over my marriage. Please pray for healing, restoration and reconciliation. Please pray that our family would remain intact and for a willingness to try to repair the damage that has been done. Please pray for a changed heart & that our marriage would become better than new because of this trial.
  • Ruth T - 2 years ago
    Prayer for divine protection , false allegations brought against me at my job. I plea the blood
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families
  • Tiffany - 2 years ago
    Please pray that me tiffany single mom with 2 kids one is my daughter 12 alyssa the other is my son Alex 10 that we can move into the low income apartments which were applying for in Walker Louisiana and I currently live in a fifth wheel I'm trying to sale it so that if God allows us to move to the apartments I can sale my fifth wheel and buy furniture for the apartments. They don't come furnished. But the fifth wheel rv is small and the rv park dosent want kids playing with other kids outside and it's nothing to do for kids at all and the manager won't let anyone get their mail here.please pray we can move and my kids belong to God first then me .
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    This is my last attempt to get help from God. Please pray to God that He will now please deliver me from out of the hands of my abusers, who use the power of God, that they got not FROM God, to destroy me.

    I have done all that I could for decades, in Christianity. I do not want to go toward evil, but if God will not help deliver me, I am no longer able to feel stupid in continuing to ask.

    I do not have any way out outside of the power of God, as God wills His power to be used by those who come against me

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