Please pray for me to remove monitoring spirits and familiar spirits from my life and also the spirits of delay.I am also asking you to pray to God to forgive me for the sins of my youth and my adult age. Please ask god on my behalf to free me from the bondage of sin and all curse that is on me.
Please pray for this terrible cough I've had for several months the Doctors can't seem to stop and for the CT scan to come out clear. Thank you so much in Jesus name
please pray for Dashay Whitfield she is a 29 year old young lady with a blood colt in her lungs, and pneumonia amd fluid in her body ,with rapid heart rate, pray that god will heal her and save her soul
Please pray for Brother Don Nesbitt (a great Friend of Dr. Ruckman, and great bible teacher, who has also uploaded a large amount of Ruckman content) whose current apartment is getting demolished. His in-laws are trying to buy him a house in Wyoming, but the owner has some things that aren't up to code. They need the owner to come down on his price to have the money to repair the issues. Please pray for the owner to submit to this and let them buy it, and also please pray for him and his family to be given the peace of God, which passeth all understanding about the move and everything in their life.
Pray in the name of Jesus the Messiah that He would watch over the souls that spurn the Christian faith to understand who is really Is. Remove from their heart the biases that the world pre-set against Faith, Return no evil for evil back, Unforgiveness, Selfishness over others, and Doubting the Bible's narrative in observable history. May the evidence that support the Faith rise up in the midst of the censored nations to know God is written in everything. Amen.
Pray for my right ear as it is making a ringing/roaring kid of noise. It is a side effect of low blood. Pray my blood builds back up quickly as well. God is good to us.
Praying that God will perfect all that concerns us!
I pray first giving thanks and all glory to the most high god for all the good he has given me over the course of 56 years upon the earth the holy three created and i also want to confess that any and all sins in thought or in deed that have been committed that they be forgiven as i repent from each one. as the word says if we confess our sins we can be cleansed from all righteousness and to restore us back in sonship back to the father. i pray that any and all spiritual attacks that come upon my life from any and all sources be rendeded ineffecitive and i be covered by the blood of the lamb of god. cover my children and childrens children for generations to come and destroy all generational curses placed upon me and my seed. whatever we need we ask of you for you are our source for everything. you are our alpha and omega and according to your will it shall be done. as you told moses i am that i am. you are my elohim my provider and protector no weapon formed against me shall prosper and any tounge that rises up against me shall be condemned. you anoint my head with oil and it the oil of the holy spirit upon my life gives me what i need to sustain in this world which is forsaking your face and divine will. may the wicked forsake their way and come back to thee like the prodigal sons and daughters of zion. may they forsake their wicked ways and come back humble to your loving arms. for those who feel they shouldnt or will not believe in your will or way may they see the errors of their ways before its too late for pride goeth before destruction a haughty spirit before a fall. may the 12 tribes scatttered about the earth unite spiritually in unity in your divine will and be warriors for christ to be in your kingdom you will establish upon the new earth to come. cover them like never before because soon the time is nearing for the setup of the new world order that is set against your will and stop any all all attacks upon your chosen ones. send them prosperity ! amen
Dear lord, i ask for guidance in my everyday life that i will follow your will. that i will always be a light that shines your name for others to see you.
i ask that you will provide a way to pay off our home, after my stupid mistake that i made after thinking i was doing something out of love for our family. we would like enough to pay a good tithe to the place that you brought to our mind. we also need to make some major repairs on our home.
i know it is alot to ask lord but you have told us you will provide our needs, we just need to ask and have faith.
thank you lord for all the blessings you have provided for us through the years and given us love and protection. you are our lord of all and we thank you so much. amen
My health is failing: bad knees, left ear is deaf, right eye is starting to blur, lower back, kidney stones, cough that refuses to go away, etc. Also my home is slowly going into disrepair because I no longer can care for it. I can't afford, nor WANT to be in a care facility... I can't have chickens nor a vegetable garden, my two most beloved (besides Jesus) things in my lonely life.
Dear prayer warriors Ii need miracle prayers for healing after 2 hemorogic strokes and coma that damaged my left side healing prayers to walk again and now that i am able to finally leave since may182018 i need a home to live in and home health care Thank you prayer warriors and Thank you jesus! Amen! I have never stopped praying. I know it's a lot but our Gos is a big God! Amen! He woke me up from 2 very bad strokes and coma! In jesus mighty name Amen! Thank you prayer warriors and Thank you Jesus! In Jesus mighty name Amen!
in the name of Jesus pray l will be what his will say in heaven not my own will be done in my life and remember all backslider that the Lord will soften there heart to returned back to him there first love and the one lack faith increase there faith in him pray that the one that come to the church and is repent ed for there sin fully being to be sorry and really need the Lord Jesus to step in to there lives to change there heart and get baptize in the name of Jesus Christ and ask the Lord Jesus to fill them with his holy ghost by speaking in unknown tongue as God give the utterance to do so allow him to step in fully in there lives. in Jesus name I ask this
My family is currently going through some very trying times financially. We are a single income family and love and trust our Lord and his provision provision and timing. Love you all in Christ!
Father God I ask for protection from things trying to hinder my breakthrough. I ask for increase in finances and debt cancellation. I ask for protection from things hindering my prayers and ask that I have protection from things coming against me and my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for psalms 91 to be placed over all of us. I ask for the Blood of Lord Jesus Christ to be placed over all of us. I ask for a breakthough in dating. I ask that I find a good women for me and I for her. I ask for healing for me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask for increase in focus for me in all areas of my life. I ask for prayer for help in school that I can get all of my school work accomplished each and every day. I ask for prayer for understanding the material and doing well on each assignment. I ask this for the rest of the time I am in college. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
Prayers for peace in the mist of a hard separation, i no that gods in control and is able to carry me thru anything . He alone knows my heart. Prayers desired always for me and my family, my lost loved ones .
Father God I ask for protection from witchcraft. I ask for protection over me and all of my family members I pray for daily and often. I ask that You help me in my prayer life as my prayers are being hindered. I ask for increase in finances. I ask for protection from things hindering my breakthroughs. I ask for guidance, wisdom, and understanding on which women I should date and not date. I ask for understanding on when to move forward with a women I wish to date or when to step back from that women. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
Please pray for my grandma and grandpa. They need prayers for their health. Also, pray for me. It hurts me so bad seeing their decline. Also remember all the people affected by all the wildfires, winter storms, cold, and those still recovering from the hurricanes.
I have a woman's issue that I need the dear Lord and Savior to heal me from. Prayers going up for all who are afflicted with various things. May God through Christ Jesus deliver us from them all.
My youngest son struggles with heroin addiction. He does well when he's working and has come a long way. Unfortunately
His job is seasonal so he relapses when he is not working. Please pray he finds his way to forever sobriety and that he opens his heart to God and has a relationship with him. I know God can help him find his way and he has a chance for a wonderful life.
Pray for my international allies that the Lord will ameliorate their living situations, cleanse their conduct of spots and wrinkles, heal their recent bitter memories, find good connections, confess their sins to Jesus, fix up their sluggish progress and come to church. Amen.
Father God I ask that You Bless my finances and Bless me have money to pay my bills and the finances to make it to the next check. I ask for increase in the area of finances so I can be able to have more room to buy things that are not my needs. I ask for increase in debt cancellation. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
Praying that God will perfect all that concerns us!
i ask that you will provide a way to pay off our home, after my stupid mistake that i made after thinking i was doing something out of love for our family. we would like enough to pay a good tithe to the place that you brought to our mind. we also need to make some major repairs on our home.
i know it is alot to ask lord but you have told us you will provide our needs, we just need to ask and have faith.
thank you lord for all the blessings you have provided for us through the years and given us love and protection. you are our lord of all and we thank you so much. amen
His job is seasonal so he relapses when he is not working. Please pray he finds his way to forever sobriety and that he opens his heart to God and has a relationship with him. I know God can help him find his way and he has a chance for a wonderful life.
Thank your u