Prayer Requests PAGE 113

  • NOR - 2 years ago
    I would like prayers for my journey now as widow, and having to deal with so many changes, I am a Christian been saved and Baptized. When my husband was sick with cancer, I was concerned about how I was going to pay all the debt when he died so I filed for bankruptcy Chapter 7. and I had been discharged, then by husband passed before that happened. So I had a life insurance for 10,000 to pay for his funeral costs and they took it from me too. The thing that I am concerned with is that I didn't have patient to wait on the Lord to guide me instead I decided to go and due it on my own, without asking the Lord what I should do. I asked him for forgiveness and now I am trusting in him to guide me through all of this. I know I need prayers. So if you can pray for me. Thank You
  • Mel8 - 2 years ago
    I believe that we need to be very very careful about attributing things to ' evil spirits ' etc . I have a few health problems , one of which is SLE . This can actually affect my brain and in turn affect my moods and thoughts and beliefs . If I didn't know that this was caused by SLE I might have thought that I had an evil spirit around me , others also might have come to that conclusion . We humans are basically bags of chemicals which are not always perfectly balanced due to many things . Genetics , environmental toxins etc . I think we should always consider organic causes before jumping to the evil spirit answer . I didn't know that I had SLE for a long time , God was there for me , calming me , comforting me , strengthening me and helping me to keep control of myself , He guided my behaviour by allowing me to know the difference between right and wrong and that which is acceptable to Him and that which is not . All thanks to God for keeping me safe .
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Akinjide Shamsudeen Agboola - 2 years ago
    Dear Shepherd of God,

    I need a Powerful vigil intercessory prAyeRs to COMBAT THE ROOTS Of MONEY Problem in my Livelihood & Career.


    "And Jabez made a prayer to the God of Israel, saying, If only you would truly give me a blessing, and make wider the limits of my land, and let your hand be with me, and keep me from evil, so that I may not be troubled by it! And God gave him his desire." }

    ThAnKs for your help and prayers.

    ThAnK YoU LoRd JeSuS cHrIsT!
  • Latrisha H - 2 years ago
    My prayer request for healing and continued strength for my husband Lydell H. that has been suffering from a massive stroke and is bed bound! He has been suffering for 6 months with a stroke one after another may now be suffering from another heart attack and had to be placed back onto the ventilator! Please pray for healing & his continued strength in the Lord!
  • Ben - 2 years ago
    Please pray for work breakthroughs in Jesus's mighty name.
  • Beth - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my cousin Steve, he has cancer, pray for God's mercy and grace for him. Please also, my cousin Joe, for salvation, and Brandon, for salvation, and hat God will convict him of abusing drugs. Thank you all so very much!
  • BigBrownOcelot - 2 years ago
    Please pray for relief from shoulder and upper back pain, thanks. God bless.Amen.
  • Alejandro Reyes, ll - 2 years ago
    Please pray for relief from shoulder and upper back pain, thanks. God bless.Amen.
  • Sarah - 2 years ago
    Please pray that my partner Jamie, of 14 years, comes back home to me and our children. Please pray this other woman (Dee) from his work, he is seeing is removed from his life and finds her best as he is not her best and she is not his best. We are his best. Remove that seductive spirit in Jesus name. Pray she is transferred to a different fire station in a different city. God meant for families to stay together, the devil wants to destroy them but I won't allow this for my family.

    Please pray that every time he goes to see her or when he is about to sin, that God stands in his way. Please pray he quits smoking. Pray he finds Jesus, salvation,

    forgiveness and repents for hurting his family. Please pray for restoration, peace and healing in my family. Pray my son's renew their faith again and their hearts heal. Pray Jamie steps up to be the father they deserve.

    Please pray that Jamie sees me with renewed eyes from now on and finds love for me again. I am struggling with this battle as it seems to be getting worse, pray my faith stays steadfast

    Thank you. Amen.
  • Tom danielss on Exodus 24 - 2 years ago
    I need a car right now
  • Ruby Lea Read - 2 years ago

    All through the Prophets they speak of A DAY when great tribulation shall be poured on MAN, the very wrath of God.

    The Prophets speak of this MAN; a substitute sent by God to have God's wrath pour out on ALL MANKIND, even those not yet born.

    That MAN bore the SINS of ALL MANKIND;THE GREAT TRIBULATION, those already dead, those living during his life on earth, and those not yet born.

    Matthew 24:21 ...for there shall be GREAT TRIBULATION ......

    Jesus is prophesying of ALL THE PROPHECIES in the scriptures, that great tribulation, all the earth in birth pains.

    Matthew 24:22 ...except those days should be shortened, there should no FLESH BE SAVED ....

    You WERE SAVED by Christ death and resurrection, the DAYS OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION were SHORTENED, to THREE DAYS.......

    Matthew 24:29 IMMEDIATELY after those days; from the time Christ left the supper table, the wrath of God was poured out on ALL MANKIND, yet only ONE MAN took it upon himself to be the SACRIFICE of that GREAT TRIBULATION.

    Immediately after the TRIBULATION of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon (symbolic of Christ death) shall not give her light, and the stars stars shall FALL FROM HEAVEN .....

    Revelation 12:4 ...and his tail drew a THIRD PART of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth.....

    IT'S a PARABLE; explained in the PROPHECIES.....

    Matthew 24:30 And then shall APPEAR THE SON OF MAN IN HEAVEN.....


    Your were raised with Christ, THE NEW CREATION, CHRIST IN YOU .....

    John 3:13 NO MAN has ascended into heaven, but he who came down from heaven, who is NOW IN HEAVEN.


    You were raised with CHRIST, you are now the BODY OF CHRIST, the NEW HEAVEN ....CHRIST IN YOU .....

    God Bless YOU! he gave himself TO YOU.

    That they may be ONE, as we are ONE
  • Teresa - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my husband Ryan he is overseas in the military defending our country he is in constant jeopardy of being hurt. Please pray that God will continue to protect him and keep him safe always until he can come home soon. We love him so much and want and need him back with us. I thank God for His blessings, love and guidance we need Him always and forever praise God for His perfect timing and will to be done. Thank you for your prayers also and we pray He hears everyone's prayers and blesses you all.
  • Stud - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I receive wisdom for all situations of my life. I know I am fallible and foolish. I am foolish and mentally sick in the eyes of the world. Nothing could be better for me than every moment of my life here on earth is spent in God's provision and according to God's wonderful plan. Many wonderful blessings were not going to be mine at all. Please pray for me for everything I will ever need for living every moment of my life here on Earth in God's glory alone. Jesus is Lord.
  • LJ - 2 years ago
    Praying deeply for Lelands mental well being. Let NO weapons formed against him prosper. Praying Gods protection, mental, physical, spiritual & emotional well being & Gods presence surrounds Leland daily. Praying he is okay and will reach out and contact family /friends today. In Jesus name, Amen!"
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    I pray for all to research 'Blacks LAW' & 'Bill of Rights'. Lord allow it to inlighten everyone in your truth as they read & grow wiser which inturn will save them thousands of dollars a year. In Jesus name, Amen. For if any app or site is true to His word, (especially Christian sites & apps) they will support you in your search & not hide things from you. God be w/each & everyone in these trying times.!
  • Holly - 2 years ago
    Greetings and hello in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Requesting prayer for two friends and myself! First, my friend Jenny is requesting prayer for her heart has swelling of the left ventricle along with low blood pressure, heart flutters with catching her breath! Her lab reports did not come back normal as her iron, hematocrit, etc. were higher than normal! Jenny requests prayer for her healing with mind, body, and soul!! She loves the Lord and seeks prayer in these areas as her job is very stressful!!

    Next, my friend Candy is requesting prayer for her son and granddaughter as these individuals are looking to have surgery for sex change with her son becoming a female and her granddaughter taking sex drugs to become a male as she is only 15 years old!! Her son was raised in church and has turned away from God and His Ways! Had been a believer but sadly felt that the world offers more for him. Her granddaughter does not attend church as she does not know how much God truly loves her! How she needs to hear the Gospel message of love and forgiveness that Salvation brings from Christ! Candy is requesting prayer for her family's healing and restoration and salvation through Christ Jesus! How these individuals are being lied to and deceived from the father of all lies! Lastly, requesting prayer for myself as I am facing a financial hardship with needing brakes, tires and cooling system and transmission service needing to be done on my vehicle as I cannot afford to have these services done! I am also waiting for Social Security SSI hearing to receive benefits as I was denied in November of 2021! With the high cost of food, gasoline, etc. these necessities have risen to such high costs that I cannot even afford much as my income is under $12,000.00 a year! I am seeking prayer for a miracle for my finances! My health has improved over the year as I am prediabetic and Praise God my lab work came back better than previously before! God has brought healing to me! Thanks
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    I need prayer for God to help me and my attorneys to win my disability case with Social Security due to the problems that I am having on the left side of my face & left eye from the two oral & maxillofacial surgeries, bone & skin graft surgeries of the right hip-right thigh-right lower leg in august and september 2022 . Thank you in advance for praying for me and with me. Have a blessed evening
  • Phil Chavez - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom Lorraine's salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine's possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I've been praying for this since 1995
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    Hello GiGi. Thank you for continuing to pray for me. I have seen my dental doctor again on the 23rd of February. Everything inside my mouth looks good but I'm still having problems. The swelling on the left side of my face isn't going down fast enough. So I cant get anything else done until the swelling is gone away completely. I still cant eat solid foods, cant use drinking or eating utensils yet, still having problems with my right hip, still having left eye double vision problems, and very high medical debts that I cant pay for. I go back to work Monday, 6th of March and I need prayer for that. Im doing the best I can with God's help. Please continue to pray for me. Have a blessed day
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    Thank you Donna Grace for praying for me. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am still having problems and trying to deal with them with God's help. Have a blessed day
  • Freda - 2 years ago
    I still need prayer for God to take away the swelling on the left side of my face & left nostril or sinus area due to the oral and maxillofacial surgeries that I had last august & sept 2022. I had a palate tumor and it grew to the left side of my face. It was not cancerous. Thank God. I still have problems with my right hip stiffening up when I walk or stand too long from bone draft surgery. Im still dealing with other problems from the surgeries. I have to use a cane. I have been back to the doctor & everything looks good inside my mouth. But I still cant eat solid foods yet. I go back to work Monday, March 6, 2023. I need prayer for that also and pray that I still can keep my job or move to another position where I dont have to do any long periods of standing. Thank you in advance for praying for me and with me. God bless you all
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Patrick Stempin - 2 years ago
    Hello, I'm Patrick(44) from Germany and I'm a believer. I have a problem, I hear voices, I think it's demons. I've been to 6 different preachers over the past 2.5 years, here in Aachen in a church, in Hilden, Dsseldorf, and in Switzerland with the Salvation Army , with a Mr. Beat Schulthess, in Dortmund in the Pentecostal church Tempos de Gloria... Most recently I was with Kathrin Krick in Lage. I have a 2nd appointment with Beat Schulthess in Switzerland on Mrz 16th, 2023, that is also the reason for my cover letter, I need prayer support and am looking everywhere. That God works there with his spirit, and everything works out well.

    You would help me if you say an honest prayer for me.

    Greetings Patrick
  • Christina - 2 years ago
    I can sense things and feel people emotions. many say that this is a gift of empathy and discernment and that i'm close to Jesus. i also have good eyes. i seem to notice details that others don't. i just want to be sure this a gift and not any form of witchcraft. it's seem to attract bad spirits too.
  • Jesusloveme - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my children to be free from mans chains and the jail court cases pray for my cleaniess from drugs and alchol and i need finacial stubility im homeless a single mother 39 yrs old and my nae is barbara roberson 1 son 1 daughtour 1 granddaughtor
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Ok, let me ask this question a different way.

    What does Matthew 28:19 mean? Is this a command?And is Jesus the final authority on the subject?
  • LJ - 2 years ago
    Praying deeply for Lelands mental well being. Let NO weapons formed against him prosper. Praying Gods protection, mental, physical, spiritual & emotional well being & Gods presence surrounds Leland daily. Praying he is okay and will reach out and contact family /friends today. In Jesus name, Amen!"
  • Brian Rodrigues - 2 years ago
    Please my brothers and sisters in Christ.Pray for Gods Healing Power for my lower pole right kidney In Jesus Name. Thank you Jesus! Jesus Loves You Forever!

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