I pray that me and my mom can at least get some food to hold us for the rest of the week. she had to pay some bills which made her spend all her money. i don't like living in a house with no food. i get sick from it. Amen.
Lemme ramble just a min about Christ and his seed meaning his living Words....Jesus will not father flesh and blood children, his Children are Spirts as his seed is the word which is spirit and life...Thats y he is saying that which is BORN, BORN of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...The H.G. cannot be born in us without his seed the word....Thats y he has to know us in order to sow his precious seed in our hearts....But our new man the H.G. is a different ppl then us...He is a heavenly being an Israel of God...His name is Emanuel...That y Jesus speaks so much of the SON OF MAN...Mankind is gona have a baby Christ which is Emanuel the H.G. God with us via that good seed the words of that book that New Covenant from his blood at Calvary...Thats y David spoke of a ppl coming in the last days that wd declare his generation...a heavenly ppl is gona be born in us, a Jesus ppl is gonna be born in us which are spirits....As we have born the image of the earthy we must also bear the image of the heavenly....Emanuels plural as the stars of heaven are gonna be born in us....Thats y he said that which is born of the spirit is spirit....Thats the H.G. a heavenly being...Which answers to our new hearts and new spirit...
......Thats y Jeremiah (50:43) saw a ppl coming from the north country a heavenly ppl they are cruel and show no mercy...Their voice roars like the seas, They are a heavenly ppl and their weapons are the words of God that New Covenant
The king of babylon heard the report of them and his hands waxed feeble, anguish takes hold of him as pangs of a woman in travail with Child birth....They are gonna regenerate and multiply them selves in humanity with the words of God resulting in a birth of Christ in everyone....Thats y he always refered to himself as the Son of Man....Mankind is gonna have a babe Christ an Emanuel is gonna be born in us....The stretching out of his wings are gonna fill the breath of this whole world...O Emanuel...H.G.
The very reason the woman is giving birth to the manchild (the spirit of truth the H.G. ) is that he might reprove the world of sin and righteousness and Judgement....That the Prince of this world (satan) will be Judged...our carnal minds is satans seat...Which is gonna make us righteous and not able to sin as he that is born of God cannot sin which is our new innerman....The H.G. I come not to judge this world but to save this world...I come not to destroy mens lives but to save mens lives...
.....Thats y Jesus wants to sow his precious seed in our hearts Matthew 13:18 that we might be bornagain of his incorruptible seed the words of that New Covenant....The good fruit is a baby Christ thats y he is saying unless you receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child...which is that manchild that is gonna rule all nations... Romans 7:4..Mankinds fruit unto God via that Promise Seed...The contents of the book in the fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own blood...They don't call him the bridegroom for nothin...He wants to impregnate this whole world with his precious seed....Thats y Jeremiah 30:6 saw this whole world in travail and birth pains....A time of Jacobs troubles simply b/c this World is gona be the Israel of God...But we will go thru much tribulation....1 st Cor. 12 :13...By 1 spirit are we all baptised into the body of Christ Jew or Gentile...Bond or free...If i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me....Remember Jesus said the field is the world where that good seed will be sown....She brought forth a manchild that is gona rule all nations....Which is that Spirt of truth. Plz take note that the kingdom does not come till the woman births the children of Promise which is the H.G. The manchild, mans fruit unto God....Rev, 11:15 kjv...Then the Kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever....Right here on this beautiful Earth..Beautiful for situation the joy of the whole world is mt ZION.. Ps 48.
Jesus didn't come thru anymans bloodline....Simply b/c All men carried the stain and the spot of adam...Jesus told the Jews you are of this world but i am not of this world...You are from beneath but i am from above....Marys blood and Jesus's blood didn't mix b/c of her placenta.... Acts 20:28...Jesus had the blood of God...feed the Church of God that has purchased with his own blood...Faith under the O.T. Yielded Isaac the Child of Promise...But faith under the N.C. Yields a heavenly Child which is the H.G. the only Child of Promise....And is the multiplication of Jesus via his seed the living word....That New COVENANT....As we have borne the image of the earthy we must also bear (new birth ) the image of the heavenly
.....They cd not have refered to the H.G. as the Promise if he were not the multiplication of Jesus who is God the son..The Abrahamic Promise was earthy but the N.C. by the blood of Jesus is a heavenly Promise...Thats y God swore by his very self when he made this Promise in Gen 22:17....Thats y Jesus was saying to whom the Word came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken....Thats y Jesus was saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is our new inner man the H.G...The Israel of God....That manchild that is gonna rule all nations..As Romans 9:8 is saying its only the children of Promise that are counted for the good seed which is the H.G. and when God will pour out of his spirit on all flesh its gonna result in an Israel of God...Jacob was the 3rd person and his name was changed to ISRAEL...But it was just prophetic that the H.G. the 3 rd Person wd be the Israel of God which are Spirits as God is spirit...And this Israel of God are gonna be born in us who hear his words which are Jesus seeds....God wants perfect Praise and its only the babes and suckling that praise him perfectly and they are spirits...the H.G....Our new hearts and new spirits is the Kingdom...Unless ya receive the KINGDOM AS A LIL CHILD...His babes.
Please pray for Peace, Protection, Improvement, Clean-up and God's abundant blessings for our neighborhoods of Holland and Wheatsheaf. Asking this request in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying and God Bless all of you.
Hi, my name is Ursula, and I am in need of a kidney. I go to dialysis three times per week, and I am believing today for a kidney transplant. Thank you in joining me in praying for this transplant.
Asking prayers for the Lord to intervene in my sister's life. She is verbally and emotionally abusive towards my niece and it has taken a big toll. My niece is very hurt. There is spiritual bondage. My sister needs the Lord but does not know that nor does she believe. She is dabbling into New Age things. We all (whole family) need spiritual liberation and turn to the Lord with all our hearts. Please ask for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved) and guidance for us and all in need. Thank you.
I just said that I hope everybody's prayers will be answered please pray for me I am going down a dangerous path yes I am saved I've had enough of everything don't go to church I don't pray anymore I was working on being the spirit working on taking a railroad in life my face has been hit too much I'm tired of her I do know all the little things that Jesus Christ did for me I know this is a dangerous path sorry for being negative
First a praise, my youngest son has rededicated his life to the one true living God. Second could you please pray for my oldest son, health and spiritual issues. Third could you please pray that I am reunited with my birth dad I was kidnapped from in my childhood, he was a born again believer. Also I am having severe health issues, the closer I get to truth about what happened to me and the calling on my life, I am being attacked by the enemy. Y'shua-Jesus in Hebrew, told me my testimony would go around the world, God bless, I pray for salvation, healing and deliverance for everyone and their families.
Lord thank you for hearing my prayer. Please help restore our broken marriage. Help all others who are going through similar issues in their relationships. forgive me God and my wife for losing touch with you. I love you Thank you Jesus for your ultimate sacrifice i pray for our sinners. the homeless too bless them in ways we cannot. you know their hearts and our hearts.
Please help soften my wifes heart God i know that you can work miracles. i feel lost without my wife wanting to continue our marriage. i do not hate or resent her. but allow her walls to come down so we can both allow repair to take place. i trust you father in what you are doing and my faith still stands with you.
I need your prayers to help me find my way back to Jesus. I am a true believer and pray often for His forgiveness, but for some reason, I still feel unworthy. I am a weak person who needs His help to live the way in which our Lord wants me to be. I pray to be a good Christian person. It has been a long time since I have read his word, and have recently started studying my Bible again. Pray that I might stay vigilant in my studies so that I may feel worthy once again of God's love and forgiveness. Thank you all for your Prayers.
Hi, please pray for my parents that God would bless them with very long and fruitful lives. Please also pray for their marriage.
Please pray that my brothers would come to know the Lord as their Savior
And lastly please pray for me. Every once in awhile some doubts pop into my head about me truly being saved. I don't just want a head knowledge of the Lord, I want to make sure I'm fully trusting in what Christ has done for me. I know I can't save myself.
I'm requesting prayers for my whole family and I. We were informed Sunday that one of my close cousins committed suicide. The whole family is hurting and are beside ourselves.
Asking for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance, strength, encouragement and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the Lord to fight our battles (spiritual warfare). I ask this also for all others in need and I ask for revival and awakening everywhere. The time is short.
Hello i have never submitted a prayer request before until now so bare with me im a 21 year old female that's addicted to methamphetamine it has got a hold on me and its almost demonic the control is has over me i need help please remember me in your prayers.. God please take this from me and let me follow you for the rest of m days.. please.. thank you
Please pray for me to get out of prison and hospital and to have a better life with GOD and to get a girlfriend as I am a 42-year-old man and I am single from tim hill
......Thats y Jeremiah (50:43) saw a ppl coming from the north country a heavenly ppl they are cruel and show no mercy...Their voice roars like the seas, They are a heavenly ppl and their weapons are the words of God that New Covenant
The king of babylon heard the report of them and his hands waxed feeble, anguish takes hold of him as pangs of a woman in travail with Child birth....They are gonna regenerate and multiply them selves in humanity with the words of God resulting in a birth of Christ in everyone....Thats y he always refered to himself as the Son of Man....Mankind is gonna have a babe Christ an Emanuel is gonna be born in us....The stretching out of his wings are gonna fill the breath of this whole world...O Emanuel...H.G.
.....Thats y Jesus wants to sow his precious seed in our hearts Matthew 13:18 that we might be bornagain of his incorruptible seed the words of that New Covenant....The good fruit is a baby Christ thats y he is saying unless you receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child...which is that manchild that is gonna rule all nations... Romans 7:4..Mankinds fruit unto God via that Promise Seed...The contents of the book in the fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own blood...They don't call him the bridegroom for nothin...He wants to impregnate this whole world with his precious seed....Thats y Jeremiah 30:6 saw this whole world in travail and birth pains....A time of Jacobs troubles simply b/c this World is gona be the Israel of God...But we will go thru much tribulation....1 st Cor. 12 :13...By 1 spirit are we all baptised into the body of Christ Jew or Gentile...Bond or free...If i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me....Remember Jesus said the field is the world where that good seed will be sown....She brought forth a manchild that is gona rule all nations....Which is that Spirt of truth. Plz take note that the kingdom does not come till the woman births the children of Promise which is the H.G. The manchild, mans fruit unto God....Rev, 11:15 kjv...Then the Kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever....Right here on this beautiful Earth..Beautiful for situation the joy of the whole world is mt ZION.. Ps 48.
.....They cd not have refered to the H.G. as the Promise if he were not the multiplication of Jesus who is God the son..The Abrahamic Promise was earthy but the N.C. by the blood of Jesus is a heavenly Promise...Thats y God swore by his very self when he made this Promise in Gen 22:17....Thats y Jesus was saying to whom the Word came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken....Thats y Jesus was saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is our new inner man the H.G...The Israel of God....That manchild that is gonna rule all nations..As Romans 9:8 is saying its only the children of Promise that are counted for the good seed which is the H.G. and when God will pour out of his spirit on all flesh its gonna result in an Israel of God...Jacob was the 3rd person and his name was changed to ISRAEL...But it was just prophetic that the H.G. the 3 rd Person wd be the Israel of God which are Spirits as God is spirit...And this Israel of God are gonna be born in us who hear his words which are Jesus seeds....God wants perfect Praise and its only the babes and suckling that praise him perfectly and they are spirits...the H.G....Our new hearts and new spirits is the Kingdom...Unless ya receive the KINGDOM AS A LIL CHILD...His babes.
Please help soften my wifes heart God i know that you can work miracles. i feel lost without my wife wanting to continue our marriage. i do not hate or resent her. but allow her walls to come down so we can both allow repair to take place. i trust you father in what you are doing and my faith still stands with you.
Please pray that my brothers would come to know the Lord as their Savior
And lastly please pray for me. Every once in awhile some doubts pop into my head about me truly being saved. I don't just want a head knowledge of the Lord, I want to make sure I'm fully trusting in what Christ has done for me. I know I can't save myself.
Thank you brothers and sisters, have a good night
Please no negativity. I honestly can't handle it.
Sincerely. Thank you.
I'm praying that you help me with everything in my life.