Prayer Requests PAGE 101

  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    Please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Elijahivan20 - 1 year ago
    Hello, I'm Elijah Ivan Rosa. I'm in need of a miracle.
  • Sam Ernest - 1 year ago
    Dear Brother/Sister,

    I am sam from UK.I need more prayer need for my spiritual life and for the anointing and to my work.kindly please pray for our family too.

    Name of my wife : Jothi

    Children's are Evangeline & Elana.


    sam ernest
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • CSmith925 - 1 year ago
    Jordan Neely was laid to rest Friday after his uncall for death. i'm asking God to heal Jordan family and bring them peace at this difficult time. i hope and pray that Jordan and his family get justice and that his murderer be charge for murder not manslaughter Jordan didn't deserve to die and he didn't threat anyone. all he asked was for something to eat, drink, and somewhere to live. i also hope the two other guys who also help murdered Jordan also get charge as well. none of this shouldn't never happened. i'm asking for prayers for Jordan family. amen.
  • MasonJar - 1 year ago
    For strength in my new journey my husband passed away on 02/23/23 so I am a widow.. and I have to sell my home and move out of state we lived there for 23 years our children grew up in this house and I had to get a part time job jus to make ends meet . there is no retirement no benefits for I am to young so I am grieving packing up a home and working I am mentally and physically tired I need help thank you

    sara skold
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers please remember me i have applied for a new job
  • Shanieka - 1 year ago
    Requesting prayer for my best friend Sydoney Blackwood. She needs to do surgery on her breast and this is her 3rd surgery. Thanks in advance.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Bibleman72 - 1 year ago
    Hi i need prayer for myself and my ill mom .She wants to sell our home because she has the deluded idea it is blowing dust in her eyes ,i havent been able to find any real evidence of this being factual.She may have undiagnosed schizophrenia or psychosis.Please pray that she will get a healing from the Lord .She does not believe she is ill.I dont want her to sell our is 100 % PAID FOR.and she is talking about selling it and going to rent a home supposedly because there would not be dust there.I truly think this is all in her head.I humbly ask you for your kind prayers to God .Brothers and Sisters please do pray and possibly fast on this.I have so little to call my very own.And mom promised me this house when God calls her home.I pray i can keep it .
  • Terrimastalsz - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my son Robert unspoken urgent prayer please pray for me to my worries and fear are to much and other kids salvation and walk with the Lord Please thank you please put on prayer list
  • RicoUS - 1 year ago
    Pray for us and the family for strong protection and deliverance from bondage, family unit and salvation of unsaved loved ones and for those of us in the faith to be strengthened and encouraged, to grow in the Lord and to bear good fruit. Asking this for us and all others in need as well. Thank you.
  • John ray - 1 year ago
    My prayer request is for me that I feed the spirit not to flush take the narrow road life instead of the the White road I've accept what's going to happen I wish that I can share scriptures but I can't I kind of slow I can't remember thank God I've never lost the hunger for Jesus Christ
  • CSmith925 - 1 year ago
    Asking God to unattach me from a website i been on for 2 years. the people there are racist and hateful. i know i need to leave but i can't. even my mother and therapist told me get off it.
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    Hello everyone . Just wanted to share an awesome dream I had a few nights ago . I'm not usually into reading too much into dreams but this was very comforting to me so I thought I would share it . I dreamt that a large group of people were clustered together and looking at me and advancing on me slowly , their faces were slightly below the level of my face . They seemed slightly menacing but I wasn't scared . As they got very close their faces , their entire heads , changed into animals heads , each one different , this unnerved me slightly , the one closest to me had turned into a snakes head and it was flicking it's tongue at me . Then suddenly they all stopped , really close to me but not close enough to touch me , as if an invisible barrier was in front of me . Then I heard a voice , it said ' no weapon formed against thee ' . As I am feeling very vulnerable at the moment this dream has been an encourage to me . Whenever you have any fears or worries, always give them to God . He will calm you and strengthen you so you can face the future whatever it may bring . He is with us . All of us . As you read this He is with you , right now . Be not afraid . Christ is alive . Christ is with us . Christ is coming back and we will see him , in person . Rejoice and be strong in him .
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and y family in your prayers today
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    A look at false teachers and prophets.

    ( 2 Cor. 11:13-15) The word (transformed) is #3345; it means disguise. The word (ministers) is #1249; it means a Christian teacher or pastor. (These verses tell us that Satans ministers will be disquised as Christian teachers and pastors)

    ( Mt. 24:11,24) The word (false) is #5573; it means mendacious, i.e. (promulgating) (erroneous) Christian doctrine, speaking lies, deceitful, wicked, liar.

    The word (prophets) is #5578; it means a spurious prophet, i.e. pretended foreteller or religious imposter, false prophet, untrue, deceitful, liar.

    The word (promulgating) means to promote or make widely known.

    The word (erroneous) means wrong, incorrect.

    (So these ministers of Satan are disquised as Christian teachers and pastors making widely known wrong, incorrect Christian doctrine, speaking lies).

    ( Mt. 7:15) These false prophets will come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are (ravening) wolves.

    The words (false) and (prophets) have the same meaning as above.

    The word (ravening) is #727; from #726, rapacious, extortion, ravening.

    now #726; the Greek word "harpazo" is the pre-tribulation rapture word in Greek meaning; to seize, catch (away, up) pluck, pull, take (by force).

    These words (ravening wolves) who come in sheep's clothing has a connect to the (pre-tribulation) rapture and promoting widely known, wrong incorrect Christian doctrine.

    The word (deceive) in the verses ( Mt. 24:11,24) is #4105; it means to (cause to) roam (from safety, truth, or virtue) go astray, err, seduce, be out of the way.

    ((These false prophets will cause many to roam from the truth))

    This is not my opinion, but it is Scripture.

    ( Mt. 24:4)

    Truth matters.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Redefred - 1 year ago
    I am currently going through hard times and feel that god doesn't listen to my prayers. Please pray for me and my situation. thanks
  • John ray - 1 year ago
    My prayer request is my son's graduating in a couple days like all the other kids in this country are graduating don't know the Lord and hopefully somebody will come into their lives that knows Jesus Christ God bless you all
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers

  • [Comment Removed]
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    Hey room Gbu.....Lemme ramble a bit....There is a perfect translation, its the book in the right hand of the father Rev 5:1....And no man in heaven or earth or under the earth cd look into this book....Its the perfect translation that Jesus wrote with his own blood at Calvary....Thats y Jesus is saying my words are SPIRIT AND LIFE....Not paper and ink When he said its finished thats the book that he wrote with his own blood THAT NEW COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD AT CALVARY....John said i wept much b/c no man cd look into it...In heaven or earth...(THIS New Covenant) by his blood is the perfect book....Thats y Paul said when that which is PERFECT is come....(the new covenant) that which is done in parts shall be done away with....They sang a new song after the book was opened....We are not gonna sing this Churchanity song much longer....Remember the image in Dan. 2 that was all in parts....Silver GOLD and BRASS CLAY IRON ( deacons teachers preachers evangelists ) had to be done away with by a stone cut without hands which is the N.C. THE LIVING WORD....The perfect church Christ Jesus....That stone of great price....

    This N.C. is a Birthing Covenant....Thus there is a child in our future....She brought forth a man child that is gona rule all nations....The Child is the H.G. That Child of Promise....As that which is born of the spirit is spirit as God is spirit...To whom the word ( the living word ) came it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken....The living word is the seed of God the wonder of this New Covenant.... Daniel 12 :6 Daniel refers to this New Covenant the book as living words of wonder that is sealed till the last days with 7 seals....That Perfect translation simply b/c it was written with the blood of JESUS AT CALVARY....But its the living Words as Jesus said my words are spirit and Life....A much greater light then written words of the old covenant....The gift of God is the H.G. a living being....And Jesus is the author of this book of life....gbu
  • RicoUS - 1 year ago
    Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please fight our battles and please send encouragement.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    All the bibles in the world cd accomplish what Jesus did at Calvary by his blood.....Thats y the father is saying if any man was not found written in the book of life he was cast in the lake of fire....Its the living word we need to focus on the book in the RIGHT hand of the father that Jesus wrote with his own blood at Calvary...That Book of life which is the New COVENANT....THE LIVING WORD....GTG GBU.....Bibles answer to the lesser light a night light....But nothin can grow at night...but mush rooms.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers today
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    Should we not focus on the book in the right hand of the father that Jesus wrote with his own blood.. Rev 5:1....When he said it was finished...That New Covenant at Calvary....As Jesus is the author of Eternal Salvation the BOOK....To whom his words came it made them Gods...2 nd Cor. 3:6....He has made us able ministers of the new Covenant...Not of the letter written words....but living words, For the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life....My WORDS ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE....That New Covenant in his blood at Calvary is gonna result in a living being born in us...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations Which is the H.G....A living being that is the gift of God...That Child of Promise....Which is the very Kingdom of God in us....Thats y the Woman is giving birth to the manchild that is the very kingdom of God....Whosoever was not found written in that book of life ( the book in the right hand of the father that N.C. ) was cast into the lake of fire...Rev.20:15....As our God is a consuming fire...Which is that baptism of Promise of the H.G. and fire....Remember Jesus said he came to bring fire on the Earth...Thats what this world needs is the baptism of PROMISE....The H.G.and fire baptism by his hearing his words of life....The a living being and Lord of all as Gal 4:1 tells us....The real heir is the H.G.That has to be born in us....Thus he is just a child at first but he Is LORD OF ALL.. To whom the word came it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken...That New Covenant....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child (that new born babe the H.G.)...Lord of all....You will in no wise enter there in....When Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit thats our new born babe the H.G. That Child of Promise...Whosoever receiveth one such child in MY NAME receiveth me...Which is the result of the sower and his seed, the contents of that book the words of LIFE in the fathers right hand...That New COVENANT at Calvary.
  • Sandracar - 1 year ago
    Lord has been great and helping me with my period of anxiety and I am making progress. Would appreciate prayer to cover me to keep progressing and Lord to help me to learn more to prevent this from happening again.

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