Please pray for my family today , please pray for Magda and myself , I must make a big decision in the next few day please pray GOD guides me in this decision
I'm requesting prayer for healing. I have many things wrong with me
Mobility issues, also issues with my heart. I'm in heart failure. I believe that God will heal me and answer this prayer. Also pray for my adult children salvation.
i kept falling in sin again and again Even after i fall in sin i didn't feel that much of guilt and sometimes it made me shiver that i'm going away and away from christ please pray for mee
Lord Jesus please intervene concerning all these stressors esp. in K's life (within and without) but also for all of us. Please administer emotional healing and deliverance. Please strengthen us in every way in you. Please shower us with your grace and mercy as we are so broken, dysfunctional and cannot seem to get out of our messes but you are greater than all of it. Please protect us strongly and fight for us, help us to live in a manner pleasing to you. Asking for us and all in need. Thank you Lord Jesus. I pray in your mighty name. Amen.
Dear Father, there's been a lot of changes after Jesus Christ died . We no longer have to follow the law for Salvation and we don't have to sacrifice animals for remission of sins. Father, we can pray everyday anywhere with out a temple to go to. Father, thank you for setting me free from bondage that no longer works for all of us. Father, you're only begotten Son, Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven and I truly thank you for my Salvation by believing the gospel of grace and nothing added. Father, thank you so much for the Holy Spirit that guides me in prayer and studying the Bible day and night. Father, I thank you for washing my sins daily by the word of God, by reading and studying. Father, God in Heaven, please bless this website ministry for your honor and glory. Father, I know I can only trust your word to be true and alive .
Although are many he knows them all it's a googleplex myself family relatives relationships career job opportunities supervision training better than best days family pets direction guidance Holy Ghost when thou says this saith the LORD supernatural increase abundant overflow miracles signs and wonder extraordinary manifestation life health wisdom knowledge understanding greater than my normal self accept it decree declare it in the mighty precious sweet name of Jesus Christ our LORD and savior amen
Almighty GOD in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior I ask for your healing grace for all of your sick and suffering.
Thank you GOD for all the times YOU have been there for us. Gave us your healing grace and blessings. For the many times YOU have been there for us even though we never noticed. Praise YOU for YOUR blessings seen and unseen in Jesus name
Please pray for all those that are struggling and are trying to find their way.Pray for this world that seems to have turned away from God. Thank you Broncowildtrak1 for your prayers. It means more to me than you will ever know. Bless you and your family!
Can you please pray for spiritual protection for me and my children, that the Lord will put a shield of protection around us so the darts of the enemy will not get through, in Jesus name.
Prayer to complete my homework today and ask that my family is protected from spiritual warfare and ask that we all have a great hedge of protection over all of us. I ask for a breakthough in completing all the things I need before moving to another state and that all things will be in order before I actually move. I ask for a breakthrough in a dating relationship. I ask that she is a good woman, and I am a good fit for her. I ask for all of these things in Lord Jesus Christ Name, amen.
That more people come to understand that the curses in the whole world where defeated and Jesus broke them at the cross.He has over come the world Amen
Please pray for my daughter Jordyn who is having suicidal thoughts and pray for her husband to get a job. She's working two jobs and has gave it all and is just tired.. Please pray for their marriage and their salvation. Thank you and God Bless.
Asking for prayers to help me get back on the path with my walk with Jesus. I allowed my emotions and frustrations to get the better of me at work and showed a side of myself that is not that of a Christian. Also pray for my co-workers who do not follow Jesus. Pray that they find Him and submit their lives to Him.I have repented and I know Jesus forgives me but I am struggling with forgiving myself. Blessings to all of you!
Please pray for me that God should send me helpers of destiny and burden bearers, to help me move to the next level of my dreams and goals in life . Amen.
Also, God should intervene in my marriage , i need divine provisions and open door. Amen.
hey y'all please be in prayer for my family.. please pray for my brother he's outta Gods will and just moved far away from us and we rrly miss him. he's been lying a lot to us and he's just not doing well spiritually.
please pray ghetto finds his way back to the Lord and get back in his will!
Mobility issues, also issues with my heart. I'm in heart failure. I believe that God will heal me and answer this prayer. Also pray for my adult children salvation.
Please pray for Terri and Steve who have stage four cancer are in a lot of pain and having trouble eating.
Please pray for Joi she is having stomach problems and painful back problems.
Please pray for me with my physical and internal problems.
I am grateful for the ever present help of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I would be lost without Him.
hi ywy n
Ray, in Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
May we all be bless by the Word of Truth.
God loves us cheerful givers as they don't expect anything in return.
Thank you GOD for all the times YOU have been there for us. Gave us your healing grace and blessings. For the many times YOU have been there for us even though we never noticed. Praise YOU for YOUR blessings seen and unseen in Jesus name
Can you please pray for spiritual protection for me and my children, that the Lord will put a shield of protection around us so the darts of the enemy will not get through, in Jesus name.
Thank you, blessings,
Also, God should intervene in my marriage , i need divine provisions and open door. Amen.
please pray ghetto finds his way back to the Lord and get back in his will!
love y'all! and thank you!
please help my brother he's far away and outta your will please help him, forgive him and help him.i miss him big!!!!!
love you!
y'all please be in prayer!!