the first time i saw this verse it was tattooed onto a ufc fighter's chest, but it only said ' Philippians 4:13'. i was curious of what it was so i looked through my bible and this came up. it has been a big inspiration to me.
Timothy Wayne George on Philippians 4 - 13 years ago
Rejoice in the Lord always is a command. God wants us to praise him, and be thankful for all that he is doing in our life. We must pray about everything, and worry about nothing. Our God supplies all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Just as Paul learned to be content in every situation he was in, and we too must do that to be happy in Jesus. Remember Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter to the Philippians. So give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us.
god is a awsome god he is my king what a mighty god we serve you cant ask for any thing elese hes my rock if we look at it without god were doomed to hell we have to trust in him hes the only one that will not let us down
I think that this particular scripture is everything that makes everything right,in judgement, andrighteousness on both ends in any given circumstance we may face. So I thank God for his word of truth.
Just knowing that God supplies ALL our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus brought me through the deaths of my son and parents. He knew their needs and supplied and He knew what I suffered at their deaths and met my needs too. What an awesome God we serve!
the most powerful scripture for my life, it solves all my problems right there, how? by giving me a clear answer to my problems. first am warned not to be anxious for nothing, then it tells me to pray for my troubles and needs with supplication and thank God that he has done it and the peace of God to be upon me! Amen . be encouraged. . . . peace.
This, Verse right here. Just brings me to tears.
I don't have to be strong enough.
Because Christ will lift me up and help me. He is always and will always be there for me. The verse explains itself "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH" trust in God, Believe in God, And he will help you with everything, and anything you need.
I thank God for his eternal ppease in my soul regaurdless what happens to you in this life I know He is always by my side and truely loves me when no one else does
A formula for peace of mind. Our mental well-being is determined to a great extent by what we feed it. Just like our eyes function with light and can therefore be injured by harmful light, and our ears with harmful sounds, so our minds need to avoid excessive negative thoughts and attitudes. Anger, resentment, and such like are like poison whereas pure, lovely, praise thoughts are like vitamins. Our fallen nature seems more attracted to wrongs than to virtue, so the news industry provides mostly trouble. Some negative material is needed for us to respond to the needs around us, but we should attenpt to give at least equal time to that which is good and has virtue. I feel that "truth" here means, Reliable, rather than true facts about wrong. Jesus said, "I am the...truth" ( Jn. 14:6). Think about our security and benefits of being in Him. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philp 4:13 is my favorite. It clearly lets me know with the Lord there is no limits and through him we have power to acheive heaven and make it through this wicked world!
Grace is underserved favor, you did nothing for it and mercy is not getting what you deserve for sin. What a awesome GOD we have, daily I thank HIM for his mercy and grace because I know I need it. HE is LOVE!!!!,"who can love me like Jesus, no one"
Seniqua, the Lord just happened to pop that verse into my head this morning before I even read what you had to say, and for the exact same reasons. Is that a God thing or what?
I've been struggling with lust for a long time, and one thing that does NOT work is trying to refrain from thinking about whatever or whoever it is that's the object of your lust. You know, it's like if someone tells you to not think of a pink elephant, then what do you naturally do? You think of a pink elephant, and you can't help yourself from doing so.
Well, the Lord brought Philippians 4:8 to my mind this morning -- namely, to think on the good things, not the evil. I'm now determined to memorize that verse forwards, backwards, right side up, upside down, and in my sleep, and put it into action any which way I can.
Paul suffered greatly during his ministery. He never complained but prayed for his needs. He desired we should do the same. God did supply some of his needs through fellow believers. He will do the same for us. It is essential that in our darkest moments He is with us giving us the strength only He can deliver.
To know that all we have to do is is "do" and the that the peace of god that passeth all understanding will be with us ... is so God. God continues to bless us despite of ourselves. To have HIS peace is the most awesome feeling I have ever experienced.
God is so good and worthy to be praised.
The 8th verse is just as important as all the other verses, but my attention is led to specifically that verse because to me, this is, indirectly, our sword of the Spirit, as mentioned in Ephesians 6. It is our greatest weapon against the devil's tactics. The only way the devil can make into our lives is through our thoughts. With our minds focused on the things mentioned in Phil 4:8, we use those thoughts as a weapon against the devil's tactics. This is my opinion. Only sharing to open up something to think and pray about...
It is so gratitfying to know that God will supply ALL our needs. We need only remember that. The Phillipians are worthy examples for all christians today.
I don't have to be strong enough.
Because Christ will lift me up and help me. He is always and will always be there for me. The verse explains itself "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH" trust in God, Believe in God, And he will help you with everything, and anything you need.
I've been struggling with lust for a long time, and one thing that does NOT work is trying to refrain from thinking about whatever or whoever it is that's the object of your lust. You know, it's like if someone tells you to not think of a pink elephant, then what do you naturally do? You think of a pink elephant, and you can't help yourself from doing so.
Well, the Lord brought Philippians 4:8 to my mind this morning -- namely, to think on the good things, not the evil. I'm now determined to memorize that verse forwards, backwards, right side up, upside down, and in my sleep, and put it into action any which way I can.
God is so good and worthy to be praised.