Events by the day shows that Christians are exhibiting lack of contentment in daily living. Our generation is witnessing crazy desire for worldly materials to the point that spirituality is being relegated to the background. Oh God arise, send fire of revival into this generation as the day of Pentecost in Jesus ' name.
I believe God will be there for me in the time of need, may come when I want him to but always on time. I have tried him and I know what God can do. God is my rock, my shield.
Sam, God does give all that we need! Himself! His Son! What more is needed? Yes, I suppose we all have earthly "needs, " but those are more of just "wants. " We can survive a fiery furnace or a den of lions or living on the streets with nothing but the presence of the almighty! Hebrews 13:5 - "...For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. " Do not be discouraged brother! :-
Believing in God and His son Jesus Christ , you can overcome everything . Whenever you have problems just remember that scripture and He promised cast all your worries and anxiety to Him and He will take care of it.
VS 19: I can say from my own experience that God has always done what he says he will do: He says that he will meet all our needs but in HIS time and in HIS way. I am a widow who has had a lot of hardships in life, but the Lord changed my circumstances every time and brought me through all my struggles. I did what He expected as well. I lived and breathed His will which is always meditating on Him and His word. I found life and strength in spite of my circumstances. I prayed a lot and waited for Him to answer my prayers. And I realized that He gave me strength to go on. He gave me hope not despair. I hope this helps anyone who feels life circumstances are overwhelming them. Love God Jesus with all your heart and strength.
Only the word of God is true, good, pure & lovely. Philippians is telling me to think on my Lord and savior, and to meditate on His word in Jesus name.
Philippians 4 is a wonderful chapter. It soothes my spirit. It gives me comfort and assurance of my father 's love for me his child. Philippians tells me to rejoice and to keep my mind focus on positive thoughts, because our God is only of good thoughts,good actions,pureness,honesty and love. I am so thankful for my knowledge of Philippians.
God must not have too many riches in glory to supply my needs because He isn 't. Either that, or He is so rich and disconnected up in his heaven that he has no idea what it means to have 3 cars all needing work, while my old house slowly decays because I don 't have the money to fix it. Also, no guaranteed, reliable income as I am self-employed and working 3 part time jobs besides. Not impressed. Also, grew up a PK in the fundamentalist baptist mindset.
amen we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.......I have been through allot of things as an example I was born with a hole in my heart that is bigger than a balled up fist and at age 9 at a check up they said I needed surgey I was scared to death...... they examined my heart and said the hole closed I can do all things.... I am age 10 and I approve this message
Philippians Chapter 4 is one of my favorite because God always brings me up out of anything that I am going through. This is a powerful chapter that when I need a answer I can always go to this chapter and read 4 11 which God will supply all of my needs.
Philippians 4 13 is a blessing to me as i have gone thru some things this year that only God could help Me thru. It is true you can do all things thru God who strengthens you.GOD bless you.
God has given me everything. He brought me up from the deapths of sorrow and despair. He is who I draw my strength from and who is with me all the time.He is my savior and knows I can do all things through him.
It is comforting to know that we can go to Jehovah God with everything. Whatever is on our minds or deeply buried in our hearts, we can confide in our Heavenly Father.
What a blessed chapter! We must be content in everything joy, pain, sickness, heartache continue on in the Lord with prayer supplication thanksgiving. Finally, think on the things that are pure, lovely, honest of good report contentment is the key!!Rejoice again I say rejoice!! God bless!!
God is always an on time God. We ask him to supply our needs and to work out problems in our life. God does it in his time as long as we serve him. God will always supply our needs and never leave us or forsake us. God 's love is truly amazing.
But my God... Wow I know my God and I know what he is able to do. He is a SPECIALIST in supplying of needs. may tarry by your budget but by His own budget He is still in time...Shout FIRE!!! experience this or these verses is the ultimate of satisfaction in Jesus Christ. To experience his power of grace to us has given me one direct word to know the lovely ness of Christ. To know He cares so much and He knows you and helps you in your life.... Is the ultimate of satisfaction and lovely ness that I need to stay motivation in Him and to keep me moving forward. An experience should keep us going and falling in Love with him more and more.
I want to thank the Lord for all that He is doing for me at this very second. His Word is food for my soul and reading the comments about this verse from all who believe is like the dessert. The sharing of personal tribulations and testimony of staying joyful throughout those times by keeping focused on Him is a testament to the power of His Word in our lives.