Numbers Chapter 20 Discussion

  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago


    Job knew that. Abraham knew that. Moses knew that. Aaron knew that. Miriam must have known that. Physical death will come to us, but eternal life will continue our life after death. This eternal life is from God and not a natural life that everyone has. Only the elect.

    Some people do know that they will soon die. The very aged, those with a terminal illness, those who face martyrdom, or who are engaged in combat. Each person will face this reality in different ways, but God continues to desire for the salvation of people, so He continues to work in the hearts of all people until death takes them. If they turn to God, they will be saved forever. if they refuse to do so, they will be damned forever. So, it is important for us to minister to those near death until the end, if we are able to be involved in the process with them. We are to continue to pray for them until the very end, as David did for his infant son. But when death takes the ones we love, we then entrust them into God's wise and just hands believing that he will always judge rightly. We do not need to pray for these loved ones once they have died. But we can certainly pray and minister to the ones left behind. There can often be open doors for proclamation of the gospel at such times. Sensitivity is important, but we should also be bold enough to speak as the Spirit leads us to do so.

    Miriam and Aaron had easy deaths, it seems. The text does not say that either had illnesses or other factors that would lead to death. Just their advanced age and God's decree that they would die in the wilderness. The 40 years was up, as God had ordained. They must have known that they would die soon and that the people would enter the promised land soon without them. They were gathered to their people-to Abraham, to Job, to Noah, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Joseph, and all of the others who had gone before them believing God. And their faith was counted unto them as righteousness ( Romans 4).
  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago


    The next section tells of Moses sending messengers to the king of Edom (Esau's descendants) asking for permission for the Israelites to pass through their lands on the way to the place they would go to enter the promised land. This would be going north on the eastern side of the Jordan River where Canaan and Edom bordered one another. Edom's king refused to allow this passage, coming out against the nation of Israel keeping them from passing through. The people travel from Kadesh eastward to Mount Hor.

    The narrative shifts to God speaking to Moses that Aaron would soon die and therefore, Aaron must pass the rights, vestments, and obligations of the High Priesthood onto his son, Eliazar. So the three went up upon the mountain. Moses took the garments from Aaron and put them on Eleazar. Then Aaron died right there. He knew he was going to die. He knew his time in this life was up. He, too, must have looked forward to Christ as Moses did, knowing that there is an eternal land ahead for him.

    It says that Aaron was to not enter the physical land because of sinning with Moses at the event when the water came from the rock again miraculously. But I do think also that Aaron was of the generation that was to die in the wilderness and not enter the land. Only Caleb and Joshua were said to be the ones of their generation to enter the land. So, neither Moses, nor Aaron expected to enter the physical land because they believed what God had prophesied to them on this matter.

    When the people were informed of Aaron's death they mourned him for 30 days. Aaron must have been buried by Moses and Eleazar with the rest of the Israelites not knowing where his grave was located since only the three went up the mountain.

    This chapter reminds me that we will all die. We do not know how much time we have left. But we can be confident that we will live eternally with God, even if we die physically. We know we will be resurrected on the last day.
  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago


    Moses and Aaron went before the Lord at the entrance to the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord appeared to them, instructing Moses to take the rod (of Aaron) and SPEAK to THE rock before them. Was this a natural rock that was already in this wilderness or was this a rock that they carried with them throughout the wilderness journey? ( 1Cor. 10:4 says that the spiritual rock followed them; which was Christ)

    Moses and Aaron then went out to the people. Moses derides the people angrily and strikes the rock twice. Water flows from it miraculously. God disciplines Moses for sinning in the way he carried out God's instructions. God did not tell Moses to strike the rock, just speak to it. Perhaps Moses had thought that since he had struck the rock the first time ( Exodus 17) that that is the way he was to always do this. God did not tell Moses to scold the people in anger. Unfortunately, Moses sinned by not following the exact instructions of God, but added to what God had told him to do. Moses credited himself to be the one to bring water out of the rock rather than give God the credit and glory for it alone. He did not sanctify God in this instance before the people fo Israel.

    The result of this sin was that Moses would not enter the promised land. Moses did not argue with God. He did not bargain with Him. Nor did he intercede for himself. He accepted the will of God. He knew that there was an eternal promised land (like Abraham) he would enter that was better than the physical land. ( Hebrews 11:39-40) Moses knew of the Messiah, the gospel that that would come from Him, and the salvation that he would receive from Him ( Gal. 3:8).

    So here, as in Exodus, the waters of Meribah were bitter-sweet. Bitter because the people received discipline from God, but sweet, because God was merciful towards them and provided the water they sorely needed.

    Moses must have known that his life was coming to an end soon.
  • GiGi on Numbers 20 - 1 year ago

    In this chapter we hear of the deaths of both Miriam and Aaron. They did not enter the promised land as they were of the generation that came out of Egypt that were to wander in desert for 40 years.

    The Israelites came into the Wilderness of Zin (again) in the first month (the beginning of the year in Spring). 40 years earlier they were there where the twelve spies were sent out and the people sinned in disbelief of God and His promises due to the evil report of the spies. As a result, the generation that left from Egypt was to die in the wilderness and not enter the promised land.

    Once they had settled in this wilderness (Kadesh) Miriam died She was buried and the people mourned for her.

    Now, forty years later, they come again to the Wilderness of Zin, the place of great rebellion against God, and the people grumble against God, Moses and Aaron again because there was no water for them. They were sure that God had brought them out of Egypt here to die of thirst. Again, they distrusted God and doubted His benevolence towards them and His power to sustain them in this situation. Once before ( Exodus 17) there was no water and the people grumbled against God an Moses. God instructed Moses to strike a rock and when he did water flowed out of it plentifully. God had provided water before, why would they think He would not do so again?

    The land was barren. No place was found for seed or fruits or vines to grow. This area was a deep cleft in the terrain with high cliffs on all sides. It was very rugged territory. The people called it an evil place. Did they not know how close they were to the Promised Land that the spies had explored 40 years earlier? Did they not know that if they believed God and trusted in His goodness they would soon go into the land promised? If God had miraculously given them manna and quail all of these years without fail, why would they think He would not also give them water miraculously again?
  • Seth roper on Numbers 20 - 3 years ago
    It seems that the priesthood in the camps of Moses are like the Egyptians full of money power and traditions and fine clothes which is like future priests of Israel corrupt and self made
  • STEPHEN MEEHAN on Numbers 20 - 4 years ago
    It is interesting to note that while God would not allow Moses to enter into the Promised Land along with the Israelites because of his disobedience, that Moses did eventually enter on the Mount of Transfiguration when he appeared alongside Elijah and with Jesus on that mount. He may yet appear a second time when the two witnesses show up during the Tribulation period, maybe again with Elijah - the two who represent the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah).
  • Artie vanlandingham on Numbers 20 - 5 years ago
    We must remember the curse of enmity in Genesis 3:15 applies to anger and God is the God of peace. The anger of Moses played against his humbleness of heart and his discourse was not something God was proud to observe while giving life with water to the people and their animals.
  • Richie - In Reply on Numbers 20 - 5 years ago
    Aaron died because he had the opportunity to tell Moses that what he did was wrong but he didn't tell him.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Numbers 20 - 5 years ago
    God told Moses to 'speak' to the rock. But Moses disobeyed God and hit the rock with his rod. It still brought out water but for this God told Moses he would not go into the promised land.
  • BSP on Numbers 20 - 6 years ago
    Verse 10~Moses spoke as though he was the one who would bring water out of the rock, but he failed to give the real praise and credit to Jehovah God.
  • BSP on Numbers 20 - 6 years ago
    Verse 12~Moses was described as a meek man, but here he allowed others to provoke him and he committed an act of arrogance. He missed out on the opportunity to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. We must guard against any form of arrogance.
  • Irene123 on Numbers 20 - 7 years ago
    P.S. - Aaron died because he was Moses' right-hand man; he was the priest and didn't counsel Moses against striking. He knew somewhere along the line to stop Moses, but he didn't. Aaron was God's mouthpiece; God is FAITHFUL, and would have warned Aaron of Moses' intent. No, it doesn't say all this here, but Isa. 1:18 - " ... let us reason together ... " He wants us to reason His word out.
  • Irene123 on Numbers 20 - 7 years ago
    Nobody remembered Ex. 17:6 on here: This was the 1st time this happened; God told Moses to SMITE ...; in Num. 20:8 God told Moses to SPEAK ... "; it was simply, with God, an 'obedience' test. The Israelites KNEW God, and not Moses, br'ot the water. The sanctification was in teaching, by Moses obedience, His people to obey. Moses and Aaron were to be EXAMPLES of obedience.
  • April on Numbers 20 - 7 years ago
    I think that the people should have realized that the LORD was suppose to be their rock,not their flesh needs and complaining,I hope that I will realize when I am being ungrateful for what I have
  • BornAgain on Numbers 20 - 8 years ago
  • BSP on Numbers 20 - 8 years ago
    In verse 8, God gave Moses specific instructions. Moses didn't exactly follow those instructions and because of this he was not allowed to go into the Promised Land.
  • Karl on Numbers 20 - 9 years ago
    responds to Jane; Fearful of a jealous God? The LORD is wrathful but also forgiving to those of a contrite heart, true repentance is the lesson we must all learn. We much approach the LORD with humble reverence, some must first learn this through wrath. Do not fear The LORD, Jane, embrace his compassion as LORD Jesus taught. Hope this helps.
  • Jane on Numbers 20 - 9 years ago
    This passage made me afraid of God and understand what he means by he is a jeolous God who does not share his glory.
  • Priscilla on Numbers 20 - 9 years ago
    I don't understand why Aaron died while the Rock was hit by Moses to bring the water out and not Aaron who hit the rock
  • Fabian on Numbers 20 - 9 years ago
    Aaron was the mouth piece for Moses, he was punished first, Moses had to finish his work, in the end he was punish also. Let us obey God's word and lean not unto our own understanding. if we chose to obey we shall be bless, if we chose to disobey then we will be punish
  • Barbara on Numbers 20 - 9 years ago
    My thoughts are: What a powerful amazing passage and to receive the understanding of the miracles and the death of Aaron.
  • Nikki on Numbers 20 - 9 years ago
    I don 't understand why Aaron died. Aaron didn 't hit the rock. Verse 11 says Moses did.
  • Ann on Numbers 20 - 10 years ago
    They did not sanctify God by letting them know the blessing of the water came from God.The anger,failure to follow Divine direction and sanctify God, who had just provided a miracle.
  • Carolyn Swint on Numbers 20 - 11 years ago
    Clearly Aaron spoke for moses and they were told by god to speak to the rock which their anger caused them to disobey. They did not listen to god and trust in his word. moses was needed to finish his work and lead the people. Aron was punished for his anger. we had better be careful how we control ourselves before god. when they struck the rock,they struck god and he got angry. Aron as gods` priest failed him in disobience so he missed going to the promiseland. We must love and obey god in all things in jesus name.
  • Audley feare on Numbers 20:26 - 11 years ago
    Aaron was guilty as Moses his mentor according to verse 12. they both disbelieve and disobeyed God and was forfeited their life long desire the joy of Canaan. God spoke to both of them in verse 8 thus remind us to be careful to follow God's order above that of our mentor and more so admonish them when they strayed from the will of God
  • Robert mburugu on Numbers 20 - 12 years ago
    Numbers 20 and Exodus 17 explain the same message. We should do Exactly as the Lord commands and never add our things because this caused Moses not to reach the promised land of Canaan.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Numbers 20 - 12 years ago
    Aaron was gathered unto his people because he rebelled at Meribah and hit the rock twice. God told Moses to speak to the rock, but his anger got the better of him, which caused a faith failure. When the Priest committed sin, then he was removed from the Priesthood. The scripture tells us to be angry, but sin not. Anger rest in the bosom of fools. We must be quick to hear, and slow to anger, for the wrath of man, does not work the righteousness of God.
  • Nana Sarpong on Numbers 20 - 12 years ago
    I don�t understand why Aaron died, can somebody explain to me. I need explanation with spiritual perspective.
  • Jessica on Numbers 20 - 13 years ago
    Yes, God said speak to the rock before their eyes to give the people water. As you read Moses did not speak, he smote it twice with a bit of a rude comment towards to group. So, in essence he disobeyed what God specifically told him to do. We really must obey our God.
  • Anonymous on Numbers 20 - 13 years ago
    Can somebody please tell me, why Aaron died? In the previous chapter, the congregation of the children of Israel were doubtful of God. It says that Aaron and Moses fell upon their faces, and that Moses gave them water from rock, as God commanded. I do not understand, what was the wrong doing?

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