There have always been false prophets and teachers who have sought to derail the work of God. We must focus on the Scripture, while redeeming the time for the days are evil.
Verse 3~Nehemiah was very calm in his reply and he simply focused on finishing the work. We can take a lesson from Nehemiah and do our best not to involve ourselves in unnecessary drama.
A great work of building the wall was moving ahead and almost finished, because God was behind it! Right in step with the prosperity and progress of the righteous; the devil and his sons are working feverishly with deep conspiracy and many traitors on every side; SEEKING TO PUT US IN FEAR THAT THE WORK MIGHT CEASE! What an important thing for all of us to understand about this present time!
Sounds like to me that he was basically asking why should he come down to be a part of their mischief when he is busy doing a good work. Like, why should he go an take part in something unfruitful when what he was doing was far more important and fruitful. Hope that helps. Just what I got from it.
Wade I cannot find in the bible where it supports 'if we do not follow the Gospel we are not a child of God and the power of God is not with us '. I would like for you to discuss further your basis for this opinion. This is a broad statement that could be highly misinterpreted. I highly disagree with your statement. Or maybe confused. The power of God has been with me several times when I wasn 't following the Gospel.
My thoughts on this is that we will have no opposition from satan until we start doing Gods work and then o buddy get ready to have your life flipped up side down. If you read your Bible, pray, go to church and give the Gospel for Christ Gospel romans 3 10, Romans 3 23 Romans 6 23 Romans 5 8 Romans 10 9 10, 13 . These few things will cause you to have opposition like Nehemiah. That is... Unless you have not followed the Gospel your self and what those verses say I wrote above because if we do not follow the Gospel we are not a child of God and do not have the power of God with us.
Yvette The walls were important back then for defense of a city. He also didn 't want to get side tracked going to the king. Nicola I don 't think it is a sin to get scared but how we react to fear is what could be a sin. Jesus sweated blood in fear and distress but what made him sinless is that he obeyed God and went to the cross any way.
Nehmiah had the gift of discernment. This is a good spiritual gift to possess. It shows that there is an enemy who wants to stop our progress. This scripture shows also that fear is asin.
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