Our God reminded us to diligently seek him first and everything will be added for God knows what to provide and when to provide on any situation what a wonderful God we serve GOD IS FAITHFUL TO HIS WORDS our job now is to serve him and worship him only until rapture only thru Jesus we will receive life. We must FIX OUR EYES TO JESUS COZ IN HIM THERE IS NO DARKNESS.THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE BLOOD AMN
I believe that this verse serves as a reminder of Gods goodness and grace. He reminds us to keep our eyes on the real prize, that is in heaven and not on the superficial materialistic prizes or treasures we may claim on earth for all those things do not last for ever but the tressures in heaven do. So we must be obedient and heed his we word in order to receive the treasures up in heaven and eternal life with the lord.
It was what I needed to read. It gave me back what I believe I had been missing. My heart was about to explode with frustration. After reading all of it, it's so much better. I enjoy reading and learning more.
Verse 33 is the verse that woke me up to trusting Him. Sat looking at it, talking about it, and a light went on in my understanding. Understanding He has made the way to receive His righteousness by faith. I just realized I needed to trust Christ for everything. Then He started supplying my needs. Very exciting to see Him work in my life everyday!
Love it,give me strength and motivation to do better! I read chapter 6 every night before going to sleep! A good friend of mine told me about chapter 6 and is really helps me going through hard times!
The lord is great , if only people know that Jesus is the first they would not run after the things of the world because he has said " seek the kingdom of God first and every other things shall be added" but now a days people make things of the world first and Jesus the second option. May the lord forgive us all.
If your eye is single your whole body will be full of light but if your be evil your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore your light is darkness how great is that darkness. Take a little time and think about it It is a game changer if we are serious about our lives in Christ There are certain evils that we dare not participate in to keep our light light.matt 6v22
O'Shen Robinson-Barefield on Matthew 6 - 9 years ago
I like this, the Lord tells us about being materialistic and seeking attention. He is warning us, rebuking us, and trying to make is easier for us. He was telling us not to worry too much about things in this life so we can live the life he brought.
Jesus himself is the word of God. He who drinks the Living Water shall never be thirsty. God's words are more important to meditate and obey them. If we have Christ we have everything that we need. Salvation comes only for those who believe Jesus as the Son of the Living God. Keep thanking his blood and praised Jesus for he is worthy to be praised. God will pour his own Faith to us
On verses 22 and 23: The whole body is either full of light and goodness or full of evilness and darkness. There's no in between. The only way to be 100% full of light is to believe in Jesus because He is the light of the World. All those who believe in Jesus are 100% full of goodness and light. All those who reject Jesus are 100% full of evil and darkness.
Worrying will get us no where. As kingdom citizens, we must walk according to the laws of the kingdom. Drop off pride. Have a forgiving heart. Harbor no grudge.show love always. For we will be recognized by our fruits. The Word of the Lord is very filling.
The Lord said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that cometh from the mouth of God. meaning i don't have to leave by how things are happening around me no more, but by everything that God said concerning me. hallelujah
There is always a choice to make. The love of money is the root of all evil . Money is not evil. We need it to sustain needs . What you love is what you are going to put first. As for me and my house , we will serve the Lord. I have found that in the process of time that when I allow God to have the preiminence over all else that every thing else will come into place. I have even what I want , that extra , when I allow my Lord to dictate my going out and coming in.
As it is written we don t have to worry of anything because our God is faithful God who knows everything we need and He always ready to provide to us. What we need to is what is on this verse: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Jesus, our savior and Lord, explained this very clearly in this letter. I understand His teaching, I will seek my wisdom from Him. Trust Jesus in all things!
If our heart is on doing the things of God and then we are storing our treasures up in heaven.If we really love people and like helping people without grumbling and complaining about it then its in our heart to do it.We have to think about other people and do things out of love.On today don't allow Satan to hinder your blessings out of selfish ambition put your heart into it and you will reap the benefits remember God knows our heart and He reward those daily the ones who has a good one to do things of Him.
Please the picture on Matt.6:5,showing us how to pray can someone please tell what the last picture is talking about because i see something like a monster that people are bowing to and that picture is telling us about we praying to our Father in secret and He shall reward thee openly.please tell me why that diagram.thanks
blessed. prayer is the key to success.again when you have everything you need in this life.remember that thre is some people outside they, that you are better than,don't forget that in helping them your heavenly father wii rewald you.plsease try to be your brother keepers anywhere you found yourself. God blesse nigeria.
be grateful for whatever u have or don't have how my i best serve thee thou will be done i have been in 4 comas 3 my own foolish ways 1 a hammer to the back of my head i took zero with me and brought zero back spread the word acceptance of people places and things not easy his will his time God bless u and yours